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  • Could you lose custody of your child if you allow someone else to spank them?

    Just had an interesting conversation with someone. So most parents would be irate if they found out someone physically disciplined their kids, understandably so. But this one woman told me that if someone came to her saying she/he had to spank her child, she wouldn’t initially get angry. She’d first wonder what her child did that was so severe and ask so. Then approach her child and talk to them about what happened. If she felt it was uncalled for than she’d inform the spanker that it wasn’t her go to discipline and to not do it again. 

    She assured she she wouldn’t let just anyone spank her child. It would depend on who it was and why they’ve done it on how she’d react. Immediate family was different from a friend or babysitter was what she told me. 

    What are your thoughts? Could she lose custody or could CPS look into this at least? The 

    Parenting9 months ago
  • What to do about corrupt cop? ?

    You’re accused of assaulting a girl. A cop who’s completely convinced you’re guilty is constantly harassing you; coming up to make snarky comments for instance. You finally defend yourself and tell him there’s video evidence on your phone proving that it didn’t happen so he takes your phone and puts it in his car just to take it from you. Who do you go to, especially regarding the evidence he’s keeping from you to use in your defense? 

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 months ago
  • When is a new mom ready to nurse? ?

    Is it when the baby is born or could she have her milk come in during the pregnancy? When does it happen?

    9 AnswersPregnancy9 months ago
  • What’s your favorite song right now?

    Right now, mine is Every Time You Leave by I Prevail 

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 months ago
  • Do you have a strong imagination? ?

    If so, do you write stories? Or create anything artistically? What’s your outlet usually?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 months ago
  • What’s the worst thing someone’s ever said or done to you?

    Two things come to my mind.

    Once when I was ten I was at a local playground in my hometown with two of my friends and stepsister (at the time she was). A boy and his friend approached us and we started hanging out together. He had a stutter and seemed to not get along well with other kids, and I think he had a small crush on me. Eventually we drifted apart and stopped talking to each other but one day I had a group of boys come up to me saying this same boy I met has started telling people that we had sex. That I slept with him numerous times or had gotten pregnant by someone else. Basically had many neighborhood kids think I was some kind of slut or girl who sleeps around. It even paved the way for other rumors to be spread about me. I had kids pick on me about this for years.

    Another time was when I had a girl I looked up to suddenly turn around and call me an s$$ kisser, that I was pathetic and desperate, and eventually that no one gave a f—k about me or a friend of mine. I ended up in tears afterwards. 

    What about you? And I guess I’m asking because my heads in a dark place right now,

    2 AnswersFriends10 months ago
  • What are the odds of them getting custody? ?

    What are the chances of someone gaining custody of their baby cousin?

    To briefly summarize; one girl accused another girl of mistreating a child. There was never enough evidence to give to the police so they could arrest her. The accused girl has solid proof she was innocent but the accuser and her friends never let this go. There were a number of occasions where the accused or her friends would instigate a fight with the accused where the police had to be called. The accused was dating the accuser’s cousin at the time and found out she was pregnant. The accuser wants custody since the baby daddy is not able to go for it since he’s having legal troubles. Can this happen? What are her chances? 

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 months ago
  • Who to call about an out-of-control cop? ?

    Specifically a policeman who insults you such as calling you trash or bringing your race into it, approaches you to “investigate” but really just harasses you, gets too close to you and has his face close to yours, is basically pompous and condescending, all based on a biased opinion that you’re guilty of a crime you’re not and he can’t have enough strong evidence to arrest you for. What action do you take and what do you do?

    Stories on the news about crooked cops have me thinking this over. 

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 months ago
  • Are these symptoms of OCD?

    Well, back in early 2016 I had something dark happen and it triggered these disturbing intrusive thoughts. Thoughts that something sinister would happen to my characters in stories I’ve written (I’m a writer)

    , including children characters if I didn’t do things to save them. I’ll have this urge to run up and down a driveway for example and the number of laps I’d run would build the ‘save’ for my characters. I’d do things like touch something over and over again to rescue them, or thought certain colors and numbers assigned for each character would save them. “If you see something yellow, she’s safe” is an example of my thinking. I started counting and multiplying numbers in my head easily all day to save them, like notebooks filled with numbers I’d perform 

    Mathematics with. If I did nothing, I’d have the intrusive fears come and would have severe anxiety attacks.

    At some point I was scared of the sky and thought that gravity would suddenly disappear and I’d be sucked up into the sky and onto space where I’d suffocate to death so I’d be afraid an open sky. I’d want to stay in the shade. 

    I’d have horrific thoughts of sexual nature that would come and go in seconds but would seriously disturb me, even about Jesus Christ or God. I had to walk away from religion to appease this.

    And now I’m having intrusive daydreams about being tortured by insane, psychotic people at a resort I’m staying in easily all day. 

    Do you think this is OCD? If so, would do you suggest to cure it?

    Psychology10 months ago
  • Can you sue in a situation like this?

    Had a bizarre dream last night and it’s making me think questions (can’t help it, I’m sorry) about legal action, court cases and the law.

    I dreamt that I was in some kind of resort where I’m supposed to stay for three months. A young girl also staying there accused me of attacking her, making a mass group of women who are overprotective of the girl extremely angry and wanting to take action against me by making me the scapegoat of the resort. Because of a contract I supposedly signed, I’ve given owners of the resort permission to  allow other visitors to use physical force against me if they felt it necessary based on the nature of these accusations, specifically for the girl and her family. Like if they walked in on me striking her and wanted to fight me off her for instance. Instead this family terrorizes me and physically jumps me every chance they get all night, hacks my hair off, destroys my belongings (also somehow allowed), and almost lands me in the hospital. At some point, one of the nastiest, lowlife people bites my fingers hard enough to where they’re nearly cut to the bone and may have to be amputated if infected.

    The policemen present see the violence but think, because they’re being manipulated, that I’m the one provoking the “fights” (more vicious attacks then anything by a mob of people) and don’t do anything to penalize the abusers.

    I’m just thinking...could I’ve sued the resort and the police station if the contract was broken for using excessive force? 

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 months ago