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  • Do I need Dawnguard to play Dragonborn DLC in Skyrim?

    I didn't download Dawnguard and don't really want to, but do I need it to download and play Dragonborn DLC?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • How do I know if the grass isn't greener?

    I was single for about two years after getting divorced until I met someone. I've now been in a new relationship for almost six months, but I have this feeling like I missed out on meeting people and didn't stay single long enough.

    This wouldn't be an issue if the person I met wasn't a great match, but they are. They treat me great, we have fun and share common interest, and I still have a strong attraction to them. My problem is the "grass is greener" effect. After getting hurt in my marriage, I feel like I should never settle. Like I can always do better, even though I know I have someone special.

    I work in an environment where I meet a lot of people, so I can't avoid interacting with people of the opposite sex all together. I know this has to do with my failed marriage, because I never had issues with fidelity before. So, my question is how do I get past this and appreciate who I have before me and not gravitate to the attention from others, which could lead to cheating?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Brees or Stafford for the championship?

    I rode Brees almost the whole year, but considering that each team may rest their players, who do I start in my fantasy team?

    3 AnswersFantasy Sports9 years ago
  • How do I ask a coworker out?

    I work for a very large company, and my department sometimes does business with another department who she works for. How do I ask her out on a personal level without making it too awkward for anyone?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Are girls as clueless as guys when it comes to hints?

    Girls, if a guy drops you a hint or two that he likes you, can you tell? Do you play along or ignore them?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • A question for the people who "date down"?

    Do you find yourself wanting to be with someone more attractive physically? Or does everything else about the person offset your desire to want someone better looking?

    I have a situation to be with a great girl who is not as physically attractive as what I'm used to.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How do I know if it's real feelings?

    Do I want my ex back because I miss her and want to be with her, or cause I don't want to be alone and will leave the minute something else comes along?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is she playing games?

    I met a girl about a year ago and we went on a couple dates, then I guess she lost interest and we lost touch. I ran into her again, and I didn't have any resentment towards her. After all, if she doesn't like me, then I move on. However, after I ran into her she was all into me. More than the first time. She texted a lot, called, and we ended up going on another date.

    Well, now we're back to her not communicating or returning my calls. What was the point of all this if she was just going to lose interest again or whatever? Could their be an outside issue or is it just about playing games? She's 30, so you'd think they be done with all that.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Hold your hand or give you a kiss?

    Women, how do you prefer your crush to make his first move? A subtle holding of your hand as you walk on your date, or at the end of the night jumping into the first kiss?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What places do single women 27-34 go to find men?

    Don't list online or bars, please.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is it worth trying to win a woman over?

    Shouldn't a girl in her late 20's or early 30's have a better idea of who she wants in a man? If this is true, then she shouldn't need to resort to playing games such as "hard to get". Right?

    My question is, if she's playing these games then she either isn't that into me or just likes games, and in either scenario should I even bother?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • No response to my Thanksgiving text, so what does it mean?

    I went on a first date this past Monday which I thought went well, and for the previous week and a half we called and texted each other almost everyday. We didn't communicate on Tuesday and sent a couple short texts on Wednesday.

    Today I sent a text wishing a Happy Thanksgiving personalized to them, (So not to think it was a mass text) and haven't heard back.

    Does this mean they're ignoring me and maybe they lost interest? Also, if they go the whole day without saying anything to me and make up an excuse later, should I even accept it or just move on, cause they blew it?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Why do girls act totally interested at first, just to start ignoring you just before things start?

    This has happened to me three times in the last year, and I have a feeling this will be four. I meet a girl and she's really into me. Texts me a lot, calls me, and wants to see me. Then, just after we move past the initial dating time where it could become a relationship, they run for the hills.

    I don't bring up relationships, I'm not needy and give them their space. I don't get it. Am I just picking girl with commitment issues? I would be totally ok with just dating too and nothing too serious.

    I'm really interested in hearing the girls point of view.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What kind of gift do I get her?

    We just started dating about two weeks ago (just dating, nothing official yet) and she's having a college graduation party this weekend.

    What kind of gift do I get her?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • If you have a BF, then why give me your number?

    I met a girl a couple weeks ago through friends and flirted a little. The second time I ran into her we spoke more and I got her number. I ended up calling her for a date, just to find out she had a boyfriend.... wtf? Why give me your number to begin with?

    I know many of you women will say she's looking for friends, but guys don't ask girls for their numbers to just be friends. If he asks you for your number, he's interested one way or another.

    Girls, why do some of you do this?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • How soon should I try to call/text again?

    She gave me her number Wednesday, and I called her Friday evening and left a voicemail. I left a short message saying hello and that I wanted to see if she was able to meet for dinner this Sunday (today). She hasn't responded, but I know she works and takes classes too. I don't want to seem desperate or uninterested, so how long should I wait to try again. Should I text or call the second time? Maybe she's more of a texting person.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Girls, why give your number out if you won't call back?

    This has been happening for the last three years since I've been single again. I get a number from a girl, call her a few days later and end up leaving a voicemail because they can't or won't answer. On the voicemail I leave a simple friendly just saying hello and here's my number so you can call back. A week or so goes by with no call back, so I try a second time with the same result.

    She obviously liked me enough to give me her number, and I waited two to three days before the first call and only called a second time a week later, so I wasn't being pushy or clingy.

    Girls, please list some of the reasons you've done this before.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Girls, you gave me your number. Do you want me to call or text you?

    Texting is more common now a days, but a call is more personal and I like you. So, do you want the guy to call or text the first time? What about for the first date?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Dating a waitress/server and how I should tip her at work?

    It's kind of a silly question, but just came to me recently since I started dating her. When I go visit her while she's at work serving and I eat by myself; will she expect me to leave a tip and should I? What about when I'm with friends and family, do I leave my share of the tip?

    10 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago