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  • Was Professor David Nutt's sacking politically motivated?

    Professor David Nutt, former chair of the ACMD was sacked by the then home secretary Alan Johnston because he made comments publicly about the governments attitude toward classifying drugs, especially cannabis and that Alcohol is more dangerous than cannabis. Was his sacking politically motivated or did he deserve it?

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • can anyone using legal highs tell me which are most popular atm in the UK?

    Would be grateful to hear from actual users about their preferences and why.

    thanks in advance

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • If i buy a Blackberry Torch 9800 from America, will it work if i use a Uk sim?

    Its not avaialable in the UK yet but i really want, will a UK sim work in a BB bought in America?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • England 2010 world cup disaster?

    Is it true that England's team were not focused due to problems between Steven Gerrard and John Terry? There is a rumour that Steven Gerrad got his wife's girlfriend pregnant and was still allowed by Capello to keep his captaincy of the team when John Terry was penalised for his affair and had his captaincy removed. john terry disagreed with apello's decision as with other team players. There are also rumours that the courts have imposed a gagging order on the story.

    Can anyone speculate on whether this is true or not??

    9 AnswersFIFA World Cup (TM)1 decade ago
  • DLA for Depression????????

    Can someone in full time employment claim DLA if they suffer from Depression?

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How do you set up a homeless hostel in the UK?

    I have a ten-bed property which i want to use as a homeless hostel

    2 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • What is Bohemian Grove?????????????????

    I have seen a video of a satanic ritual being carried out in this so called Bohemian Grove club where powerful leaders congregate, can't tell whether its authentic or not. It's very shocking the stuff thats on there, can anyone shed any light? Is America in the grip of the devil?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • what is Ketamine???????????????????????????

    is it dangerous? who uses it? is it more expensive than cocaine?

    7 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Abu Dhabi Business...........................................................?

    Has anyone had experience o fdoing business in Abu Dhabi or dubai or in any of the UAE? Where can i go to get some info about starting a business there?


    2 AnswersUnited Arab Emirates1 decade ago
  • Truthers Building company?????????????????????????????

    I got an email from somone claiming to work for the above company, offering a fantastic part time job with a great salary. Personally this smells like a scam, i was just wondering whether Truthers or another representative from the "company" has tried to contact anyone else and what your experience was with them.

    2 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • muslims..................................................................................?

    I am 24 yrs old and looking to settle down in life. Where do i go to meet good islamic girls? you can't exactly ask them out on a date without the whole family joining you? How do you get to know someone who cannot spend time with you?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is Mistletoe??????????????????????????

    Does a girl and guy have to kiss every time they step under a mistletoe together?

    7 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Pacman next for Khan?

    That was a brilliant performance against Salita, how will Khan fair up against The Pacman?

    your views plz

    9 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • Only read if you have time, long back story!!!!!?

    I am 24 yrs old, single and living with my mum and siblings. I know what you're thinking, this guy lives with his mum at 24? My father passed away almost 3 years ago so as the eldest, i now fulfil his responsibilities, working full time, paying bills, taking my mum shopping and anywhere else she wants to go.

    At first, when things were changing, i just went along with the flow because my family relies on me, my mother is all alone now. Sure, she has friends and siblings bu its not the same as having a life partner by your side.

    Lately, i've been questioning my life and whether i hav accomplished anything or not. My friends who used to come to school with me are all graduates in respected fields whereas i only hold 7 GCSE's a-c. I messed up in college hanging with the wrong crowd, and several years down the line, here i

    am, working full time with no prospect of promotion. My life is controlled by boundaries, some i am to blame for such as career prospects (should've worked harder in college), having a nice car, some are boundaries inplace after my father passed away (being home for 10pm every night, not going out on weekends, not being able to go out and meet girls and date and stuff).

    I feel like i am suffocating in a room that is getting smaller by the day. i am a british born pakistani. I work for the public sector, it's a respectable job but not opportunity for progression in my line of work. The reason i mention my ethnicity is to possibly shed more light on my circumstances. Another thing which has recently been mentioned in my home is my marriage. My mum thinks that i should get married because it'll take a while to find a suitable partner,she thinks that i'm going to have an arranged marriage. She's worried that it'll be too late and that she has three other children other than me to worry about.

    Now, my problem is that i want to return to education, i am quite capable of achieving great thing however with every comes sacrifice. To get onto a good degree course, with a reputable university, i would have to give up my job and income and study full time. I know people might be thinking, why not part time study or distance learning?because an emploeyr will always choose a candidate who graduated from oxford or harvard rather than The Open University. That is a fact, like it or not. But there's more, as the sole bread winner in the family, how will i support my siblings and mother? Most degree courses are 4 yrs long. If i study now, i'll be 29 by the time i graduate, then i'll have to start from scratch.

    by now you should be gettin the picture of my life.

    I don't know what to do, everyday i wake up and go to work, come home, go gym, eat, go out for an hour and then to bed. Same routine from mon-fri. Weekends fly by as i have shopping to do, friends are all out of town in whichever city they're studying in. My social life has competely crumbled, the only people i know are guys who do drugs and alcohol whichis haraam (not allowed in islam) hence i stay at home. I haven't been in the company of a woman for a long time. I'm scared, so scared that this is how my life will continue. I understand that there are people in the world who have it rougher than i do, maybe im selfish to question my life but i cant help how i feel.

    I'm looking for purpose in my life, i realise thati am doing good in standing by my mum and family and letting them live the lifestyle they're used to. How can i ever pursue my own happiness when so many other people's happiness depends on me?

    any words of wisdom from anyone older than me would be appreciated, but i'll take answers from anyone.

    May i thank you in advance for taking time to read this and also tryig to help me. It will be much appreciated.

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • girls help me plz...........................................................?

    I like this girl at work, we went out for a staff meal couple of weeks ago and i emailed her to ask her out on a date. She said that she doesn't think she'd be good company for me. I really like her but she doesn't want anything to happen. I don't know if she's just being shy or doesn't want me to think she's a slag or anything. She comes from a strict asian family so maybe that's putting her off, either way i really like her but don't know whether to leave it or keep talking to her. What do you girls advise? should i taker the hint and back off or keep my foot in the door?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is Rihanna a freemason?

    I've heard that she is, along with Jay-Z and Beyonce?! can anyone shed some light?

    6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Manchester United or Dinner with a hotgirl?

    I've got tickets for Man Utd's match tonight but i already made plans to go out on a date with this hot girl. What would you do guys?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Would you marry?.......................................?

    If one of the two girls asked you to marry her, which would you want it to be?

    Megan Fox

    Deanna Russo

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • do you buy green?..................................................................?

    Does anyone specifically look for green products when they go out shopping?

    11 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago