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  • How would you describe my style?

    I personally consider it eclectic, as it changes almost every day. But I was bored & curious of your opinions. RESPECTFUL OPINIONS. If you're gonna start trolling & being an asshole, I'll call you out for it right away. So let's keep it nice & peachy in the comments OK!

    Here are a few photo examples: (recent)

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories5 years ago
  • What are your fave tea & cookie pairings?

    I love drinking either green or black tea with honey almond cookies. The brand of cookies I buy is called "Luv Yu" & they are from Asia.

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink5 years ago
  • Why can't some people understand & respect when someone is just doing their job?

    The scenario plays out exactly the same way every ******* time too! I work at Sonic right? Well, sometimes people will come to fast food places thinking they can get whatever & do whatever. So when I tell them NO, we can't do that for you, all hell breaks loose. & because I'm WHITE and most of the time the people verbally assaulting me are NOT WHITE, I'M SUDDENLY RACIST. SIMPLY BECAUSE I'M DOING MY ******* JOB & TELLING YOU WHAT MY MANAGER TOLD ME TO DO!! Prime example: A group of people came 20 minutes before our closing time. Ordered quite a lot of food, about $15-$20 worth of it. So I take it out to them, I'm nice & courteous. I get paid to be a polite young lady, so I play that part rather well. They all start out being nice & courteous as well, so it's whatever. of the burgers was made wrong. I'm apologetic & say I can swap it out with a new one. One of the passengers interrupts & says if she can purchase the reject one. I do my best to explain that we're getting ready to close the store & have already turned off our speakers. My words: "I'd have to ring it up & our systems are already down. I can't accept money for a nonexistent ticket. Throws everything off balance." Boom! All 3 start cursing at me. Then this was said, "If we were all blonde Susie types, this **** wouldn't happen!" I lost it at that point. Me: "NO! Lil' blondies are told the exact same thing, because that's my job. I'll get my black manager, he'll tell ya the same thing!" He did, so ha!

    3 AnswersFood Service5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    So I just confronted my cyber stalker, do you think he'll leave me alone now?

    I've had a cyber stalker for a few months now. He found me on facebook after seeing me on a few dating sites, while I was single. I deleted most of those accounts & I did block him on all of them. I never checked the messages he sent me till now, they were all in my filtered messages folder. Since nothing was happening offline, I didn't really think much of it. Until I checked the messages. He sent me a message "Hey beautiful." "You look cute today" etc. every month from April to now. I sent him a message telling him to stop & even warning him if he threatens my safety, things will get ugly. Not just from me, but people in my life will come to my defense fiercely. (I'll put my reply down below) At first he laughed at this & acted all fearless. Then! I said I'd get the cops involved as well. That's when he immediately blocked me. So do you think that scared him off or should I be more worried?

    5 AnswersOther - Social Science5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    What's the deal with people getting so shocked that non-colored women can be curvy? (pics included)?

    I'm white as rice & I've ALWAYS been curvy. It really is genetic, as most of the women on my mama's side have big hips as well. I swear, people (mostly men...) have a ******* field day when they see me. It really gets annoying sometimes. It can be flattering & cute too. But not when it's made into a circus type event. Bodies come in an array of varieties, no matter what your skin color may be.

    28 AnswersOther - Skin & Body5 years ago
  • What are some things you appreciate in your relationship?

    Y'know, it's so much better receiving great stuff after dealing with a whole lot of ****. For example, one issue I had with most of my exes. I HATED whenever anyone I dated dictated how I dressed or when I could go out. I had some try tell me I couldn't go out to bars or clubs unless I'm with them. Ya'll ain't my mama or daddy! So I'd like to say that I REALLY appreciate my new boyfriend's trust in me. I asked if he'd have a problem with me going out dancing by myself & he said, "As long as you come home to me, do what makes you happy baby." He's a keeper for sure! :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What's the best way to respond to some customers?

    Ok! So I work for Sonic. I actually enjoy my job. It's relatively easy to do, honestly anyone can do fast food work. I have major anxiety issues & I make it through somehow. Tips make it worthwhile, mostly. Anyway, sometimes though I get comments that I don't really know how to respond to. Mainly with my skating...which I admit I'm not the best at. I do get the food to people at a reasonable time & have only dropped food twice. Worked for Sonic about a year & then some. So I'm very careful about skating, but I guess it comes off as being clumsy? Like I get a lot of comments such as: "First time on skates?" or "You're not so good at that are ya?" It can be a downer sometimes! I try to be that employee that makes people wanna come back not cringe. I tend to try to play the cute ditz type role. I'll smile & say things like: "I do my best!" or "A job's a job & I love mine!" Are these good enough responses? Or should I just give up & say "Yeah, I'm a terrible skater. I should quit right now, thanks for the advice!" I feel like I can't win in these situations no matter what I say.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Does anyone else get annoyed by the "Hate the sin, not the sinner" mindset?

    I've heard this said TOO MANY times when discussing my lifestyle with more religious type people. Sometimes my lifestyle (being bi & agnostic) isn't even brought up. They'll see something going on, like there's a pride parade tomorrow, & just say this phrase. Is that really supposed to make me feel better? You hate my personal choices, which are a huge factor in WHO I AM, but yet you still love me?? I call bullshit! & to make matters worse, these people will try to defend themselves by saying things like: "Well, your dad smokes right? You still love him." Smoking is waaayyyyy different than being gay or not going to church. Smoking can actually kill people, so of course I hate my dad doing it. But I won't die from being attracted to both genders & not putting religion as a priority in my life. I'm sorry that you feel the impulse to pray for me, because I simply disagree with you. That does NOT make me a bad or dangerous person. If I end up going to hell over it though, hey, you can say I told you so in the afterlife then. ;)

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • What to wear with leggings, besides the classic black kind?

    So Fall is almost here, which means that I will basically live in leggings for the entire season. During winter as well, for sure. I typically wear black leggings, as they pair well with everything. But I kinda wanna mix things up this year. I bought blue, olive green, grey, & purple leggings. Which color(s) tops & dresses/skirts would coordinate well with these colors? I have a wide variety of different styled tops & dresses/skirts. So any suggestions?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories5 years ago
  • Which insurance is the best yet cheapest?

    I've recently been kicked off my family's insurance & so I need to get my own individual plan. I just have no idea which kind is best for me & will cover all the bases at a reasonable price. I would like to be able to obtain some form of insurance before next month, because my birth control expires then. Also, there's a high chance of getting injured with the type of work I do. My job also sucks in the I don't really have that much money for kick *** insurance. Help?

    3 AnswersInsurance5 years ago
  • Why is sexual harassment so accepted in this Society?

    I swear, I cannot go a week without somebody acting really misogynistic towards me. I'm not saying sexism doesn't happen for males either. It shouldn't happen at all! I cannot understand why victim blaming is a thing either. Such things only ENCOURAGE rapists & sexual crimes to keep existing. It's a tough world we live in & it's only getting tougher as I get older. Which is probably the main cause for my depression, honestly.

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • Why are most religious people really homophobic?

    & don't you dare bring up any scriptures. I'm agnostic, so I won't agree with anything that's a bible-based answer. C'mon, give me a concise & valid reason WITHOUT saying "God says it's sinful" According to God, just about everything you do is sinful. Even thinking too highly of yourself is a sin, prideful & whatnot. So yeah, I want a valid reason without religion involved. Go!

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • How do I stay strong & resist my ex husband?

    So I'm going through a divorce. My soon-to-be ex husband recently received my lawyer's papers. Now, my lawyer stated I don't really need my husband's signature or presence in court. UNLESS he decides to fight with a lawyer as well. I'm hoping he won't & just signs the freaking papers so we can both move on. I'm not even asking for any money. I just want this over with. We don't even have assets to our names! Anyway, a day or two after my ex received the papers, he sent me flowers. Saying: "I'm sorry. Can I try again?" I sent them back. I was kinda happy though, but I KNOW he will never change. Plus, why is he sending flowers NOW & not all the other times he screwed up???

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • Do you think my fwb likes me?

    Ok! I m 23 & I recently gained a fwb type relationship with a guy I ve known for awhile. We get along really well & he s actually really nice. Well! He invited me to go to an anime con with him & his friend. Turns out this friend is his EX GF. I kinda got jealous...but she got even MORE jealous when she found out he invited me. He says he won t deal with any of her pettiness & says her jealousy was the reason for their break up. She keeps texting him "girlfriend-like" messages. Like today, we rented a hotel to get dirty & just chill. She texted him to call her & say goodnight. He ALWAYS asks for my advice about how to handle it. I keep telling him it s obvious she still likes him & for him to be honest with her. Also not to send mixed signals, because I refuse to deal with being the other woman drama. He actually listens to my advice. He chose to ignore her & even cuddle me! Which begs the question if he may be into me?? I do like him, but I don t wanna rush a relationship. Advice?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What are the basics for a fall/winter wardrobe?

    My closet is consumed with spring/summer clothes. I've bought so much that I've forgotten how to shop for fall/winter clothes. I know coats & sweaters are the gist of fall/winter shopping, but are there any other basics I should know about? Are there any places with super cute fall/winter clothes. Most places carry really plain stuff.

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years ago