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  • Is there an alternative to canned cat food?

    I have 4 cats. Two adults and two kittens. I was feeding them dry food but one of the kittens seems to have an exceptionally hard time chewing it. I took her to the vet and besides worming them he said maybe changing them to canned food would be better. He recommended Science Diet but omg that is expensive. I think we are doing Friskies. They are littermates....and one weighs 4 lbs and the other was 3.5 both are female. The skinnier one is the one that seems to not chew as easy. They were bottle fed until about a month ago. The problem is even though I still feed the two adults the dry food, they want the canned food too. I am feeding two cans of food in the a.m. and two in the p.m. It is getting mucho expensive. Could I use the dry food soaked in milk or water or something to soften it? I can't do more real meat like 100% tuna or chicken or other, just too expensive.

    22 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • At what age can you expect kittens to start litterbox training?

    I have 2 kittens that I have been bottle feeding. They are starting dry kitten food (with formula soaked in it). They should be about 6 weeks old. When should I put a small box in with litter?

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My new kittens.?

    I got 2 new kittens at the vets office 2 days ago. One I know is pottying, the other I am not sure of. They told me I would have to stimulate them like their mother would to get them to poop and pee. They are both peeing, and I know one is pooping, but I havn't seen the other one do it yet. Her little tummy is getting VERY round almost to the point of being distended. It was already pretty rounded when I got her, much like I would think it should be. I have them on a dry formula from the vets office that mixes 1:2 with water. I have been putting in a few chunks of canned food and mashing it really well. I let it set a minute or 2 then pour it into the bottle. Seems the larger chunks stay in the cup which is what the vet said to do. Gets some of the mashed food, but not anything big enough to clog the hole in the nipple. They do take the bottle good though. So what do I do to get this baby to potty? I am sure they are stimulated around the behind good. Suggestions?

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My Hermit Crabs?

    I have 2 hermit crabs that I have had for awhile. I got one, still have it. It buried itself in the coconut fiber/sand mix after about 3 weeks and is staying there. I know it is still alive, I uncovered it last night to check.

    The second one I bought died within a week.

    The third one I bought did the same, buried itself, but just immediately, not later after I had it awhile. It has not come up either. I had another one also, it died. I don't know what I am doing to kill them, I think the second one I got was sick to begin with. I also have MANY fish, I have 2 cats, 2 dogs, so I can usually keep pets. I do everything they say to do. Spray with dechlorinated water daily, keep fresh water with a sponge and salt water with a sponge, climbing stuff, feed them crab food from pet store plus cubed carrots. The habitat has calci-sand and coconut fiber mixed in it about 5-6 inches deep. I also have a heater underneath.

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Help placing my daughter for the summer.?

    I need help placing my almost 15 year old in a summer camp type situation. She is failing her classes, particularly math, in 9th grade but she is only on about a 6th grade level. She failed pre-Algebra, but where we live there is only one pre-Algebra class and it is in the Jr. High, since she went on to HS with her other classes she couldn't get back to the Jr. High for pre-Algebra. So the school district just passed her on to Alg. 1, which she is also failing, no real suprise here.

    She is driving me and my mother both insane ( yes, short trip but before I had children I did have sanity) with her attitude, destructiveness, and just plain being hateful. In the small town where we live they don't offer summer school either, so that isn't a good answer. If they did, I would just have her there. What do I do? Does anyone know of a program like this in Oklahoma?

    2 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Need placement for daughter.?

    I need help placing my almost 15 year old in a summer camp type situation. She is failing her classes, particularly math, in 9th grade but she is only on about a 6th grade level. She failed pre-Algebra, but where we live there is only one pre-Algebra class and it is in the Jr. High, since she went on to HS with her other classes she couldn't get back to the Jr. High for pre-Algebra. So the school district just passed her on to Alg. 1, which she is also failing, no real suprise here.

    She is driving me and my mother both insane ( yes, short trip but before I had children I did have sanity) with her attitude, destructiveness, and just plain being hateful. In the small town where we live they don't offer summer school either, so that isn't a good answer. If they did, I would just have her there. What do I do? Does anyone know of a program like this in Oklahoma?

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • New Chinese family in town.?

    We have a new family in our VERY small rural Oklahoma town. They have been sponsored by relatives to come live here. The parents work all the time in the Chinese Resturant we have and their daughter is 11.

    Our Girl Scout Troop would like to invite her to come visit us. I went to the website and had babelfish translate it into Chinese. Hopefully that will work for the parents. The problem is she speaks like 2 words of English. She is attending the local public school with no translator or ESL classes. What else should we do to help and welcome her to our area?

    4 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • Chinese in America?

    We have a new family in our VERY small rural Oklahoma town. They have been sponsored by relatives to come live here. The parents work all the time in the Chinese Resturant we have and their daughter is 11.

    Our Girl Scout Troop would like to invite her to come visit us. I went to the website and had babelfish translate it into Chinese. Hopefully that will work for the parents. The problem is she speaks like 2 words of English. She is attending the local public school with no translator or ESL classes. What else should we do to help and welcome her to our area?

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Teenage Circumcision??

    Why in the world would a 15 year old boy in the US have a circumcision? He is Native American, but I think Muscogee so I wouldn't think it would be a "rite of passage" thing. He is my little sister's bf. He told her that his mom is making him, that just sounds wierd.


    10 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Strep Throat..?

    My daughter has been sick for the last 2 weeks. She is a normal healthy 10 year old, very active, has a red belt in tae kwon do and is a kickboxer. Her main symptoms were a temp of 101.0-101.8, cough, sore throat, just not feeling well, threw up once but not feeling nautious or anything. She would cough alot then throw up, I figured it was phlem. We figured it was just the flu, kept her comfortable and at home, out of school, ect. Lots of fluids, the usual stuff. Well last Tuesday she still had a temp of 101.8 after 7 days so I took her to the Pediatrician. They said if she isn't better by Friday bring her back, probably just the flu. No spots on her tonsils or back of throat to indicate otherwise. Friday we took her back cause she was still doing the same thing. They gave her a rapid strep (which came back neg) and drew blood for a strep culture.

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • My black lab chews her foot...?

    My black lab chews several places on her feet and legs. They seem to get better when we put Bactriban on them temporarily. Eventually she will start to chew on them again. Is there anything I can do to stop this? I was thinking about using like Neorsporin and a 2x2 on it, the a baby or small child's size sock on it with medical tape. Do you think that would work? She chews them so bad that they bleed. :(


    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How much peanut butter is considered "to much" for my Black Lab?

    My labs like peanut butter and I have been putting it in their KONG toys. I mix it with a few treats (usually less than 3 a day) when I fill the KONG. Today I cooked some ground turkey and added it too. :) I am going to start freezing them to make them last longer. What else can we do with them? What do you put in your dogs KONG toy? The KONG website has some recipes that include yougurt and cheese but I don't think those things would be that good for my dog. Basically, I don't know how much protien is good for them.


    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I have a question about sewing.?

    I bought a pattern (McCall's Stitch'N'Save #4746) But I have lost part of the direction pages. Do I have any alternative except buying a new one? The one I bought was at Wal-Mart but now they don't have it. I found it on the McCall's site but it is full price not Wal-Mart price, almost double. Is there some way I can find the directions online?



    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Make hair color bluer?

    My daughter has platinum blond hair and wants it colored blue. I got Beyond The Zone Color Jamz at Sally's Beauty Supply. Huckleberry Blue. When we rinsed it turned out much more like a very light blue. Really brassy colored and light. She wanted/wants the darker blue like our school colors of Dark Blue and White. Is there anyway to make it darker? Maybe redo it?

    Also I am doing mine Pink for this weekend's HP opening.. How can I get it REALLLLY REALLLY DARK PINK???? like the color I picked was Party Pink. I do know I want it very dark, not a washed out color like hers turned out, and the formula's are the same brand.

    Any help?


    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • How long should your mama dog...?

    After a dog whelps how long should you find old blood? She had pups on Monday so they are 2 days old. She is having some mucous like dark colored blood passing. I think it is ok, as long as it isn't bright red. But I thought I would ask. She is a lab, 6 yrs old, first litter.

    Thanks :)

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dogs nursing pups..?

    Our Lab just had pups... 11 of them. Her rear teats are really engorged after 24 hours of nursing. I have tried to encourage the pups to use those especially. If only a few are nursing, I move them to the back instead of the smaller front nipples. Is that right? They are reducing with more nursing. If they don't use the teats enough on any given one can they get mastitus like a human does? That is what I really want to prevent.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • International Visitor?

    I have a friend from UAE that wants to visit Oklahoma. What paperwork will he need to provide to get a visa and where does he start? I looked at the State Dept. website but it is all so confusing. Any advice?

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • The Electric Slide....?

    I am trying to find a copy of The Electric Slide to BUY before Friday. Locally I suppose since I can't download.


    3 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Child spending the night with a friend?

    At what age does most children want to spend the night with friends at their homes? What age did you let your daughter spend the night with a friend whose parents you have met and screened? What age did you let them go to camp the first time? Like Girl Scout Camp.. it is pretty safe I would think. My daughters have both been MANY years. Is it normal to encourage them NOT to do this? Thanks.

    14 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Girl Scout Question about the Thinking Day Postcard Exchange...?

    I have a troop of Junior Girl Scouts and we have participated in Girl Scout Thinking Day Postcard Exchange. We recieved 4 patches from other countries.

    #1 is from Australia, Bolwarra/Largs District Guides, Au.

    #2 is from Bermuda Girl Guide Association, Eastern District.

    #3 is from Sheffield County. I am assuming it is Ireland.

    #4 says exactly this, DET DANSKE SPEJDERKORPS

    I have no idea what that means.

    Does anyone know anything about these groups/troops? It would be nice to find out especially about the last one.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago