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I have a B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Michigan (minors in Women's Studies, Sociology, and Psychology). I currently work in childcare and help people with physical and mental disabilities. I love my three cats, my extensive family, and am greatfull for every chance I get to make a change (for the better) in my community. I am a vegetarian, a bisexual, a feminist, a Buddhist, a painter, a drummer, a baker, a social activist, an avid reader, an NPR listener, a progressive/Liberal, a green tea drinker, a theatre-goer, a collector of costumes and fantasical accesories, a singer, a dreamer, and a lover of laugher. Some Books That Changed My Life: "The Mists of Avalon" "American Fuji" "Stranger in A Strange Land" "Eichmann in Jerusalem: ...The Banality of Evil" "Why Buddhism?" "The Food Revolution" "The Sexual Politics of Meat" "The Paperbag Princess

  • How do I rid my pantry of a grain and salt eating insect parasite?

    My pantry is full of little, crawling insects, which appear to have wings but which I have never seen fly. They are dark and each a bit smaller than a grain of rice. Here's what I've done in an effort to get rid of them.

    I disposed of all grain products, dry food products, and products with salt or refined sugars. I bleached down tin cans of food, glass bottles of vinegar and molasses, and aerosol cans of butter substitutes. I washed the cabinet out with bleach water and double washed all cookware with bleach and hot water.

    I painted the inside of the pantry and the shelves with "KILZ" white paint. I put cocoa proucts and spices which appeared free of insects in the pantry and have not yet moved them back.

    BUT THE BUGS ARE BACK! Even though there is no grain...they latched onto a jar of table salt I put back in the pantry a few days after the paint dried and they are everywhere!


    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to get gasoline/its smell out of cotton clothing?

    Please only respond if you've had actual experience with this problem...plenty of people without experience have suggested vinegar or milk, but I have my doubts.

    And, if possible, give the specific product name of whatever you used to get the gasoline out...or at least where you bought it.

    6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Question about cat with severe swelling of the foot!?

    My cat had what was supposed to be a minor surgery yesterday. The vet removed an abnormal growth (lump), sent it off for further lab tests, and stitched up his leg. I was worried when I found out it had taken 14 stitches, and more so when I saw his leg was 2X normal size.

    Within 12 hours, that swelling doubled...all of it BELOW the surgical site (the site is not swollen or discolored). The vet told me to start him on 1 ml penicillen twice a day. A few hours after the first dose, the swelling got so bad that his pads split and bled. I took him to the vet and insisted on an exam. He was taken in and given an antibiotic injection, but the vet didn't talk to me or even see me.

    I am scared about what kind of "infection" (that's what the vet says is causing this) would work so fast, and don't know what to do. If it isn't showing signs of improvement in 20 more hours, I plan to take him to a different vet.

    What condition should I suggest they test for? What should I do, for now?

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My cat may have cancer. What can I do to improve his health/chances?

    Merlin is 12 years old. He has already been scheduled for surgery, later this month, to removed the large tumor (which is on his hind leg), but the results from biopsy won't be back until May 1st.

    In general, he has experienced good health, and is active, though chubby (12.8 pounds). He lives with two female cats, one older and one much younger. They all eat a high quality dry food, for "sensetive skin," and are much-loved indoor cats.

    I know the usual answers (chemotherapy, vet-precribed medication), but was hoping that pet lovers might have some other ideas, foods or supplements he could injest, homeopathic remedies, medical therapies that have worked for pets you know, specific medications that worked wonders for your "baby," etc.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • You believe in Free Speech/are registering people to vote. A Nazi invites you in. Do you offer to register?

    Suppose also that you are offering to register people because you want to make a positive difference in the world, and you have no problem registering people who are Democrat or Republican or Green Party or Independent...but the Nazi flag on the wall strikes fear into your stomach.

    Your grandparents died in a concentration camp; this man wasn't responsible but people that share his values were. Yet, you want a country in which everyone participates in the political process and you believe in equality/not discriminating.

    What do you do?

    This is a dilemma my mother was once faced with, and she has often asked me how I would deal with such a situation.

    I think I know how I would react, but I'd love to hear how other people feel about it, as it deals with such complex issues like free speech, the desire to have active voters, party politics, racism/sexism/homophobia, etc.

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 decades ago
  • If you could enjoy a meal with any 8 people from history, who would they be and what would you talk about?

    I would choose:

    Margaret Cho, Korean-American comedian

    (for laughs and current political input)

    Anjolina Jolie (because her interview on "In the Actor's Studio" made me understand that there were other people "like me" out there, with firey natures, who are often misunderstood, and who are so driven that if they aren't given productive opportunities will harm themselves, but who can make a real difference)

    Jesus Christ (I'd like to clear up some misunderstandings and get his perspective on Gnostic gospels and divinity)

    Alice Paul (women's suffragist, who would have a lot to say on gender and feminism, I'm sure)

    Cleopatra (I'd love to learn about the politics of Egypt/Rome, her negotiating skills, her lovers, etc.)

    Jim Henson (a great promoter of peace and multi-culturalism, as well as an artist and educator, I admire his work and legacy)

    The Buddha (I'd like to learn more from the source!)


    We'd talk current and ancient politics, religion, social change

    12 AnswersAnthropology2 decades ago
  • If you could choose 5 events from history in which to participate and/or observe, which would you choose?

    For instance, in no particular order, I would want to participate in the Great Salt March of M. Gandhi in India, as well as see Frida Kahlo work on one of her self-portraits. I would also like to witness an original Shakespeare production of "A Midsummer's Night Dream," and act to save wise women from persecution during the Salem Witch Trials. Last but far from least, I would like to have heard Sojourner Truth give her "Ain't I A Woman" speech.

    13 AnswersHistory2 decades ago