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Do you know of a good forum to discuss philosophy and spirituality?
I am looking for an online forum that works like YA but where there are some people who know something, and who have a mental age above 10
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoDelivery van insurance?
Hi, my friend would like to start a small delivery firm, but he has been told by a couple of firms that it will cost at least £450 per month to insure (in the uk)
Is this right, or are they trying to con him?
It seems eccesive to me.
I have looked on the internet but all the sites require you to give them a lot of information I don't have, before they will give a quote.
2 AnswersInsurance8 years agoThe HDMI ports on My Panasonic TV have stopped working, I need help.?
Hi, this is what happened.
I had my PS3 plugged in to HDMI 1, it worked fine.
Then I got a new PVR and plugged that into HDMI 1, and that worked fine,no problems.
Then I wanted to plug my PS3 back into the TV so I plugged it into HDMI 2. It did not work, I only got sound but no picture.
So I swapped them over, and now neither the PVR or the PS3 will work at all.
I have new HDMI leads which were working fine, and I have also added a good quality HDMI switch box so that both devices can be plugged into one HDMI. I did this because the manual for the TV seems to say that HDMI 2 is only for digital audio.
So, I know that the two devices are compatible with my TV and HDMI.
I know that my HDMI leads are in good working order, and there is no way that the HDMI socket on the TV could have been physically damaged.
Please can you tell me what I can do to make them work.
Thank You.
3 AnswersTVs8 years agoHi, I have a problem connecting my PS3 through hdmi 2 since connecting a panasonice PVR to my Panasonic tv?
Since connecting the pvr to hdmi 1, and connecting the PS3 to hdmi 2, I can here the sound of the PS3 but have no picture.
I've tried swapping them around between the three HDMI inputs, and I have switched off the powersave function on the TV.
Both the TV and PVR are Panasonic viera, the PVR does not have a scart socket.
Thanks for any advise
2 AnswersTVs8 years agoTrying to find out about gallT glass.?
Hi, I'm trying to find a site that will tell me about gallT glass, and what it's worth, but I haven't been able to find anything useful.
Can you give me a link to a good site?
Thank you:)
1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoSetting analogue time on a Crane & Viceroy radio controlled watch?
I have a Crane & Viceroy radio controlled wach, which has a window on the dial with the digital time (which is correct) and also analogue clock hands.
It has four buttons, but I cannot find a way to set the analogue hands to the right time, have tried all different combinations, there does not appear to be a seperate way to set the time.
Thank you:)
4 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade agoQuestion about CoreFoundation.dll?
Hi. Recently I have been getting a pop-up on my screen when I turn my PC on, which says that it can't find CoreFoundation.dll, and that re-installing it may help.
I went to the site, and downloaded it, but I can't find it on my PC's list of programmes. But, when I go to control panel "Set Associations" it does show up on the list. I set it to Internet Explorer which was recommended (that's my default browser). But I am still getting the same pop-up, and can't find a way to install the programme.
Could it have anything to do with Apple Bonjour/Quicktime having been un-installed. I have re-installed Quicktime, but not bonjour:)
2 AnswersSecurity1 decade agoConnection to WiFi problem with PS3?
I have a WiFi router, N class. I've been told that the PS3 is not yet compatible with N class routers, which is why I'm not getting my full broadband speed on my PS3.
Can you connect your PS3 to a WiFi router using an ethernet cable, or do you need a wired router?
If I can connect it to a WiFi router, will the fact that it is an N class router still be a problem, or will using an ethernet cable get around that problem?
Currently, I have 20Mb broadband, which I get on my PC, but I'm only getting 3.0 Mb on my PS3, even though the signal strength is 100%
I have a D-Link DIR-615 WiFi router, but I also have a Netgear G class router that I could use:)
Thank You
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoConnecting PS3 to WiFi router using an ethernet cable?
I have a WiFi router, N class. I've been told that the PS3 is not yet compatible with N class routers, which is why I'm not getting my full broadband speed on my PS3.
Can you connect your PS3 to a WiFi router using an ethernet cable, or do you need a wired router?
If I can connect it to a WiFi router, will the fact that it is an N class router still be a problem, or will using an ethernet cable get around that problem?
Currently, I have 20Mb broadband, which I get on my PC, but I'm only getting 3.0 Mb on my PS3, even though the signal strength is 100%
I have a D-Link DIR-615 WiFi router, but I also have a Netgear G class router that I could use:)
Thank You:)
1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade agoWiFi home network connection problem?
Hi, I have 20Mb cable broadband. I have a new D-link DIR-615 Wireless N home router. When I do speed tests on my PC it shows that I'm getting almost my full speed, ( around 18Mbps) but on my PS3 my connection seems very slow, and the PS3 speed test says I'm only getting 3.0 Mbps.
This router connects to the PC with an ethernet cable, but connects to everything else through WiFi.
Is there something I can do, to get the same speed on my PS3, as I get on my PC?
Thank You:)
3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade agoWiFi connection problem on PS3?
Hi, I have 20Mb cable broadband. I have a new D-link DIR-615 Wireless N home router. When I do speed tests on my PC it shows that I'm getting almost my full speed, ( around 18Mbps) but on my PS3 my connection seems very slow, and the PS3 speed test says I'm only getting 3.0 Mbps.
This router connects to the PC with an ethernet cable, but connects to everything else through WiFi.
Is there something I can do, to get the same speed on my PS3, as I get on my PC?
Thank You:)
5 AnswersPlayStation1 decade agoAsssins Creed II, Uplay exclusive map?
I unlocked an exclusive map on Uplay, but I can't find it.
What is it, and how do I use it?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoA problem un-installing old 4OD plug-in/player?
I am trying to un-install the old 4OD plug in, because Delivery Manager has stopped working, and I was told it may be being caused by 4OD.
When I click to uninstall 4OD, the Wisard starts up, but when I click "Remove" this message pops up: " Error 2738. Could not access VB Script run time for custom action".
Then another window says: "The wizard was interrupted before 4OD ould be completely installed. Your system has not been modified. To complete installation at another time, please run setup again".
But, of course, I don't want to install it, I want to un-install it, and it won't let me do either.
So, how can I uninstall 4OD, and is it likely to help fix Delivery Manager?
Thank you:)
3 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoPS3 connecting to smart-phone over WiFi?
My PS3 has started trying to connect to my phone (Nokia N86) over my WiFi network.
Is it safe for me to click yes on my phone and allow the PS3 to connect to it, or will it cause a problem.
Thank you:)
If I do let it connect, will I be able to transfer data like photo's and music, from one to the other?
2 AnswersPlayStation1 decade agoBest place to import Japanese PS3 games to the UK?
I live in the UK and there are one or two Japanese versions of PS3 games that I'd like, and also games like Bayonetta, what is the best place online to buy them:)
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoIdentifying an experiment with atoms and the person who did it?
Hi, I've asked this question before but I didn't get the reply I needed, so I'll try to be clearer this time, lol.
I have heard at various times, during programmes about physics and heard this experiment mentioned, but I do not know the details. It was this.
He split an atom, and separated half the particles off from the other half. He observed that the particles on one side of the partition continued to behave in an identical way to the particles in the other half. (of course, not in the same way as a whole atom, as someone suggested last time), but identical to each other.
As far as I could find out, it was not Ernest Rutherford or Cockcroft, I think this experiment was a lot more resent.
So, who did it and do you have a link to a page that describes the experiment in easy to understand terms?
Thank you.
3 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoWhat is the experiment that appears to show that an atom can exist in two places at once?
Someone mentioned an experiment, where they fired an atom through something, and on to something else, lol, sorry, that showed that although one atom was fired through, two atoms were detected. Who did this experiment, and what is it called?
Thank you:)
7 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoWhat is the name of the man who split an atom, and observed that the two halves did the same thing?
The experiment where he split the atom in two, seperated the two halves, and showed that each half still behaved in an identical way even when seperated, and what is the experiment called?
Thank you:)
3 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoUrgent help with PS3 needed:) In UK?
I have a new hard drive for my PS3, but I cannot remove one of the small silver screws, (not the blue one) in the hrd drive caddie. The screw head has become "mashed and bald" lol. How can I remove it?
Or, where can I get a new caddie. I have looked on sites that claim to have PS3 spare parts but none of them mention hard drive caddies, and the PC shops don't seem to have one that would fit.
Any help and advise much apprciated
Thank You:)
1 AnswerPlayStation1 decade agoBuying region 0 dvd's from USA sites, from the UK:)?
I need to buy a TV series which I can only find on American sites, but I don't know which sites are reputable. Do you know any that you would reccomend. Not Amazon, it doesn't have the one I'm looking for.
I'm looking for First Wave on Region 0 or 2
2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago