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Fefe is a nickname I named myself because I like it.LOL.My full name is Farhana Mustafa.I am muslim.But not those kind of muslims in Iraq.The kind in Bangladesh.That's between India and Pakistan.I'm smart and my avertar looks exactly like me LOL.

  • Who won the last game in jordan brand classics 2010?

    I was there for almost all of it. First game with City vs. Suburbs. Suburbs won.

    2nd game White Vs Black. White won.

    3rd game East Vs West. East was down at least 20 points in the first half. 2nd half they were catching up but then I had to leave Madison Square Garden. So I dont know who won...

    Do you know who won ? East or west? I hope East !

    1 AnswerBasketball1 decade ago
  • Why Am I So Cold When It's So Hot Outside?

    I live in New York, and it is currently 74 degrees.

    Im home and the air conditioner wasn't touched since August 2009.

    Yet im FREEZING. I have goosebumps all over my body and im shivering. If i touch my mom with my bare hands; she jumps up because of the cold touch.

    This problem happens during school, too. The AC's dont turn on until May and Its only april.. My classmates complain it's hot but I'm the only one who's shivering.

    what is WRONG with me?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Who here remembers the date of the First Day Of Public School in 2006 for Bronx New York ?

    I'm trying to calculate me & my best friend's anniversary date of when we first met =] It was the third day of school in 2006 when she came as a new student so all I know is that its in September 2006. But I DOnt know the date.. Help me out ? =D

    1 AnswerNew York City1 decade ago
  • Can not connect to iTunes ?

    ON my iPod touch, Im trying to update my apps from my iPod. [iTried computer but the updates somehow disappear and its stressinq)

    well i have like 20 updates & i really want them because the apps got Annoying bugs on them but when i click update IT ALWAYS SAYS can not connect to iTune when my Wifi is working perfectly and iCan access the iTunes store right from my iPod.

    i even enabled my iTunes from My Apple iD account and iEven updated my iTunes Software on my computer but NOTHING IS WORKING. Keeps showing CanNot Connect to iTunes when i try to update apps. VEry frustrating. Can you help ? Thanks :]

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Compute the value of x is 12^5 = (2)^x (3)^5?

    Could to explain how to do this problem ? Thank you.

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • What makes anyone have any of these ?

    I believe I have no allergies what so ever & I am not allergic to anything. But I have asthma.

    My Friends have allergies and are allergic to something and a best friend of mine has asthma, allergies, and is allergic to many things.

    What makes someone have allergies?

    What makes someone have asthma ?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Cold Skin but not being cold ?

    I'm a January baby and it's fall where I live and the temperatures are around the early 60's now. And I barely wear sweaters and I wear short sleeve t-shirts. All of my friends say it's cold and they are wearing sweaters. When Someone is warm, and they touch me, they say Im really cold. I can even feel the coldness of my skin. But yet I'm not cold at all. No goosebumps, no cough or cold that I have. I feel warm but my skin is really cold. Why is that ?

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Why does this happen when I do my laundry ?

    I just recently hand washed my dark blue basketball shorts and i soaked it a few times in warm water and when I took out the shorts from the water, it was plain. No changes to it. Then I added a very small amount of laundry detergent, which the liquid color was blue, den i started scrubbing and what not and the water became really dirty, like dark grey.

    Is it the soap that made the water color change or was the shorts really dirty and that the soap just got out the dirt?

    Why didn't the water get some of the dirt out instead of nothing ?

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • How do you solve this math problem ?

    3x - 12 = 5x

    How do you find x ? And what is x ?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • How can I make my hair not frizzy?!?

    I don't have curly hair.. My hair was natually straight, now it's a lil' wavy.. And when I wash my hair, and it gets dry, it's soo frizzy!! I hate it!! My mom keeps telling me to put Johnson's baby Oil in my hair. It gets sooo oily, and icky.. but it doesnt cause my hair to be frizzy.. But i really hate the Baby Oil because after a few days when it's still on my hair, theres this odor.. When the odor comes, I gotta wash my hair all over again, and re-apply the stupid Baby Oil!!

    I see my friends hair, and it's straight and it's not frizzy at all!! She didn't even use Baby Oil.. I dont get it..

    Is there a product to make your hair not frizzy, and not oily?

    Or is there a way to do it?

    Please help me.. Thanksx :] <3

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • ]'= I need a myspace display name ='[?

    Ugh I had my myspace display name for a little while now.. [4 months.. ='[ ] and i need a new one.. but my mind is totally blank!! can you help me?

    Well my name is Farhana

    But my nickname is Fefe

    I'm in suuuuch a happy mood right now.. so i wanna express it =]

    and i dont want "haters fallbak!! it's fefe!!" cuz i'm not that type of person who is always like "idc about haters" and "i love my haters, cuz they thinking about me" and blah blah blah. it's annoying to me.

    thank again ;]

    4 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • Is it bad to be very depressed?

    Like I'm young and I think I'm depressed.I am stressed,too.Some of my hair falls off only like strings of it.Not a bunch.And I have asthma and everyday my throat closes up a little bit so it's hard to breathe.And I have after school until 6 o'clock and one of my bestest friends doesn't go to after school,other only has one activity with me,and the one who told me about the program has only 1 activity with me,too.We used to be in all 3.Dance,cooking,and fencing.I got kiked out of dance but she is still in it,my friend is thinking of switching to another program because we don't have enouph time to cook,and the last one she is not coming because she dont like fencing anymore.And I was almost completly silent today for fencing.I only spoke to about 4 boys there and the teacher.So do you think it's bad to be depressed at a young age?

    14 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Can you tell me 5 things that make a newspaper article interesting?

    Please be serious now and give me a REAL answer.Please and thank you. :)

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Is it ok to eat a whole lot of candy for halloween?

    I'm asking because my friend and I wanted to save up our money and buy halloween candy on the day of halloween.but my friend aint doing it anymore lol but i am gonna spend 20 dollars of candy

    on that day or less and im not sure if its healthy because im gaining a lil weight.So is it ok or not?

    33 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Hi can you help me out?

    Ok can you give me 10 facts about Benjemin Frankin?I am trying to learn more about him.Thanks!

    8 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Hi can you help me out?

    Ok can you give me 10 facts about Benjemin Frankin?I am trying to learn more about him.Thanks!

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • ok i need some tips please and thank you :)?

    Ok umm well i have a after school program that lasts till 6:00 and i have dance class every Monday and Friday and there is two dance teachers, one named Miss Joy and the other is Tyreek but Tyreek is mean but cute LOL.I was in a different group as my friend in dance and I had Miss Joy and my friend had Tyreek and she told me that Tyreek is evil and he didn't care if she got hurt and was crying.And i don't want to do wrong dance moves and I am not that flexable because we are doing Ciara 1,2 step and trying to bend back and do that levatating thing but I can't do it because I ain't that flexable.So do you have any tips to make me a little bit more flexable?

    4 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Do you have the dance moves to Ciara 1,2 step?

    I need them because I go to this after school program and it lasts till 6 o'clock and I did dance today and yesterday and I learned a new dance move to Ciara 1,2 step and I danced and when I went to the cafeteria to do our homework my best friend said "Don't take dance anymore" and i said "why?" and then she said "because you can't dance and u embarress me" and she hurted my feelings by that :( but i'm still her friend because i don't have the heart to end our friendship but she plays a lot of tricks on me so I know she lying cuz i don't dance funny.(only if i dont get the moves LOL) so can u help me please?

    6 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Please answer my question!Question in details :)?

    Is there any news about something that's science?Anything exept

    about Pluto (the planet not the dog) being a "dwarf planet" and not being a planet anymore.i know that one already and i love to learn something new about science and is in the news.Please and thank you. :)

    5 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Help me please!I have a question that I am confused about.The question is in the details.?

    Is it true that Pluto (the plantet not the dog) is not a plantet anymore?Please don't say "yes" or "no" i need more details from all of you.Best answer gets 10 points!

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago