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♥Pyar Ki Pari♥

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  • How do you calculate common stock?

    Common stock, par value $0.01, 100,000,000 shares authorized, 23,215,356 issued and outstanding at December 31, 2007; 23,337,986 issued and outstanding at December 31, 2008.

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • how much does it cost to get your make up done at macys or sephora?

    im considering getting my makeup done professionally for prom but i've never gotten it done before or even tried makeup on in those stores before...can someone help me out? thanks =]

    2 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Acceleration problem for homework?

    Determine the stopping distances for a car with an initial speed of 2.6 m/s and human reaction time of 1.0 s for an acceleration a) a = -4.0 m/s^2 ; b) a = -8.0 m/s^2.

    This is for my AP Physics homework. I'd really appreciate answers with an explanation of the work because I'm completely stuck. Thanks!

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Artwork that resembles the modeling industry?

    I have to do an english project called the American Portfolio that entails researching how a specific subject has significantly influenced America (or is still affecting America).

    My topic is the modeling industry and i am examining the positive and negative sides of the industry...the positive being that it inspires young girls to be fit and have confidence, and it aids the American economy.

    The negative side is that it causes health disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and low self esteem because of the "perfect woman" image ideal.

    For a specific part of the project, I need to create original artwork that portrays my subject. I can make anything I want, it just has to be original and I have to make it within a day.

    Does anyone have any ideas for what I can make?

    Thanks to everyone who answers!

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Artwork that resembles the modeling industry?

    I have to do an english project called the American Portfolio that entails researching how a specific subject has significantly influenced America (or is still affecting America).

    My topic is the modeling industry and i am examining the positive and negative sides of the industry...the positive being that it inspires young girls to be fit and have confidence, and it aids the American economy.

    The negative side is that it causes health disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and low self esteem because of the "perfect woman" image ideal.

    For a specific part of the project, I need to create original artwork that portrays my subject. I can make anything I want, it just has to be original and I have to make it within a day.

    Does anyone have any ideas for what I can make?

    Thanks to everyone who answers!

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Artwork that resembles the modeling industry?

    I have to do an english project called the American Portfolio that entails researching how a specific subject has significantly influenced America (or is still affecting America).

    My topic is the modeling industry and i am examining the positive and negative sides of the industry...the positive being that it inspires young girls to be fit and have confidence, and it aids the American economy.

    The negative side is that it causes health disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and low self esteem because of the "perfect woman" image ideal.

    For a specific part of the project, I need to create original artwork that portrays my subject. I can make anything I want, it just has to be original and I have to make it within a day.

    Does anyone have any ideas for what I can make?

    Thanks to everyone who answers!

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Artwork that resembles the modeling industry?

    I have to do an english project called the American Portfolio that entails researching how a specific subject has significantly influenced America (or is still affecting America).

    My topic is the modeling industry and i am examining the positive and negative sides of the industry...the positive being that it inspires young girls to be fit and have confidence, and it aids the American economy.

    The negative side is that it causes health disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and low self esteem because of the "perfect woman" image ideal.

    For a specific part of the project, I need to create original artwork that portrays my subject. I can make anything I want, it just has to be original and I have to make it within a day.

    Does anyone have any ideas for what I can make?

    Thanks to everyone who answers!

    1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • Artwork that resembles the modeling industry?

    I have to do an english project called the American Portfolio that entails researching how a specific subject has significantly influenced America (or is still affecting America).

    My topic is the modeling industry and i am examining the positive and negative sides of the industry...the positive being that it inspires young girls to be fit and have confidence, and it aids the American economy.

    The negative side is that it causes health disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and low self esteem because of the "perfect woman" image ideal.

    For a specific part of the project, I need to create original artwork that portrays my subject. I can make anything I want, it just has to be original and I have to make it within a day.

    Does anyone have any ideas for what I can make?

    Thanks to everyone who answers!

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • Artwork that resembles the modeling industry?

    I have to do an english project called the American Portfolio that entails researching how a specific subject has significantly influenced America (or is still affecting America).

    My topic is the modeling industry and i am examining the positive and negative sides of the industry...the positive being that it inspires young girls to be fit and have confidence, and it aids the American economy.

    The negative side is that it causes health disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and low self esteem because of the "perfect woman" image ideal.

    For a specific part of the project, I need to create original artwork that portrays my subject. I can make anything I want, it just has to be original and I have to make it within a day.

    Does anyone have any ideas for what I can make?

    Thanks to everyone who answers!

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • Paragraph starters for discussing questions?

    I have a chemistry assignment for which I have to find 10 articles related to science and write a page on each of them. The first 1-2 paragraphs need to be a summary of the article. The next should be about the impact this development would have on people or the environment and the last should be a paragraph in which i discuss questions that i have.

    My question is how do I start the last paragraph? The teachers have given us some examples like :

    "I would like to know why..."

    "It puzzles me that..."

    "I had difficulty understanding..."

    Can anyone think of any other possible prompts? Thanks to everyone in advance!!

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Paragraph starters for discussing questions?

    I have a chemistry assignment for which I have to find 10 articles related to science and write a page on each of them. The first 1-2 paragraphs need to be a summary of the article. The next should be about the impact this development would have on people or the environment and the last should be a paragraph in which i discuss questions that i have.

    My question is how do I start the last paragraph? The teachers have given us some examples like :

    "I would like to know why..."

    "It puzzles me that..."

    "I had difficulty understanding..."

    Can anyone think of any other possible prompts? Thanks to everyone in advance!!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Editting an intro paragraph for literary analysis on Briar Rose by Jane Yolen?

    I have to write a literary analysis on the book Briar Rose by Jane Yolen. This is my introduction paragraph and my thesis is the last sentence. Could someone edit this for me and tell me if the thesis is good for the book? Thanks to everyone in advance!

    Briar Rose, a historical fiction novel by Jane Yolen tells of Becca, a young girl trying to uncover her Grandmother Gemma’s identity. Investigating with only the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty,” which her grandmother left her, as her clue, Becca deciphers the possibilities and events of her Gemma’s mysterious life. When Becca travels to Chelmno, an extermination camp during the Holocaust, she learns of the astonishing parallelism between Gemma’s fairy tale of Briar Rose and her actual life. Using symbolism, Jane Yolen shows that fairy tales make dreadful reality seem less appalling.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Help editting intro paragraph for Briar Rose by Jane Yolen Intro Paragraph?

    I have to write a literary analysis on the book Briar Rose by Jane Yolen. This is my introduction paragraph and my thesis is the last sentence. Could someone edit this for me and tell me if the thesis is good for the book? Thanks to everyone in advance!

    Briar Rose, a historical fiction novel by Jane Yolen tells of Becca, a young girl trying to uncover her Grandmother Gemma’s identity. Investigating with only the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty,” which her grandmother left her, as her clue, Becca deciphers the possibilities and events of her Gemma’s mysterious life. When Becca travels to Chelmno, an extermination camp during the Holocaust, she learns of the astonishing parallelism between Gemma’s fairy tale of Briar Rose and her actual life. Using symbolism, Jane Yolen shows that fairy tales make dreadful reality seem less appalling.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Edit Briar Rose by Jane Yolen Intro paragraph?

    I have to write a literary analysis on the book Briar Rose by Jane Yolen. This is my introduction paragraph and my thesis is the last sentence. Could someone edit this for me and tell me if the thesis is good for the book? Thanks to everyone in advance!

    Briar Rose, a historical fiction novel by Jane Yolen tells of Becca, a young girl trying to uncover her Grandmother Gemma’s identity. Investigating with only the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty,” which her grandmother left her, as her clue, Becca deciphers the possibilities and events of her Gemma’s mysterious life. When Becca travels to Chelmno, an extermination camp during the Holocaust, she learns of the astonishing parallelism between Gemma’s fairy tale of Briar Rose and her actual life. Using symbolism, Jane Yolen shows that fairy tales make dreadful reality seem less appalling.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Slogan for a citrus candy?

    hey i'm doing a project for my business computer technology class and need a slogan for a product we made up. my product is a candy called citburst and is a combination of orange, lemon, and lime. thanks to everyone in advance!!

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Slogan for a Citrus candy?


    i'm doing a project for my business computer technology class and need a slogan for a product we made up. my product is a candy called citburst and is a combination of orange, lemon, and lime. thanks to everyone in advance!!

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Pun Using Group of Words?

    I need a pun that includes a family of words that are used in different ways. For example if I have the words arithmetic, pencil, add, and calculate, I would have to write a sentence which includes those words but they are all in a different meaning.

    Thanks to everyone in advance!!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Family of words PUN?

    I need a pun that includes a family of words that are used in different ways. For example if I have the words arithmetic, pencil, add, and calculate, I would have to write a sentence which includes those words but they are all in a different meaning.

    Thanks to everyone in advance!!

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Demeter, Greek goddess of agriculture, Visual!!?

    I have a project on Demeter, the greek goddess of agriculture which is due on thursday and I need to make or find a visual that i can use that would portray something significant about Demeter. It should be creative, but I can't think of anything like this that I could do for Demeter!! (I can also do it on Persephone, her daughter.) Can anyone give me some ideas for a visual?

    Thanks to EVERYONE in advance!!!

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Visual for Demeter, greek goddess of agriculture?

    I have a project on Demeter, the greek goddess of agriculture which is due on thursday and I need to make or find a visual that i can use that would portray something significant about Demeter. It should be creative, but I can't think of anything like this that I could do for Demeter!! (I can also do it on Persephone, her daughter.) Can anyone give me some ideas for a visual?

    Thanks to EVERYONE in advance!!!

    4 AnswersOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago