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Why in Holy Bible KJV Genesis 1:1 The word God is not spelled GOD, all capitalized?
It is written Gods and Lords are many. Is this God mentioned in Genesis 1:1 was one of these Gods and not the Almighty Creator of the Gods or gods?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoWhich is Greater according to the KJV Bible, God, god or GOD?
Disfortunately, in Bible College I was taught that God with the capital "G" is the true God but the common "g" in god or gods are false God. If that is so, then who is GOD? Is GOD the True One and God false? Why in Genesis 1:1 GOD is not mentioned? Fortunately, in Ethiopia Geez or Amharic Kwankwaoch (Languages) there is no such confusion, for O'EGZABIHER (The Kreator) is EGZABIHER the same tenantena (yesterday), zarea (today) and zelalamawi (forever). Is the original Dutch word God, that was adopted in the British English language, different or less than the Creator?
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoWhy most American students do find learning Math very intimidating, apprehensive, confusing or fear-full?
I never liked learning Math at school. As an adult, i can now say that i was truely a mathphobiac. The British Head Masters, teachers, my Mom, and older Brothers wipped my but and hands for not learning Math. When i arrived in NY during the 1970s, i learned that most Americans are weak in learning Math, Geography, Religious History, Linguistics, Etymology, and Universal politics. That been said, i do wonder what will it take for most Americans to change the tide of being left behind, in such learnings. If we are waiting for Superman, he came as a woman, and what did we do with her?
3 AnswersTeaching10 years agoWhy the name Jesus or the title Christ is not found in the Old Testament but Immanuel is?
For those who are interesting in learning something new about the KJV Bible translators and not original writers of the Holy Scriptures, learn this. We are instructed to study to show our selves approved, work men/women/chilldren need not be ashamed but rightfully deviding or seperating the Truth from opinion or writers views. Acoording to prophecy the AFRICAN HEBREW Name Immanuel is written, in both O.T. and N.T. translated scriptures of the KJV Holy Bible, but the Greek gentile name Jesus is not mentioned in the O.T. books. In Bible College i've asked this question and it was never answered, but the same comment, oh what difference does it make, that's not important to know, the Bible says his name is Jesus and that's all that matters! I hope it matters to readers of yahoo questions and answers. It is said that the name Jesus is mentioned over 464 times in the New Testament and not once in the Old Testament. Something is not right! For it is written he is the Alpha (beginning) and the Omega (ending).
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoShould The U.S.A. become of the Religion Christianity would we still have Racism, Homosexuality (Gays)?
Should everyone in The U.S.A. become of the Christian Religion, would that eradicate (get ride of-stop) Racisim, Homosexuality (they wrongfully call Gay or Lesbian)?
12 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agowhy the word Know is pronounced No?
Perception vs Con-ception: I was told in School that the letter k is silent in the word know. That being told, with out the historical fact, i've asked why and by whom? This made me asked the question why then the word is not pronounced now instead of no?
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoShould Mc Cain offer Hillary Clinton the Vise Presindent ticket, would she take it?
Hillary Clinton it appears at times that at any means or cost she must be in the White House...did she burried or left some thing there during Bill's presidency?
8 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoIs it political rhetoric when Hilary Clinton states she has 35 years of political experience in leadesrship?
Does it take so many years to run for presidency of the U.S.A? Hilary may have 35 years of voting but not political leadership to be president. In her debate with Obama she said that it took her husband to clean up the White House after the first Bush, now it would take her to clean up after the second Bush. Why would she have to waite 7-8 years after the 2nd Bush to clean up the White House? Let us take away 3-4 years of her so called 35 yrs of leadership experience = 31 yrs. Isn't that enough yrs of leadership experience to stop George Bush from continuing the same political mis-leadership for a 2nd term? Why didn't she run against him in 2004 with her 31 yrs of experience leadership? Bill Clinton did not waite 8 yrs after Senior Bush's presidency to "clean up the White House." Had she ran against George in 2004 there was no Obama. Before Hilary there were two Black females who ran for President & did not get the same support from women of today. Why is that?
1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade agoIs it political rhetoric when Hilary Clinton states she has 35 years of political experience in leadesrship?
Does it take so many years to run for presidency of the U.S.A? Hilary may have 35 years of voting but not political leadership to be president. In her debate with Obama she said that it took her husband to clean up the White House after the first Bush, now it would take her to clean up after the second Bush. Why would she have to waite 7-8 years after the 2nd Bush to clean up the White House? Let us take away 3-4 years of her so called 35 yrs of leadership experience = 31 yrs. Isn't that enough yrs of leadership experience to stop George Bush from continuing the same political mis-leadership for a 2nd term? Why didn't she run against him in 2004 with her 31 yrs of experience leadership? Bill Clinton did not waite 8 yrs after Senior Bush's presidency to "clean up the White House." Had she ran against George in 2004 there was no Obama. Before Hilary there were two Black females who ran for President & did not get the same support from women of today. Why is that?
1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoIf G x 20 = J square or to the second power, what is the value of G?
Most people may not k'now (know) the meaning and the origin of the word Algebra. However, Algera is a Arabic word which means the cancellation of letters into numerical value or sum. By using perception instead of con-ception you can solve this equation with fun and simplicity. Try it!
4 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoIf G x 20 = J square or to the second power, what is the value of G?
Most people may not k'now (know) the meaning and the origin of the word Algebra. However, Algera is a Arabic word which means the cancellation of letters into numerical value or sum. By using perception instead of con-ception you can solve this equation with fun and simplicity. Try it!
2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade agoWhy most Christians are afraid of the name Barak (Obama) when its not a Muslim name but Biblical Hebrew?
Unfortunately, many websites have been the plat form for hate mongers when it comes to the name Barak Obama as a muslim, terrorist, etc. During the 1950 and 60 i was told that God bless America the land of the free. As of Richard Nixon to George W. Bush presidency this great Nation has abused such blessings and has made the U.S.A a backsliding Nation. That's why we are now asking When will God heal America? Republicans, Democrats and those who are Independents are in a deep sleep of Nation restoration. If the U.S.A. is a prophetic Nation then we should allow fortunate prophesy to be fulfilled in the healing of this Nation.
This economy has been built at the supervision of Causians and the hard labor of the Afrikans as slaves. Today, we have a Afrikan Caucasian American name Barak who has a prophetic name and calling, bring Americans and visitors for a historical healing moment as a leader of lighting. Yes the name Barak is mentioned in Judges:4:6. Wake up America!
10 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoWhy most Christians are afraid of the name Barak (Obama) when its not a Muslim name but Biblical Hebrew?
Unfortunately, many websites have been the plat form for hate mongers when it comes to the name Barak Obama as a muslim, terrorist, etc. During the 1950 and 60 i was told that God bless America the land of the free. As of Richard Nixon to George W. Bush presidency this great Nation has abused such blessings and has made the U.S.A a backsliding Nation. That's why we are now asking When will God heal America? Republicans, Democrats and those who are Independents are in a deep sleep of Nation restoration. If the U.S.A. is a prophetic Nation then we should allow fortunate prophesy to be fulfilled in the healing of this Nation.
This economy has been built at the supervision of Causians and the hard labor of the Afrikans as slaves. Today, we have a Afrikan Caucasian American name Barak who has a prophetic name and calling, bring Americans and visitors for a historical healing moment as a leader of lighting. Yes the name Barak is mentioned in Judges:4:6. Wake up America!
8 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoKissing someone who is not of your Ethnicity (Race) how was it different than kissing someone of your kind?
Have you ever desired to kiss or make out with someone who is not of your Ethnicity or Nationality? If you have was it much more awesome than they say it would be or were you disappointed? What was the out come of kissing that person or perdaughter, marriage, children (not kids), engagement? Did you go back or got caught and remain in the thick sauce of that kiss?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoIf a radius of a circle is 4 ft, what would be its diameter, area, and circumference?
What would be the simplest approach to solve this math equational question?
4 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade agoWhich name or names are most mentioned in everday conversation, George Bush, Obama, Hilary, Mccain, Edwards?
Its all about the name calling...when, where and why.
4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoIf zero means nothing, how would some one logically explain that a right angle is comprised of 90 degrees?
Unfortunately, many people do learn that zero means nothing and proudly agrue so. Before the Iranian mathamatician introduced the zero to the Italians, the European number system of writing was based on the Roman numerical order of starting at one stroke for one. There is no circumferencial Roman numerical symbol. The perceptional idea that prior to one the number zero is the starting point and that by it self it values zero and in the figure 10 (one zero) they call ten, the zero values more that its self, its so simple to comprehend but very difficult to the popular concept that it has no value and that it is nothing. How does one explain or comprehend that a line is of 180 degrees and a right angle is 90 degrees with out comprehending perceptionally that zero has a value? The figure 50 how much is the value of the zero in such number?
1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade agoIf zero means nothing, how would some one logically explain that a right angle is comprised of 90 degrees?
Unfortunately, many people do learn that zero means nothing and proudly agrue so. Before the Iranian mathamatician introduced the zero to the Italians, the European number system of writing was based on the Roman numerical order of starting at one stroke for one. There is no circumferencial Roman numerical symbol. The perceptional idea that prior to one the number zero is the starting point and that by it self it values zero and in the figure 10 (one zero) they call ten, the zero values more that its self, its so simple to comprehend but very difficult to the popular concept that it has no value and that it is nothing. How does one explain or comprehend that a line is of 180 degrees and a right angle is 90 degrees with out comprehending perceptionally that zero has a value? The figure 50 how much is the value of the zero in such number?
2 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoWho invented the number symbols 0-9 and can u place them in the correct graspmatyx order they should be? states that all numerical and alphabetical symbols are of the composition (a) dot, (b) line, (c) curve and (d) circle. The numerical symbols 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 perceptionally are out of compositional order. Try reordering them base on dot, line , curve and last circle. Take note all numerical symbols starts with dot or point, therefore, line would be next and so on. Its fun when u use perception instead of con-ception. Reposition the numerical symbols base on their composition and earn more than 2 points. Good perception yahoo subscribers.
2 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoHow much do you really know about Adolf Hitler, Jesus Christ, Lucifer Satan and Santa Claus?
I have wondered if Jesus is the Son of God, who is the Daughter of Lucifer? We are told in the teachings of Christianity about the Father, Son and Holy Ghost (the trinity). Does Lucifer has a trinity,is it called Mother, Daughter and Orignial Ghost? What was Adolf Hitler's birth names before it was changed and was his grand mother jewish? Have u wondered how come the same letters in the name Satan are in Santa? Why do people point up wards and refers to God as the man up there and not dowards as to the Devil the woman down there? These are some of the last questions I have for the year 2007, any yahoo takers?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago