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  • Do you think my cat could get along with another cat?

    I've owned two cats before, but my current kitty has been an only child her whole life, with the exception of a dog we had (who past away) for ~2 years when we first got her.

    She warms up VERY quickly to strangers, and even got along with the dog (who was very quiet.)

    I rescued my cat at seven weeks old (had already been taken from her mum, nothing I could do about that) and so I'm not sure what her social skills with other cats will be like. Even though she is four years old now, she still acts like a kitten and wants to play almost constantly, so I am looking for a play-mate cat to keep her busy.

    Do you think she would get used to another cat? Or has she spent too long as an only child?

    5 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Taking a relationship break?

    Last night my boyfriend of two years and I decided to take a break. He's been going through a rough patch and suffers from seasonal affective disorder so within the last week (since daylight savings) he's been acting really off, and I didnt think much of it until sunday night that something might be wrong. Monday I questioned it out of him, he said that our relationship is something he is unsure of and that he doesn't feel the same way that he used to. His biggest concern was hurting me (we were both crying at this point) and he didn't want to break up, so I suggested that we take a break.

    I'm completely devastated. Just a couple of weeks ago he had "never been happier with anyone."

    I don't know what to do with myself, I'm trying not to be upset because It's not over yet, but truthfully I'm a complete wreck right now.

    Does taking a break in a relationship *ever* lead to a stronger relationship?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How do you say Miryka?

    It's a girls name, spelled Miryka, and for the life of my I can't figure out how it would be pronounced. It just seems... odd sounding any way I try it.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • I keep thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend?

    Here's the low down: I'm 19, He's 22. We've been together for two years and don't argue often, and disputes are quickly settled.

    Lately I've been feeling really unhappy. Things started moving south when we got into a huge fight in August and shortly after I was out of town for several weeks. After our argument I felt like things have changed between us, and while I was gone he made very little effort to talk to me (ignoring texts, waiting for me to call, nothing from his end at all) which only put salt to the wounds. This was the first time I seriously considered breaking up with him.

    Now I still have days where I'm really unhappy in my relationship, but I still love him. I still get excited to see him and I care very deeply for him, he is depressed right now and I'm worried about what effect a break up would have on him.

    Mostly I'm upset because he rarely makes time to see me, or will cancel plans. But he also doesn't do much of anything because of depression. It kills me to see him like this, and our relationship has gone down hill, but I can't let go. I'm also worried that I want to break up for attention only, which j think is the case because I lOve him so much, I'm just feeling neglected.

    I've talked to him about this several times about this, and he has made progress, but his disinterest in our relationship breaks my heart.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Cause of random vomiting?

    Today I was feeling fine, until when I wasn't. It came on suddenly, and then after puking I felt completely back to normal. What could be the causes?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • Does anyone with a college degree like Nicki Minaj?

    Not anyone with "eventual plans to go college." Does Nicki Minaj have any fans with a four year degree?

    6 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop9 years ago
  • Leash Children? Free them?

    Alright. Do you leash your child? Occasionally, or never-- when it is appropriate?

    This is something that I don't understand except for in certain circumstances, like going through an international airport alone with multiple children or something. But a day at the park? At my work I see many leash children (some with just ropes tied around them) and the kid is always crying, the parents oblivious, and I just don't get it. At all.

    10 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Bootcamp for windows 7- what do I need to buy?

    I'm looking at installing windows 7 on my mac, and I thought it would be pretty straight forward-- just buy the full version, right? Apparently I'm a lot dumber with technology than I thought, because after a few quick searches on amazon I'm left scratching my head as to which one exactly I should order.

    If the product description says "Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64bit (Full) System Builder DVD 1 Pack" Will this fulfill my needs?

    What about plain old "Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium" ? I'm confused because this second one is about 80 bucks more.

    Please educate me and make me not dumb. Thank you.

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • Do you let your cat outside?

    I've noticed in the cat owning community there is a bit of controversy about letting your cat outside, which I've found odd because growing up we always let our cats outside because... they're cats. Most every cat I've owned in my life has wanted to go outside and play and chase things. (Don't worry, the cat was never locked out as punishment, and they always had all their shots).

    So, do you believe in letting your cat outside? Why or why not?

    15 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Applying for FAFSA, but parents haven't filed taxes?

    I need to apply for student loans in order to pay for school (not what I wanted to do, but it happens, and its for one semester only.)

    I haven't ever applied for federal aid before, but my understanding is that you need your parents' tax information in order to finish the application process. The only problem is my dad hasn't filed in years.

    Because he hasn't filed in years, no one has claimed me as a dependant in years. Is there a way that I can apply without that information?

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid9 years ago
  • How likely is it that I am pregnant?

    I have never had unprotected sex, my bf & I always use condoms. There has never been an issue of breaking (at least no visible damage).

    I am currently 3 days late for my period, during this cycle we had sex three times, however not at all during the week I would have ovulated.

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • In your opinion, What makes somebody "classy"?

    Is it very personality based, like being charitable and patient?

    Or do you consider class to be how somebody talks, dresses, piercings/tattoos, etc. .

    4 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Does walgreens still develop 35mm film?

    Yes, I am aware that its 2012.

    This is my first roll of film that I've shot with, so it was more experimental than anything-- so im not to concerned about the quality of the prints.

    3 AnswersPhotography9 years ago
  • Do you let your child cry in public?

    Sure, every child has a bad day and might become a little fussy, this is not what I'm talking about.

    I'm talking about mothers who have a screaming child in a grocery cart they are ignoring, or a child throwing a fit inside of a restaurant. If you have children, do you take them outside to calm down or do you ignore them? If you are a parent who lets them continue to cry, why is that your decision?

    I don't have children of my own, however when I do I think it would be very rude to let my child scream in public. I know that punishing your child in public for being fussy isn't a solution, but neither is ignoring he or she.

    The reason I ask is because I read a similar topic on another site and most mothers seemed defensive and were very upset at the person who called the screaming toddlers rude, saying they hoped she never had a child of their own. I feel like that isn't how most of the population feels, but maybe I'm wrong.

    10 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Where can I buy 35mm black and white film?

    Are there any "box stores" that still sell 35mm film? I'm looking for color as well but I am especially interested in black and white.

    Are there any websites in particular you recommend buying from?

    Unfortunately there are not any mom-and-pop type photo stores around where I live so I'm not sure where to look locally.

    5 AnswersPhotography9 years ago
  • My boyfriend won't have sex with me because it grosses him out?

    I've been with my boyfriend for about nine months and we've delayed having sex because of personal beliefs. Today we were talking and he admitted that he doesn't want us to have sex because it's "so messy" and he "isn't attracted" to that. I feel very confused and offended by what he said because I know that he has been with another woman in the past.

    I'm not sure what to make of this- what would you do in this situation?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Prom eyeshadow ideas?

    I'm doing my own make up for prom, and I'm totally lacking inspiration. I've tried looking on youtube but I couldn't really find anything.

    My dress is white with pink beading on the bodice. Any suggestions?

    7 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Telling parents about secret relationship-- 17y/o with 20 y/o ?

    How can I tell my parents about my secret relationship? I'm 17 and have been dating a 20 year old for the last couple of months, and I promise as bad as that sounds he is not just some random creep I found. We work together and I have known him for two (almost three) years. My parents have been suspicious, they know we are good friends but so far I've denied being in a relationship with him because I know my parents will FREAK OUT.

    Additionally, we aren't having sex, and even if we were the age of consent is 16 so the legality of this relationship isn't an issue.

    Any advice as to how to approach my parents?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How should I cut my bangs?

    Hey.. so I need suggestions, anything really, because I'm feeling totally uninspired.

    I haven't had a hair cut in 10 months, so I'm really past over due. I'm most concerned about my bangs, because they are really bothering me.

    I'm also looking for suggestions on what color to die my hair... it's been eight months and my hair is, as you can imagine, looking kind of dull. It's almost back to my natural color.

    Here is a picture where you can see my length and hair color:

    Ignore the awkward arm around me, I cropped out my friend.

    Here is a picture where you can see the true awkward nature of my bangs right now:

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How much does it cost to insure a new driver?

    How much does it cost to insure a new teen driver?

    My insurance company sent me a sample price, and it was 5,000 for a six month period on a 2010 ford, and 3,000 for a 2008 toyota in the sample, so my question is, how much less would it be to insure a peice of crap car? Like a 91 honda

    8 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago