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  • Has anyone found their parents...?

    Has anyone found their parents and been welcomed with open arms by both... still to feel like they don't fit in anywhere? or you feel trapped because you don't like your adoptive family but you don't know your real one? how did you deal with it or what steps did you take to get over that feeling of just not fitting?

    3 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Pulling string 12 hours after extraction of a wisdom tooth?

    my friend just had her wisdom tooth taken out. i know many people that have but she has a string hanging out of her mouth that they told her mom to pull out in 12 hours. does anyone know what this is for? or the best way to take it out?

    1 AnswerDental1 decade ago
  • I found the family i have been searching for my whole ...?

    I found my real family. I have like no association with my a-mom. but now I find myself kind of lost. I have created my own family with my friends and I am really close to my real mom and dad now and my grandparents on my dad's side, even my brothers and sister. But now I kinda feel torn because as much as I love them I will never be as close to them as I am with my friends because I haven't known them as long as I've known my friends. Did anyone else go through this when they found their family? and did it change over time? I just found my family last year. I'm 31

    6 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Taking out nuva ring and putting it right back in.?

    I know that if you're on the pill and you just don't take the inactive pills but you start the new set of pills you will miss your period. Is nuva ring the same way? if i leave it in for the 3 weeks and then take it out and put in another one right then will it stop my periods the same way?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • can anybody tell me why gas...?

    Can anybody tell me why i have been at work for 8 hours and in that 8 hours gas has gone from 3.67 to 5 dollars?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • I think i got a prank e-mail :(...?

    I think someone sent me a prank e-mail asking me if i had found my mother and then saying they knew where she was. i don't know yet if it's a prank but i'm trying to figure out how they got my work e-mail. Is it common to get prank e-mails when you're searching? if so is there anything i can do about it? it's not funny in the least.

    18 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • why is it so hard for people to get???

    is it really that hard for people to get? why is it easy for people to understand the bond of seperated twins but not the bond between mother and child?

    If twins (and it isn't just identical twins but faternal twins two) can be born and seperated from birth, still feel like they have a twin, dress alike, talk alike, walk alike, do the same type of work, and have seperation disorders to the point they have wanted to stop seperating twins. why is it so hard to believe that a child that didn't share the womb with anyone would have the same problems? we touched her, heard her voice, felt her rub us when we kicked, sing to us when she was in the shower. why do we not get the same understanding? is it not the same? seperated twins don't remember anymore than we do. why is it so hard for people to see the pain felt from seperation at birth situations? not just from twins but from our nmothers too? why do people think i should just get over it?

    10 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • to interacial/international adoptees?

    have you ever been with your family in a line and the cashier thinks you're the next person in line?or you had a family member in the ICU but because you weren't the same color as them the hospital refused to believe you were a relative and refused to let you in siting family members only? how did it make you feel? and did you ever find a way to prove it?

    10 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • For adoptees only... because no one else can answer it......?

    do you find christmas the most depressing time of the year? how do you deal with it? and ddid your efforts wok?

    12 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • To adoptees...?

    does it piss anybody off other than me to get on here and listen to peoples check lists of what they are looking for in a child? i want a girl, i want a boy, i want a kid with brown hair and blue eyes, does anybody think that they should just get what they get just like us? does anyone but me feel like we don't get to choose so why should they? I just feel so cheap litening to people talk about adopting kids as if they were shopping for choths. does anyone else feel like that?

    12 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Does anyone think there is a problem with interracial adoption?

    I think that if there is to be an interracial adoption then extreme theropy and training needs to be required. i am an adoptee into an interracial situation so i am asking this question from an inside point of view not as an outsider. does anyone feel the same? or has anyone been in a similar situation? and if so why, and what was your outcome?

    I know Tommy Davison the comedian was adopted into an interracial family and it worked for him so i am not completely against it i just want to see what people think as a whole.

    15 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • I just want to know if it's normal....?

    I had a miscarrage on thursday. I want to have relations with my boyfriend so bad but i'm still in pain. is it my hormones from being pregnant and is there anything i can do about it because it's makin me miserable. not to mention it's causing me to cramp real bad.

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • was anybody on here adopted? and if so how did you overcome..?

    right now my problem is i'm afraid to get close to people. i fall in love with people that i know won't comitt to me and when someone tries to comitt i either hate them for it or i distance myself from them or both. how do i get over the fear of rejection so i can get on with my life? do you have any pointers maybe from theropy or something that will help me? i'm 29 and have never gone to see a professional and i was adopted from birth.

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Is it odd to anyone besides myself....?

    that the christian's are angry at the jews for crucifying jesus but without his death they would have no salvation? Why are you not thanking them instead? isn't that what was supposed to happen so that you could be saved from your sins?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • has anyone ever...?

    Squirted? i did for the first time and i'm not quite sure what caused it or why it happened? It may sound like an immature question but i wanna know how i did it so i can do it again. anyone know or been there?

  • My son and I caught a caterpillar and we need to know...?

    My son and I caught a caterpiller and we managed to catch it the day before it spun it's cacoon. I know there are different types but this one spins a cacoon like a spiders nest. We are planning on letting it go as soon as it turnes into a butterfly but i want my son to have a hands on science experiance. How long does it take to hatch?

    5 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Everybody has something to say about this abortion issue but have they ever...?

    I am one of the kids that didn't get aborted and i am truly disturbed buy some of these people on here. does anybody truly care about the kids? everyone is condem the mothers for opening there legs but why don't they condemn the dr.s that won't tie women's tubes because they don't feel they're old enough? so now we can't have abortion or have permanent sterilization? What you people fail to realize is by saving this so called life you are destroying it. we (adoptee’s) make up almost 50% of the jail system, the mental hospital system, and are dealing with homelessness; You can tell me it's better to have a million of us a year destroying and killing other people because of our miserable lives when you could have done us the favor of killing us before we knew suffering? how many people think about the kids and not just the fact that their parents committed a so called sin?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Many people on here will probably hate me but.....?

    How do I gain weight? I am 5'6, 29 years old, and have had an 8 pound 4 ounce baby(now 8 years old). I have tried ensure and i do eat alot. just hoping someone can help.

    My friends say i can eat like a man but it doesn't go anywhere. what do i do to make it stick?

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • do the crime do the time?

    how many people on here just seem to get harassed by the police without doing any crimes or time. In the last 3 years i have been pulled over at least 5 times not speeding, had insurance, had all my head lights and tail lights. got stopped because they thought they recognized someone in my car, got stopped for driving a rental car that by the way was in my name, got stopped on one of those random routine traffic checks not a road block. How do you avoid the cops when you're not doing anything? I go to work i go home I take care of my son. I work for the state for crying out loud. How do you get them to leave you alone whe you're not messing with them?

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • I don't understand how the adoption laws work...?

    How is it possible for a 38 year old single white female that is prejudice, has 2 children of her own that she doesn't have custody of, adopt a black child? Is it because I was born in Kansas? Is that Kansas law? How is that ethical and can I fight it in court with my reward being all of my adoptiion records as opposed to a devorce from my adoptive mother? Did she have an advantage because she was in the military?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago