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I am 29. I am single and live in Jingshan, China where I work and go to school. I am from SLC, Utah. I like long walks on the beach, unicorns, sunsets, oh, and I am also a gangster! All of thats true except the gangster part oh and the unicorns. I always wanted to be a gangster. Maybe someday when I find that guy who___then i'll send my people from___ then cut his___then also____!Now please get that penguin back to the zoo and find my virginity!
How you you say bipolar disorder in Chinese??? The phonetic (pinyon)??
It is something I suffer from and I don't know how to explain to my friend why I was in the hospital. I want to know how to say "manic" and how to explain the disorder.
4 AnswersLanguages9 years agoMy computer blanked out the entire hard drive is wiped but firefox popped up?????
Yesterday I was just reading the news and the computer completely blanked out. Then I restarted it a few times and the screen had nothing but the recycle bin. Hit the start button and there is not one program. Suddenly Firefox came alive and all I can do is internet. So weird. I assume it is a virus but I am baffled how nothing works but Firefox. Anyone know what happened to my computer?
1 AnswerOther - Computers10 years agoIs it ok to clip my cats nails or take him to a vet?
Also my cat Meow Meow is so cute. He is the first cat I have ever owed. I got him at the pound a few months ago but some of his behavior is confusing me. The biggest thing is when I get home from work and he is right at the door and seems like he wants attention. So I pet him for a few minutes and suddenly he will bite me and run away. Sometimes I think he is trying to play a game but other times he will actually bite kind of hard. Is this normal??? Also Is it ok to clip his nails? They are really sharp!
12 AnswersCats1 decade agoI want to send my ex wife a lump of coal. Should I or is it immature?
So earlier this year I married this girl. She was so sweet and nice. Soon after the "i do's" I saw a different person. She quit her job and did nothing but watch oprah and play on facebook talking to other dudes. Whats more she threw knives, dishes and everything at me. I couldn't take it and filed for annulment. It has ruined my year and I think she deserves a lump of coal for Christmas. Do I dare or should I just forget it.
18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhats the word for when a weak person clings onto a strong person?
Just wondering.
3 AnswersPsychology1 decade agowhere can i find a used water heater to give my truckmount steam cleaner a boost?
The heat exchanger in my truckmount is just not getting hot enough and I would like to put a propane heater in it. New they are about $1500 so I would like to find a used one or something that will work. I have already searched ebay and all my local classifieds.
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoWhat should we name our puppy? She is a black lab/springer spaniel.?
6 AnswersDogs1 decade agoIs a pair of blue diamond doves good pets for a quiet couple with no kids?
2 AnswersReptiles1 decade agowhere do babies come from?
8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoI know my wife is cutting the tips off the condoms. She does not know that I know. Should I confront her?
I want to have a baby very much and so does my wife. The first time she brought out the condom unwrapped I just thought she was in a hurry to... you know. But then I caught on after a couple of times. My wife is the love of my life but we have bills to pay. We have talked about having a child in one year. Should I say anything or just keep pretending I don't know? Oh by the way, I have been pretending to ejaculate also. I feel I am playing some game and I don't want to. Need advice.
15 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agoEye doctors: What is a posterior subcapsular cataract and ischemia of the optic nerve?
My dad went to the eye doctor because he was having trouble with peripheral vision. He is being sent to a specialist and we recieved a copy of the letter saying that is what he has. I have no clue what that means and I need someone to break it down for me so I know what is going on with his eyes. Any info will be appreciated.
2 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade agoHow old is too old to join the US military? I am 30?
At 30 I am single and I am thinking about it. I have a degree in psychology.
9 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoMy car runs fine for a while and then once turned off will take hours to start again. What could this be?
93 altima. I drive it when it is cold and it is a champ. once I go across town on the freeway that is it. At a stoplight I need to keep the gas going and I know that once I turn off the car, it is not coming back for hours. What could this be???
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoWhere is the fuel filter located on a 1993 nissan altima?
2 AnswersNissan1 decade agoWhat the he&& is a white elephant gift??????
so I was invited to a family christmas party. I am gonna be the only single 30 something person there but as crappy as that is thats not the point. I am supposed to bring a "white elephant gift". WTF is that???? Just some random gift? What, do I go to walmart and grab some crappy thing? Any suggestions? Oh and will it be rude for me to just show up, see everyones happy mortgaged up to their eyeballs family's, drop off my gift and then take off? How long should I stay so I can keep the balance between "Kevin, he has his head on straight/what a guy and there goes the black sheep of the family, no wonder he's single". Just wannna stay under the radar thats all. Thanks all you yahoo kids!
9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoHow serious are drug tests? Read on...?
Last week I was offered a job. It matched the pay of my current job and everything however I flipped out when they asked me to take a drug test. Not because I am a habitual user but last week I had some dental work done and my doc gave me some loritab which I took because of the pain. It was nice. Also I took a trazidone over thanksgiving to help me sleep. On top of that I had a few drinks. Now come on!! I passed the pee test with flying colors. I prepared the prescription for the loritab but I have nothing for the traz. That was given by a friend. Not that I want to draw attention to this but I must ask the question: What are the drug tests looking for and why didnt those things get detected? Are they mostly looking for crack or meth?
4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoMy brother was a passenger in an accident and now the insurance co/lawyers are coming after HIM?
It was about a year ago. My brother, 32 was in the passenger seat. He has never driven in his life as he is slightly brain damaged from birth and unqualified to drive. He and his date were on their way home when my brother decided to snooze for a moment when they were hit by a dude who, while had been drinking, was not over the .08 limit. Well it was determined that it was his fault regardless of his b.a. level. Well,yesterday my brother received a letter from an attourney saying that all of his psychiatric records are being reliessed to the defense. His past has nothing to do with the fact that he was in an accident where he was a passenger and now needs the bills payed for by the insurance company. It seems like maybe the guy doesn't have insurance or somehow wants to draw attention away from the real issue and bring the easy target (my brother) into it. My first thing is, how did they obtain the historical records of him? and, any advice on how to fight this?
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoWhy is my motorcycle bogging down?
1995 Suzuki Katana: Today I filled it with gas and got on the freeway. After about 5 minutes of doing about 70mpg it started running rough and like it was being choked. I thought it was going to die. Once I got off the freeway it started running normally again. As a test I got back on the freeway and the same thing happened. Maybe bad gas??? Or could it be something else???
8 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade agoBurn out on a 600 Katana? Just release the clutch?
I dont want to kill myself but I want to know about what RPM to release to burn out. It is a 600cc Katana.
6 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade agoHow can I clean a duck for cooking?
I am planning my first duck hunt and while I am a great shot and I have confidence I will get something, truth be told, I dont know how to prep it for a great BBQ. Also I am using a 20 Gauge. What are the positives and negatives vs a 12 gauge?
5 AnswersHunting1 decade ago