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  • sugar and carb intake for a normal Non Diabetic?

    My Question is, how many carbs- simple and complex can I eat per day. How many sugars can I consume per day? I'm a 31 year old female. My height is 5'4" and weight is 145. My primary concern is to be healthier as well as about a 20pd weight loss.

    Thank you

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • pregnancy and elevated temps but?

    I'm 8dpo and my temp is around 98.7-99.1 for the past 5 days. at it's lowest which was yesterday was 98.5 I've heard of elevated body temps being associated with pregnancy. This freaks me out cause the DH and I are not TTC. It sparked me to take my temp about 5 days ago because I was feeling worn down but I think it was the lack of sleep I had been getting. I started taking it everyday now just because I have waiting for it to go down to my normal. 98.5 Anyways it's still high but I feel fine. Let me know what you think, it's currently 99.1 perhaps I'm just sick and need to see the doc.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it normal for a police officer to offer you a ride home?

    I was walking home from walgreens this morning when a police officer stopped and asked me if I needed a ride home. I said no thank you I'm just a few blocks away. I'm not a handicapped. I was carrying one bag but not like I'm overflowing with groceries in my arms. Is that strange for an officer to offer a ride?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • is it illegal to volunteer at a doctors office?

    is it illegal to volunteer at a doctors office

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Should I avoid jobs that say confidential?

    I am currently seeking a job. I have been looking on . I have come across a posting that is looking for an administrative assistant the posting says company confidential, however it does say that it is a small architectual company in plano,tx. Should I apply?

  • spotting 2 weeks in between periods and vaginal odor?

    Last menstrual cycle went from the April 27th till May 3rd. I had an aweful odor after wards with mild itching. On May the 7th I started have light spotting, never wiped blood just had a little bit on my liner, I was having excessive discharge very runny that's what made me use the liners in the first place...not the spotting. Anyways. The itching has lessend and spotting is gone, this spotting happend longer than mid cycle ovulation bleeding, and with ovulation bleeding I could usually see it on the toilet paper an last only 2 days. The spotting this time lasted from the 7th of May till the 19th of May. I have a visit with the OB/GYN today. Just wanted to hear from other people who may have had this similar situation happen with them. Also I was due to start Sunday May 23rd, so I'm not late and honestly I do NOT have any suspicions of being pregnant.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • netti pot sinus cleanse vs squirt bottle method?

    I am currently using the bottle method and find it quite difficult with the leaning forward and squirting water vertically up my nose.

    I have thought about trying the Netti Pot method since it looks like it might be a little more tolirrable. I have a bad case of post nasal drip that causes be to have a hard time singing, I know that may sound odd, but I used to be able to sing fairly decent prior to having this chronic pnd i.e. post nasal drip. I'd like to hear from people who have used both and which one they prefer and the overalll outcome of each one as far as efficacy.

    If you have any techniuques on using the the squirt method that i am currently having issues with then please share them.

    Your time is appreciated

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • rededicating your life to christ?

    Are you supposed to get baptized a second time when you rededicate your life to christ. I am a 30 year old female. I was saved when I was 12 but didn't get baptized till I was 19, I didn't belong to a church when I was saved. Anyways my faith with Christ has struggled from the time I was about 21, I strayed away from the teachings of christ and keeping myself pure and devoted to him and basically being a hypocritical christian in my actions and behavior. I want to rededicate my life to Christ. I just want to know how you rededicate your life to christ. Is it just a prayer or is it prayer and re baptism. I want to go to school to get my Masters in Youth Ministries with the hopes of being a Youth Pastor at my Church. I'm looking forward to my new life with him. I ddidn't let christ have every part of my life I'm am so ready for Christ to take hold of my life and use it according to his will and not mine.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Confused about my skin tone please help?

    I have Light Brown hair and would like to go to darker brown or dark auburn. I am unsure of my skin tone as this will greatly effect the outcome. I'm fair complected with rosy cheeks, light brown hair and brown eyes that sometimes look hazel depending on what I'm wearing such as clothing or eyeshadow. Help is appreciated. Thank you for your time

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Child Predict Pregnancy ?

    I am a Day Late for my Period but haven't had any symptoms of pregnancy, in fact I am having the normal period feelings. I was tucking my 2 year old Daughter in bed last night and she said "Baby Brother" keep in mind she is our only child. We didn't watch anything that had that Phrase in it, I was trying hard to figure out where she may have heard that phrase and I couldn't think of any, She stay's home with me all Day and I know exactly what she watches on TV.

    I did not tell my Husband about this phrase my Daughter Said to me because he would totally freak out because My Husband and I have Not been TTC. I wouldn't be upset if I was pregnant though. Anyways I just wanted to know if anyone has had there child say that out of the blue and it be true or if it was just something they said just because.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • how to fade a tablecloth?

    I need to know how to fade a tablecloth it is dark red and I really want it to look a bit lighter in color. Any suggestions. I know many people are busy right now but if you could help me with this one I would greatly appreciate it. Oh BTW the Tablecloth is dark red. Maroon color and it is a synthetic material

    Many Blessings

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • pumpkin bread batter tastes too sweet what should I add to correct it?

    I am making pumpkin bread, I always taste the batter before baking it. The batter tastes way too sweet. what should I do to fix it.

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Can yearly pap detect possible uterine fibroids?

    I had a yearly well woman exam 5 months ago. Would the OB/GYN be able to detect uterine fibroids. I ask because I have had feelings of fullness and growth in the uterus area. I am NOT pregnant so I just don't understand why wouldn't the Doc be able to detect something like this if it was just 3 months ago.

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • has anyone had period like bleeding when pregnant?

    I have this intuition I'm pregnant. I have a lot of signs but I'm still having monthly period like bleeding and have

    had constant lower back pain and stretchy like feelings in my lower stomach where my uterus is. If I am pregnant I would be 8 weeks. I've very loose bowls the past week but had constipation the week before. I have taken 2 hpt and they came out neg. but I just can't shake this feeling of pregnancy. I have a 2 year old. I remember some of the symptoms with her. I don't have sore breasts but my areolas look bigger but not darker. I've also had more gas and bloating. I'm debating on whether or not to go to the OB/GYN at this time. When I was pregnant with my little girl I didn't have this kind of bleeding. The only kind of bleeding I had was implantion with her.

    Just to fill y'all in. August 8th was the strangest period and is what lead me to believe that I was pregnant, my normal period lasts 7 days....this particular period I bleed normal for 2 1/2 days and then got light on day 3 and done by day 4. This most recent period was more normal. Started one day early with normal flow, the only strange part about it was I had nothing on day 3 but continued day 4 with lighter flow and ended day 6 which is one day earlier than usual. Also I have had increased cervical mucus since I ended the August period and once again I feel stretching type feelings in my uterus area. I can just tell something is different and want to hear from women with similar situations as mine. My appetite increases and then decreases. My Husband and I are NOT ttc.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Please help strange period or Pregnant?

    Normal period lasts 7 days. This one didn't last 7

    Started one day early Sat. Aug. 8th.

    From 8th-10th had normal period flow. 11th and 12th Increasingly lighter than my normal period. End of the 12th till the Noon of 13th just had spotting mostly just when I wiped, it was light brown in color. From Noon 13th till now I have nothing not even when I wipe. I have a had occasional pinching in my uterus since I started. The last time I felt the pinch was the 12th or 13th. I feel a little pressure in that area nothing major or the least bit painful just a slight little feeling

    and my back has felt a little achey this morning and a little yesterday nothing painful and some achey feeling in ovaries, once again nothing painful I can just feel it. Is this Decidual bleeding and implantation or just and odd period. I haven't been under any stress or life changing events.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Christians only please?

    my husband and I got married at the courthouse buy the judge. Does that mean our marriage isn't ordained by God

    33 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Want to loose weight and feel better?

    I am wanting to loose about 25 pounds in about 3 months. I'm 5'4" and currently weigh about 145. I believe from past history that a weight of 130 would get me to a size 8 and I am currently wearing a size 12 and I feel so sluggish. I need to know how many calories,carbs and protein I need to loose the 20- 25 in 3 months. I would prefer to hear advice from a nutritionist please. By the way I am 29 years old if that helps. Thank you

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • how long will it take my period to get back to normal?

    I had a female exchange student move in with me and my husband about 5-6 months ago and she will be with us for about 4 more months. My period was thrown off a little because there was another female living with me and i know women's cycles change a little when they live with another female for an extended amount of time. My period is 3 days late and I'm pretty sure that my period has already adjusted to a regular cycle. If I don't start today I'll be 3 days late. my Husband and I had sex the day I ovulated on the 14th of February which I later found out that was the day I ovulated, but we do the with-drawl method. He with-drawls pretty early. Could I really be pregnant or is my body still getting used to having another female in the house.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • where can I find a weight loss plan that doesn't cost me?

    I'm wanting to loose a little bit of weight about 10-20 pounds. I just wanted to know if there is a diet plan out there that I don't have to pay for, or if anyone can give me a diet plan. I am 5'4 and 145 and 29 years old. Before the holidays I was 135 which is still kind of high but is within the healthy Body Mass Index. getting down to 130-125 would be nice. My Husband loves my body but I don't so please help. Someone with experience or a Professional.

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • ttc 1 week before period ?

    My Husband and I are trying to conceive. It is one week before I'm due for period.A few days ago I began to have dizzy spells even when sitting down just real random. I am taking vitamins that have every nutrient that I could possibly need including iron. So I know my iron levels aren't low, which can cause dizziness and fainting. I haven't fainted or felt like I was going to. I have had these funny feelings in my stomach I can't describe. Anyways I just wanted to know if this could be an indicator that I may be pregnant. Has anyone else experienced this before finding out they were pregnant.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago