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Will I be able to overclock? If so, how much?
Planetside 2 is coming out and I am unsure if I will be able to play well. I want to overclock my cpu if possible to achieve max performance.
My specs
asus p5k-e mobo
intel e8400 core 2 duo @ 3ghz
radeon 4850 hd
corsair ddr2 2gb ram x2
win 7 64 bit
1 AnswerDesktops9 years agoBasic program writing help, please?
Im in a class that is teaching me the basics of programming and I have to write a basic program using a program called raptor. Here it is.
Acme has a variety of vehicles on the lot for its big
36-month no interest, no sales tax promotion
(actually Acme will pay the sales tax). Acme needs a
program to handle a sale and determine the monthly
finance payments for the purchaser. Specifically, the
program should:
•Prompt the salesperson to input the vehicle's price,
the buyer's trade-in value (or zero if none), and the
buyer's cash down payment (could also be zero).
•Calculate the net price to the customer and the monthly
payments on the 36-month no interest finance plan.
•Generate a sales report (in currency format) that outputs
all of the data above.
My professor also wants a pseudocode, and I don't know what that is. The problem above isn't that I dont believe I'd be able to write the scripts, but I dont know what a 32 month no interest sale does and how i calculate finances etc. Can someone please help me?
1 AnswerProgramming & Design10 years agodoes 7-eleven drug test?
Got a job a week ago and haven't been tested since. There was nothing about it on the papers I had to sign and the manager didn't mention it. I am definitely clean since I haven't smoked in a about 5 weeks. Does anyone have any experience with employment at 7-11? Were you drug tested?
3 AnswersCorporations10 years agoWhat happens if you lose a bill at work?
I just got a job and today was my first day not doing training and working the register. My manager told me that we put 20 dollar bills directly into the safe and not in the register so that people dont try to rob the place. It's a 7-11. Today I put a bill down below the counter with the intention of putting it in the safe after I get done serving the customers because thats what he told me to do, and after I did a few sales, I looked down and it was gone. He may have put it in the safe for me because he did that several times that day, but im afraid that I might have lost it or something and I didnt get a chance to ask him. I looked on the ground and didnt see it and Im afraid what will happen if they think that I stole it, I mean its my first day!. What will happen if they accuse me of stealing money? Are there usuallly cameras that can prove that I did not steal it? I dont care if they take the money out of my paycheck I just dont want to lose this job. Am I being paranoid or should I be concerned? Does this kind of thing happen a lot?
2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance10 years agopower door locks sticky. will the locks fail?
I noticed that on my 98 camry, the passenger power locks are a little sticky. they work on both sides of the car but im a little concerned because I think that they are sticky because of a time that someone spilled some soda on the right armrest(nobody eats or drinks in the car anymore). It was at least a month or 2 ago and there have been no lock problems so far. But my question is, should I be worried about the locks shorting out or failing or something? I can live with a sticky passenger power lock button but I dont want all of the locks in the whole car to fail. Is this a concern or am I just being paranoid? thanks.
Maintenance & Repairs10 years agoWhy doesn't Nirvana tour anymore?
11 AnswersRock and Pop10 years agoI need to use DBAN to make sure my computer is virus free. help?
I like to play games on my computer, and I used to trust AVG to protect me, but it slows down my PC way too much. Since then Ive started reformatting my computer every time I get a virus, and without an antivirus program, I end up doing it every few months or so since I don't have anything important on my computer and I can easily reinstall my games.. This time, however it seems like formatting didn't help all that much virus-wise. I did some research and it turns out that formatting your computer doesn't even really delete anything, but just makes it writable. So I decided I want to use dban to wipe my drive completely and erase any trace of a virus.
My question is, after I execute dban to clean my harddrive, what do I have to do to reinstall windows?(My current OS). Does it just make the drive clean like it would(or should) have been after a reformat and let me reinstall windows like I have been doing? Does it affect anything else on my computer such as my BIOS settings? And lastly what happens if dban fails? Can I still reinstall windows if I boot from cd?
Just want to know if there are any complications I will need to deal with before I do this because I need to have a working computer, preferably a virus free one, but a working one at that.
1 AnswerSoftware10 years agoWhat to upgrade on computer?
Right now what im using for computer games has a radeon 4800 hd video card, which has the worst drivers(dont think ill be getting a radeon again), 4 gb ram, and a 3.0 ghz dual core intel processor.
Ive been playing Starcraft 2 lately and the game works pretty good on low graphics but if i play some of the games where there becomes a lot of units it starts to lag a lot and the frame rate drops pretty significantly. I think i should upgrade one of these but i dont know which one is the culprit. Can anyone shed some light on this?
4 AnswersDesktops1 decade agoCounterstrike Problem?
Sometimes when playing counterstrike, and at bad times even multiple times per minute, my computer will freeze for 1 or 2 seconds, and when i look at the desktop, my computer usage is at 100 percent for some unexplained reason. My computer usage will sometimes be at 100 precent even when no programs are running. I have a fairly high power computer and it definitely exceedes the required specs for counterstrike, but i just cant seem to find out whats causing the problem
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhy doesn't Nirvana tour anymore?
24 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoWhat is that one flashgame...?
where you have a little fish tank and you have to feed them and sometimes sliens come and you have to kill them,
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoanother easy 10 points for first correct answer?
What is the capital of Tanzania?
13 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoCuban missile crisis?
did the US ever remove the nuclear missiles from Turkey? link?
2 AnswersHistory1 decade agoSocialist Medicine??
what is it? can someone explain it to me? How will it change the way our healthcare is today
15 AnswersPolitics1 decade agothree questions for tv buffs easy 10 pts?
What movie was Hogan's hero based off of?
What was the name of a tv show about 2 soldiers who fought in Africa during WW2?
What was the name of a tv show about 2 soldiers who fight in Italy in WW2?
One of these shows is still on but I dont know which. thanks
1 AnswerDrama1 decade agoDisplay driver atikmdag stopped responding error ?
GRRRAAAHHHH I keep seeing this whilw playing games. Gears of War, Warcraft 3, Fallout 3...
It freezes, cuts to black, and I see the message. I have Vista and a 4800 ATI card. This is REALLY starting to makeme angry. Any help? (I tried getting the newest drivers by the way.)
2 AnswersDesktops1 decade agoHow do you view this?
view a myspace profile and get by those hide comments n hide friends n hide online status codes n everything if they are already on your friends list.
1 AnswerMySpace1 decade agoBasic html code 10 pts for help?
Does anyone have the "basic" html format. I think it has a url of some sort at the top, then title, then body, then html?
please help
5 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago