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  • Army DEP...enrolled in class at college?

    The situation is that I recently swore into DEP at MEPS, but the problem is that I'm currently enrolled into my next semester of college. I was planning on this being my last before going. I didn't realize til later, but my recruiter told me to lie about my college and just say I wasn't enrolled anymore, just to get me to enlist I guess. The problem is that I wanted a later ship date, which is currently May 19. They made it seem like I would not be able to come back later at all. My classes don't end until like a week before I leave. This is going to be completely stressful and won't give me any time to tie up loose ends or get situated. Is there any way I can push my ship date back?

    2 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • Army Advanced Enlistment Rank?

    I'm about two weeks away from finishing my 3rd semester of college (45 credits). It looks like you need 48 credits/hours to go in as an E-3. I was planning on contracting right after my 3rd semester is over, but will I not be able to pick up the E-3 if I sign everything before I finish my next semester?

    1 AnswerMilitary7 years ago
  • Starting to run again, shin splints?

    I recently just added running back to my workout routine, and it seems like I'm beginning to get shin splints again. The mileage I'm doing is about 3 miles, 4 times a week. Is this too much to start out, or what? I'm used to just pushing my body to get back into shape for wrestling, but I've never really had to get into shape for running. What should I do?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Taking prescription medicine dose late?

    What happens if I take my prescribed medicine dosage 30 minutes-1 hour later than I'm supposed to? If I'm supposed to take it ever 6 hours, and it takes me 7 hours, and I continue taking it as scheduled, will it matter if I don't finish the entire bottle within the 10 days I was supposed to?

    1 AnswerMedicine8 years ago
  • Is this word used correctly in this sentence?

    "Accepting that ignorance is bliss, and that the “lion’s jaws” would be a better fate than being enslaved to a nasty owner, Douglas steadfastly determines to obtain an education and remain in the hands of his slaveholders until he has learned to read and write."

    Is "determines" used correctly?

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Taking another pill before waiting the recommended time frame?

    I was prescribed with Percocet (5mg Oxycodone/325mg Acet) for pain, and I just took one pill about half an hour ago. It says to only take 1-2 every 4-6 hours. Should I wait until the 4 hours is up before I take another one, or can I just take my second dose now, and then take another 2 in 3.5 hours?

    3 AnswersMedicine8 years ago
  • Question about credit card interest?

    If you have a balance from a previous month and pay it off, but also make additional charges on the card in the current month, will there be interest charges on the recent transactions?

    I guess that's confusing, so here's an example:

    -$200 balance from November 3-December 3 billing period, payment due on December 30.

    -$200 balance from previous month paid on December 10th

    -$150 in total transactions from December 4-January 4 billing period, but has not been paid

    Will there be interest charged on the $150? Or does the payment due only apply to the old balance?

    2 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • When to apply for PLC?

    I'm currently a freshman in my 2nd semester of college, and I'm planning on transferring to a bigger university for my junior year. Anyway, I plan on shooting for PLC-Combined the summer between my Jr. and Sr. year. Should I be talking to an OSO right now to start on the application process, or could I talk to one later, once I begin my Jr. year, after getting situated school-wise?

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Taking out a loan higher than the price of vehicle?

    If you were wanting to buy a motorcycle or car that was, say, $4500, but the lowest amount a bank will issue a loan for is $5000, would you still be able to take it, or would they turn you down? Wouldn't you be able to just take the loan and put the leftover money towards the loan repayment?


    3 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • Clutch fully engaged without throttle?

    It's been a while, but say you were riding around a parking lot or something(1st gear), if you fully release the clutch without any throttle, the engine dies, right? Or can you still cruise around? Or would you only be able to engage about 50% of the clutch to cruise?

    7 AnswersMotorcycles8 years ago
  • American Eagle Credit Card?

    So, I was told that I would get a discount and whatnot for the credit card, but I guess the guy at the register was just lying and did not inform me of that until after applying for it. Is there any way I can cancel it before it goes through? Or will I have to cancel it when I get the card and info? Won't that hurt my credit score, to cancel it after it goes through?

    1 AnswerCredit8 years ago
  • Which jacket do you like more?


    Just choosing a new winter jacket. Which would you guys choose? If you're a female, which would you like more on a guy? Thanks!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Buying a motorcycle from an out of state do I pay with debit card, if possible?

    I'm looking to purchase a motorcycle from a dealership in another state. If I were to pay with my debit card, how do I do this, since they don't use PayPal? Do I just send them my debit card info?

    1 AnswerBuying & Selling9 years ago
  • Will she forgive me and will I have any chance of getting her back?

    My ex girlfriend(she broke up with me) and I have been talking and getting really close. I told her about how some of my friends refer to her as a female dog(b word) and how I should move on and stop talking to her, that she isn't worth it. I've also said she acted like a B one time about 6 months ago and that was the only time. She apparently hasn't let it go and it still upset her even though I've done the best I could.

    I came over to her house and tried talking to her but she was quiet and obviously still upset. It feels like she will never forgive me, but do you think she will? She said all it would take is time but how long do you think that would be? I just want her to be happy and we were really close to getting back together. Did I just blow all my chances of ever getting her back?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Girlfriend and I broke up. Still friends but...?

    She broke up with me saying she thinks we'd be better as friends and didn't feel a "spark." Yet she goes on to tell me about my good characteristics and how any girl would be lucky to have me. Why would she say something like that? Why would she just want to be friends?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What do you do when you're with your girlfriend and?

    She runs into and starts conversation with a friend or something she's known for a long time, basically all her life and they've never even seen you before? Stand away from them and let her talk? Or stand next to her, just listening or whatever?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • If your girlfriend is thinking about breaking up with you?

    But she doesn't know for sure yet. Is there even a point to trying to save the relationship? If she's even thinking about breaking up doesn't that mean she doesn't really like you anymore?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Girlfriend's friend said she could do better?

    What is that supposed to mean?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Would this plan work? Marine Corps then college?

    Enlist out of high school, go to college during inactive duty using GI Bill, go to OCS, and get commissioned as an officer?

    9 AnswersMilitary10 years ago