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  • How do you know if your house has a septic tank or sewer?

    I know it seems like a silly questions to ask, but we just bought a house in a rural neighborhood. The real estate agents advertisement said house hooked to sewer. The neighbor across the street, the inspector and the son of the deceased owner also stated that sewer was hooked up 3-4 years ago. The appraiser says septic and the township has no record of our house being hooked up to sewer even after giving the tax code and verifing that they service the street we live on. Our pipes in the house DO NOT go out the side of the basement they go down into the floor. We do not see a square patch in the back yard and no other evidence that something is out there. The house has been vacant for 1.5 years and we moved in when it was winter so no "greener" patches in the yard. What is your thought on this?

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Christmas gift giving question?

    My inlaws (7 of them) just informed us that we will not be exchanging gifts this year due to the poor economy. The problem is that I have already purchased, wrapped and tagged their gifts. We aren't hurting money wise and still wish to give the gifts out because we feel that Christimas is about giving.

    What should we do?

    2 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Why hasn't my cats hair grown after 3mths?

    My Abyssinian (short haired cat) had his belly shaved along with his leg and neck for an IV approx 3 months ago. His belly hair is coming in fine but the hair on his leg and neck has not even begun to grow back. It still looks and feels the same way it did the day he was shaved.

    This has me baffled as to why. I only wish this would happen to my legs and arm pits.

    He is a completely indoor cat on premium cat food.

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago
  • Do I include the receipt with a gift card?

    My friend is donating a kidney to me and I am trying to cover all of her expenses. The hospital where we are having it done is 2 hours away. I bought a $200 gas card to cover past trips for testing, surgery date and post op visit.

    Do I include the receipt so her and her husband know how much is on the card or do I just give it to them without them knowing the amount. Which is the proper thing to do?

    Thank you!

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Why is adopting a purebreed dog so bad but having your own bio child isn't?

    I just read this article and it made me think

    Why do people get so upset with people adopting purebred animals? Do these angry people have their own biological children? Why do they have their own children when there are so many orphaned HUMANS? There wouldn't be orphaned children if people stopped having their own and adopted those already born, right? Isn't this similar to adopting a purebred cat or dog? I want certain features in my pets like people want in their children so why should that be such a terrible thing. You save a shelter animal from being euthanized but wouldn't you also save a child from a terrible unloved life?

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Duel job search site for both his job and mine?

    My husband and I would like to move but I can't find a job search site where I can search for both my job/career and his.

    Does anyone know of a search site where you can enter 2 careers and it will show jobs and the distance between the two?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Is refusing medical treatment considered suicide?

    My husband and I disagree on this subject.

    If someone refuses life saving medical treatment is it considered suicide?


    If a 95 year old has kidney failure and wishes to not to do dialysis, is that considered suicide or just allowing death to happen? What about if the person with kidney failure is 40?

    Thank you

    6 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • would updating my 466 MHz Macintosh processor and video card to newer components be worthwhile. ?

    I'm looking at a AGP 2x-4x 256mb ATI Radeon 8600 Vd card and the Sonnet 1.8GHz Processor upgrade

    5 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • World of Warcraft-My husband and I want to play together. How?

    I just started playing WOW and my husband would like to play along with me. We have a PC and Mac in the same room.

    Can we both play under the same account or will it cost us 30.00 a month? How does all of that work?

    I am a Human Warlock, what character should he chose to compliment me?

    If he starts at level 1 and I am at 8 will our quests be the same?

    One more question.....

    When I am playing and after I die, my camera view is always facing down on my character verses straight ahead. I have to go find a waterfall and swim into a rock to raise my head/view. What is the keyboard shortcut to get a different camera view?

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Witnessed a young child being punched around by his grandmother?

    My neighbor is a crazy old lady that has some real mental issues. Every summer her grandsons come over and she makes them work outside doing stuff like washing the side of the house or shaking out a single rug for an hour. Yes, an hour per rug and at 430am. She is constantly yelling at them. Well, I decided to get up and watch. I witnessed her shoving and punching her grandson. I got out my camcorder and video taped her abuse and then called the police. The police came and spoke to her and she told them that she "yanks" at the one boy because he is partially deaf and thats how he knows she is talking to him. I speak in a normal voice to him and he hears me just fine.

    They offices then came over to speak with me and agreed that the grandmother was a bit over the top, but he didn't feel the child was in any danger. No marks and he didn't want to go home. It has been two weeks and I'm curious as to what or if anything is happening? Do they investigate further?

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • My 9 year old nephew stinks!?

    My nephew just turned 9 and I don't think he wipes well or washes every part well. He smells like poop all of the time. When he is at our house I always let him know that there are wet wipes for down there to get what tissue always misses.

    They are not baby wet wipes and I make a joke about using them myself along with his uncle, my husband.

    I am terrified that the kids will start to tease him about his smell. How do I help him understand that he needs to wash better down there without embarrassing him. His parents have tried telling him but he still stinks. Do I just come right out and tell him that I smell him?

    Is this normal for a 9 year old boy?

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Proper birthday party gift etiquette?

    My husband has a very large family and for every family member, adults included, they have a birthday party. I feel terrible if we attend one persons party and the next week we miss someone else's due to work etc. If we do go, do we bring a gift for the birthday child? What if we miss the other people in the same family? Are we required to still get them something? We aren't cheap or poor, but I can't afford nor do I want to be running out and buying 5 gifts a month.

    We don't have any kids of our own.

    They don't have b-day parties for my husband and I per our request.

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Do you find this disturbing?

    I have a coworker that had two young cats. She often would complain about how bad they shed and how she didn't want/have the time to brush them weekly.

    She came to work one day and announced happily that she was now pet-free. She had taken them to the animal shelter and had them, a 2year old and 4year old, euthanized! I screamed at her that she was a monster and I thought it was sick and she should be ashamed of herself. She sees NOTHING wrong with it and thinks that I'm the one with a problem. She is whacked in the head and I only slightly care how she feels about what I think.

    I am a true believer in how you treat animals is what shows your true character. All living things are equal in my mind. Animals should only be killed if they are meant for food, endangering someone or if they are wild nuisance animals that can't be removed any other way, like a mouse. How do I deal with someone like this without busting out crying everytime she brags about killing her cats? thx

    12 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Is it possible that a 10 year old boy still believes in Santa Claus?

    My coworker has a 10 year old son, who attends public school, that she claims still believes in Santa Claus.

    I tell her there is no way that he still believes at that age. She insists that he tells her everything and wouldn't lie about this. I told her that he is just playing along because he is smart enough to see that pretending to believe makes her happy.

    What do you think? Am I wrong and 10 year olds still truly believe in Santa?

    16 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • If you could do it all over again would you?

    If you could go back before you got pg and live life without children, would you?

    I'm not asking if you want to be rid of your children because you already know them, but if you never knew them would you still have had them?

    I mostly want to hear from people that have 7 year olds and up.

    I am married to the most wonderful guy and after 9 years of marriage we are still honeymooning. We hold hands, we go out on dates, we play games, we travel and just plain love spending just about every waking hour together. We also never talk about money nor do we argue or fight because there isn't anything to fight about.

    It seems like kids get in the way of a perfect relationship and all parents just seem to be stressed all the time.

    So be honest and tell me if you'd do it all again?

    15 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is finding money and not turning it in against the law?

    Tonight on the news they had a Walmart parking lot surveillance video of a child dropping money and a few seconds later a guy walking by and picking it up. The headline said, "Man swipes money from child".

    The man then was seen sitting in his SUV counting the money as the little boy frantically ran past.

    Now they are asking for any leads and this guy could face a misdemeanor.

    Ok, where do you draw the line from being a bad Samaritan and breaking the law?

    The guy might NOT have seen the boy drop the money and is very likely that he didn't see the boy run past his vehicle.

    If you are in a parking lot and see a penny or dime on the pavement is it ok to pick it up? What about $5 or $10? What amount is it a misdemeanor to pocket it?

    I once found 20 bucks on a party store floor and asked the people around me if anyone lost money. Was I suppose to give it to the clerk? If I lost money I would just assume that it was gone and my bad luck.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why do doctors require you to go to certain places for testing?

    I recently had to have labs, renal ultrasound, bone density and a baseline mammogram for a new doctor. I chose to have all of them done at the hospital where I work. I was there for less then three hours. I received a not so nice phone call today that the doctor doesn't like his patients to go to the hospital because it is more expensive.

    The nurse said that he wants his pt's to go to X place for labs and then another place for the Ultrasound and yet another place for the mammogram.

    Do physicians get a kick back from testing centers also? Why should it matter to him that it costs more? Can he refuse to treat me if I continue to go where I want to?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • People that drive with their radio base up very loud?

    What is up with those people that drive around vibrating due to their radio base levels being high. Are they listening to a song or is it just a rumbling noise? It drives me crazy hearing and feeling that vibration. Loud music doesn't bother me, but when I'm near someone with their base up high I just get freaked out and want to run a red light to get away from that awful sound/feeling. It makes me feel sick and angry.

    Please explain how it feels or sounds good to the person in the car.

    20 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago
  • Simple melody ring tone CD?

    I'm looking for a CD with simple melody type ring tones. I don't want to create my own or use sound clips from popular songs.

    My phone has 8 preprogrammed melodies and I like them, but need a change.

    Anyone know of a CD like this?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • What is the most derogatory word to call a white person?

    First off.....I am white and not racist. I hope that I can properly ask my question without anyone being offended.

    You hear so much about people of different races being called things that aren't so nice. I'm not referring to the n-word because I find that word equally offensive and hateful. I'm a female and if someone that didn't know me called me a _____?___ I would not be offended because I know that is not how I see myself.

    If a non white comedian said," honkey ho b*tch" I would just laugh. I can't think of any word based on my race that would offend me.

    Are people in this world just overly sensitive or am I totally missing something because I am so laid back?

    Again, I am NOT trying to offend anyone. I am honestly curious.

    What words are next? Blonde? Redneck? Old....etc

    This article is what made me ask the question

    9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago