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Favorite Answers16%
  • Why are Mosques named after people?

    I'm curious if Islam is against idolism & the honoring of people other then allah or god why are Mosques often built for or named after someone & even house the body of someone then? Do those thens not make the Mosque a shrine to that person & thus defy the rule of idolizing someone?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Media Bias & declaring winners?

    How come the media can call a so called "winner" in an election barely an hour after polls close & with even just 10% of the districts reporting? It's so confusing for example with 18% reporting in they started calling the California senate race for Boxer as the winner even though it also showed them tied still they declared Boxer the winner yet in the race for governor of California with the say 18% reporting & Jerry Brown leading by 3% they weren't calling him a winner yet. Last I checked they Boxer was down 2% but still declared the winner with still only like 27% reporting. Seems like they shouldnt be able to call a winner until at least 40% or better 51% of districts reporting but still they do what gives with that.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Probably lose my man card but how lazy are we guys?

    I'll probably lose my man card but seriously how lazy are most guys? I mean how hard is it to take out the trash, help clear the table or load the disher washer or actually wash them? We can still watch the game or catch up on news. And of course the best annoyance for woman the simple failure of guys to lift the lid let alone aim. I mean seriously how hard is it to lift or put down even half a sleep? Oh I worked 8 hours or 16 hours last thing I want to do is chores around the house yada yada yada. I don't think anyone likes chores let alone having to do some after a long stressful day at work whatever that might be but still really the majority can't man up see the benefit & rewards of taking pride in your place especially if you have a wife or gf around even part time? I mean we know its one of the biggest annoyances or pet peeves women have of men also one of the things they appreciate when it happens yet men don't do it & it's not like their hard or take long to do. I just find it so funny that guys are so lazy & then wonder why women give them a hard time about stuff or the guy doesn't get what he wants. Especially in this day & age when women work usually too & just as long & hard as a guy does yet most guys still dont help out why is that?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Apparently I'm old & behind the times on what chingy means?

    In my day clingy was someone male or female who called everyday or needed to know where someone was even after they knew where they were or who would at a party would get up with their partner & go wherever they did. I think we all can be clingy at times or in situations but I read a Yahoo question from a girl who was asking about a boy who asked her for her number but hadn't called in a few days & why he didn't call. She then asked if this lack of calling was a sign that he was clingy.... Huh? Has the meaning or term changed since my day? I mean even calling someone daily to me doesn't mean someone is necessarily clingy & yet in the question's case he hadn't even done that but she was calling him it anyways? Clingy to me is the first step towards being labeled right or wrong as stalkerish. Has things changed? I hear from people daily even several times a day & even when bad timing or annoying i don't see it as clingy like I would if I went somewhere & a person followed me around especially if everyone already knew we were together.

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Whats with the dating double meanings?

    Why is a shy girl or woman shy but a shy guy insecure? Even if the two havent seen or spoken in a while & just happened to run into each other let alone when its been months if not years since they've talked. Seems a bit understandible one or both might be a bit nervous.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Curious as to whats wrong?

    My friends & family are obviously busy people some married or in relationships some just work alot others going to school as a result of my busy schedule & theirs obviously it can be hard to keep in touch no matter how far or close we are either in distance or in our bond. I find myself though afraid of bugging them especially those who have varing schedules & thus a time or day can't really be nailed down as being a good time to try. Even thoughs like my family who have pretty set schedules I find hard to call because of being afraid of bugging them its only worse when its someone who's schedule varies day or week to week & all will tell me to call anytime & how they want to do just call to set something up yet I find myself often putting off calling afraid of interrupting dinner or something. A few friends have suggested I'm antisocial or insecure which doesn't see fair. I mean I love going out talking to people I love hanging out or having company over i just hate bugging people so it seems easier to have people call when they have time instead of calling interrupting dinner or story time or trying to figure out what times to late to call etc etc. I have friends who like me dont really care when someone calls pretty much anytime without getting mad even a few with kids or crazy schedules & I have others like my parents who say call anytime for any reason but who generally go to bed at a set time or put the kids to bed at a certain time & therefore its best to try to call before then. Yet for me it seems calling before 7 risks interrupting dinner or noone being home but calling after 830 seems late so whats wrong with me. I'm fine alone better with others so that seems not to fit being insecure who usually feel or want to be with anyone just to not being alone & again I have no problem talking to other people even strangers which seems to not fit being antisocial. So what may it be & what might a solution be? Again i have no problem talking or calling people just don't like doing it because I'm afraid of bothering them.

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Whats the longest friendship you've lost because either you or they cared to much or more then the other?

    Whats the longest friendship you've thrown away because they cared to much or more then the other & why did you do it exactly after all aren't we all looking for people whether friends or more that care about us yet it seems their the ones we throw away or are easy to forget until its to late?

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Did I say something wrong?

    A friend of mine I've known for years since high school yesterday asked me yesterday several things that normal I wouldnt trip over cus we're just that good of friends that we can pretty much say or do anything without it being a big deal but for some reason this time they seem strange. During our conversation I mentioned how I missed my buddies. To which she replied asking if I meant her or if she was being presumptious. I followed that up replying that I meant her & her kids of course just wanting to be politically correct since I thought she was in a relationship. Apartently its ended which is sad I liked the guy but none of my business. Anyways later in the conversation she vents about feeling alone to which I replied that she always had me & she mentions how nice it is to have someone care about her & asked why I'm so good to her. I replied saying that she was my friend & that I cared. Did I say something wrong?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • why is it some people just arent comfortable in formal attire?

    I'm a pretty confident guy & while I'll set in my ways & not hip to the latest fashion I've never been comfortable in a suit let alone a tux & I'm just curious why that is. I know a lot of my buddies aren't really either a few are only when it comes to their formal military dress but again when it comes to things like suits. Nope.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Why is it that women want guys to open up but often hold back themselves?

    Are guys the only ones suppose to take risks? I mean if she likes a guy obviously not everyone can be mr smooth know the signs & when & what to say especially when someone really likes someone. I'm sure the most confident men or women at one time or another have fallen victim to stumbling or missing signals. I've just always wonder why. Guys usually arent suttle about who we like even if we dont say anything about it.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why would a woman tell a guy to call then not pick up?

    Why do women either ones you just meet or ones you may have know tell you to call them & then never answer? I've heard the claim that the woman often wants to be chased & thus is wanting the guy to prove himself or at least desire to speak to her so she's playing hard to get hoping'll try more. I tend to error on the side of cause & after a few tries take the hint but don't get why especially someone in say their late 20s or beyond would tell you to call take the call maybe once if at all & then never seem to take it again. After a while it just seems to get creepy & makes me feel like a bug or worse a physco. I have several female friends who met guys at clubs or even the grocery store & the guys call them all the time call them baby & all sort of stuff even before the first actual date. I on the other try not to call to late or around dinner time & to be considerate & try only once instead of multiple times a day. I have some friends who get guys calling after midnight even before a first date. If its a boyfriend issue wouldn't you mention that before hand or not have the guy call or call another line? If you didnt want to hurt him you could always just lie & say its a boyfriend issue especially if you think the guy might have interest in more then just friends & you werent up to it.

    In my case I've known her for years & at times drifted a part but still why tell someone to call if you really have no intention of taking the call. My friends say I should start calling everyday instead of once a week or so but especially if she's not going to answer that just creeps me out. I feel like such a bug when i call even family let alone some woman I haven't in months or a woman I just met & would like to take out. Just don't see the point in saying call if you don't want or aren't going to take the calls?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is the one quality in a partner you would have to have to be happy?

    If the was a mail order sponse & the only caught was you could only pick one thing that was guaranteed never to change or fade while anything & everything else over time would what would it be? You could have all the traits/ featurs/ emotions you wanted a made to order perfect partner but there was only one idem guaranteed to last a lifetime while over time the others would change though not necassarily negatively again the point being only one feature was sure to stay what you wanted. The rest could change positively or negatively anytime for any reason but you would still be stuck. Other then your one chosen trait/ feature/ emotion there could be no way of anyone including the maker of knowing how long the rest would last so you could idealy pick the option you want & have them last a lifetime or as little as a day. What would be that one trait, emotion, quality, Characterist, feature whatever be that you have to have to still that person as your perfect partner?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Ran into an old friend not sure what to do?

    I have a strange question last week I ran into an old friend at the grocery store. We've been friends for 15 years or so since basically high school / college but obviously as what happens life throw some curves for both of us & we periodically lost touch. Its probably been about 4 or 5 years since we last hangout or talked even since then I've actually moved back to the area. After minute or two she seem to recognize me and smiled & gave me a hug. She asked how I was & i said fine asked how she was she then asked if i lived around here & i said yeah & worked in Napa near by. At some point i said well if you get bored or want to hangout sometime let me know would be nice to caught up. She said sounds good you still have my house number right & I said I think so & she smiled & said it’s the same as it was it hasn’t changed. To which I said ok sounds good I wont keep you but we should hangout. My question I don’t want to be a bother or intrude & obviously having not seeing or talk to her in a few years makes calling her a bit extra nerve raking so I have to ask do you think she really wants me to call or was she just being nice? She could have said she’d call me or not mentioned that her house & address were the same if she didn’t want me too but still it’s been so long I’m sort of lost. When I moved back I knew it might happen but its still hard to believe what the chances are of running into each other again. How does one know if an invitation to call is real. What would you do?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Question for the ladies?

    Why is it that lot of my exs and female friends whom I havent dated call me baby. It's so confusing especially when its the exs now granted some I'm friends with, one I'd even have to admit still having feelings for though I have also accepted that it wasnt meant be. But still I have exs or female friends call me sweetheart & & babe & sexy & baby & sweetie & Hun & sign emails or cards with luv or love and stuff like that. I'll have friends or exs call me to do something drinks a movie whatever & agree if I suggest something like dinner only for things to fall through which of course happens.

    I had an ex who called & wanted to get together for dinner & called me of those things then after her mom died I told her I was always there & then gave her space & about a month later not hearing from her she im's asking me if I remember what that night was & I was like no & she reminded me it was so lunar eclipse or comet or something & told me to get out side & call her so we could watch it together. When I call she then asks what I'm doing and tells she's outside her place siting on her picnic table looking at the sky & talks about missing me & how we should get together for dinner & caught up babe & then later sweetie. Another friend of mine sent me a valentines day text about being good friends & signed it luv me. Another wished me a happy new year hun love her. I get that maybe some of them like me or something but still that aside it just seems like all the stuff is more for like couples & dating & stuff. Its just so confusing & its not like any of us are in high school or college or anything we've all been out for years & yet just as confusing. I've gone to restraunants & had waitress call me sweetie & hun even sugar lol i know their just being nice still it's thrown around so much now just seems more like things for a "couple". Guess I'm just curious why they do it?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why are State Capitals?

    Why are state Capitals rarely the largers or even close to the largerst town in the state when it comes to population. Certainly most if not all are unknown or hard to remember towns you never hear of in most coversations & usually not towns that are known for any reason. For example Pennsylvania you think of Philly or Pittsburgh or Erie not Harrisburg. California you usually think Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fransico Oakland, not really Sacramento & I live there LOL. Neveda you think of Las Vegas Reno not Carson. New York you think of well New York not Albany. Texas you think Dallas Fort worth Houston San Antonio not Austin usually. Florida you think Miami Jacksonville Pennisculia, Tampa the Keys not so much Tallahassee. And last example Lousianna you think of New Orleans not Mobile. Illionios you think Chicago before Springfield. Why is it that most states the capitals arent the biggest or most referred to towns in the state? You would think that being a capital city would make it a popular place for business & people and there for help fuel & keep the city active & growing. Yet not so. Most are actually small cities if that.

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Why do companies change popular products?

    Why is it that companies that make things like soda, drinks, medication, really anything seem to always change a winning product? Take coke in the 80s they were leading in the soda market maybe not by much but they were & yet they came out with "new coke" or something like that only it bombed so they brought back the old & called it Coke Classic. Sometimes like over the counter cold or allergy stuff even things like Tylenol may work then suddenly a new version comes out & that version doesn't. I have bad allergies & growing up Coricidian worked the most but then they changed and started coming out with all sorts of variation including Coricidian HBR for those with high blood pressure or something which make sense but now any version of it doesn't work at all on my allergies & so I ask why would they change what works? My question isn't really about one product or anything in particular its just about if you have something that works & want to try a new version or one for a special group or even change ingredients makes sense but why not the original combo going while you test the new stuff & if its as popular or more then completely change or replace the old with the new. And if you do change it but it doesnt work as well or isnt as used why not change it back like Coke? If it works why change it?

    3 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Silly silly question about the law?

    I was watching Pelham 123 where a train is taken hostage & during the negotiations the dispatcher who is under investigation for bribery is forced to confess to it or a hostage would be shot would that stand up in court? It seems like his right not to incriminate himself would be taken away by the threat real or preceaved to a hostage & in some ways it seems like he's being blacked mailed into it anyways I mean even if he didnt do it he would have to confess or risk the hostage so how would that work in court later no matter how the hostage situation worked out? Obviously he would be fired & prosecuted but again would it hold up being that he was forced? Thanks

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Dump question about regular IRAs?

    An Aunt recently passed & I received a small inheritance but its well over the 5,000 dollar a year limit you can contribute to your IRAs I was hoping for several reason to put to my IRA since I don't have any debts & don't need the money & am pretty young. Can you really only deposit 5k or is that just the amount you can use towards tax deductions yearly? If there that big of sticklers to that 5k is that all or per IRA? Thanks

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago