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  • Is there a word for someone who is always busy because they mismanage their time?

    I am trying to find a word or phrase to describe a person who is always busy, but when you see them in action they spend most of their time being busy because they mismanage their time. One example I can give is if a person who lives in point A wants to go grocery shopping at point B, but point B is an hour away, and despite the fact there s several options between points A & B, they regularly shop at point B anyway meaning a shopping trip that most people get done in a hour can take as long as three hours for them.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay4 years ago
  • Why don t Android phones include blocking?

    I m not asking "how do I block numbers" there s tons of information about that. I m asking why isn t this feature that s built in already? My previous Android version allowed me to block texts (sort of, the text just went into a separate folder labeled block) but now on my new updated version, Android removed this ability. It seems like a simple feature to add, just select a number in your contacts, and select block. Why don t ​phones have this built in already so I m not searching for apps to do it for me?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans4 years ago
  • Emails being marked Spam even if I check Not Spam?

    Whenever I get an email from Craigslist it goes to the spam folder, if I check it as not spam then it ll go to my inbox, however the next email from Craigslist goes back into my spam folder again. Is there a way to stop this?

    1 AnswerAbuse and Spam5 years ago
  • Is there a name or a phrase for a sales technique where the seller doesn't explain the services very clearly or is ambiguous?

    I'm looking for a specific phrase, like "bait and switch" or something along those lines. I have an issue where someone is trying to get me to buy tickets to an event, but the event's site doesn't say what is happening exactly other than "come enjoy the fun, rain or shine...etc" and doesn't say much else. I tried speaking to an event organizer, and she keeps repeating that the price is cheap compared to other events in the area, without giving me specifics. I want to use the correct phrase when I explain to her that I won't be attending.

  • Sorry, we couldn't post your question right now. Please try again later?

    I keep getting this, when trying to ask a different question, why?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers6 years ago
  • Am I guilty of victim blaming?

    So recently someone I know had gotten out of a relationship in which she was treated very badly. Although I did sympathize with her, I couldn't help but point out that she would routinely post memes and quotes on Facebook along the lines of "I rather have a bad boy than a good guy any day", and other similar posts. Right away she was upset as though I was victim blaming, so I then used the analogy that it is almost like wanting take your kids to the park. You have two parks within walking distance of your home, one is kept clean and neat, but there's only one slide and a swing. The other is littered with broken bottles, and used condoms, and used needles can be found in the sand, but that park has more playground equipment, and therefore is more fun. Which do you take your kids to? Still she thought I was victim blaming, and terminated our friendship. So I'm asking you. Do you think I am victim blaming here or do you think that she does have some responsibility in her choices?

    3 AnswersEtiquette6 years ago
  • Can throttle sensors be bad out of the box?

    I took my car to a auto parts store to have the scan tool test it to tell me what's wrong. The results was a faulty throttle position sensor which is consistent with the car's symptoms. I bought a new one to replace the old one, and my car is still bogging down. So I went back to the store and had them clear the code and rescan. It read a faulty throttle position sensor again. We cleared the code one more time and unplugged my battery just to be sure and the scan still came back the same. They went ahead and ordered me a new TPS to be delivered tomorrow to replace the one I bought. If for some reason the new sensor doesn't work, what is the next most likely problem to cause a scanner to read a bad TPS ? My car is a 2000 Infinity I30 V6

    11 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • Dragon age Inquisition, how do I tell the difference between one and two handed weapons?

    Without having to equip them. When I go to a merchant's table and scroll through his weapons or schematics, I want to be able to tell one handed items from two handed ones. I may be overlooking some detail on the screen. Please don't just send me a link to a weapons list, I don't feel like looking it up every time I buy a new weapon or schematic.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • Should I return my used copy of Shadows of Mordor and buy it new instead?

    I just bought Shadows of Mordor for the ps4 used from GameStop. I get home and see codes inside for free warband missions. Of course these codes have been used and are no good. The missions are not availible to purchase from the PSN store. Its only $10 more for the game new. Would it be worth it to return the game in exchange for a new one? Also would a new game necessarily have the codes? Some codes come with pre order games only.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • I just had my picture taken by a camera radar speed detector?

    Hello, I was just driving down a side road with a speed limit of 25 MPH. I drove past a radar detector with a camera and it flashed, so I am assuming it took my picture. Here is the thing though, I was not speeding, if fact it is a very windy and snowy day today and the roads are very slick so I was driving very slowly past the radar detector as to avoid sliding into the intersection that was just ahead. I estimate I was going in between 15-20 MPH as I passed it. I am not sure at all why this camera radar decided to take my picture. In the past I have driven past them going as much as 7-8 MPH over the speed limit without getting a picture taken, so why did it decide to take my picture while going under the speed limit? Also how can I beat this ticket in court if in fact I do get a ticket in the mail?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • What is the slang word union workers would use to describe someone who works overtime for free?

    I know union workers use a lot of slang words like "Scab" . I was wondering if one exist that describes someone who is a union worker who routinely works off the clock? While we're at it, is there a word for a union worker who does jobs that is not his or her responsibility?

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years ago
  • Is it always bad to settle?

    Sorry for the lengthy question, but please read.

    I have been divorced for 3 years. In this time I've had 3 relationships and 2 other girls that I dated briefly. None of these women have worked out for me basically because they've all had one thing in common, none of them have jobs. Not having money doesn't bother me, but not having responsibilities does, especially at their ages (early to mid 30's). I find that these women I end up with are so out of touch with reality having never earned their own keep, most of these women still lived with their parents. Now the reason I end up with these type of women is simply because I work second shift. I have for the last 15 years. My free time begins around midnight, most working women are in bed by then. I end up meeting women I like but our schedules are not compatible, weekends are not a option since I have visitation with my children. So eventually I meet a woman who is free during my free time and always it's because she doesn't work. So recently I met a nice woman who shares my interest, as a matter of fact we have a whole lot in common, we both have compatible schedules, and she has a job. So it seems like everything should be great, except that her idea of together time is different than mine. During our last date together she got up and left the room to eat ice cream in the kitchen without telling me where she was going or what she was doing, I sat there for a good twenty minutes thinking she really had to go to the bathroom. She has done things like this a lot during our dates. Just getting involved in something else instead of giving any of her attention to me. She once invited me over to hang out before I went into work, and she was on her cell phone the entire time playing games, her dog gave me more attention that day then she did. I told her the other day how I felt about this and how it bothered me, she responded by saying that the last relationship she was in the guy hardly paid any attention to her, so this is what she's used to. I explained that I still think that her level of togetherness has to improve for it to work, now she is questioning if we should even date. Other than our time together feeling less than perfect, I like everything else about her, and given my schedule I can't be too picky. Would I be settling if I just accepted her version of together time? Would this be a bad thing even though I would be less than 100% happy?

    By the way, given my work schedule I've tried internet dating but was not successful. Too many women fail to actually read the ad and just look at my picture and send me messages while completely missing everything that I say that I'm looking for in a woman.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Do I have a moral responsibility to get involved?

    I just recently broke off a relationship with a girl that only lasted a month. She has a two year old son. Her son's father and his family are very much involved in this boy's life, however he does not pay any child support or other expenses because she has not taken him to court. The reason she hasn't taken him to court is because unbeknownst to the father, the boy's official last name isn't his father's last name, but the last name of another man, a married man that she had a year long affair with. This man and his family are spending time with this boy as if he were there own and they are clueless to the fact that he has another man's last name, and adding up the dates from his birth to the affair with the married man, it is very possible the married man is the father. I am not acquainted with any of the people involved in this and my only connection to them is that I dated the mother for a very short period of time. Should I send a anonymous message to the boy's father? Should I inform the married man as well? As far as I know, neither the married man, nor his wife are even aware of this kid.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • I fell for the same lie twice by two different women, why did they do this?

    I recently ended a 10 month long relationship. Soon afterward I was contacted by two different ex girlfriends. Both told me that they regretted losing me and wanted a second chance. One went as far as calling it her biggest regret while the other said she was haunted by her decisions that led me to leave her. Both also told me they they accepted that they were the reason the relationship failed and promised to do anything to fix it. So I decided to give each girl a chance, I dated the first one for about a week and it was apparent to me that she hadn't had any intention of changing her ways as she acted exactly how she did the first time we were together and was repeating the exact behavior that led me to breaking up with her. So I ended things with her and gave the second girl a chance. I dated this one even more briefly as once again the exact same behavior that led to my decision to end things with her was repeating itself. I left both situations feeling like neither one truly regretted anything. I decided to completely delete each of these girls from my life, they are no longer in my phone and have been blocked from Facebook so this doesn't happen again. My question is why would someone say that they regretted all that they have done and practically beg for a second chance, and then just squander that second chance?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why can't I save my Minecraft game on the Xbox 360?

    I have been playing Minecraft for several days now on the Xbox 360, this is a fully purchased game and not a demo. For some strange reason I'm suddenly unable to save my game, when I hit the start button the menu screen pops up and I can scroll down the options but it skips over the "Save Game" option. Also if I select the "Exit Game" hoping to get to the "Exit and Save" option, I instead just get a warning saying "Are you sure you want to exit to the main menu? Your progress will be lost!" I even put the auto save setting to the "every 15 minutes intervals" and even though more than 15 minutes have passed, still no auto save. What's going on here?

    6 AnswersXbox9 years ago
  • What is a word to describe someone who asks for things they didn't earn?

    I am having a tough time coming up with a word that describes a person who constantly feels like they're entitled to things they didn't earn. This could be anything from money to praise.

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Why do film makers do such a bad job making TV shows within their films?

    I have noticed that a lot of movies or TV shows have characters watching TV and sometimes what they watch isn't convincible at all. For instance I was watching a episode of Amazing Stories where a kid turned on a TV to watch a basketball game, they would cut to the TV and we would see the game but it was being shot at angles that would be impossible to do for a real basketball game, it was painfully obvious. A similar situation happened in a movie I recently watched (can't remember which movie) where the two main characters turned on a boxing match and once again the shots and angles of the boxing match would be impossible in a real televised boxing match, sometimes the camera was right inside the ring. In the movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles there was a scene where a reporter (April O'Neil) was interviewing a police Sargent in a live airing of the interview, yet when other characters in the movie were viewing the interview on their TVs we could see obvious editing and shots moving back and forth between the reporter and the police Sargent. This would not happen in a live interview. It ends up looking fake, so why do filmmakers do this?

    4 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Why won't Facebook load on my Android?

    I recently upgraded to a Samsung/Android from Walmart on the straight talk plan. I have no issues getting online or using Youtube or any other online feature but when it come to using Facebook I cannot seem to do anything. Facebook won't load for me, it won't allow me to post any comments and if I try to upload a pic I will get a error message simply saying there was an error in uploading this pic with no explanation as to why there was an error. I did get lucky and at least one time it allowed me to post a pic but I was unable to do it again. Also I used the sync feature to add Facebook profile pics (along with other info) to my existing contacts on my phone, but for some reason only half of my contacts got the Facebook profile pic on my phone while the others did not.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago