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Lv 2750 points

Stephanie D

Favorite Answers10%
  • Why am I so angry about being left out of my in-laws will?

    There are 4 boys in my husbands family. Each have wives and kids except for us. I cannot have kids which is good because he didn't want any-ever! My mother-in-law says the inheritance follows the blood line. When they die, it goes to the sons. And if they (the sons) die, it goes to their children. My husband flat out asked if that means for whatever reason he should pass then I (his wife) will be left out? The answer was yes. We have been married for 18 years and his argument was that he is pretty sure by now I am part of the family. I can see that his parents excluding me has put a light strain on their relationship. I play it off like its no big deal but I am angry at them for how this has made him feel. Also it does not make me feel like I am or was part of the family. That she sees me as an outsider after 18 years. My husband didn't have to tell me all this but he did. How do we, or can we, look at them the same way as before this conversation happened? I am not sure. Why am I so angry over this?

    7 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Why do women on TV entertainment shows keep injecting their faces with crap. Do they think we won't notice?

    The latest botox, restelayne, butt fat injections to the face victim is Maria Menounos from Extra. Like we wouldn't notice.

    3 AnswersTalk Shows8 years ago
  • What would you like to erase from pop culture that you think would change the world for the better? And why?

    I choose the Jerry Springer show. People that have grown up with it think that acting that way is Ok and normal. I would like to tell them all it is not. Please respect each other and treat each other with decency.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Ghost or demon in the house?

    My sister and her husband confessed to each other that they had seen a dark figure walking on all fours but then standing upright like a person for the past couple days within their new home. Just something you catch out of the corner of your eye and then its gone. You think you must just be tired and are seeing stuff. It freaked them out when they knew they both had seen it. So they went outside and said prayers over the house for the thing to leave. When they came back in to check on her husbands mentally challenged sister who stays with them for a weekend every so often, she looked at them and said-now you have really made him mad. She did not know they were just out side praying for the thing to leave. So now they were more freaked out and took the sister outside to pray in a circle for their safety and well being in the home. While trying to recite the "Our Father" and "Hail Mary" prayers, they became confused and forgot the words at least 3 times and had to start over each time. They came back in and the sister did not sense anything and they have not seen anything since they all prayed. Do you think this was a demon following the sister or something that might have come with the house? How do you stop this from happening again? What walks like a dog and then stands like a human? I tried to do research but came up with nothing. I am thoroughly freaked out and I am very scared for them.

    5 AnswersParanormal Phenomena8 years ago
  • How do you thank your boss for the Hershey with Almonds wrapped in a customer appreciation wrapper?

    Last year all 120 employees of a 14 million dollar a year company got leftover Hershey bars wrapped in a custom wrapper that were leftover customer appreciation gifts. There was nothing else. No bonuses, no luncheon, nothing. I even gave the President of the company a hand blown glass ornament with the general theme of the company. Hunting. I never even got acknowledgement for it. I hand delivered it to his office and set it on his desk. There are only 120 of us, he knows all our names. I don't know what has me more frustrated, the candy as a Christmas bonus or the fact that I spent some of my hard earned 9 dollars an hour on someone that does not appreciate any of us. Should i have sent a thank you note or would it have come across as arrogant. Thanking someone for a candy bar?

    3 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Was I fired for inquiring about something my company was doing wrong?

    My old supervisors name was never taken off of important documents sent to customers. I inquired about this at least 3 times, and I was fired within hours of the third inquiry(9/27/2012). How serious is using someones name for 2 months after they quit? I am talking about keeping the name on the Power of Attorney for International shipments through FedEx and UPS and all domestic shipments too. This has to violate some rules somewhere.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Why are the skin color terms of black and white even an issue in 2012?

    I am of Polish descent. I am white skinned, but never in the past 200 years, a slave owner. Why is this assumed by the black community that I was? White skin=slave owner and all of the prejudices that go with it? I don't think so. All I see are people. Happy, sad, mean, nice, tall, short, not color.

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • Best diet pill for weight loss and energy?

    I just hit 170 pounds and I'd like to be 135 pounds again. It took me 15 years to gain 35 pounds but I'd like to lose it in 3-6 months. Plus just turning 40 did not help my metabolism.

    17 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion on "mud bogging"?

    Guys and gals with big trucks and tires playing on private land for the fun of it. Keeps the kids out of the bean fields. Good "clean" fun!

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • I cannot afford 17 Christmas gifts on an $8.00 hr job but my inlaws insist on gift exchanges.?

    I had to save up all year for the $350.00 I spent on them. I could only manage about $20 a person and at that level they got more practical than lavish gifts. I would like to propose a family gift exchange where each of us picks a family (brother in law, wife, and 3 kids) and spends a total of $100.00 on a family gift. Better yet I'd like to give that money to a charity in their name, but I know they'd have none of that. I do like to see the looks on their faces as they open their items, because I put a lot of thought into each gift, but I hate the going broke part. Plus now that I think of it, my husband and I only recieved a single gift from each family this year, a total of 5. I bought 17 freaking gifts. How do I fix this??

    16 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite brand of bow.?

    Do you use it for hunting or archery. How often do you change the string? I'm thinking of getting a bow by Ross. Where do you buy yours? Online? At Gander Mountain?

    6 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • I have a friend who puts Ketchup on everything.?

    We were dining out and the menu was a filet mignon and a half lobster tail with a summer squash and cauliflower medley and a nice helping of wild rice and she asked the waiter for ketchup. I thought he was going to poop his pants. He said he would check to see if they had any and of course they didn't. I know people can eat whatever they want but I find this quite embarassing. Ketchup to me is a condiment used to cover up the taste of something. She even puts it on $17.99 a pound beef tenderloin. I find this so disturbing that I don't want to eat with her. I guess part of it is, if she does not get ketchup she rants quite loudly on how she was denied it. She even eats it on chicken and appetizer platter foods. She can't cook to save her butt so I understand the ketchup addiction. But when other people cook and you know it is going to be good, shouldn't we skip the ketchup?

    7 AnswersOther - US Dining Out1 decade ago
  • Stevia. Is it really a good sugar substitute?

    Is it sweeter dried or fresh? I tried to grow it from seeds I bought off of E-bay last year and nothing happened. Is it worth my time to find plugs? Can you make more plants from stem cuttings?

    5 AnswersBotany1 decade ago
  • Crazy guy stalking my friend on and off for the last 2 years. He's "on" again.?

    He's an ex-boyfriend. He calles her 10 times an hour all day long. Shows up at her home. She calls the cops and he leaves. Leaves 30 voice mail messages on her cell daily. Pays a loser at the cell phone company to get her new phone number because she's changed it 10 times. He did not tell her he was married for the first 18 months of the relationship. He's in a band and has a wierd work shedule so it was not obvious. His voice mail messages say things like "oh baby you know we were so good together, wasn't last summer fun? Now pick up the phone when I call you so we can talk". Then in the next breath he says "you probably can't pick up the phone because you are boning someone right now, aren't you? You stupid sl*t, you would not have to be with anyone else if you would take me back. You know I love you". All of this has been documented by police but there is nothing they can do until he either hits her or does something drastic. I don't want it to get to that. What can we do?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Am I being selfish because just one time I'd like to come home to dinner on the table?

    I would just like something in return and I don't know how to ask for it without sounding like I'm nagging. Yes my husband works a 40 hour work week but all he does is come home, sit in his recliner and watch T.V. I work, come home, make dinner, feed the animals, do laundry, vaccuum, wash the bed covers, shovel snow/mow the lawn, pay the bills, sort the mail, grocery shop, I do it all. I understand that if I lived alone, I'd have to do all these things for myself anyway. What makes him exempt from all this. Yes he is spoiled and I love spoiling him but I need some help here digging out of the hole I've made. The things he does are very inconsiderate. If I have to work late and he knows there will be no dinner for him he'll order a pizza for himself-he'll never think about making or getting dinner for the 2 of us, just dinner for him. He never thinks past himself and I am very angry. Everything I do is for 2, everything he does is for him. I'm so unhappy. Help!

    20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Can you buy a DVD of "The Friendly Giant" anywhere?

    This was a kids show I watched in the 70's. There was a rooster and a giraffe too. It opened with a shot of a castle and ended with the drawbridge closing and a cow jumping over the moon. Anyone remember it? I can't find it anywhere.

    2 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • I found a stain in my bra where my nipple sits.?

    My bras are tan and the stain looks gray (in both cups)and is as big as my whole nipple. I have no discharge. I am not pregnant and have no children. I am not on my period. I have found this in 3 bras in a week. The one that is stained the worst is the bra I had on during an especially stressful day at work. I have noticed a few acne flare ups in the last 2 weeks. Could this all be from stress?

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago