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  • Help with movie title?

    I'm trying to find a movie that I only watched half of on late night t.v. and fell asleep on. I can only recall that it involved 2 criminals, male and female, who hid out in a house with a hostage and they didn't know he was a serial killer. The guy that played the serial killer looked familiar, but I can't recall what else he played in. I would like to watch the end of the movie, but I don't know the title so I can look it up. Does anyone know what movie this is? Thanks

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Can You Help Me With This Movie Title?

    I'm try to remember a movie with fuzzy details, but I believe a guy might have accidentally killed his friend and the friend became a zombie and kept talking to him through the movie and the guy kept trying to hide him from people, or something like that. I think the guys head was chopped off. Also, I think they were teenagers. It's a comedy, I think 80,s/ early 90,s, and it's not American Werewolf. I just remember this movie being really funny at the time, but I'm having the hardest time remembering any more about it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Big Brother t.v. show?

    Can someone please translate what is the 'Renny' sock puppet saying during the Sock Puppet Eviction? I heard 'I know I'm going home', 'I hate everybody', and 'Jesse you suck'. What is she saying about LSU, Walgreens, and being sad around the house. This scene was so hilarious, and I was so busy laughing, that I still can't make out what the puppet (Bryan) was saying. That voice was just too darn funny!

    1 AnswerReality Television1 decade ago
  • Slow-motion shot?

    What's your favorite walking slow-motion shot? For example, mine are the scene from Reservoir Dogs with the opening credits and of the classic scene from The Right Stuff with all of the astronauts in full gear preparing for launch (this one may have set the standard). Do you have any faves or some that stand out? Also, can anyone give me the earliest know version of this slow-mo shot? Just curious to know what movie this might have originated in.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Movie quotes?

    For real movie buffs. Can you tell me what movies these quotes came from?

    1. Just do what I do, but don't talk in ranks- it's against regulations.

    2. Why am I always last?

    - Because you're the most important.

    3. You wear too much eye makeup. My

    sister wears too much eye makeup-

    people think she's a whore.

    4. Such times when youngins run the roads-

    go away children!

    5. They went to that Rerun dance school.

    6. You know, I used to be in the music

    business, but now I'm what you might call

    retired. It's a refined name for bum.

    7. Now what do you think you're doing? You

    wanna throw your garbage? Throw it in the

    Godd*mn trash basket!

    8. Four saxes and a clarinet-

    (slaps forehead) He'd better stay up all


    9. I should have my head overhauled,

    listening to you. My Grandma was right- cow sh*t for brains!

    10. I think the tide's with us- keep kicking.

    Movies1 decade ago
  • Movie Poster?

    What's your favorite contemporary movie poster (mainly of the past 5-10 years)?

    My new fave is the new one for the Incredible Hulk movie with Bruce Banner on it and the Hulk in the background.

    The clothes he has on are so retro- just like the the outfits from the t.v. series. That jean jacket and satchel really took me back.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • What's that word?

    Can someone please tell me that word that's used to describe the button, pins, and what-nots that some of the restaurant employees wear? I remember hearing it in a movie once, but I can't think of the word. Thanks

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Scott Baio reality show?

    From the episode where his wife's arguing with Johnny on the balcony, can someone please tell me where Scott's wife got those Skull & Crossbones pajamas? Thanks

    2 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Steven Seagal?

    How many movies has Steven appeared in with prepositional phrases as titles of the movie? Can you name them please?

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Origins of a quote?

    In the past week, I've heard at least 3 diff ppl (on t.v.) say "ain't my first time at the rodeo". Can someone please tell the origins of this quote? Thanks

    8 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago
  • Private Watchlist?

    What ?(s) have you put on your Watchlist, because you didn't know the answer and you were just dying to find out- or at least see what got Best Answer?

    Here's one I'm watching:;_ylt=Asv6M...

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Movie quotes?

    What movies did these quotes come from?

    10 pts to the 1st one to guess the movie and the character who spoke them, or at least gets the most quotes correct.

    1. See Daddy, sinners have souls too.

    2. Yea, I love yous too. I just also wanna thank God. Except for my kid bein' born, this is the greatest night in the history of my life.

    3. Man, what are you doing with a gun in space?

    4. My grandfather used to work for your grandfather. Of course the rates have gone up.

    5. That's it. Out you two pixies go - through the door, or out the window!

    6. You mean it's going to say on the screen that I don't talk and sing for myself?

    7. Magic Legs.

    8. Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.

    9. As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster.

    10. Fiddle-Dee-Dee!

    I'll be here same every Wednesday with new quotes. And trust me, they will get harder.

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Pineapple burn?

    I got a serious tongue burn from eating too much pineapple and now I can't taste anything. Is this a serious ailment or will it clear up in short while? I've been told that I may have some kind of Vitamin deficiency and to lay off the pineapple, but I need to know when am I going to get my taste buds back. Do I need to see my doc about this or just wait it out?

    2 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • Favorite Movie Homage?

    What's your favorite movie homage? Specifically, what scene or dialogue in one movie that references of imitates another movie is your favorite? (spoofs not included)

    I like the Mexican Standoff at the end of Shaun of the Dead that is almost an exact replica of the one from Resevoir Dogs. "Stop pointing that gun at my mum!"- hilarious.

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Venezuelan lawmaker vs. Journalist?

    Has anyone seen the video of the Venezuelan lady slapping a male journalist repeatedly. Can someone please tell me what they are arguing about? This lady is so mad, I've go to know what the fuss is about. Sorry I don't have a link to the vid. I can't remember which site I saw it on. But I do remember the lady was wearing a red t-shirt and black pants. She hit the guy so hard I think she broke his glasses. Anyone who can satisfy my curiousity will be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • How do you set the date/time stamp for emails?

    How do I set my PC to the correct GMT if I'm in Chicago, IL? It's currently set to US/Canada CST, but that 's not showing the proper time on my emails and notepad.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • Help with 80's Movie Title, Please?

    Can someone please help me with the name of this film set in Medieval times?

    I don't recall the stars or the plot, but I do remember a scene where someone threw rotten meat (or a dead animal) into a well so that the bad guys would all drink the water and get the Plague. I know it's not much to go on, but it is driving me crazy. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Why is my keyboard causing my PC to freeze?

    It's only working when I unplug the keyboard. How can i fix prob if keyboard's not plugged in?

    5 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Japanese ****** Video?

    I found this video on Youtube and wanted to get some opinions about it. It's a 6-min. long vid featuring a Japanese family using hip-hop culture and language. I watched it and couldn't tell if it was suppose to be funny (it has a laugh track) or some sort of social commentary. It left me totally confused. What do you think about this vid?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago