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  • What would you do in my eBay problem?

    I sold an item on eBay for $150. That was my starting bid and only bid. The item is worth $240 as new. After the auction closed, someone emailed me saying they tried to bid, but eBay's site crashed during the last minute of the auction. I of course wasn't happy knowing the item could have sold for more. The winning bidder didn't pay in 2 days (I know I should have waited longer), but I decided to relist the item and got a bid for $150 the next day. So, at this point I decided to cancel the transaction with the first auction (so I can get a credit for eBay's 10% Final Value Fee) because I didn't want her to pay now. She rejected that request and paid for the item. If there weren't any bids on the second auction, I could close that auction down and ship the item. But since I have a bid, I could end the auction early, but that bidder will be the winner and pay. So, basically I have 2 buyers and one item. The second auction ends tomorrow, so I'll just wait and see how that plays out. If there isn't much difference, I can cancel/refund that transaction and ship to the first winner (this is probably what I should do regardless out of fairness) and I won't get eBay fees back anyway and will hope the second winner will agree to cancel so I can get that fee back. If the second auction brings a lot more (closer to $200), I think I would provide a refund to the first winner and eat the $15 eBay fee and ship to the second winner. But first, I'm thinking about sending the first winner an email to see if I can get her to pay the difference (vie PayPal) between what she's always paid and what the second auction brings or I'll tell her I'll ship it to the second winner. If you were a buyer, would you agree to pay more after an auction closes?

    What would you do if you were me?

    3 AnswersOther - Internet8 years ago
  • What do you think of this YouTube channel's videos?

    His latest video is at

    And yes, I'm Eric S in the comments. These drivers seem to beep their horn a lot and have no patience or respect for other drivers on the road. It's true that there are some idiots in these videos that the horn was necessary, but more than 75% I say the horn wasn't necessary. Your opinion?

    I find most of the clips as normal driving (or not a big deal to me) and isn't really that bad. What do you think?

    If you want to back me up on this YouTube page by commenting, I'll appreciate it!

    1 AnswerSafety8 years ago
  • If an accident occured here, who would be at fault?

    Take a look at this YouTube video:

    Fast forward to about 4:15, who do you think would be at fault if they collided?

    It seems the dashcam driver had plenty of time to slow down more, but the other car did back out (but the dashcam driver appeared to be a distance away at the time). Should the dashcam driver continued to drive by on the right like that or stopped? What would you have done?

    Would really like to get an answer from an insurance adjuster, but anybody can answer.

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration8 years ago
  • How do you adjust your side mirrors?

    I'm not asking how you should properly adjust your mirrors. I'm seeking opinions on how you adjust them, such as do you adjust them to see the edge of the side of your car in your mirror or do you place an object on the side behind your car and adjust your mirror until you see that object? How I adjusted my mirrors is I have my car backed in a parking space or I actually pulled forward through an empty parking space to the one across from it and I adjusted each mirror until I can see the car behind in it. And then I get out of my car to see where the other cars are and if my car is a few inches ahead of the other cars, my mirrors are good. This deceases my blind spot as if I have my mirrors adjusted to see the edge of my car in the mirrors (used to have them this way), I have about a 5-10 foot blind spot behind my car in addition to the side of my car. I know this because when I want to change lanes, I don't see a car in my mirror, but when I check my blind spot, I see a car behind me (not on the side of my rear quarter panel, but a few inches behind me). I would rather see that car in my mirror and when it gets to a few inches along my side, that that's my blind spot. I'm wondering if anybody else adjusted their mirrors like this?

    3 AnswersSafety9 years ago
  • Do you feel provoke when someone beeps their horn at you for no good reason?

    It seems like lots of drivers are rude and beep their horn at every little thing.

    6 AnswersSafety9 years ago
  • Do drivers beep their horn at you?

    Do you respond negatively or positive to this? How do you response to this? Do you flip them the bird? Do you give them a dirty "what's your problem" look? Have you thought about (or have you) getting out of your car at the next red light and asking them about it?

    Do you think unnecessary use of the horn is a form of road rage?

    8 AnswersCommuting9 years ago
  • My brother is not planning to come to my college graduation, should I tell him I'm disappointed?

    I live in Tennessee. My brother lives about 630 miles away. I am about to graduate with a Master's Degree in a couple of weeks and I'm going to walk the line. I walked the lines a few years ago when I graduated with my Bachelor's Degree and my brother didn't come mainly because he didn't have anymore vacation days left because he was going with his wife to doctors appointments. He was planning to come, but changed his mind at the last moment due to a lack of vacation days. At that time, I understood.

    This year he took the whole week of Thanksgiving off to visit his wife's family, which is probably about a 500 mile drive for them. They are planning to come Dec. 23 to visit us for Christmas and then leave to visit his wife's family on Dec. 27 or 28 and then go back home on New Year's Day. In my opinion, Thanksgivings and Christmas's come around every year, but they couldn't work it in to their schedule to come to my graduation especially since they missed my first graduation. This is a once in a lifetime event and how often does someone walk the line again for a Master's Degree.

    So, I'm wondering if I should say something to them or my mom (which she would probably tell my brother) that I'm disappointed they're not coming or should I bite my teeth and let it go? If my brother's wife doesn't want to sit through a graduation (because of her health problems), I'll understand that, but I think my brother should see me walk the line. I really am not looking forward to seeing them at Christmas since I'm disappointed that they didn't come to my graduation. I'll probably give them the cold shoulder and this may affect my relationship with them, but I probably will get over it over time. I just don't like being disappointed and don't want to be unhappy on my graduation day. What would you do if you were in a similar situation?

    5 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Does your mood affect your driving?

    I seem to drive more aggressively when I'm in a bad mood and more defensively/cautiously when I'm in a good mood. I'm move likely to let another car in my lane or won't get angry when someone cuts me off when I'm in a good mood. When I'm already in a bad mood, it's just the opposite.

    4 AnswersSafety10 years ago
  • I been driving for over 10 years, never had an accident or a ticket, do you think I'm a good driver or lucky?

    Here's the trick, sometimes I drive aggressively-it depends on what mood I'm in, but I keep telling myself that these aggressive moves I make in traffic needs to stop before I have a wreck. Sometimes I think I'm an accident waiting to happen, but in my defense I would say my aggressive moves are calculated and safe. I'm not saying they are not risky. But they are unnecessary chances. But most of the time I am a defensive and careful driver (I have avoided accidents with other drivers who did something that could have caused one). But sometimes I get ticked off at another driver and start driving like a madman or in a road rage way, but have never done anything crazy to the point that I would be dangerous. I would say about 90% of the time I don't get this way.

    Anyway, back to my original question...

    7 AnswersSafety10 years ago
  • While driving, have you ever made an aggressive move in response to another driver's error?

    For example, if someone cuts you off so instead of slowing down much you move in the next lane to pass them and then when there's a car ahead of you (in that next lane) so you don't have any more room to speed up with the intent of moving back to the lane you were originally in ahead of the car that cut you off. So now that car is on the side of your driver's rear quarter panel or rear door area, would you move in their lane at an angle, perhaps force your way over, or if the lane is wide enough squeeze by? Generally, most traffic lanes are 12 feet wide and most cars are 6 feet wide so if you are in the center of the lane, you'll have a few feet on each side. But if you are on the left side of the lane, it is physically possible for a small car to move over on their lane without having an accident. If you drive a compact car, would you pull a move like this? This is just an example, not saying I done this, but have thought about it and had opportunity and it does look possible to pull this type of move. Just wondering if anybody would (or did) do this out of anger?

    Or back to my original question, how you ever done something aggressive in response to being pissed off at another driver?

    6 AnswersSafety10 years ago
  • How often do you beep your horn when driving?

    Do you beep your horn to avoid an accident with another vehicle? Do you beep the horn to point out other driver's mistakes? Do you beep the horn when someone cuts you off in traffic?

    I read the horn should be used rare and only as a last resort to prevent an accident. An example would be if you happen to be along the side of another vehicle, such as in their blind spot, and they start to move in your lane. If it looks like you may not have time to avoid them, you should beep the horn in hopes to stop their movement and prevent an accident. Any other time, the horn should not be used. It should not be used to point out other drivers mistakes or after the fact/after the incident happen, such as when another driver moved into your lane when you thought they should have gave you more space or you were coming up faster behind them and they cut in front of you causing you to slow down. Do you beep your horn in these cases? Sometimes I feel a strong urge to beep the horn, but generally I don't. What are your thoughts on the usage of your horn?

    7 AnswersCommuting10 years ago
  • What do you think of this guy and his YouTube videos?

    This guy made several YouTube videos while driving on semi trucks tailgating and following too close. I'll post a few links below: - raining in this one

    More videos can be found by searching under "aggressive trucking" or "reckless trucking."

    First, I don't think this guy should be holding a cell phone shooting video while driving. Also, you'll hear him timing following distance, so he must be holding a stopwatch as well.

    In several videos he seems to be driving on the side of the truck in their blind spot in the left lane and is probably blocking people from passing behind him. Sometimes you see cars pass him on the right.

    I think he is the more reckless one than the truck.

    What's your opinion?

    2 AnswersSafety10 years ago
  • Do you put on a blinker to alert the car behind you when the car ahead of you is turning?

    And you are not turning. I was driving on a 2-lane road recently behind 3 vehicles going about 60 mph. The first vehicle slowed down for a left turn. The SUV ahead of me kept 6 car lengths back and slowed down. I could see there was someone turning ahead, so I was slowing down too, but the SUV ahead put on their left turn signal to tell me that someone was turning ahead of them. It's like they thought I was coming up behind them fast and was about to hit them. I slowed down in plenty of time and had a car length to spare. I wasn't on their bumper, but was probably following them 3 car lengths back. After the first vehicle turned, I continued behind the SUV keeping the same distance as previously for a couple of miles and they put on their left turn signal about a quarter mile before their turn. I guess they didn't like someone somewhat tailgating them.

    So, basically the main question is do you put on a blinker to tell the driver behind that someone is turning ahead of you and you are not turning also? I never put on a blinker in this case unless I am turning also. It can confuse people to think you are turning when you are not. And it doesn't matter if someone is tailgating me close, I would never put on a blinker in this case. What's your opinion?

    9 AnswersSafety10 years ago
  • Have you ever thought about ramming a car that cuts you off?

    I thought about this a few times. I'm in the left lane about a pass a vehicle that's in the right lane on the interstate and when I'm about 2-3 feet from passing, the jerk moves in front of me causing me to roll up a few inches to their bumper and brake (sometimes hard). When this happens, I've had the state of mind of ramming their car or tapping their bumper, but never have. And if I do, I would hit them on the driver's side bumper "while" they're moving into my lane, so this way, the accident would be their fault. Have you ever "thought" about doing this?

    11 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • What to say when following up after a job interview?

    I had an interview on Friday, May 14. I think it went well. The interviewer said he'll let me know either way in a week to week and a half. After not hearing anything for 2 weeks after the interview, on May 28 I called and asked if they made a decision yet. He said no and he'll let me know either way early next week. I still haven't heard anything as of today. I'm going to call again to follow up tomorrow. Besides asking about the status of the position, I wonder what else I should say or ask? I'm thinking of asking politely why is it taking so long? But I don't want it to sound the wrong way. Do you think I should ask that?

    Any ideas/suggestings?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Do you think I was wrong in this parking space dispute?

    A few days ago at my college campus I was looking for a parking space as always. Parking spaces are hard to find (unless I park a mile away) and I usually have to wait for someone to leave. After missing a couple of spaces because someone else was closer, I saw someone walking to her car. I waited to see what car she was going to. After seeing where she was parked, I pulled around to that row and there was already someone waiting for the spot with a blinker on. He couldn't have been sitting there for no more than 2 seconds. He beeped the horn like I was about to take his spot. Well, I couldn't see him there before I pulled down that row and the person leaving was in the second spot in the beginning of the row. After the person backed out, I pulled into the spot anyway. The other person beeped the horn again and sat there for a few minutes. I'm thinking, "I took your spot, get over it!" After a few minutes, he got out of his car (a black guy not that it matters) and walked towards my car. He wasn't aggressive and didn't look like he was going to start trouble. I had my doors locked just in case and he wanted to say someone to me so I rolled down my window a couple of inches (just enough to hear him). He said, "Do you think that was fair what you did?" I said, "I'm sorry, I been driving around looking for a spot." He said, "I know you saw my blinker" and walked back to his car and drove away. After the fact, I thought about that I should of said that "you don't own the parking space" but it probably is better I didn't say anything negative back.

    So, what is your opinion? Do you think I was wrong? I drove around for about 15 minutes before I got in a parking spot that day. I want at least one person to agree with me. I'm sure others may have had similar situations.

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Would you flash you high beams (at night) at a car that's holding up the left lane on the interstate?

    I've done this a few times and it seem to got the car ahead to move over. What is your opinion about flashing high beams at another car? What would it mean to you if someone flashed their high beams at you? Would you think "oh I need to get out of the left lane"? Or would you think the driver is being aggressive? Or would you see it as road rage? All of these thoughts are possible for many people. When I do it, it's telling the driver ahead to "get the hell out of my way." Or in other words, "get over and don't make me pass you on the right."

    So, would you flash your high beams at another car to single them to move over?

    And if someone behind you flashes their high beams, would you move over (when it's safe) to let them pass? Would you take it as "a request" to get over or as an aggressive action?

    9 AnswersCommuting1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have vertigo (inner ear problem)?

    If so, what medication do you take for it and how often do you take it?

    I been having dizzy spells and my doctor told me it sounded like vertigo and prescribed Meclizine.

    I just want to know if anybody else have similar problems.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • How would t-mobile bill me for text messages if I'm on a prepaid plan and don't have a monthly bill?

    I just got a prepaid t-mobile cell phone and I activated it for the pay as you go plan. I have prepaid minutes to load on the phone and won't receive a monthly bill. But text messages cost extra, 10 cents to send and 5 cents to receive. I don't do text messaging, so this isn't a problem, but if I receive a test message would t-mobile send me a bill for 5 cents? Also, I don't see how they would bill me because they don't have my address. When I activated the phone online, it didn't ask for my name or address, you can see at

    So, if anyone has a prepaid t-mobile phone, please answer. Also, if there are any hidden fees that I don't know about yet like an activation fee, please tell me even though I wouldn't want to know.

    Here's a link that shows my prepaid plan:

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Would you pull out in front of someone and then turn into you driveway 1/2 mile later?

    This happen once to me. I'm driving along and then some idiot pulls out from a side road in front of me. I had to hit the brakes. And then he only goes 25 mph and then turns into his driveway about 1/2 mile later. I almost pulled into the driveway behind him and confronted him about it.

    How stupid is it to cut someone off and then turn into a driveway a short distance ahead? Someone with really bad road rage might follow them and they would be trapped in their driveway.

    Nobody should be in that big of a hurry to get home. And this was on a less traveled road with very few cars when this happen with not a single car behind me. One of these days, he's going to pull out in front of the wrong person.

    9 AnswersCommuting1 decade ago