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How do you figure out probability of differnt sided dice?
Ok, so i am working on a project but i am struggling...
Basically i need to figure out the probability of 3 dice (each differnt sided) that they will = less than a specific number...
If i have a 4, 6, 20 sided dice.... what is the probabilty that if i roll each of them one time they will be less than 15....
Can you help me with a mathematical formula to figure this out... im assuming its some discreet matmatics formula. currenlty i got nothing.. lolz..
for my project i might have to change the sides depending on the circumstance.. but your help would be appreciated.
1 AnswerMathematics7 years agoHow to get a married name amendment on a Korean (south) Passport?
I am a US citizen (military) and I married a Korean Citizen. We have been married for 3 years, and we just completed her IR-1 Visa. So now she can go into america using it(we just went to guam to finalize everything).
Now my question is... During the Visa process one of the people at the US Consulate(embassy) told us anytime she goes to America she will have to have our Marriage certificate because her maiden name is on the passport and her Married last name(mine) is on the Visa... OR I could get an "additional name used" amendment added to her passport stating that she also goes by "married last name(because of marriage)"... Well I have tried to google how to do this and I can't figure it out.
Would this be something she has to do in Korea or at a US embassy(consulate)... I am not sure because I know that Koreans don't change their last name when they get married... infact they can't change thier last name... so in Korea she will always have her madden last name, but on all the paperwork for anything american she has her married last name... SO HOW DO I GET THIS... I don't want to have to remember every time we enter/leave the US to bring our marriage cert... especially since we only have 2 copies and I don't' want to screw them up. Any one done this before?
1 AnswerImmigration10 years agoDo I have to travel to the US with my wife to finalize her Visa?
My wife is Korean, and we live in Japan(military) . I just completed her visa stuff and she has received her passport back with the Visa inside... Now we just need to travel to the US.... Well I am wondering, is it required that I travel with her to the US(guam). We are trying to go to guam. Or can she go by herself? She has an IR1, and on the paperwork I remember putting, myself as the person she will be traveling to the US with... So do I have to go with her, or can she just go by herself?
1 AnswerOther - United States10 years agoHow to hook up my XP Desktop to my Windows 7 PC?
Ok, so this is the deal, I live in japan and use Fiber Optic internet. To do this... I require 2 japanese pieces of equipment, 1 that changes Fiber to a normal Ethernet cable, 2 that is a router.
This is my current hookup:
Fiber cable into my house-to-fiber/Ethernet cable box-to-Japanese router-to-PC(windows XP Pro, Desktop)
Fiber cable into my house-to-fiber/Ethernet cable box-to-Japanese router-to-wireless routher-wirelessly to- Laptop PC (windows 7)
I have 2 routers because the japanese router is a must as it has the software that enables it to talk to the fiber blah blah blah..
So this is what I have tried...
I tried to turn on sharing on both computers, name them the same workgroup(yes workgroup i didn't use homegroup for the windows 7 computer I know it will only work with other computers running 7)
and... then nothing..
Also I tried to ping the IP address and I could Ping it.. but all data was lost...
HOW can I fix this.. oh yea both are running Norton 360 and I believe i tried to turn off both firewalls if im not mistaken.
When i do this... I can't see the computers in the networks.. can somone give me a step by step... like retard proof I guess. I found 1 site, but wasn't good enough I guess because I couldn't get it to work. Thanks.
1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade agoMy car occasionally shakes while accelerating and stops when i let off the gas. WHY?
Sometimes, Id say 1-2 times a week my 1996 Toyota Windom(japanese version of a lexus) will shake a little while accelerating. If i let off the gas, it stops. Then I can (9 out of 10 times) push the gas back down and it will be fine. Some times I have to release the gas 2-3 times before it stops. It doesn't make any unusual noises as far as I can tell. The shake feels like if you where to drive on a bunch of gravel. But I am driving on a flat surface. (AHHH!!) it feels like if you drive off the side of the road and those "WAKE UP" bumps shake your car. Any help!!!!
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agocan you check if 2 pdfs or text files have similar text...?
I have 2 files, and I want to be able to see what they have in common.
Basically I have one... with questions... and another with questions and answers. but not same questions. some are ... some aren't So I was wondering if there was a quick way to compare text in both?
2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agoMicrosoft Access Report HELP needed!?
I am trying to create a database where I enter a persons First and last name, email address, and the date that they were trained on an Item. (I got this part working so far)
Now I want a report that I can run, that will tell me which people are 1 month away from being 1 year from training... meaning date trained plus 11 months. Because they need to train anually.
How can I get the report to have parameters? I have tried to find something to help but nothing.
1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade agoCan you add points to photoshop warp grid?
I was wanting to do some warping.. but I can't really fine tune it well with the current grid. anyway to add more points?
2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade agoCan you use photoshop to make one image the shape of another?
... Ok so... what for example I mean is...
Can I take a ... picture of a coke bottle laying sideways. and can I take a picture of an alien head... and can I then take the shape of the alien head and make the coke bottle that shape to an extent?
2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade agoCan I file a 1040EZ with a W-7?
My wife is not an american, and she doesn't have a SSN or an ITIN number. So I will be required to file a W-7 to get her one.
I used Turbo tax to complete my taxes jointly. It filled out a 1040EZ and I had to leave the SSN on her blank. So... can I turn in this 1040EZ with the W-7? And if so... where do I send it?
Also... While filing my taxes it ask for my spouses name. Well her Korean last name (on her passport which we are using to verify her identity for the W-7) is different from the one I have registered with my work and what not(my last name). (korea doesn't change last names when married).
So... which name should I use? I am so confused.
3 AnswersUnited States1 decade agoStatistic Q? The owner of a local nightclub has recently surveyed a random sample of n = 250 customers of?
The owner of a local nightclub has recently surveyed a random sample of n = 250 customers of the club. She would now like to determine whether or not the mean age of her customers is over 30. If she wants to be 99% confident in her decision, what rejection region should she use?
A Reject H0 if t < -2.34
B Reject H0 if t < -2.55
C Reject H0 if t > 2.34
D Reject H0 if t > 2.55
2 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoIn the Air Force do you have to shave before PT?
I have airmen in my shop who don't like to shave before PT. I have always been taught you have to have your beard shaved if your in uniform. So that always included PT gear. However, on Kadena AB they don't consider it a uniform you have to salute during reveille and such so I was wondering do you have to shave while in this PT uniform. Also if your unit doesn't do PT in the AF PT gear do you have to shave if your in civilian gear during a flight PT session?
I checked 36-2903, and it doesn't say anything about when you have to shave. It just says you have to be shaven. So to me that means whether in uniform or not, however I never shave in civilian gear. Anyone have any information on this subject please help!. Thank you!
3 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoCan a supervisor in the US air force release someone early from work?
I am a SSgt in the US Air Force and I have been taught that if you are in charge of them you can release your airmen/troops early to reward them. So if on a slow day I want to release them at 1pm That is legal. I heard a NCO can only do up to a half of a day though. So is this in fact legal and can anyone give me a reference to where I could find this? I know AFI 36-2918 (enlisted force structure) give you the power to reward your airmen but who says you can give time off?
7 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoHow does a Korean spouse change last name to husband's(US citizen) last name?
I am a military member stationed in Korea. I just married a Korean woman and we are trying to find out how to change her last name to mine... I have heard that it's automatic and no paper work is required. Also a lot of Koreans keep their last name when they marry American, but mine doesn't want to... she wants my name. Can anyone give me information on how to change her name... or is it automatic... do we need to get a new Passport for her... and what name should I put on the Visa App? So many questions and our legal office just sent us to a internet page that i couldn't find anything on name changes or korean marriages other than if she has a SSN. Which she doesn't.
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoDoes having retractable Testicles cause infertility?
I am a 24 year old white male. I just recently found out it was not natural for my testicles to go back inside my body from time to time. I always thought this was normal, as it does go back to the scrotum with no pain or major discomfort. So Now I researched and It is called Retractable Testicles. Well I also keep trying to look up this issue, but keep getting undescended testicles in the google searches. I know that undescended testicles cause infertility... But, I can't find much info on Retractable testicles. SO... question is... does having retractable testicles cause infertility? Also, please site your source so I can research this further.
6 AnswersMen's Health1 decade agoWhy does military wear hats?(i know its the uniform)?
Ok, to start... I am military, USAF. I hate having to wear a hat outside. The rule is if you are not under cover you have to wear a Hat... but then there are areas designated as No hat/No salute areas. So, does the hat "tradition" need to be in place?
I have asked many leaders and no one knows. I think the Hat should be Optional, maybe even Optional to wear but mandatory to have available for ceremonies and such (ie. in pocket).
Anyone else think this is a useless tradition that only makes your head hotter during summer?
3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agowhat is the difference between NVidia 8800GT Alpha dog edition and 8800GTS Alpha dog edition? ?
Can some one tell me the differences? I can't find any specs that differ from the 2, other than size of board and cost. (and of course one has an S).
I bought the GT version thinking it was the GTS, however, i noticed the size and was like ... wtf? now I am wondering why such a size difference? I can't seem to find anything that is different from the sites I have visited.
4 AnswersDesktops1 decade agoAnyone know name of OLD game with gears, and pulleys and wedges.?
Anyone remember that old game I used to play it in school on the computer, it was a strategy game where a ball would come out and you had to use wedges and pulleys and gears and stuff to get everythign to work right to get it to the end? anyone remember this ?
3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agocan you recover hidden files without the program you hid them with?
I have an external hardrive I had some files that I wanted to hide so not just anyone could see them.. well the computer I had the software on crashed... now I can't get to those files on my external harddrive and I don't have or even remember which program I had... is it possible to get to them.. or at least delete them? preferably get to them...
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoCan somone please make me a WOW macro? or script?
Ok here is the deal.. I have this addon that requires the battle field score board open then you type /ssum and it shoots a msg at bottom of screen giving you all your score, like kills damage, healing.. blah blah..
SO this is what I am wanting.. and please send it to morfusaf AT Gmail DOT com.
I need a macro or script that will open or .. toggle the WorldStateScoreFrame on
then type in /ssum
then toggle the WorldStateScoreFrame off
Just would like it to do it pretty quick. so I jsut hit thisbutton and it gives me the info.. so I don't ahve to go to battle ground button.. scroll to me.. look for it.. blah blah blah.. Please send me info.. and if your on mannoroth server i'll give you 25g for doing this!!!! (horde)
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago