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  • How old are your children and what are their shoe sizes?

    I have to complete a Maths assessment about the rate at which children's feet grow. I need to collect data from anyone who is willing and has children under the age of 12. Please could you tell me your child's name (this will not be used it is just to help me avoid repetition), boy or girl, their age (years and months) and their shoe size, if possible in UK or european sizes. Thank you!

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Ethics of resuscitation of babies born at less than 24 weeks gestation. Opinions please?

    I am writing an essay on the ethics of resuscitation of premature babies born before 24 complete weeks gestation. I would be interested to hear peoples views and opinions on this subject, as well as any personal experiences.

    Do you think that it is right for doctors to resuscitate severely premature babies at birth and to give invasive, sometimes painful intensive care, despite previous low survival rates and high possibility of disability, or should they do everything possible in order to preserve the life of these tiny infants?

    Currently babies born at less than 25+6 are considered to be at the borderline of viability (Nuffield council on Bioethics). Babies born at less than 23 weeks have a significantly lower chance of survival. Should the medical profession be doing everything possible to push the boundaries, or should they accept that they we have gone as far as is biologically possible?

    Should the decision of whether to resuscitate rest solely with the parents, with the doctors, or both? What would you do as a parent if you found yourself in that situation?

    I would be grateful for any personal experiences, from parents of premature babies or adults who were themselves born premature. What are the consequences and implications you face?

    I know this is a very controversial subject so I thank you in advance for your opinions on this.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Where can I find out the current temperature and weather forecast for Lapland, and if there is snow there now?

    We are going to Lapland in 8 days (Yllas resort). My children have never seen snow and are desperate to see real snow. Can anybody find a website that will show current weather conditions, and forecast without having to subscribe.

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Where is a good place to stay for a few days in London?

    My husband and I are taking our 2 children, age 6 and 3, to London for a few days in December. We want to take them to the Natural history museum, and show them the sights of London, Buckingham palace, take them on the London eye, and maybe to Hamleys. We want to be somewhere fairly central, so we can just hop on the tube to go where we want to. We don't mind fairly basic accommodation, as long as it is clean and safe, Premier Inn type places would be fine, but I just don't know which one would be best. Our budget for 4 nights without food is up to 500 pounds.

    3 AnswersLondon1 decade ago
  • What is the most likely cause of a fairly large, hard breast lump in a healthy non smoking 28 year old?

    I have 2 children, both were breastfed, and I don`t use hormonal contraception. I have recently found a fairly large, about 1 inch across, hard lump in my breast, (it hasn`t been there long, maybe a couple of weeks). Have made a docs appointment, but they couldn`t fit me in for a week and a half, and after that I go away for a week, so nothing will get done quickly. Trying not to get too worked up and let my mind work overtime, but just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience, (especially my age), and if so what was it?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Help! I am going to a hen party tonight and have to dress as a hippie! What can I wear?

    I need ideas for an outfit, any suggestions welcome. I have the hair sorted but what about make up? Im 28 with long blonde hair.

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Can anybody name all the winners of the X-Factor so far?

    Please include full names and the year they won. This one is for a quiz question. Thanks!

    7 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • What Jack Johnson albums would you recommend? ?

    I have got In between dreams and On and on, and love them both but have not heard any of his others so I am wondering which is the best to buy. Also please recommend any artists with similar music. I have James Morrison Undiscovered, and love that as well.

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Advice on buying a digital camera please...?

    I am looking to upgrade my digital camera but I need some advice on what to buy, as I hardly know anything about digital cameras. I currently have a Fujifilm finepix A360 4.1 mega pixel. I want something a little more updated, and something that will take better close up shots. I mainly use it for taking pictures of my children, and also for short video clips. I want something that is fairly easy to use. I do have several memory cards already for this camera if that makes a difference. Can anybody suggest a camera that would be good for me, a) if money were no object, and b) one that would be the best value for money.

    As I live abroad, it would be helpful if I could buy a camera off the internet.

    Also if anybody could help me with the main basic things I need to be looking for then that would be great. Thanks!

    P.S my last camera was a gift, and my first digital, hence the fact that I know pretty much nothing about them.

    8 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • I would like to pursue a career in midwifery, how difficult is it to get accepted? Please share any experience

    I have 10 G.C.S.E grades, 4 As, 4 Bs, and 2 Cs, and also 3 A levels, grades B, C, and D, (English, Business studies and general studies). I would like to apply for a place on a direct entry midwifery course, and I want to know if this is likely to be sufficient, or if there is something else I could do first that would improve my chances of being accepted. The main problem is it would be much easier for me if I were in the Manchester / Liverpool area as I have family there. I am 27 and have 2 young children, but I would have lots of family support while studying. I would like to apply possibly next year or the year after, so my children are a little more independant by then.

    It was my own horriffic experience of pregnancy that made me realise that midwifery would be a career I would love. Some of the nicest people I have met in my life were those women that helped me during my pregnancy, birth, and postnatally. I feel that because of my personal experience I have a very deep understanding of what women can go through. I am naturally a caring person, and find it easy to talk to people from all walks of life. I am also fascinated by the whole subject of pregnancy and child birth. I am a very determined person, and usually if I decide I want something I won´t give up until I get it!!

    The pay does not concern me, it would be a job I would do just because I would look forward to going to work every day, however financial support while studying would be a bit more of an issue, as I know that this would be the hardest 3 years for us as a family.

    Please can any one share their experiences of the training, or of the job if you are a qualified midwife. Any advice would be very much appreciated!

  • Why can´t I access my yahoo mail account?

    I have been unable to access my mail for 14 hours now even though I have given the correct password, (no I have not left caps lock on). At first it was saying error code 2, now it just wipes my user name and password so I have to type it in again. It is driving me mad as I have some important e-mails I need to see. Obviously I can get on to answers but just not mail. Is anyone else having this prob? Any idea how to solve it? I can not contact support as I have no e-mail.

    2 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • Does anybody have personal experience of lactose intolerance or gluten intolerance?

    My son who is 4 is being tested for lactose intolerance and gluten intolerance. He could eat normally until he was 3 1/2, then he caught a bad stomach bug and has never been right since. I first suspected it was lactose intolerance as did the doctors, but although I am trying to control his diet I seem unable to get him back to normal again. The doctors have now suggested it may be gluten that is the problem and I have another appointment with them next week. Lactose intolerance I could cope with but I am now totally terrified it may be gluten, as I understand this is much more serious and has other implications. Also so many things contain gluten I have no idea what I am going to feed him if it is. His main symptoms are a lot of gas and often an upset stomach. Sometimes he has stomach pain but not often. He is not losing weight and has a very healthy appitite. Sometimes he is very tired but I put that down to his long day - other times he is full of energy.

    9 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • Can anyone recommend a very high factor sun screen for children that I can buy as a stick rather than cream?

    I use a factor 90 sun cream for my children as we live in a hot climate. It is a fantastic cream, but I would like something in a stick that is easy to top up areas like the face and ears, and can be put in pockets without the risk of leaking. It can´t be one of the green ones as my son needs to wear it for school. I need to be able to buy it off the internet as I can not get to UK shops. Cost isn´t much of an issue as I feel it is important to have good sun protection, but I do need something that will last more that a week or 2. My son is 4 and my daughter 8 months, (and she has eczema)so if possible it needs to be for sensitive skin. I have no idea which brands of sun cream are the best.

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have any information on lactose intolerance?

    I suspect my son may be lactose intolerant. Could anyone give me as much info as possible on the subject please, foods to avoid other than the obvious, and possible alternatives. Is there anything I may have done to cause this, I know that may sound daft but as a mother you worry about these things. He has always drank large quantities of milk from being born and it has never affected him before. He loves yoghurts and cheese, and has always eaten lots of them. He is 3 years 10 months, why would it show up now instead of from birth.

    The symptoms started after a bad case of diaoreah, at first I thought it was linked, but it has gone on for weeks now. The symptoms match up exactly to lactose intolerance, also I tried to avoid dairy products and after about 3 days there was an improvement, then I gave him a yoghurt and the next day it was bad again. The doctors have treated him for a parasite infection but it has made no difference so I don´t think it was that.

    6 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • Question about stomach problems of a 3 year old?

    My son is 3 years 9 months, and when he goes to the toilet it is often very runny. This happenes around once a day. This has been going on for a few weeks now, he also has a huge amount of wind, more that you could ever imagine for a 3 year old. In the last week he has been complaining of sudden pain in his tummy, it only lasts a few minutes then is gone again for a day or 2. His diet is healthy and nothing different to normal. I have stopped all fruit juice but it is still happening. Apart from these symptoms he seems fine, has lots of energy and is happy. I have decided its time to see the doc, but does anyone have and idea what it could be, im worried sick now.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • opinions on names for a baby girl please.... faves are kaiya, kacia or possibly keira/ kiera or emily?

    Middle name will probably be jane or jayne, surname is Hurley, already have a son called Joshua. Any other suggestions welcome!

    52 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Jaiden or Jayden - Boys name or girls name?

    Baby due in September, like the name Jaiden for a boy but hubby thinks it sounds more like a girls name. What do you think? Dont know sex of baby but other possibilities are Boy - Kai, Kieron, Kaiden, Aaron, Ryan or Jamie. Girl - Sophie, Lauren, Jaime, Josephine (Josie) or Kayla. Got a little boy called Joshua and our surname is Hurley. Want something not too common but not wierd so it gets picked on at school. Any other suggestions welcome.

    30 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know anybody who has suffered hyperemesis gravidarum in 1st pregnancy but not in 2nd pregnancy?

    I had HG (severe sickness all day every day) for the whole of my 1st pregnancy 3 years ago. Was unable to keep down food or water which led to dehydration and severe weight loss (18% of body weight) despite being on drugs to control the sickness. Everyone I have ever come across that has had this condition has suffered it in subsequent pregnancies. At the time I swore I would never have another baby, but my little boy has brought us so much happiness that we really want to give him a brother or sister, so hubby and I are planning a second child, just wondered if there is any chance this will not happen again?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • can protein shakes affect the health of your kidneys ?

    A healthy 25 year old is told after a medical that he has a large amount of protein in his water. This is due to protein shakes. He is told that it can be harmful so should stop taking the shakes. Is this right ?

    7 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago