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Lv 31,625 points

Nicky Rae

Favorite Answers11%
  • Is there an app that crops and shapes photos?

    Like a single pic instead of square but into hearts, round, rounded edges, etc,.?

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Why does my eight week old dachshund pup nose my nose with hers?

    When I pick her up or hold in front of me she pokes my nose with hers real quick. She will do this often. I wonder why? Any suggestions? Thanks.

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • My husband of 12 1/2 years just told me to "F*** Myself!"?

    Tell me if I was wrong, please or if I deserved it. My husband only gets me a gift on our Anniversary (Dec. 4th) and he buys a lot of things for himself (bow arrows, tips, knives, things for his gun, etc) but he only gets me a card and a gift on our anniversary. I do buy things for myself and we have a joint account but tonight I got some bad health related news that caused me to be extra emotional. I texted him to see where he was and he was running errands as was I. He had just got off work and I was coming home from a Doctors appmnt. In another city an hour away. I asked him to get me a gift and wrap it, that I would really love to have a nice gift from him. I was thinking like a silver necklace or a makeup palate with a card. Well, i never heard back from him and when i got home he had a little card on my pillow in our room and it was a nice card and at the end were about 3 sentences of how he felt, etc. but that was gift. I was really looking forward to a gift directly from him, a thoughtful little gift somewhere hidden to show how much he cared about my feelings. But, there was only the card and on the table was a bag of things he bought for his hobbies...i stared crying and he got mad when he asked what was wrong and i told him that i was really looking forward to a heartfelt gift from him. He went to the room, grabbed the letter brought it to me in the living room and ripped it in front of me then said F U! Then he got he keys and left the house. He just got home and put some Smirnoff in the fridge and is taking a shower, but he hasnt said a word to me. I was just hurt.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • I have an ear ache (right side) and it hurts (dull, stabbing)....? fever and I dont feel sick at all. No headache. My ear just hurts. The pain comes and goes. What do you think it could be?

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Did you ever have demons bother you growing up?

    I did. And for people who say that Smurfs arent bad, with all its sorcery and magic, well I have some news for you. I heard the stories as a kid of them being bad but it wasnt until I had a smurf puzzle and radio for toys in the erly 80's that I found the truth in those stories. I was asleep and I woke up to having the radio turn on and move on its own, jump off my desk and slide across the room. Then, one night I was just lying in bed and I could see in the darkness something strange on my dresser beside my bed, when I reached out to touch it I realized it was a open and clawed rabbits foot and it was dripping blood and I had blood on my hand. I ran screaming into my parents room and jump on their bed. My dad went to my room with me and turned on my light and it had disapeared. that was very scary. One night my dad and I were arguming in the dining room in front of my mom and brother, who were sitting on the dining table, and my dad and I were standing almost against the dining room wall and I looked down the enterence way and say a pitch fork (NO JOKE)moving back and forth in the front door window. Years later my mom and I were driving and she told me that she remembered my dad telling her later that night that in the heat of the argument we were having he had seen a pitch fork of some kind waving back and forth on the front door window. I was shocked because she just out of the blue told me that and I was too shocked when I saw that to say anything as a kid. I was having another argument in the same place another time and saw a sock move back and forth across the bathroom to my moms room to the bathroom again in the hallway. There are others, but yeah, I have had demons bother me and touch me before.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • what do say to a nosy friend.....?

    OMG! So, my friend is driving me CraZY!! LoL! We both do voluntary service work and whenever i dont show up she texts me, calls me and asks me what happened, why didnt i show up! I feel it is rude to be that nosy and make me "explain" myself. If I tell her nothing happened she thinks im depressed and she used to show up at my house ringing my door bell without even lttng me know she was coming by. I put a stop to that and told her never to show up at my place w/ out calling me first or only an emergancy. Anyway, she drives me crazy, I even start to resent her ways. I do not feel she respects my privacy or my right to be left alone.

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Whats a good comeback for a guy that says "Your Getting Rusty"?

    I might be...but I dont want HIM to know it! LOL This as our convo:

    Derrek: "Put a jerk in his place today which is right under my foot. I live to argue"

    Me: WoW! How did you manage to put yourself under your foot?? Hehe

    Derrek: "YYour getting rusty nicky"

    A nice but sarcastic answer, pleeeeze, :)..Hes my friend. Thanks!!

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Whats a good comeback for a guy that says "Your Getting Rusty"?

    I might be...but I dont want HIM to know it! LOL This as our convo:

    Derrek: "Put a jerk in his place today which is right under my foot. I live to argue"

    Me:WoW! How did you manage to put yourself under your foot?? Hehe

    Derrek: "YYour getting rusty nicky"

    A nice but sarcastic answer, pleeeeze, :)..Hes my friend. Thanks!!

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Excruciating back pain when walking (for excersize)....?

    I am 5'2 and 258.3 lbs (as of this morning, the biggest I have ever been my whole life. I haven't always been this big until only the passed 7 years. Before, I was a healthy 125 lbs and was in a size 5/6. Since my back surgery in 2004 I have gradually gained so much weight. At first I was just sad I couldnt fit in my small clothes anymore but now I am always afraid I might just die from my heavy weight. I can no longer reach my back to wipe myself without squating, just standing to wash the dishes or carry laundry makes my back hurt so bad. But, walking around my neighborhood, like half a mile into it, I have the worst back pain and leg muscle and foot pain ever. I dont know what to do. If I cant even excersize to lose this weight do I just accept death. I am scared, guilty, I feel so terrible. Plus I dont even know the first thing about really eating the healthy way. there us so many rules and diets out carbs here, no protein there, suger is a no no. what do I do? Please help me with advise or encouragment. thank you.

    I am only 31.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Excruciating back pain when walking (for excersize)...?

    I am 5'2 and 258.3 lbs (as of this morning, the biggest I have ever been my whole life. I haven't always been this big until only the passed 7 years. Before, I was a healthy 125 lbs and was in a size 5/6. Since my back surgery in 2004 I have gradually gained so much weight. At first I was just sad I couldnt fit in my small clothes anymore but now I am always afraid I might just die from my heavy weight. I can no longer reach my back to wipe myself without squating, just standing to wash the dishes or carry laundry makes my back hurt so bad. But, walking around my neighborhood, like half a mile into it, I have the worst back pain and leg muscle and foot pain ever. I dont know what to do. If I cant even excersize to lose this weight do I just accept death. I am scared, guilty, I feel so terrible. Plus I dont even know the first thing about really eating the healthy way. there us so many rules and diets out carbs here, no protein there, suger is a no no. what do I do? Please help me with advise or encouragment. thank you.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Does anyone know this alternative (rock) song?

    I remember it was mid - late 90's. The video was a band playing on a highschool football field and their were football players and a sexy high school cheerleader whose boyfriend was one of the FB players. The lead singer had medium to long blond hair, I think. I remember this song cant think of the name. Please help. Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Music10 years ago
  • Does anyone know this alternative (rock) song?

    I remember it was mid - late 90's. The video was a band playing on a highschool football field and their were football players and a sexy high school cheerleader whose boyfriend was one of the FB players. The lead singer had medium to long blond hair, I think. I remember this song cant think of the name. Please help. Thanks.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop10 years ago
  • I'm 5'2 and 250.1 lbs...I need some advise please, thanks.?

    I am deathly afraid I am going to die due to my heavy weight and strain on my body. In January, on a money bet, I lost 40 lbs on the HCG diet (drops) in 2 months. I went from a size 22 to a 16. As soon as I had a cheat day it soon turned to "days" and I gradually, over some months, gained all I lost plus 10 more lbs. My gallbladder died due to my drastic weight loss and gain and it was removed in June. Anyway, so now, here I am at 250 lbs and size 22/24 again and I am scared to be active because I'm afraid to have a heart attack or stroke from walking, jogging or doing any kind of exerting excersize. I feel sad because I know I can lose it, I'm just scared. I used to be a thin girl (size 5/6) and healthy. In 2004 I had a laminectomy (back surgery) and my back became weaker so I couldn't be as active. I used to be fit, I used to kick box, run, jump, whatever. From 2004 to now I gradually gained 125 pounds from my 125 normal weight. I used to be pretty, I used to be confident, I used to be acknowledged. Now, I am the fat funny friend who poses no threat to anyone. I make fun of myself so others wont. My blood pressure is good and I have had many tests done but now I feel my weight on me. I am tired, its hard to get up from sitting or laying down, I snore when asleep, I feel an obstruction in my throat from fat under my face. I have trouble bending to put socks, tie shoes, paint my nails, etc. I have trouble twisting to wipe, etc. I feel stiff and restricted. I cannot cross my legs anymore, it cuts off circulation in my legs. I used to be so agile, now I'm just disgusting. I need advise. I need help. I wish I was normal, like my friends. I wish I wasn't ignored or just the girl with the pretty hair or nice face. I am not lazy, im just scared im going to die if I exert myself. I am 30 years old.

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • What is the the late 80's early 90's country music song/ video....?

    that had a goofy looking skinny girl and boy with freckles and they were in a small house full of country folk smiling and making eyes at each other. I think it was a Randy Travis song but I cant find anything on it. I remember the girl had braids and I think the boy gives her a sunflower or some sort of flower at the end. Its a happy song. I remember it from when I was a kid. Please if you remember it please tell me. Thanks

    1 AnswerCountry10 years ago
  • Have you ever stopped and thought "Someday, I am going to die"?

    I did this morning. And it scared me. I was laying in bed with my husband and thinking about last month when I got up one morning feeling dizzy, which turned to panic and near faint. I had a thumping feeling on the right side of my head and it was causing me to have ripple vision. I immediately grabbed the phone and called 911. I told them I was dying of an aneurysm. Long story short, the operator told me to take slow deep breaths until EMS came, which I did, and I realized that I was slowly regaining control of myself and those feelings were subsiding and that I may not die after all. That experience, however, gave me such a fright because all I could think of was I was going to die and alone without my Mom and husband around (they were both at work).

    Anyway, so I was thinking of how, though, I didn't die that day that one day, one day I will die. And then my body got warm and I got sweaty and I started to panic at the thought of it. I shot out of bed and ran to my moms room and told her I was scared about something I was just thinking about. She asked what and I started to tell her but then told her I didn't want to talk about it anymore. (I didn't want to stress her out about my fears).

    Has anyone ever felt this way? It scares me to think about it, that one day my light will fade.

    7 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • How do I browse random FB pages?

    Example: "A true friend is someone you can call at 3am to help you bury a dead body", click on it and press the Like button.

    How can I just browse random quotes and funny sayings on FaceBook? Thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Internet10 years ago
  • I'm scared of getting a sudden blood clot and dying...?

    I just turned 31, 5'2 and 239lbs. I am a nervous person and I suffer with panic and anxiety attacks and paranoia, especially of sudden death by heart attack, stroke, aneurysm or blood clot. I am afraid to die suddenly and alone. Many recent Dr's say I am healthy and my blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar are fine, healthy range. I am afraid to loose weight by exercising my heart. I am not lazy I am just afraid to do any strenuous excersize that may kill me. Please help.

    4 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • So, I am 31 and I am having trouble losing weight. Any suggestions?

    I am 5'2 and 234lbs. From January to March I was on the HCG drop diet and taking in 500 calories a day with an extremely strict diet. Ok, starting in April I had a cheat day which turned to cheat days and well, I gained almost all the 36lbs I lost on the HCG diet. Fast forward to 3 weeks ago, I have been doing 20 to 30 laps a day swimming and walking about a mile around the neighborhood almost every day. I drink a protein shake every morning and cut my calorie intake in half by eating less during the day, drinking more water and trying not to eat at night. I just checked the scale and the mirror and I don't see much difference in my stomach and love handles. What am I ding wrong? Please help me. I am so sad. =(

    10 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago

    I cant find any current news on the situation.

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago