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Is there a way to grab a signal from a combo vhs/tv?
So i have a capture card on my computer and i figured with a couple of adapters, i could hook up my combo vhs/tv to it. So i look around and only see input for yellow/white av and ofcourse a coax in the back. So without the usual outputs, is there a way for me to use the coax and grab the signal from a tape in the vhs player and record it on my computer?
1 AnswerOther - Electronics2 months agoTwo separate song tracks have an odd merging and cant figure out why?
So i purchased a copy Gene Simmons Solo album and 2 of the songs are merged oddly on one of the track listings. Normally, "Radioactive" and "Burning Up With Fever" are on separate tracks but for some reason, Radioactive's intro has been cut off to Track 1 while the actual song of Radioactive is merged with Burning Up With Fever in Track 2. Normally this would be a "Pfft, meh, plays the same in the car and CD player" moment... but im Ripping the CD so i can have it in my computers mix. Im wondering if there is a way to fix it without having to break out audacity and fix the tracks myself?
1 AnswerOther - Music5 years agoIs there any way to play Steams Version of Blake Stone with any controller?
I have been trying to play Blake Stone with any controllers i can find only to be disappointed by faulty controls. Some controllers will screw with the menu selection while others spin me in circles. Some controllers will not map out right and fixing it is almost impossible. Wondering if anyone can point me in the correct direction. I have tried retro usb controllers, the steam controller and the xbox 360 wired controller.
1 AnswerXbox5 years agoMac white screen, cant use disk drive, need to re-install OSX?
Hi, i have a very complex problem. So my Macbook pro is having difficulty reading the hard drive. On further inspection, the OS had **** the bed. So i wiped the drive and set it up to put a new OSX on it. But i have no other macs in my house, only windows machines. So i cant install the DMG on to a usb drive. I would use the install disk, but the macbook disk drive died a year ago. So i'm sitting looking at a white screen with a question marked folder flashing. Just putting the DMG on the flash drive is not enough. I don't know what to do and i need this computer to live. Can any one help me out here? Please?
3 AnswersSoftware7 years agoWhat movie had the song "Here In My Heart" by Scorpions?
I was listening to music when Here In My Heart started playing, and the song sounded familiar. Me and my roommate know its from a movie but i cant quite grasp which one. Google had failed and its mentally hurting me to not know. Can someone help scratch that itch? Also note its not the song from Tarzan, that's a different song by Phil Collins.
1 AnswerMovies8 years agoWill the apple store fix a laptop after it has been opened?
Im not a mac fan but my school required me to buy it. So i had this thing for 4 years and now its harddrive is dead. The warranty is up so i opened it up to replace the harddirve. Sadly, i cant access the drive at all. I also am having trouble with the cd drive so i cant reinstall OS x. I even tried via USB flash drive, and it wont detect. So if i went to the apple store and asked them to fix it (for a fee of course), would they? And How much would i expect to pay for it to be fixed if anyone knows.
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years agoRecording program for PC?
Whats a good recording program for PC. I use garage band on my mac but i really dont like it. so i wanted to know if there is any good programs for PC that i can use to record my guitar on.
3 AnswersSoftware10 years agoAre 90s nicktoons coming back?
I just saw a report that nick is bringing back all its 90s shows and making new episodes this march. Here is the link
I want to know if its true. Just asking around to see.
4 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoCan i export a Character Model from a game disk?
Im a Digital Media student at college and i just thought of a random idea. Can i export a character model from a game disk? It seems logical. The model has to be in the game somewhere. Also my pc can read the disk (kindof). So is it possible? Also, if it is, what file type is it. Also what is a CGO file type. I found it in the game and want to know what it is.
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoAre there any Wicked lester Tabs?
Im an huge Kiss fan and i was just listening to there demos. I really want to learn Sweet Ophelia, but there are no tabs for it on Ultimate guitar. Just wondering if anyone knew of any sites that may have it. I know there a little obscure but they are great songs i i want to learn the ones that never made it into kiss.
1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade agoIso is turning into black screen!?
I got a PSX Emulator running. It plays discs nicely but will turn black screen trying to read Iso files. I changed the graphics so many times to try to see if that was the problem, but ti no avail. NEED HELP!
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoPlay Station Emulator problems?
Im trying to get a PlayStation Emulator running. I cant find a single one to work. I got bios for it, plugins, and games; both CD and isos'. Hell i can even get to the main screen of most of them. I can completely set one up but when i play the game, it either way to fast (CD) or it wont read (Iso). I need to know how to do it... any suggestions?
2 AnswersPlayStation1 decade agoIs there a Windows Media Player for mac?
Itunes is giving me problems and vlc is not my kind of music player. I love WMP but all i have is my mac book because my pc is in college.
7 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoHaving Itunes issues!!!?
For a few days now, when ever i turn on itunes, this stupid thing called ping pops up over my songs so i cant see them. It still plays but its annoying when i search for songs want to hear. It flickers on and off when i scroll down too. Is there any way to stop it?
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade agoWhy is every Genesis emulator on my psp corrupting?
I just got my hands on a psp and wanted to put an emulator on it so i can play it while i get more games from home (long Story0. Every one i get says its corrupted. Why, i do everything it says. is there a better one out there? I need some help please!
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoIs it possible to make a custom Desktop buddy in Flash?
This will sound completely Nerdy but im working on my new computer that i am building myself and i thought how cool it would be to have an AI run it. It started as a joke and then i remembered that for christmas i had a tree as a desktop buddy/decoration. So i thought to myself that it would be awesome to have a desktop buddy for my new computer. I drew the character out and will soon put it in flash 8 pro and animate her. I just wanted to know if its possible to make it animate on my desktop in flash. Im trying to avoid 3D as much as possible. Would i need any other programs and could it be done on my PC and Mac.
1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade agoCan I See RealD 3d on a computer screen?
I went to see some 3d movies recently and taken the glasses just in case i could use them again. My question is can i see 3d movies and or images with these glasses on my computer? It would be nice if me and some friends could watch them in college during movie night and also it would be awsome to see 3d movies when ever i wanted. Im not sure if the theater as anything special to make the movie 3d and the redgreen glasses are crap anyway. If there are any torrents or images out there i would like to know. Thanks in advance.
6 AnswersMovies1 decade agoSerious Flash 8 Help needed!!!?
I have looked up tutorial after tutorial and followed step by step and i still cant make any of my start buttons work. Can some one help me because nothing is working. I made the button, it works by the color change and i can click on it but the animation starts on its own and the button dose nothing. I did the action script and it continually gives me an error. I did the behaviors trick and it just didn't work.
1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade agoHow do i use Action Script for my flash Button?
In my project, i want to have a button to go from one scene to the next. But it cant interfere with the scene behind it. So as the scene dose its thing, the button can be pressed and go to the next scene and automatically play.
1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade agoCan anyone find a Video game Company's e-mail address?
I have looked and was only able to find Sega of Europe e-mail. If anyone can, could they get me Capcom, Sega of America, or Nintendo's e-mail. I have a lot of video game ideas and want to pitch some to them but I cant contact them. I sent 2 already but haven't gotten anything back.
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago