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My name is Leslie I got my nick name Bigblade from my pet lizard. I love Supernatural and the boys who play Sam and Dean.

  • Overfeed Betta?

    I've had my Betta Gremlin for 3 years. Today we had company in the form of a 6 year old twins(mother included) they were fascinated by my betta aquarium and kept wanting to feed him I let them of course after I explained very carefully that most bettas can and will eat until they die hindsight that was probably a mistake. They must have thought it was a challenge or something because when I came home from work the pellet food can was on the bottom of the tank. I've cleaned the tank but I have a very bloated very lazy betta fish right now.

    I have tried giving him cooked peas in the past just to give him a variety I have also tried spinach and cabbage but he won't eat anything like that so I can't give him greens to relieve his bloat. I'm already going to hold his food until next week regardless but is there anything else i can do?

    2 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • 5.5 gallon tank 2 small goldfish. Ammonia problem?

    I have had the same goldfish for over 2 years, he used to be in a 2 gallon starter tank when I found a 5.5 at a garage sale I got it for my goldfish. I have had the tank set-up and running for 3 months. The readings have been fairly stable ammonia shot up at the beginning but started reading 0ppm about a week later. I was going out of town for 5 days and I had a friend taking care of my other pets(dogs & cats). I told him not to touch the fish tank that my goldfish would be fine until I got back. All readings were normal before I left.

    He didn't listen. He turned the filter off(it is for a much larger tank), over fed the fish, and he added 2 goldfish. Told me he looked hungry and lonely. I got home Wednesday to one dead goldfish, a goldfish I didn't want, and a filter that was not on. I changed the filter media added a Carbon Zeolite mixture to the filter and started it up again. The water is now crystal clear. The next step was to change the water the ammonia was reading 8.0ppm, but it could have been higher. I did a 75% water change and the ammonia was reading 4.0ppm hours later. The next day I did a 50% water change and it was reading 1.0ppm a few hours later. I went to the pet shop yesterday and got just plain Zeolite that I could place directly in the tank. Then I did a 15% water change and the ammonia did not change it was still at 1.0ppm. Today I did a 10% water change and the ammonia was down to .25ppm. I did another 10% water change 3 hours ago and the ammonia reading did not change.

    I know I have too much fish for my tank size, but I don't want to buy another tank for a goldfish I didn't want. Does anybody have any suggestions? Is a reading of .25ppm for ammonia ok? Should I do a larger water change? The other readings for pH, nitrite, and nitrate are all normal. Should I wait a few days for the tank to settle before I test again.

    I normally do a 5% water change every 2 days, now that there is another goldfish should I do a larger water change more often? Or would 5% every 2 days be adequate?

    3 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • What type of water to use in a fish tank?

    I was doing 25% water changes in my goldfish tank every week. When I noticed my ammonia and nitrite levels were going up instead of down. It's a large tank that has been set up for a few months now. I couldn't figure out why the levels were going up instead of down. I've add aquarium salt and use Prime to set up my tap water. I then decided to test my tap water. That is where the high level of ammonia and nitrite is coming from. I managed to get the ammonia under control with Zeolite and added a nitrite scrubber unit to my external filter. This has reduced both but not eradicated it completely. I was wondering if I should start buying water for my tanks when I do water changes since my tap is obviously not safe. I know not to use distilled water. I was wondering if the purified water with added minerals that most stores sell for baby food OK to use on a regular basis? If not what should I use or do?

    4 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Fin Rot or Ammonia Burn after Ich Outbreak?

    I introduced a new fan-tailed goldfish in the tank with my other 2 fan-tails two months ago. While the new fish didn't get ich my two larger ones did. The ich is gone now and while the new goldfish and one of my old ones are fine. The one that had Ich the worst lost some of it's tail fin. Now the ends have turned grey. The graying only effects the tail fin and no other fin. Could it be fin rot, or is it healing ammonia burn from the chemicals I used to treat the ich? They are all active and eating well, and the water conditions are now stable.

    3 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Does David's Bridal sell bridesmaid dress material?

    I would like to have my bridesmaid dress made since I am a big girl. The bride picked Wisteria I can't find that color anywhere else. Does anybody know if I can get fabric from them so I can have my dress made?

    The color must be and exact match. She doesn't care about the dress design(long, short, strapless) as long as the colors match. So I can't just go out and find something close. It has to be Wisteria.

    6 AnswersWeddings10 years ago
  • What kind of dog was in the movie 27 Dresses?

    I am thinking he was some kind of tri colored Shepherd, but I am not sure

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Betta with Fin Rot what more can I do?

    My first Betta in years a (Crown-tail) died almost two weeks ago he had fin rot so bad that no matter what I did it didn't help he finally just gave up. I sent everything Tank, Gravel Filter, Plastic Plant even the rocks (I use river stones not gravel) threw the dish washer. I washed everything again when it was done.

    After I set the tank up again I put the surviving ghost shrimp from the previous tank into the clean tank. I got a new Betta (Double-tail) a few days later since I had not been feeding the shrimp regularly so I didn’t change the water. It didn’t matter since had to change the water a day later. He got caught under the under gravel filter through holes in the rocks.

    I have had him a about week well since the 28th of February and I have changed the water twice. The ends of his tail fins are starting to fray it was like it happened overnight. So I took the shrimp from the water and gave him to a friend and did a complete water change I even added a little sea salt because I have no aquarium salt and the water treatment I have has Nitraban in it. This helps keep the pH, nitrates, and phosphate levels in normal range. I plan on changing his water again on Wednesday, but what else can I do to help him heal and keep this from happing again.

    7 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • How to make paper butterflies with rounded wings?

    I saw a paper butterfly with rounded wings on the show White Collar last night episode 5 called The Portrait does anybody know where I can learn how to fold these.

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know if the Air Hogs Laser Zero Gravity Remote-Control Vehicle works?

    It's an Air Hog product I never have had much luck with Air Hog but I think this thing looks cool. I mean it can drive up walls and drive on the ceiling, but does this thing actually work? You can go to this website to check it out.

    1 AnswerToys1 decade ago
  • I think my betta is sick?

    I got him about a week ago and at first he was fine swimming around his tank perfectly happy. The only problem with the 1 gallon tank is that the water makes all sides of the tank a mirror so he was constantly flashing, but that wasn't a problem till recently. Yesterday I noticed that he was chilling at the bottom of his tank by his plant, and that he would only come up for air before he would swim back down to the bottom of his tank. So I changed the water today and he has had no change. I have had a betta before but it has been awhile. People have told me to add a little bit of salt to his tank, but table salt has chlorine in it... I thought that was bad for the fish. If anyone has any ideas let me know. Thanks guys.

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • I need a website that can help me play with my brother on his Wii while I play from mine?

    Confused? Me and him are trying to set up our Wii's so we can play each other online. We have already done the register as friends Instant messaging share are Mii's thing but I can not figure out how to play him. If anyone can tell me how to set that up we would appreciate it

    1 AnswerNintendo Wii1 decade ago
  • Same mom different dads is it still incest?

    Argument with my friend don’t be mean yes I understand it’s a strange question. I think it is still considered incest because the still have a parent in common. My friend thinks not because it’s not the same mom and dad. I could go in to the chromosomes and talk bio facts to her but I really don’t feel like it would make any difference with her. Want to get other people opinions

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What to get a 2 year old for his birthday?

    My best friends nephew is turning 2 in a week and I am not sure what to get him. He is kinda in to everything I was thinking bout getting him his own Transformer its big and it talks no bending into something. I'm curious to what the yahoo Universe thinks.

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Problem with Head or my Eyes?

    For years I have had major migraine headaches that will keep me in a dark quite room for hours on end. I used to be able to take an Excedrin Migraine and an hour later it was gone. Well Excedrin does not work anymore now I take strictly Advil.

    If I pay attention to my eyes I can pinpoint the day I will get a migraine some days what looks like shadows will pass in front of my eyes other days it’s a flashing colorful strip of light that I can’t even see around, recently it’s little sparks of white light that dash around in my field of vision.

    I am getting worried because the migraines are starting to come more frequently should I get my eyes check or go see a neurologist?

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Will a Neon Light on a light dimmer blow the light?

    I have moved my Neon Light to a wall switch with a dimmer on it if I use the dimmer will the light blow?

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • How to remove dust stains from the walls?

    I recently moved rooms and there are dust stains all over the walls of the old room. Does anyone have any ideas as how to get them off with out having to repaint?

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Male Calico Cats...!!!?

    I know that most calico cats are female and I know why.... I have asked all my friends if they ever had and calico cat and if they were ever male. So far all I have gotten are NO's everyone I know only had females. I wanna know how many people on yahoo have a male calico cat or know anybody who have a male calico cat.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Yorkie Grunt Is it normal?

    My older brothers Yorkie grunts and oinks like a pig it’s really funny to hear. Has anyone ever heard of a yorkie doing this or has a yorkie that does this?

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • How to dye hair with Cool Aid?

    Ok I have read the how to's. You mix 2 unsweetened packs Cool Aid with conditioner. But what kind of conditioner does it matter? And i have dark brown hair that I highlight and my friend has black hair I am going to use green how long do I leave it in. And what color shows up the best in black hair. She was thinking pink. How long should she leave it in?

    If your only advise is not to use Cool Aid then don't answer

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Any "Hand Gore" in Friday the 13th?

    By Hand Gore I mean I can't take anymore than a paper cut happening to a hand. I am not a chicken when it comes to horror movies I just can't handel Hand Gore ever since I lost my fingers. I don't want any big spoilers, just if there is some let me know how bad so I can prepare myself. Thanks guys.

    By the way typing does suck but I still have my right hand and I am a righty so even though it sucks i deal quite well.

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago