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Lv 2541 points

Beccy M

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I can't be bothered with writing much here lol if I really wanted everyone to know more about me then I'd write a book or something. I don't go on yahoo answers much tbh but I like answering questions about animals (especially dogs) cos I'm a bit obsessed with them at the moment! Might be getting one of my own soonish! :D ciao xxx

  • resting heart rate of 118 bpm aged 16 - causes?

    basically, i've had a fast heart rate for as long as i can remember; even in infant classes it was well above the average when we did class surveys.

    i also experienced what i would probably classify as angina-like symptoms from a young age (particularly around 10 - 12 yrs), with chest pain extending to my arm.

    i haven't really experienced any problems lately and put it out of mind, but i recently had it measured again and got a rate of 118 bpm.

    i have a bmi of about 22, have no trouble exercising (just completed duke of edinburgh gold) and eat a relatively healthy diet. i don't smoke, take drugs or do anything that i can imagine would cause tachycardia. i also don't experience any stress whilst having my heart rate measured - my breathing is steady, and i would say that my heart rate does not increase as in the 'white coat syndrome'.

    would you recommend seeing a doctor / cardiologist? and do you have any suggestions as to what might be the cause?

    thank you xxx

    4 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Will going on a calorie shifting diet now (age 15) damage my metabolism?

    I've read a lot of reviews for the calorie shifting diet on the internet, and it appears to really work, so I'm thinking of trying it. My BMI is 21 and I'm 15, but I'd like to lose a small amount of weight, and for it not to be gained again after the diet ends.

    I've never dieted before, and have quite a high metabolism - I do eat quite a lot for someone of my weight, to be honest!

    However, I know it's not worth losing a few pounds out of vanity just to put them back on again, with a lowered metabolism (I've heard that this happens after diets, is it true?)

    So if you know anything about this diet, or the effects of general dieting in the long term, please tell me! :)

    Thank you! :D x

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Where can I buy this Abercrombie and Fitch floral skirt, or another like it?

    Here's the link - it's the Abra skirt with a bold, floral rose pattern.

    I'd rather avoid buying it directly from the website, because they charge £20 postage and packaging. And seeing as the skirt itself is £50, I'd rather not pay that much, to be honest! >.<

    So, if you know of any Abercrombie outlets that sell this skirt for less money, including postage, that would be great!

    Equally, if you know another shop where I could buy a similar looking skirt, it would be much appreciated! I'm after something of the same sort of cut, with a bold pattern or colour (floral, if possible). :D

    Thank you! :) x

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Do you know of any good dress shops or designers in London / Manchester?

    Hi! :)

    I really need to buy a dress for my prom...

    So basically, if you know of any good designers or shops in London or Manchester that I could visit, I'd really appreciate it! :)

    Also, don't restrict yourself to shops that are specifically for prom - I'm not really looking for a huge flouncy Cinderella - style dress, so any shops that sell dresses would be great! :)

    Or if you know a website I could look at, you could send me the link.. :3

    Thank you so much! >.<


    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Do you think this would be a good prom dress?

    Basicially, my main concern is whether you you think it's too casual?

    I'm 16, btw, with medium length blonde-brown hair and I'm average height.. Don't know if that'd really affect anything, but there you go! :)

    I know it looks really, uh, voluminous at the skirt, but apparently it has a removable petticoat, so that wouldn't really matter. :D

    So, let me know what you think!

    I know it's a bit unorthodox for prom, but I'm ok with that... I just wanted to check that it is actually vaguely passable for a prom dress in Britain, or whether I'd just end up looking silly! xD

    Thank you!! >.<

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Do you think this would be a good prom dress?

    Hi... :D

    I'm 16 (average height, pale skin, blonde-brown hair) and I wondered whether this dress would be a good idea to wear for my prom in May??

    Btw, I want it in the navy polka dot style with the pink ribbon across the waist (not the floral one)... : )

    I've decided I'd like my dress to be stapless and short(ish), so if you have any other ideas, please post a link!

    Thankyou! ♥

    14 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Is eBay a safe place to buy Abercrombie and Fitch Fierce cologne?

    I've found someone selling the 1.7 oz bottle for £50 (no bidding - it's a 'buy now' offer), which is the same price as I should pay in the shop or on their official website.

    I would buy directly from Abercrombie, but I can't get to London any time soon, and they charged by £20 for postage and packaging last time I ordered from their website!

    This seller is only charging me £2 for postage, so it would be an £18 saving.

    But what I don't understand is how they can sell the bottle for the same price as Abercrombie and still make a profit? Do you think there's a risk it could be diluted or something?

    I can't buy it from any big perfume retailer on the internet, or shops.

    So, what do you think? Should I buy it from eBay or not? :)

    Thankyou!! :D

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Which is the best Abercrombie & Fitch / Hollister perfume for women?

    Basically, I really love of 'Fierce' by Abercrombie (that is the one they spray in the shop, right?!) .. Only problem is, it's a men's cologne! Do you think it would be acceptable for me to wear it anyway, or is it too masculine for a girl? I'm 15, by the way. :)

    Or can you reccomend a perfume that's actually intended for women from either Abercrombie or Hollister? I've been looking at Classic and 41 (A&F) in particular - opinions??

    Thanks!! ♥♥

    4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • I found yellow mucus in my rabbit's hutch - is she ok, and what could have caused it?

    This morning, I found some thick, yellow mucus in the corner of my rabbit's hutch.

    She been eating normally, and seems to be her usual self, so I am slightly confused as to the cause.

    The mucus wasn't in or near any rabbit poo or wee (she always 'goes' on the grass in her ajoined run). It would be highly out of character for her to poo or wee in her hutch, which makes me think the mucus may not be related to her GI tract.

    I visited the hutch a little later, and the mucus seemed to have partially disintigrated, perhaps due to the cold, but it was still visible.

    If any of you know what could have caused this, and whether I should be worried, please contact me as soon as possible! And let me know what I should do next - should I take her to the vet / keep her inside for a while / change diet / do anything?!

    Thank you!! ♥

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions for good indie(ish) bands?

    Hi! :)

    I really love tuneful music with nice accoustic guitar (not really country, but I'm not sure if it's exactly classed as indie either!)

    Ummm, it might fall into the category of alternative or rock, I suppose, vaguely speaking :)

    Also, I kind of prefer male voices, but it's not a huge preference :)

    What I like is not generally mainstream, so I'm having a bit of trouble finding music I really enjoy. So, basically, I wondered if any of you have similar taste in music to me and could reccomend a few bands/singles for me to listen to??

    Thanks! ♥

    8 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Fish has raised scales and large patches of black on its body. Any diagnosis / treatment?

    I can't find any disease that matches these symptoms, after consulting both the internet and books.

    I have tested the levels of pH, ammonia, nitrate and nitrite; they are all ideal.

    When I first bought the fish, it had a small, round, black growth under its eye. I attempted to treat this with a salt concentration of 0.3% and, although this raised growth seems to have disappeared, the fish now has large black patches on various parts of its body, and individual scales appear to be raised.

    The fish seems otherwise healthy, not exhibiting any behaviour that would suggest illness.

    Do you know what might be causing this or how it could be treated?

    Thanks!! :)

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Are GHDs worth the money? Or are there other equally good (or better) straighteners available for less?

    I currently have some fairly terrible straighteners at the moment, which I got for about £15.

    The only straighteners that have ever worked on me are GHDs (though I haven't tried many), and I have really quite frizzy hair that I think needs a heavy-duty straightener to sort it out!

    Any advice? Are there better straighteners out there for less money (if so, please name them!)

    7 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Some of the lush dusting powders have talc in them - are they safe to use?

    I've heard a few scare stories about talc being carcinogenic :O

    It's been linked with loads of types of cancer, apparently!

    Is it true? And if so, is the talc from lush safe to use? I'm probably being a little paranoid, but answers would be much appreciated!

    I would have thought that talc should have been banned after all the controversey, so has a new (safer) type of talc been developed?

    Thank you, lovely people of yahoo answers :D xx

    3 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • I am a 14 year old girl and have a BMI of 22. Would the Special K 2 week challenge be a good idea?

    I do not pass either boundaries on the box, that I should be over 18 and have a BMI of over 25. So my question is: how flexible are these boundaries and, by doing this challenge, would I end up doing myself more harm than good??

    I used to be really skinny and eat absolutely whatever I wanted. I've continued to do just that, but have suddenly started to gain weight quite rapidly. In just 3 weeks, I gained 5lb. I've noticed myself really binging on food, and it seems I can't just keep getting away with it any more.

    I plan to only do the challenge for 1 week, instead of the 2, and I view it more as an attempt to lose the excess 5lb to get back to my original weight, which I was quite happy with. After that, I hope it will just act as a kick start to just generally change my approach to food and have a healthier diet.

    I know I am currently at the ideal weight, but every day I get closer to the boundary between ideal and overweight. I really want to fix the problem now, when it's not too noticeable, than wait until it becomes a big issue (as i know it will, if I continue to eat so much).

    Thank you, any advice is much appreciated :)

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Ways to make revision more fun (is it possible)?

    Basically, I'm having a fair amount of trouble motivating myself to revise in between everything else that's going on this Easter holiday - I've been helping out with the lambing, walking dogs, cleaning out the local kennels, having my cousins over for a week and looking after a puppy..

    So, as you can see, I have plently of excuses and things that enable me to just keep putting it off.. I can't stick to a revision timetable because there is always so much going on (and even when there isn't, it's never a hard choice between animals and homework!)

    My real trouble is getting started - once I've begun, I can usually carry it on for quite a while if I get into the topic.

    Apparently, I'm a visual learner but fairly adaptable to other methods too :)

    So, any motivational techniques or ways to make revision more bearable would be VERY much appreciated!

    I'm only 3 days into my holiday, so am not yet behind - but know that I will be if I keep putting it off!

    Thanks so much!! xx

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Another word for animals?

    Ok, firstly I apologise for this really weird question, but help would be much appreciated! My excuse is, I'm writing about my work experience week for an english assignment and want another word (or phrase) for animals to make the ending sentence slightly more interesting! :S

    Something like:

    'creatures great and small'


    Thanks :)

    11 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • My hair is driving me mad with FRIZZ - pleease help??!?

    Ok, well I have thick blonde-ish hair that basically explodes to about 6 times the size of my head at the first sign of water, or even without!

    I'm 14 and have tried all the shampoos, sprays, creams - you name it - and they work to an extent, but my hair is still rather annoyingly frizzy nevertheless. Also, this could just be me, but I think that after a while of using a certain product, my hair goes more and more back to its old ways - like it becomes immune somehow? :S

    I do straighten my hair but my straightners aren't too great and my hairdresser told me that my hair showed signs of heat damage, after I attacked my hair frequently without heat protection spray.

    Have learnt my lesson and now always protect hair (also before drying) and don't straighten unless it is an emergency!

    This is what happens to my hair if I...

    1) Leave it with no products whatsover: tight 'curls' but mostly just huge frizz

    2) Do not blow dry, just put on a spray to help curls: more curls and less frizz, but still too tight and not the wavy look i'm after

    3) blow dry (with heat protection): not bad -pretty straight - but frizzes at the sides

    4) straighten: too straight and does not get rid of frizz at the sides

    So basically what I want from my hair is not for it to be poker-straight, not curly (because that just makes me look like a pretzel), but FRIZZ-FREE, GENTLE WAVES :)

    Sorry for going on (i could write reels about my evil hair) but please give suggestions?

    Thank you so much! :D

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How to transfer my itunes library onto another computer?

    Well, my problem is that the laptop it's on currently is unbelievably slow - I literally have to wait about half an hour before my iTunes library finally decides to pop up!

    So I just got a new (much faster) computer, and want to transfer my library onto here. But I'm not much of a techno-geek, believe it or not, so if someone could please explain to me in language that dummies like me can understand, I'd be VERY grateful!!

    Also, on the topic of iPods, here's another thing that's been annoying me for a while:

    I have a video capable ipod nano (the square one), and bought 2 videos from the itunes store. They appear in my itunes library, but will not transfer to my iPod, and I've tried to sync it a billion times! Could it be a fault (if so, should I get it replaced?) - or am I just going about it the wrong way?

    Help mee....

    THANK YOU!!! xo

    6 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago