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  • does anyone farm chickens?

    My situation is;

    I have 2 broody hens sitting 2 separate nest, side by side without partition. Under these hens I have set several clutches of guinea eggs.

    In the beginning I had only one broody hen and I marked with dates several clutches of eggs put them under her at different times with the intent that when she left the nest after the first clutch hatched I will raid the nest and put remaining eggs in an incubator. Sounded like a good plan to me.

    A 2nd broody took to setting next to 1st broody in an adjacent nest. "WOW, so cool, now I can hatch more eggs!" I collected more guinea eggs from a neighbors flock to set and found first broody had given second broody about half her eggs. UH OH! this is getting complicated now! Now I have close to 60 guinea eggs under the 2 hens due to hatch all within 9 days of each other.

    I know hens will leave the nest within about 36 hours after the hatch begins, my question is, will they leave the nest together if I keep the eggs from hatching under both hens at same time?

    I candled eggs and put the most mature eggs under broody number 1 in hopes that broody number 2 will stay with the remaining eggs in the nest. Now they are swapping nest, seems each time they come out to eat they go back to the opposite nest?

    July 2 - 12 hatch, the 4th 8 hatch, the 8th 8 hatch, the 10th 21 hatch, the 11th 12 hatch. I hope the 2nd broody will stay with the nest until the 10th.

    Any suggestions besides "Don't do that again." ?

    1 AnswerAgriculture7 years ago
  • yahoo doesn't offer a "farm" catagory a "BROODY HENS" question?

    My situation is;

    I have 2 broody hens sitting 2 separate nest, side by side without partition. Under these hens I have set several clutches of guinea eggs.

    In the beginning I had only one broody hen and I marked with dates several clutches of eggs put them under her at different times with the intent that when she left the nest after the first clutch hatched I will raid the nest and put remaining eggs in an incubator. Sounded like a good plan to me.

    A 2nd broody took to setting next to 1st broody in an adjacent nest. "WOW, so cool, now I can hatch more eggs!" I collected more guinea eggs from a neighbors flock to set and found first broody had given second broody about half her eggs. UH OH! this is getting complicated now! Now I have close to 60 guinea eggs under the 2 hens due to hatch all within 9 days of each other.

    I know hens will leave the nest within about 36 hours after the hatch begins, my question is, will they leave the nest together if I keep the eggs from hatching under both hens at same time?

    I candled eggs and put the most mature eggs under broody number 1 in hopes that broody number 2 will stay with the remaining eggs in the nest. Now they are swapping nest, seems each time they come out to eat they go back to the opposite nest?

    July 2 - 12 hatch, the 4th 8 hatch, the 8th 8 hatch, the 10th 21 hatch, the 11th 12 hatch. I hope the 2nd broody will stay with the nest until the 10th.

    Any suggestions besides "Don't do that again." ?

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden7 years ago
  • the easiest cheapest way to remove an eastern red cedar stump?

    I am helping my neighbor clear about 1/3 acre of stretched eastern red cedar trees. They were planted close together so they would grow tall with very few lower branches, so there are LOTS of trees in this small area. Now that most the trees are cut comes the stump removal. As we all know red cedar is very rot resistant so rotting a red cedar stump is easier said than done. I have researched stump removal online extensively and I get what sounds like good ideas but am sceptical because I am dealing with a rot resistant wood. They are in pretty rocky soil so the heart wood is very abundant. the sap wood rots away pretty quickly in some instances but the heart wood is known to last for over 100 years. I tried drilling holes into the stump and channeling them together to make air vent to burn with diesel fuel but with upwards of 50 stumps it will cost a fortune in drill bits as the chrystaline in the heart wood dull cutters very quickly.

    I am not well versed on stump grinders and am sceptical because of the rocky ( lots of rocks the size of basket balls on down) soil. Any and all suggestions will be GREATLY appreciated.

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • sire will not breed ever hear of this?

    before you go and get your panties all in a wad and be calling BYB. Am not BYB. Get off that kick. I have never heard of a dog refusing to breed, I know Bitches to be selective and that is actually pretty common, but never a dog that is selective. He is in perfect health and has been used 4 previous times, he knows what to do. His vet has never heard of such a thing.

    I have heard it about stallions but never dogs. Anyone know anyting about this?

    11 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Sire will not breed please help me understand this.?

    Before you start going off with comments about the pet population. I breed show dogs.

    I have a sire that is 5 years old and has been used at least 4 times, he knows what to do.

    I have a ***** in heat and is READY to stand, like she is putting her stuff all up in his face and flagging. He sniffs her and won't make any effort whatsoever to mount her. He is interested in his first love, we had to have her spayed but that's been over 2 years ago.

    I have never heard of a dog being monogamous? Is this common?

    11 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Sire will have nothing to do with ***** in heat?

    Before you start going off with comments about the pet population. I breed show dogs.

    I have a sire that is 5 years old and has been used at least 4 times, he knows what to do.

    I have a ***** in heat and is READY to stand, like she is putting her stuff all up in his face and flagging. He sniffs her and won't make any effort whatsoever to mount her. He is interested in his first love, we had to have her spayed but that's been over 2 years ago.

    Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersOther - Pets7 years ago
  • why do I get unknown calls and when I answer?

    the call no one answers, it's like a dead call? This happens almost everyday. Is it a way to eavesdrop on me somehow? Is there anything I can or should do to protect my privacy if it is someone snooping on me? Does anyone have a clue what is happening?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Crispy, tender, juicy fried chicken?

    I'm looking for ideas on how to make crispy, tender, juicy fried chicken.

    Please explain the process you use.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • how to change settings?

    I would like to know how to change my messenger settings. does being on a mac make a difference? seems I never had this problem on pc

    1 AnswerPreferences and Settings1 decade ago