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Favorite Answers11%
  • Can a blocked person on FB, who is a friend of a friend, comment on pics?

    I had to block a friend-of-a-friend on FB. Why is he still able to comment on pics that I tag our mutual friend in? Shouldn't he be blocked from seeing anything I post, even if a mutual friend is tagged?

    2 AnswersFacebook8 years ago
  • Stop recording repeat episodes on U-verse?

    I just got U-verse & I'm trying to adjust the recording parameters of my shows that I was to tape. I want it to tape all episodes, but without repeats of the same episode. I've got it set for First Run & Repeat, but it will tape the same episode multiple times. I can't set it for First Run only because there are old episodes I want to keep.

    Also, is there a way to make it keep all episodes of a series in a single folder, even when they are recorded on multiple channels?


    1 AnswerTiVO & DVRs8 years ago
  • What are they saying in the Footloose song?

    I've tried looking up the lyrics, but it's just a word that they shout right after the line:

    "We got to turn me around" It sounds very much like they're yelling "******". But it's not listed in any of the lyrics...

    @ 2:42

    Help! It's driving me nuts!

    1 AnswerOther - Music8 years ago
  • Upstairs toilet fills, slowly swirls & slowly lowers to normal level but doesn't fully empty?

    We've had our plumber auger it out & it was clear. But when we flush, the toilet fills, swirls around then lowers a the "normal" level. But usually doesn't empty without us plunging it.

    What could it be?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Boiled Delmonico steak?

    I'm on a low carb lifestyle. My favorite meal has been homemade beef bulgogi using finely sliced Delmonico steak. It's very tasty, but I noticed that my mouth is very greasy afterwards. Tonight I tried boiling the beef first, then rinsing very well & squeezing out the water. There was a ton of fat coating the sink when I was done. Then I put the beef back in the wok with the bulgogi sauce & veggies. It tasted even better than usual & my mouth doesn't feel greasy at all!

    Is this common for stirfry? Or just this particular cut of meat? I've never noticed a greasy residue after other cuts of beef.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • How much raspberry ketone is in the new Healthe Trim pills?

    If you've already bought this product, does it say how much raspberry ketone is in each pill? I couldn't find the info online. Was hoping it was listed on the bottle...

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How long have you lived a low carb lifestyle?

    I have commited to a low carb lifestyle & have so far lost 12 pounds on it. More importantly, I feel fantastic!!! And my diabetes is under much better control. My endo fully supports me in doing this.

    My question is how long have you done a low carb lifestyle & have you had any problems with it.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Why do dogs pull on their leashes even when it chokes them?

    My dogs pull so hard that they pant & wheeze. Why do they do this? It can't be giving them positive feedback, yet they continue... I don't get it.

    10 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • If I ask one of my daughter's friends to go with us...?

    If I ask one of my daughter's friends to go with us to an amusement park with us, who should pay for her? The kids are 6 years old, if that makes any difference.

    4 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • How can I keep my dog off our trampoline?

    We have a large trampoline with netting around it. Our 2 rottweiler puppies LOVE to get up on there to run around. I wouldn't mind so much, but they have chewed MANY holes through the netting while they were playing. They jump up from the ground, so removing the chair the kids use to climb up hasn't helped. I'm trying to think if there is something I could attach to the outside of the netting supports to keep them from jumping up. Any ideas?

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Why do my cats have the most noxious poo smell EVER?

    I got these cats 3 years ago as kittens. They had the smelliest poo EVER. I had them checked for worms - they were completely clean. I've tried multiple different foods over the years - no change in odor. Their litter box is clean. The smell as soon as they poo can clear the entire house. My eyes water from the stench. You could bottle this stuff & kill an entire continent with it. It is definitely weapons grade biological warfare.

    Any suggestions?

    7 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Will I be the oldest person there?

    I just got my 6 year old daughter backstage passes to an upcoming Big Time Rush concert. Obviously I had to get tickets for myself too, to take her. She is out-of-her-mind excited!!! But I'm starting to get nervous. I think I'm going to be the oldest person backstage, by far. I'm 39. I love the band & their music, but I'm beginning to feel a little ridiculous about being back there with a bunch of screaming girls. Also included is a one-on-one pic with the band. I'm going to look like their mom.

    2 AnswersCelebrities10 years ago
  • My mom is seeing things at night?

    My mom (72 yrs) has been seeing things at night. It started as her feeling someone touch her hand or leg & it would wake her up; there was nothing there when she woke. Then it was a small boy coming into her room & holding something out to her in his hand. She often sees "flashlights" moving around, with or without people. Then just recently she saw 3 men dressed in black cloaks, with red faces, come into her room & beckon her to follow them. She said she knew they wouldn't hurt her, so she followed. But when she got the hall & turned on the light, there was nothing there.

    I want her to talk to her PCP about it, but she won't because she doesn't want anyone to think she's crazy. Only once has she seen something while she was wide awake, but it was late at night. Except for this, she seems fine. She has several conditions (high BP, high cholesterol, diabetes, sleep apnea), all of which are being controlled by medication.

    What do you think it could be?

    5 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Is this athlete's foot or something else?

    For a couple months now, I've been getting hard bumps on & around my toes that gradually come to the surface. They are CRAZY itchy. If I itch them too much they break like a blister & ooze clear liquid.

    All the pics I've looked at online for athlete's foot focus on the skin between the toes that cracks open from too much sweat/moisture. I want to know if the blister/bumps shown in this picture on the top of my toes is athlete's foot or something else. I also have some of these between my toes, but I couldn't image it easily.

    They usually come every 4-6 weeks & last about a week. The itching starts a few days before the lumps start forming. When they are on the bottom of my toes, it feels like I'm walking on little pebbles - they're so hard.

    I've tried lotramine, soaking in a mild bleach solution, spraying with apple cider vinegar... all the little home remedies I've seen online. It doesn't seem to speed the process up & it certainly doesn't stop them from coming back.

    As far as footwear, I only wear crocs. And around the house I'm barefoot, so my feet definitely aren't baking in sweat socks or anything.

    Please help! Thanks.

    (In pic: one broken blister/bump on 2nd toe; 2 unbroken blister/bumps on 3rd toe)

    6 AnswersSkin Conditions10 years ago
  • How do I make myself drink HMR shakes & not puke?

    I was in a research study for weight loss & was given HMR shakes to drink 5 times a day. I did lose weight on it, but the shakes are so disgusting tasting that I was often sick after drinking them - which might have contributed to weight loss! I quit the study after 3 weeks because I couldn't stand the shakes anymore. (BTW - that weight I lost has not come back.)

    I've never had much will power regarding portion control, so shakes are a great solution for me. I have several hundred of these shakes packs left & really want to do it, just to lose weight. How can I force myself to drink these & not puke?? I hate the idea of buying Slimfast, which work great for me, when I have so many of these free shakes in my cabinet.

    Tips, please.

    12 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Do I apologize for something stupid I did 3 years ago?

    I just got an invitation to an old friend's birthday party. I started thinking about the last time I was able to go to her b-day party & realized that it was 3 years ago. And I remembered that I had done something really stupid... I told her I was taking her & her SigO to Madonna's Sticky/Sweet Tour. She was thrilled - she loves Madonna. Then I found out 3 days before the concert that she couldn't get the night off work (she's a nurse & the schedule is set well in advance), so she told one of her friends that they could go in her place. I didn't really care for her friend, so I said I'd rather give the ticket to one of my friends. So in the end, her SigO came with me & my friends.

    At the time I didn't care, but now I'm thinking what a crappy move that was on my part.

    Do I give her a quick apology message? Or just let it go?

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • How much did your husband spend after becoming a mason? Has anyone divorced over their husband joining?

    My husband has been wanting to join forever (I don't get why) & he finally has the paperwork to petition for membership. My question is how much do they end up spending per year on dues, charity, etc? I saw a website that said if you don't have disposable income, you shouldn't be joining the masons. My husband is easily swept up into things & I can see him "donating" more to the charities than I am comfortable with.

    I want him to do what would make him happy, but I don't know if that is compatible with our family life. Has anyone ever gotten divorced over their husband joining the masons?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why would someone bid more than the value of a gift card on ebay?

    I'm selling some gift cards on ebay & much to my shock a couple of them are selling for more than the value of the card!!! Example: Amazon $25 card, bidding at $26.50...WHY??? Why would someone pay more for a gift card? Why not just go to the store & buy it at face value?? I almost feel like these people are going to not pay bc they realize how stupid this is!

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Why won't my husband take his Advair for asthma control?

    My husband has severe asthma; he is constantly taking his albuterol inhaler. Several years ago, he was prescribed Advair. It was a complete game-changer! He went from taking his inhaler from about 12 times a day to NEVER. He just had to take the Advair twice a day. I was ruthless in making sure he took it too. But I noticed very quickly that if I didn't stand there (like his mother) and make sure he took it, he usually didn't. After we had kids, I decided that I'm their parents not his. So I never made him take it again. And do you know what? He doesn't take it at all. When I mention it, he says "Oh I just forgot. I'll take it." but never does.

    WHY WHY WHY??? It works like a miracle drug - why won't he take it?

    5 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • what kind of bug is this?

    I've noticed in the past couple weeks that it's been cooler, that when we go into the backyard we end up having what looks similar to blueberry juice smeared on us. At first I thought it was some kind of sap. But tonight I noticed that there were little black bugs crawling on me outside. Their shape was similar to a ladybug: 2 segments (body + head), but they were pure black. I want to say they had 6 legs, but it might have been 8; they legs were very slender but it looked like they had little balls for feet. They didn't bite that I noticed, nothing hurt & there were no bite marks on my skin. But when I smushed them, they left a "blueberry" stain on my skin. It didn't look like my blood.

    Do you know what they are??? Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago