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  • Landlord responsibility with fleas?

    So I’m both roommate/landlord and our tennant recently brought to our attention she was being bitten by fleas. I was not aware we had a flea problem. Her current month rent was 800 (july 20-aug 20). So notified me of the flea issue on Saturday July 25 (about 1.5 month into her stay). I called an exterminator that monday and they came on July 29th (wed) to spray our property (3 working days later). During this time, she stayed at an airbnb/hotel for 2 days. I already offered to return her ENTIRE rent of 800$(including July 20-25 - she stayed at our place, and this was before telling us there was a flea issue), immediately cancel her lease without punishment, return her deposite 200$, and offered an extra 100$ to cover her stay elsewhere for 2 nights)

    I feel like I have gone above and beyond what is expected. I have resolved the issue within reasonable time (7days), covered her stay at an airbnb, AND refunded her entire rent and deposit (1100$). Do you feel like there were more I either should have done (legally) or morally? She is asking for more money (including laundry service)

    11 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 months ago
  • What is a realistic goal in weight loss and muscle gain in 30 days?

    I'm not overweight so those 20 pounds weight loss in 30 days is impossible achieve and stay healthy.

    I don't care about the number on the scale as much as my body shape. I want to tone up and lose body fat. I'm 5' 5'' and 128 pounds - but you can't really see any muscle on me. I am not very good at committing to something so I'm doing a 30 day challenge for now - (i am aware that lifestyle changes are needed to maintain any results)

    Tips on diet or workout plan? I don't have any equipment and my apartment gym sucks.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Any of you chew and spit? Any adverse effect?

    I eat pretty healthy: (breakfast - oatmeal, fruit, lunch - very large salad with 2 tbsp ranch, dinner - varies, plus healthy snacks - ie. carrots).

    But I have a problem. I LOVE desserts. I love pies, ice creams, cookies but they aren t things I want inside of me. I get between 1500-2000 cal/day because I chew and spit the dessert. Is this bad?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • What is up with models/modeling companies nowadays? Skinny and Overweight - none normal/healthy?

    Either the models are super skinny or they are "plus size" - which I found a few plus sized models and their BMI is overweight...

    Why the hell not use models in the "healthy" BMI range rather than on both ends??

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • I want to tone up and keep most of my curves?

    My BMI is dead center in "normal" at 5'5'' and about 125 pounds. I don't have a strong desire to "lose weight" as much as I'd like to tone up.

    I'm not sure what type of exercises I do should to best tone up a female's body while maintaining some curves. I don't mind if drop a cup size (at D right now) but hopefully no more than that.

    Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • My cat is sneezing a lot, should I be concerned?

    She is sneezing over 20 times in an hour. Sometimes the sneezes are consecutive 4-6 times in a row. I worry that it may be upper respiratory infection.

    I know in humans, colds, or rhino virus usually will resolve itself within a few days and no interventions are needed. What about for cats?

    I planned to visit a walk in vet clinic on Monday after a large exam (8-4 pm), but may not be able to get fit in until Tuesday. Should I be more concerned and visit an emergency?

    She is eating well, drinking ok, seems not lethargic, clear nasal discharge, still playful, but more cuddly.

    1 AnswerCats7 years ago
  • Is this late fee legal?

    I brought in a cat to my apartment on 8/17, in which a 12.10$ rent was added (prorated). The lady at the front told me to pay the deposit when it gets added on. They have a 3 or 5 day grace policy.

    My statement shows:

    8/17 Cat rent - 12.10$

    8/20 pet fee

    8/20 pet deposite

    8/20 late fee - 90$

    They said they charged me for the deposit not being paid immediately (8/17) but it was not on the statement at all - so legally I am not bound to pay it. They also claimed the pet rent was late but they also have a 3 or 5 day grace.

    Question: Was this late fee applied legally? Should I take it to small claim court?

    50$ isn't what bothers me, it's that they are being unprofessional and conducting what seems like illegal practice.


    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Proxies Risks?

    I used a proxy to look up a free version of a pdf (that is blocked in the US) - but this was my first time and after doing so, I remembered oh that probably wasn't a good idea.

    I did not have to enter any personal information during the times I used a proxy (free one D:) and disconnected as soon as I downloaded the pdf (answer key to my textbook). Am I still at risk of getting my info stolen? Should I wipe my computer? Should I change ALL my passwords and etc?


    Computer moron here...

    7 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • Declawing a cat for apartment?

    I will be giving up my cat next year because of finances (going to medical school) so I need a close apartment to live in. The apartments says cats are allowed but MUST be declawed. I really do not want to declaw my cat - for one she has NEVER scratched a person or any furniture (she does hurt when she kneads if I forget to trim her nails - which I do weekly).

    Is there anyway around it?

    At this point, I'm almost willing to not report I have a cat and take my cat in anyways. What's the punishment for having a cat and not reporting it? What's the punishment for not declawing the cat and stating I did (I know for a fact her claws won't do any damage to the apartment)?

    I see why some people declaw if their cats are practically evil, but I can do anything I want to my cat - she has never once scratched me.

    10 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • What type of dog should I get?

    I'll be going to Medical School in August. I should have 2 full months of 24/7 training. When I start school, I will be gone 4 hours a day - and maybe less (since we have recorded lectures).

    I'd like a golden retriever. I plan to spend 30-45 minutes exercising and playing with my dog. I'd like to start from a puppy but I also know this may not be the best since it may not become trained in time. The reason I really want a puppy is because I have a cat who I adore. The cat has been around puppies fine (she's very very friendly) but has been terrified of a full grown dog.


    2 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Should I get a puppy?

    I have 4 months (summer) to take care of the puppy nearly 24/7. After August, I will be going to med school but I know several med students who have dogs and they are fine. My schedule is from 8 - 12 pm in class, the rest of the time, I can study at home.

    I intend to crate train my puppy.

    Should I get a puppy? I have set aside the money for the puppy as well (5k)

    6 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Going into industry after years of completing college?

    I graduated from college in Dec 2011 with a BS in Chemical engineering and minor in bioengineering life science AND a master's degree in chemical engineering (my degree was paid for). My GPA for undergraduate and graduate was 3.8 and 3.6, respectively.

    I took 2.5 years off to teach, joining Teach for America. I am thinking of going into industry. I realized I should have practiced Chemical Engineering for 3-5 years before taking some time to teach.

    Would it be possible for me to go back into the industry world as a chemical engineer? Average graduated GPA for my degree was 2.8 - having a 3.8 might mean I retain more information after 3 years hopefully?

    Where would you recommend I start looking for a job?

  • How can I get tenent to pay rent?

    My tennent Bonney, owes me 563 from PREVIOUS month... tells me Today dec 6th (rent was due the 1st) that she cannot pay. Previous and this month total cost is 1429$.

    I know I can evict her within 3 days - however, is there any way for them to pay me back legally?


    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • training my service dog - requirements?

    I'd like to train my own service dog. What are the requirements?

    I have lower back pain (with medical evidence tracking over 7 years) and have difficulties bending over, picking things up, and sometimes getting up from sitting. I appear normal because I won't express my pain - am I still eligible for a service dog? and training one?

    8 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Obama Health Care - what's the downfall?

    I know the pros to Obama health care...:

    • No annual limits on healthcare

    • Insurance companies can't drop you when you are sick

    • You can't be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions

    • Obamacare has a strong focus on preventive services

    • A large improvement to women's health services

    • Reforms to the healthcare industry to cut wasteful spending

    • Better care and protections for seniors

    ... However, there is no such things are free lunch - who is taking a hit? (government? high income? doctors? insurance?)


    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • What are some social and technological changes in medicine recently (last 50 years)?

    I'd like to know more about how has the field of medicine been changing. Especially the social aspects.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • credit card usage and credit score?

    I hear you are suppose to use less than 20% of your total credit every month or something like that.

    This month, I had to use about 90% of my credit limit, but I also paid (as I always do) in full on the due date. Would this negatively affect my credit score or is the 20% referring the the amount on the card that is not paid in full?

    2 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • EBay selling questions?

    A buyer won a bid but wants to cancel the transaction. Is this allowed? I waited 7 days for it to finish bidding. What should I do in this case?

    2 AnswersSearch Engine Optimization8 years ago