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What are some dichotomy between the liberal and conservative ideologies?
I have to write a paper for my government class, and its pretty much sectioned out on what she wants to know in each paragraph - the problem is i just dont understand that one section?
-Describe the general belief structures by explaining the dichotomy (contradiction) between the liberal and conservatives ideologies. (E.g. Conservatives want more government intervention when ______, but less when ______.)
Thats what she is asking for in one part of my paper, and i search online but all i see is what they agree and dont agree but nothing about contradictions.
can anyone please help? give me some examples?
4 AnswersPolitics7 years agohow do i get my share of 401k from my divorce 2 years ago? Texas?
I got a divorce in 2011 and my ex husband gave me a percentage of his 401k - the problem is, our divorce papers doesnt say how i am supposed to receive the money (check/cash/ira) and it doesnt say who is obligated to pay the fees or whatever when transferring or cashing it out...
Another problem is, he quit his job couple months after our divorce and transferred it all to his personal IRA - with USAA bank.
And then i read online about a QUADRO? Im not sure exactly what it is, but it seems like every thing i read online dealing with 401k and divorce mentions that - well we never signed that either.
Im just confused, about all this - what do i need to do to get things moving?? I live in texas - if that helps.
also, is it true that since he transferred "my share" to a IRA i can try getting more out of it since its building interest??
2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoHow do they figure out how much to give for child support in texas?
So i have a 3 month old n my babies father is already payin child support $300 for his 2 kids (5yrs n 6yr old) i told hin i was thinkin bout puttin child support on him n he doesnt take much home from his check after they take it out so even though he tries to help me out its kinda hard with a baby so my question is if i put him on it will it reduce his other kids amt to make it an even 300 between all 3 kida or add xtra money on top of that??
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoHow do i apply for full custody of a child (unborn) in the state of texas?
I am due in 6 weeks, and i am not with the father of my child. He has 2 other kids and owes back pay child support almost 5,000 - He has pending felony charges - and really hasnt done anything for me during my pregnancy. I dont want child support, or anything to do with him, just raise my baby on my own. I just dont know how to do it? Or if thats even possible, cause i want to have my baby and not worry about him or his mom trying to take the baby away. I was planning on not putting his name on the birth certificate either, but can i file anything before the baby is born?
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years agohow can a father get full custody of kids in texas?
So my bf, wants to get full of custody of his two kids (4 & 5yr old). The thing is, he doesnt know how to go about it. He wouldnt mind having joint custody but his ex found out I am pregnant, and now she doesnt let him see or talk to the kids because of me, also she sends him text messages saying she is changing their last names and eventually going to take child support off so he cant have anything to do with them, and also she sends texts messages saying remarks about how she is going to keep taking money from him and not let him see the kids. He is supposed to get the kids every other wkend but she rarely lets that happen so when he took her to the tx child support office to discuss this she denied it and they didnt do anything about it. Also she doesnt even have the 5yr old daughter in elementary just in daycare with the 4 yr old cause she wants to wait till the 4yr old turns 5 (next year) so they can start elementary school together. Another thing is, she gave the tx child support office an address that supposedly is where her and the kids stay at but they dont even live there and he has no idea where they are staying at. The state of texas seem to favor the mothers, so its hard on his behalf also he is 24 but he worries that they might use the fact that he got arrested when he was 17 against him even though he has never been arrested after that. She also has had CPS called on her 2 times but nothing was ever done. He said if he cant get full custody at least for his mother to get custody of the kids, so how can he go about this? He also isnt technically divorced from her they been separated for 3 yrs and she has another bf but does their marriage affect his child support cause i have heard that if you are married you cant get child support put on you but i dont know how true is that?
2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago9 weeks preggo and confused by symptoms?
i know they say everyone is different i understand that but i have had 3 miscarriages, and currently preggo right now - officially i am 9weeks so my symptoms are kinda weird-
-i do pee alot but not as often as some people say they do
-my breast WERE sore and tender but they seem to not be as bad as they were in the beginning
-im super tired during the day but at nights i cant sleep
-i havent been throwing up or anything until today!! i been gettin queasy and throwin up
-even tho i eat alot my stomach is always growling!! and this was before this whole throwin up phase
i have no bleeding, slight cramps
so is this normal??
im kinda tempted to go to the er just to get an ultrasound but i have my next dr appt on may 5th - so idk last appt i had i was 6wk4d and babies heartbeat was 141bpm -
but my last pregnancy i miscarried at 8 weeks so that why im so paranoid and anxious
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoAnyone taken Lovenox or apspirin a day during pregnancy?
Ive had previous miscarriages, and the dr said my blood is too thick and recommends me to be on lovenox but since its too expensive and i am waiting on my insurance they told me to take an aspirin a day 325mg - but i think thats too much?? i dont have my next dr apt till the 7th of april and i been takin an aspirin a day for 2 weeks but i dont know what to make of it.... i am 6weeks as of 4/3/11
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoNo heartbeat at 9 weeks pregnant - why?
I have had 2 miscarriages in the past and they both were around 3 or 4 weeks and there was never anything in the gestational sac. It turned out i had low progesterone...
Well i am currently pregnant when i found out and they did an ultrasound on me i had the yolk sac... so my dr put me on prometrium 100mg a day (progesterone). She made me come in every week just to make sure my baby was growing.
Last week i went and i was 8 weeks and i barely heard the baby heartbeat but we heard it... and i saw the flickering in the screen. Well today when i went and they did an ultrasound, there was no heartbeat and the didnt show me the screen so im not sure about the flickering. Afterwards she said the baby was still measuring the same as last week and i am most likely going to miscarry. She started crying cause she felt like she did everything she could and she doesnt understand why this happened....Im just curious whats going on because this was the 1st time i had a baby in me...
My question is, has this happened to anyone - one week hear the heart beat and the next dont and end up miscarrying?? What did your dr. say caused it??
has this happened to anyone and still had a successful pregnancy?
4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHas anyone taken prometrium (progesterone pills) around 4 1/2 weeks pregnant and had a successful pregnancy?
My LMP was 03.05.10 - i have had 3 m/c before so by my "calculations" i was supposed to get my period around 04.05 so, on 04.02 i took a pregnancy test and it came out negative. Then on 04.05 i took it again and it came out positive and scheduled an appointment with my Dr. well by my LMP i would of been like 5 1/2 weeks when they did an u/s and she was saying i was probably earlier than expected, or i might be m/c again and when they did blood work she said my progesterone was low and i might need to get on prometrium. Well today (04.15) i went for a check up and she said my progesterone level was low and she was going to prescribe them to me depending on my ultrasound - so they did another one and they said i was about 4w5d and they can see a yolk sac, so she went ahead and prescribed them for me.
So now that i gave u a lil info, my question is has anyone started these pills around this time and had a successful pregnancy??
From my last 3 pregnancy i never even had a yolk sac so that made me happy to see that, but i still dont want to get to excited cause i will be bummed out if i m/c again.....
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHow do i remove deodorant stains off a black shirt? Please read it all...?
So this has never happened to me before and i have used the same deodorant forever but recently on all my black shirts when i wash them and pull them out the dryer they have this HUGE white deodorant mark by the armpits and its so annoying cause i have to wear black for work.... How do i get them off??
6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agohow do i get a stain off my suede black boots?
i dropped a piece of food and it landed on my boots and it left like a light white stain and my boots are black... how can i get rid of it without messing them up?
2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoWhats a good cardio routine to use with a 70lb punching bag?
I just bought a 70lb punching bag and i want to lose weight. I know how to stand and punch cause i took boxing a looong time ago.... but i want to incorporate cardio. I have a jumping rope, a swimming pool, and a neighborhood to run in.... I dont want to get swoll so Can anyone give me a a good cardio workout routine targeting weight loss?
2 AnswersBoxing1 decade agoMy breasts dont hurt before my period?? Why?
Im 24 years old, and my breasts always get sore a week before my period and they day i start my period i get bad cramps. Well im always about 31-33 days in my cycle and well its only 28 this month and i got my period last night but my boobs are NOT sore whatsoever and usually they hurt so bad i cant even lay on my stomach or go run, and im not getting any cramps.
My friend says not to trip out, im just getting my period. But i just dont understand why I didnt get any pms symptoms??
3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoWhats a good exercise routine to lose weight?
Okay. I been trying to diet and watch what i eat. I lost like 9lbs in a month just from dieting. I am trying to get into the whole exercise routine and i been swimming everyday for like that last week 1/2 and im not saying i expect weight to come off so quick but its just frustrating cause i still havent lost a lb. Im still the same.... Not even .2 is gone! Im just gettin frustrated....
So my question is, besides swimming what are other routines i can do to shed the weight off quick?? Also, i know swimming is good but is there a certain way u got to swim??? Can somebody just give me a goooooood cardio work out routine that works!!
4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoAny website that shows pictures when you do a background check?
I want to purchase a good background/criminal records search program online but i was wondering if there were some that shows the persons photo if any? Kinda like the way cops be pulling up pictures and aliases... If not what is a GOOOOD website?
3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agoif i sell my nextel i880 and take out the sim card will all my contacts n messages still be saved?
i sold my i880 to my jealous ex bf and i took the sim card out, but i was just wondering, if i took my sim card out, do all my text messages (mainly the one im curious about) and my contacts still stay on that phone?? or when he puts his sim card in all his information will switch and he wont see mine??
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade agohow do i play gta 4 with xbox live?
I havent played xbox live in a looooong time and i finally set it up, but i dont understand all this point stuff to download things?? I just want to play GTA 4, so what exactly do i need to do? Do i need to download something?? If so, what?? After i download it, how do i start playing it from the game? Cuz everytime i put the game on and im connected it just takes me to play regular mode and i dont know how im supposed to connect that game to play with other playerS???
6 AnswersXbox1 decade agoNike Jordans AJF 6??? Only in kids?!?
Its rare that i buy jordans cause the colors in adults are not always my favorite... but they released the AJF 6 in big kids in HOT PINK AND BLACK?! and i want them sooo bad.... So my question is....
how come they only release those in big kids??
What about women that dont want to wear black and red all the damn time?! (all the styles of the Js happen to be in those colors)
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade agoWhats the song played in the movie forgetting sarah marshall?
In the scene where he goes out to dinner with mila kunis, and his ex and her new bf show up and hes says they can join them for dinner and his ex says yes. Well when they are having dinner there is a song playing in the background.... Im trying to figure out what it is... Does anyone know?? I looked through the soundtrack online but i dont think its on there??
4 AnswersMovies1 decade agoCan a video/picture be restored if deleted on the Sprint Instinct?
Somebody took a video of us acting dumb so i DELETED it off their cell phone, BUT i was just wondering if they can restore it off that phone...
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago