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  • Why do people have to be so judgmental about a 30 year-old living with a parent?

    I am 30 year old woman and have lived with my mom my whole live. I have a lot of anxiety issues so I always enjoyed having the company of my mom rather than living alone for no reason. This has giving me a good support system. Since I turned 30, people always act so judgmental about me never moving out. My mom does not work and I make $50,000 a year so I support the household so it is not like I am a bum. In our opinion, why do you think people are so judgmental on the subject?

    5 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • How should I handle this situation with my upset friend?

    Yesterday my best friend and I were texting and she randomly sends me a picture of her cat. I responded "He has evil eyes in that picture!" My friend responded we can no longer be friends. I responded "lol" thinking she was joking, but she never responded back last night. Today at school we talked before class a little, but at lunch she said I couldn't sit at her table because I was mean and I can't sit with her again until I stop being a mean person.

    I have no idea why she is annoyed with me. We are sarcastic all the time and I have known her for years so I know there isn't something deeply special about her cat. Any suggestions on how I should handle this? She has made me really think bad about myself and that maybe I am a mean person.

    2 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • How can I know if my main sewer has to be replaced rather than just repaired?

    So my plumber used a camera and discovered a clog 110 feet from my home. (which is actually in the alley behind my home). He states the whole line has to be replaced due to the clog, which is going to cost $8,000. I don't understand why if the first 109 feet is clear he has the to replace the whole sewer line. It is not one giant pipe, but has sections, so why can't just one section be repaired replaced?

    18 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • Does anyone know why a plumber who still need to come out when he seems to have fixed the problem?

    I had a plumber come out yesterday because my sewer line was backing up into my home. He spent three hours taking roots out of the main sewer line. The first two hours he used a machine to cut the roots out and the last hour he used a jet to shoot water into the pipes. He then told me he would have to come back the next day to continue working on my pipes, even though water is now flowing down the drain again with no problems. I tried to ask why he needs to come back since everything is working fine, but he wouldn't give me a straight answer and just kept saying he needs to finish up.

    Does anyone have any idea why he would need to come out again? At $150 an hour I don't really want him to come out again unless it is necessary and I worry he is just trying to screw me over since I don't know much about pipes.

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • What would cause a police office to turn on his lights when he is driving the opposite direction of you?

    I was the only person driving on my side of the road and the cop on the other. Right before the cop passed me he turned on his lights. I started to stop, thinking it was for me, but he kept going and then turned off his lights. What would be the reason for this?

    Just so you know, I was not speeding. I had my cruise control set, fortunately.

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police6 years ago
  • Why am I getting irritated so easily all of a sudden?

    I have been a really laid back person my whole life. I am currently 29. About two months ago I started getting irritated really easily at stupid things, like someone drinking too loudly or if someone is telling a story and I feel they are taking too long to tell it. I start feeling angry like I want to yell at them, but I don't know why. I have learned to keep my mouth shut in these situations or I making a snappy comment, but it really hard to control my emotions all of a sudden. I quickly try to excuse myself so I can go vent to myself in private. Is there like a psychological issue that can cause this?

    And before people say it, I know I am not pregnant and I haven't had any major life changes this year.

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • If children are taken away from a parent and that parent has another child, does that kid automatically get taken away?

    So my sister is dating a guy who had his daughter taken away from him 8 years ago because the guy tried to kill himself three times. The kid now lives with his grandparents and the grandparents have to be present when the son sees his child. My sister, who has been in and out of mental institutions the last two years, is now pregnant with this guy's kid. They live together and neither have jobs.

    My questions are, 1). Is there automatically a child protective service issue since this guy has had a child taken away before and 2). If there isn't an automatic issue, if the grandparents try to take the new kid away because they believe there son is still unstable, will the courts be able to pull my sister's medical history to prove her mental issues?

    3 AnswersParenting6 years ago
  • What would cause a check engine light to come on and for the car not to accelerate?

    Tonight I was driving home and after stopping at a stop light I went to turn and my car would not accelerate past 2 RPMs and wouldn't go faster than 20 MPH. The check engine light also came on and whenever I stop the car (such as at a stop sign) the car starts jerking a little and acting like it might die. The jerking stops after I take my foot off the brake and the car starts rolling forward. Any thoughts on what is causing this? I have a 2006 Suzuki Forenza with an automatic transmission.

    Also, it might be a coincidence, but this occurred 5 miles after I put gas in my car. I have no idea if this is related.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • What questions so I expect as a witness to an HR issue at work?

    Tomorrow I have to meet with HR because I was present at a meeting in which apparently an employee called another employee an offensive name. I personally did not hear what was said, but I was in the meeting so I am being called in to HR I guess to see what I know. What kind of questions should I expect to be asked?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance6 years ago
  • Is it normal I can't bite all the way down after getting braces on?

    Today I got put braces on and when I tried to eat for the first time I noticed one of my front teeth hits a lower bracket so my back molars do not touch so I chew funny. Is this normal?

    1 AnswerDental6 years ago
  • Is it okay to have a normal body temperature of 97.0?

    The last few days I have been taking my temperature to determine my normal body temperature. My temperature has either been 96.9, 97.0, 97.1. Is that too low?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Tender breasts before period?

    About two months ago I started getting tender breasts (and a tad swollen) about two days before my period starts. Once my period starts the pain goes away. This is the third month in a row. Is this normal or should I go to the doctor?

    Also, I am not taking any type of medicine and I am 100% sure I am not pregnant unless Jesus is coming.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • If I have to speak to HR during an investigation, can my supervisor find out what I said?

    The lowdown is that my co-worker has filed a compliant against my boss because he believes he was discriminated against because he did not get a promotion. The person who did get the job is far less qualified and misses work all of the time. While I am not 100% certain I will have to speak to HR, since I also applied for the position it wouldn't shock me if they wanted to speak to me. My concern is can my boss find out what I say to the HR rep? I worry if I tell the truth (which would be that I she has made negative comments about him before that were not the most professional) and my boss is found to be fault-free she might take it out on me if she finds out what I said.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • How should I handle my boss being mad at me?

    Today I found out I did not get a promotion and found out who did get the job. I told someone in another department because I knew they also applied. They had not found out yet. Later today my supervisor says I have to have a meeting tomorrow because the person I told went and told a bunch of other people. She said supervisors have to tell people they did not get the job before making an annoucement on who is hired. I apologized and toldher I didn't mean to cause a problem. Any suggestions on how to handle the meeting? Could I be fired over this? It was an honest mistake.

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance7 years ago
  • What would cause a car to get stuck in reverse?

    Last week I took my car to the mechanic because of engine misfire issues. They diagnosed it as a bad head gasket. I paid to have them fix this and also put a new timing belt in because mine had a crack.

    Less than one hour after getting my car back I was going to put my car in Park, but it would only go in Reverse regardless of what gear I tried to put it in. I ended up having to have my car towed back to the mechanic which unfortunately does not open again until Monday. Does anyone know what would cause this issue? Is it likely the mechanic did something to my car when they took the engine apart?


    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • What causes problems starting a car and the engine to misfire going over 60 mph?

    This problem started about two months ago. I have a 2006 Ford Taurus. So far no mechanic can figure out the problem. They have replaced all of the spark plugs (numerous times because they keep going bad), an engine coil, the crankshaft position sensor, the battery, did a tune-up, ran a $100 diagnostic test and still the problem occurs. Anyone have any idea what could be the problem?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Why do my spark plugs keep going bad?

    The spark plugs in my car keep going bad. About three weeks ago my car started to misfire when I went past 40 and then my check engine light came on. I took it to a shop and they said a gasket was leaking so they replaced a gasket, coil, and all of the spark plugs plus did an oil change. A week later I had trouble starting my car. By the time I got to the mechanic my check engine light was flashing. They said all 4 spark plugs had gone bad so they replaced them again and said they used fuel injector cleaner. I went back the night day because my car was idling hard. They told me to premium gas once to help with this problem, which I did the next day.

    A week later I had trouble starting my car again. I went to a different mechanic. They said the previous company put the wrong spark plugs in and changed them. Two days later I had trouble starting my car again. The mechanic said he used fuel injection cleaner again and my car should be fine and he cleaned off the spark plugs because two looked "dusty". Here it is 4 days later and my car didn't want to start once again.

    Does anyone have any idea what could causing this? I know it is not the battery or the starter because I had these checked.

    FYI: When I say I have trouble starting my car I mean it takes about seven tries to the engine to turn over.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • How do I get my co-workers to stop complaining?

    I work on a night shift of 4 people. We have a computer job so we can't really get up from our computers a lot. Once my boss leaves at night my-coworkers spend the next 3 hours complaining non-stop about work, mainly about our supervisor. It is frustrating because it affects the amount of work I do and it is hard to keep a positive attitude with them complaining all of the time. I have tried to ignore them, but then they just lean over my cube and talk to me. I have tried telling them to address their complaints with the boss, but they just say it doesn't matter since nothing will chance.

    I kind of feel I am at the point that I need to go to my supervisor, but I don't know how to talk to her about it. I know everyone will know I was the person who told on them, but they are really making going to work suck.

    Any suggestions for me to try with the team or any suggestions on what I should say to my supervisor if it comes down to that?


    2 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • How to update a song on my iPod without creating duplicates?

    I just got a new computer. On my old computer if I changed something about a song in iTunes (such as the album or the track number) I could drag the song over to my iPod and it would update the information. On my new computer when I try to do this instead of updating the song it adds a new copy of the song so I have to go and delete one of them, which can be time consuming if I update more than one song at once, plus it erases the rating for the song and the plays. I have the same version of iTunes on both computers. Is there a setting or something I need to change to prevent a second copy of the same song being added?


    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players7 years ago
  • How to replace USB cord for Samsung Galaxy phone?

    I lost the USB cord for my Samsung Galaxy phone. Do you know if these cords are sold at places like Wal-Mart or Target or do I have to order from Samsung?

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics8 years ago