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  • What do u think about ppl who don’t spell to well & sometimes don’t spell check, taking part in answers ????

    And why do some users feel the need to post pointing out mistakes rather than trying to answer the question being asked???

    Myself personally I think as long as you can make sense of the question that’s all that matters, regardless of whether the spelling is correct or not, after all just because some one might not spell to well doesn’t mean they are “less likely” to ask for advice or even offer advice does it ???

    That is of course except those who might have been in here a few times & been put off by some being only to eager to point out there spelling mistakes !

    So maybe some ppl should think before they reply to some ones post “just to point out mistakes”


    16 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Is this normal cockatiel beaver ? or is something wrong with the bird???

    My friends teal is 5 years and he is quiet friendly he will step up no probs and will chirp away quiet happily to any one & everyone BUT he doesn’t like to be stroked or petted if any one tries to pet him he will give the usual display of moving his head from side to side whilst pretending to peck his perch or spreading his wings whilst leaning forward with his beak open

    My question is about his recent beaver, just lately between 2 & 3 times per day the bird sings one particular tune {cockatiel song that is } and whilst he is singing this tune he will allow his head to be stroked and even sometimes his chest, but my friend said u have to listen for the change in the tone of his song cos when the tone changes if you make the mistake of trying to pet him he “will bite” you !

    Some times he will sing this song for up to 10 mins other times it might be like only 3mins

    Is this normal beaver for male teals ??? I own two male teals and so far mine haven’t acted this way ?

    5 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Why does my cockatiel insist on eating his rope perch & do you know of any deterrent spray that might stop hi

    Our youngest teal “Dusty “ despite having plenty of chew toys in his cage & loads of “Boredom buster” toys which we rotate every couple of days seems just hell bent on destroying his rope perch, so much so that we have to replace it every couple of weeks at £5.00 a time

    You may be asking yourself right now “ well why not just leave him without a rope perch then” ?

    And the reason for that is dusty was sold unweened weighing less than 1oz he had to receive specialist care for 4 weeks before he was well enough to come home, and now aged 11 months although he is very healthy he is very small about the size of a baby cockatiel and he uses the rope perch which is on the side of his cage for sitting on & talking to our other teal who is in a separate cage at the side of him,

    He looks so sad & lost when his rope perch is removed just couldn’t have the heart to leave him with out one ,

    C Dusty here !

    5 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Tell me what you think about “Dusty”?

    I posted about Dusty some months ago in here , when I was worried if he would pull through you see Poor Dusty was sold to me by a well known pet store he was very tiny, after two days we were so worried about him we called in experts for advice & they said in there opinion he wasn’t even weaned!

    So we agreed for them to take him and give him the proper care he needed until he was strong enough to come back home, he had to be hand feed every 4 hours & slept on a hot water bottle in special box he was weighed 2 days after he was taken for special care and he weighed just under an oz with all the TLC these wonderful ppl gave him he was able to return home 4 weeks later, Dusty is nearly 11 months now and he is still very small But very healthy & what a comic he is lol

    So I thought id share these photos with you all and see what you think of him now

    7 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Does yahoo Report ppl for“ animal cruelty” ???

    Does any one know if yahoo reports suspected animal neglect/abuse to the relevant agenceys eg: RSPCA ??? AND IF NOT WHY NOT????

    I replyed to a post last night after looking at links which had been put up regarding other posts by this person which I found quiet distressing, yet tonight the question has been removed, but will anyone be reporting this sad person? Or will this so called “dog lover” just be allowed to carry on regardless?

    22 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Gold fish missing the “Gill Cover”?

    About a month ago my little sis became the proud owner of her friends fish tank cos her friend couldn’t b bothered any more with the two gold fish in it, one of the fish seemed to be missing the flap of skin which covers its gill, it looked very red and soreL my mam spoke to my sis’es friends mam to try n find out what had happened to it but she was told they don’t know how this happened?

    So my mam has bought all sorts from pet shop to put into water n kill Bactria/make water safe/new filters and so on, but so far this skin flap doesn’t seem to be repairing its self? Can anyone say if it will ever repair its self? Is this causing suffering to the fish? The fish is swimming as normal eating and doesn’t appear any the worst for this. but I got to agree with my mam when she says despite all her efforts it still looks “very raw” any advice plz???

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • who thinks runescape the most dullest thing ever?

    my bro plays this stupid online game all the time,i think watchin paint dry would be more intrestin lol

    So wats ur veiws on this one?

    5 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • What's Happened To My Loving Cockatiel???

    We have owned a rescue cockatiel for just over a year now, when we first got him he was a bit nervous as he had been attacked by other birds and so on before he was rescued, how ever after about a week or two he was well charm and very friendly ,it was obvious who ever owned him had loved and trained him very well, sadly despite trying many things we were unable to reunite him with his rightful owner and so decided to take him in as one of the family

    He was brill until about 3 weeks ago when we bought him a “much larger” cage, he seemed very happy with his new home, how ever his temperament seems to have changed over night

    He is now no longer loving all he seems hell bent on is attacking anyone who goes any where near him!

    I Do know teals can be very territorial especially at this time of year, he will run at anyone who puts there hand into the cage whilst he is on the cage floor to try to bite them, he has also started jumping up on bottom bar ov cage whilst spreading his wings

    5 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • IRRESPONSIBLE dog owners !!!?

    Can anyone offer advice on what I should do regarding irresponsible dog owners who choose to allow there dogs off the lead even though they have no control what so ever over there dogs?

    I own a 5year old staffy ***** she attended obedience school at the age of 17 weeks old & scored 90% on her test day she lost out cos she sat when she should have remained in lie down position, any way when she is taken for walks she is always kept on “extending lead”

    Even though shes none aggressive towards other dogs or ppl

    But she has been attacked twice in last 3 weeks by dogs being walked by there irresponsible owners off there leads, once by a rottie & the other day by a “staffy” (which looked like it was on steroids), the last attack I was walking our dog and I was so scared when I saw this other staff charging at us that I picked mine up,it was so scary trying to keep my dog up so the other staff couldn’t “lock on” to her, I was so exhausted I ended up falling backwards with my dog still in my arms and looking up I just saw a (mass ov teeth) lunging towards us don’t ask me how cos I haven’t got a clue what made me to do what I did next it just happened?

    I shoved my hand into the other staffs mouth and grabbed it by the tong WHEN THE OWNER EVENTUALLY reached us he had the cheek to say that his dog only went for mine because I picked my dog up? Which is a load of bull, if I hadn’t picked my dog up she would have been ripped apart by this other staffyL

    But since the last attack I haven’t been able to walk my dog at all as im to scared toL

    Do u think its fair irresponsible dog owners who cant control there dogs using even basic command walk there dogs on leads

    21 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Fatty Liver (Hepatic Lipidosis) in cockateals?

    My adult teal's Beak looks as if it is coverd in the white "downs dust" teals r famouse for,however today i tryed to rub it off his beak and it wouldnt go, so i looked up on line regarding "teals with white beak apperance and i found this?

    What are the signs of hepatic lipidosis?

    Birds with hepatic lipidosis generally have a sudden loss of appetite, are lethargic, and depressed. Many are overweight and the liver is enlarged due to the additional storage of fat. This results in a distended abdomen and difficulty breathing. They may have diarrhea and abnormal droppings!

    None of the above symptoms apply to my bird, he is good weight with good appitite,normal Breathing & droppings but his beak seems to be coverd in a white dust or something? so if its not

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • Does my "Link work"???

    Hi ive made a few posts asking advice about my two teals "Sunny & Dusty" and i have been very thankful for the replys i recived offering advice,anyway i have been trying to work out how u do the "Link thingy" so i could show ya all "Sunny n Dusty" n i think ive done it!

    (not sure realy)lol let me know if it works plz :)

    “Sunny” is my Adult teal (He love's Himself) Lol n “Little Dusty” was sold to me in pet store as teal age 13weeks, turned out Dustys age was “approx 9 weeks old,” n he wasn’t weaned,he had to be taken for “4 week special care” b4 he could come home, the photo taken on 20th Dec was taken 4 days after Dusty had been brought home he was aged approx 13/14 weeks old, “THE AGE HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN” when sold to me 4 WEEK’S EARLIER!!!

    He's only "Half the size of "average teal his age" and will always be very small,(with BIG personality)!

    4 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • What am i doing wrong with my baby teel???

    we own 2 teels one adult other one's only still a baby,the baby is very trusting and will try anything that is placed b4 him lol (including ur fingers)

    whilst the adult seems more afraid of anything new! and tends to spend a great deal of time weighing things up b4 he will even investigate them???

    yet things r the oppisit way round when it comes to the step up command, adult has no probs with the command yet the baby acts as if he doesnt trust anyone?

    so far i have managed to place my hand in his cage then graduly move my hand up closer to him,i can place my hand on his perch next to him and he doesnt bother but as soon as i try to place my finger in position for "step up command" he just seems to go into panik mode???

    really weird considering he will eat from my hand, try any new foods i put b4 him as long as i reasure him its alright!

    yet he just panicks if i get to close ???

    Why can this be? if he trusts me regards what is ok to eat,and he eats out ov my hand why wont he step up

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Dangerous Dogs or Irresponsible owners???

    irresponsible owners" are just like "irresponsible parents"!

    If u raise ur child to have "no morals or respect" for (any one or any thing) is it then the child’s fault when he/she insults ur neighbours or breaks the law???

    Or is it down to the "irresponsible parents"???

    TRUE "some children" with the best ov parents can still go the wrong way! But that doesn’t mean that "ALL CHILDREN ARE THE SAME DOES IT????

    And just because a dog falls under a certain breed doesn’t mean that that dog if brought up in right environment will follow suit!

    i think ppl really need to take a look at the so called "Lassie/jacks/yorkies and mongrels b4 they start pointing blame! towards the "bull breeds"!

    What da u think???

    22 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is there such thing as “miniature cockatiels” u know like u get “miniature Yorkshire terriers”???

    A friend who I haven’t seen for a while dropped by tonight & she was amazed at the size of my youngest teal who’s approx 5 months old stands approx “4in high” she said she has never heard of let alone seen such a small fully grown teal, whilst I DID realize he is much smaller than my other teal his size was something id never dwelled on as he’s healthy, active has good appetite will try ANY new food offered & he is very clever as well he has started to talk, uses his feet like a parrot for holding some things, and he can copy any tune my adult teal whistles lol

    But tonight after my friend had left and I looked at both my teals standing side by side I felt panic as I realized just how much smaller my young teal is than ur average teal , do u think he will be ok? Or could he have probs in later life?

    6 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Helping feather growth ?

    I have posted in past “different thread” about my baby teal “Dusty” who I had to send away for special care for 4 weeks as the store sold him to me claiming he was at least 12weeks old, & it turned out he wasn’t even weaned, he couldn’t perch or even husk his seed, and he had most of his head feathers plucked out by the other birds in the aviary :(

    My Question is “What if anything” can I do to help him with his feather growth on the Bald patches which still remain on his little head???

    Apart from few bald patches Dusty is doing Great he is still "much smaller" than ur avarge teil & ive been told he wont grow any bigger, but he isn’t under weight & what he lacks in size he more than makes up for with personality lol

    He has started to talk he says, thank you/peep po, n go sleep and he sings and wolf whistles all day long he really is a happy little bird

    Any advice plz?

    1 AnswerBirds1 decade ago
  • cockateils using there feet?

    is it common for cockateils to use there feet to "grip things" or "pick things up" like parrots do? my baby teel does this all time however my adult teel has never used his feet like this?

    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Do u think its fair to class “ALL PITBULL’S” as “Dangerous” ???

    I was just wondering whats ur views on this one?

    I blame the owners not the dogs !

    14 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • cockatiel moulting "is this normal"???

    I noticed today whilst showering my bird that underneath one wing looked very red and sore (to me anyways) ?

    As I have only been a bird owner for approx 6 months even though I have read up on everything I could find , I still don’t know “is this normal”? he isn’t still moulting as such hes just plucking the odd down feather which I have read is normal behaver when a down feather needs replacing? But untill today I have never noticed the redness underneath his wing, he was a adult bird when I got him and whilst he will do the “step up” command no probs, theres no way he will allow me to open his wing out in order to check it out, hes eating as norm however he has been a little bit more aggressive for a couple ov weeks which I put down to the fact that we got him a new pal “baby teel” which is in a separate cage which stands side by side with his, Do I need to take him to the vets???

    HELP Please!

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago