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Don K

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  • What is the diff in a cultivator and a tiller?

    I don't need a big explation but am wondering? I have a cultivator to hook to my power head from my weed eater and it works great for my small needs. But it did get me wondering what the dif is because I have used both and don't see it. Unless it is that one is bigger then the other.

    Thanks for your answers.

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • GOPers who are gay and who serve a party that is anti-gay? Are they hypocrites, opportunists? Other?

    Don't get me wrong because I don't think the demos are any better at all. I just thought maybe others would like to make their say on what they think about this issue. How can a person trust a party if they are not what they say they are? Kind of two faced if you ask me. I don't care if a person is gay or not. Why would they need to hide things to get a job? I am more down meaning thumbs down (when in the hell did the meaning of being down with something turn in to a thumbs UP meaning? that is so backwards.) with someone when they lie.

    Ok, I am ready for the smart unhelpful and not worth reading remarks from the haters and uneducated. <smiles>

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Sparrow will not leave for the winter, any ideas?

    I have been watching a small sparrow the last couple of months around my feeder. He was always left setting on the fence when the other birds left for the day. He would go after they left go set in the feeder and eat. After he got his fill he would go stand on the fence in the vines. He is still here and right at the minute setting in the feeder. He will go back to the vines for the night. I have went out there many times and he will fly away but always comes back. I have let the feeder run empty and he just hangs out on the fence. So I guess I could starve him to death or he will freeze this winter.

    I do have an extra bird cage and have thought about setting a trap. Keep him inside till spring and let him back out.

    Any ideas?

    And for the super smart brains out there with the quick kill it answers.... Just keep it to your self. OK.. If you want to take the time to explain why I should kill it then I’ll read it. If it is just a smart answer to get points I will have to report it.

    13 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Did anyone see that reporter get the hell beat out of him?

    Now that was kewl. I don't like the thought of people beating other people but don't reporters have any common sense? It looked to me like that woman was getting mad and was telling them to get the cam out of her face and it really looked like they was on her land. It looked like her hubby came home and defended her. It was so kewl to watch that guy beat that reporter half to death. Do they not know what the meaning of leave me alone is? Get out of here meaning get off my property?

    If more people would beat the hell out of them jerks maybe they would report the news and not be digging in to someone's lives looking for something to destroy their lives with.

    Do you think this was a good thing or a bad then. I am not worried about what the people did to get the media there just do you think he was right to beat the hell out of that guy?

    4 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • How many years have you known Islam Existed?? I?

    I keep reading where everyone act like everyone in the world have always known about Islam. I myself have only just heard of it in the last maybe 2 years and only for the bad it has done. I have yet to see the good parts. So how long have you known of the existents of Islam? I guess I have heard one thing good but it was not Islam, it was Hezbollah giving money away to gain followers acting like it was for the people of Lebanon to rebuild on. When really a payment for services.

    Answer any part of my statement but really all I wanted to find out was how long have the US public known of Islam and maybe other parts of the world know of the religion?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Steve Irwin the Croc hunter, How long did you expect?

    Did anyone really expect Steve Irwin to live this long? He was very foolish with his life and his child's life and he tormented the animals. I think it was just a matter of time. However, he made it longer then I would have guessed. What do you think?

    19 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Katrina? Where did all that money go?

    Below is a clip on how much the Biloxi Bay bridge cost in New Orlens to repair.


    The fed is giving over $73,000.00 per each victim. 5 people to each house is $365,000 per family or per home. Then the Ins Co.'s paied I bet half that per person so we are near $500,000.00 per family.

    I think I could build a house for 125K and live for about 3 years without a job on 100k more. The rest could go to fix the town back up. So this could mean that 50 to 100 billion dollars would be spent on the city. ??????

    Where did it all go?

    Total cost: $338.6 million, courtesy of the American taxpayer. The new bridge is just part of the flood of federal money destined for the region - some $110 billion, equal to $73,333 for each person affected by Katrina's hurricane winds.

    I guess this is more of a rant then a question but I really do wonder where is the money and to my thinking everyone in that town should be rich.

    8 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • I'm up with that or I'm down with that?

    Not that long ago a person would say I'm up with that meaning they are in agreement with it or thumbs up. And if you said that you was down with that meant you did not agree or thumbs down. Over the last few years I have noticed and a lot more lately that when someone says they are down with somthing they are meaning they are in agreement with it. Maybe that they can get down with it?

    I'm lost when did it all change?

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Iran, Lebanon, Palestine and Hezbollah question.?

    Why does so many people support these people? I see them on TV holding up dead babies and yet they run over their own kids arms with cars if they get caught stealing food? They cut people's heads off, kidnap and kill people. They trade pigs and goats for women. Use women and children for shelds when at war. I would not be supprised if the dead babies they are holding up they had killed them slefs to make Israel look bad. These people don't seem to have any kid of morals at all. But yes so many support them and want to live that kind of life. Even people here in the USA support them. Most poeple from around the world don't understand that if they was to go over there they would be beheaded because they are not approved by islam.

    Anyone got any ideas on the support for such a nasty and cold blooded group of people?

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Under age sex with an adult question.?

    Two 16 year olds the male of one month older then the female. Were having sex while dating for the next two years. The male turns 18 while the girl is lacking 1 month being of age. She is going to have a baby so they want to get married but her family do not allow it. After she turned 18 they finally do get married. Would he still be a a child molester?

    Don't feed me the god stuff because I'm not intrested what your god thinks. I just want to know what the feelings are on this If people feel the one month age dif should be used just to intrap the older of the two.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Was I wrong in my statement about this guys picked answer?

    Check out the question and answer he picked as the best. The answer don't have anything to do with the question. What do you think? Maybe he needs to see a doctor for having too much pride? Do you think he might start shooting at someone if they disagree with him? Sure sent me a nasty gram.;_ylt=AudLO...

    8 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • The beliefs of Religious people? Brest Ironing?

    I would like the religious people here to read this news story. There are so many like it that you cand find everyday. At one time religious people was burning poeple at the stake because they did not believe in god or stoneing them to death. Rapping little boys and thinking that god is comming in a space ship following a comit. There are so many wrong things that has been done in the name of religon that churchs are very scary to most people. Why say you was drunk and did it and did not know what you was doing. When you can just say it is gods will.

    So check out this link and my above statment and tell me why you think that this god thing that you believe in will be here in 100 years. I feel it will be found out to be a scam for power and money and will one day be ban every where. Creapy people if you ask me. .Never know what country they will try to attack next and kill everyone because someone don't believe the same way.

    You guys and gals scare the hell out of me.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do women / girls lie about their age and weight.?

    They will even send you pictures a few years old thinking you will not notice thay have gained 50 pounds or that fact thay are 10 years older. I feel they don't think men are stupid or something.

    24 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago