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  • Parents: Quick! What should I have for lunch today? Anythign goes. I am 9 months preggo and starving?

    Best answer goes to the lunch I choose. You have one hour. Go!

    9 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Okay, so it's been a few years...what do I really need in my hospital bag?

    The doc gave me a list that must have been made decades ago. One suggestion was extra film for your camera. Do they even make film anymore? Another suggestion was newborn diapers. I though the hospital supplied those?

    Anyway, what would you consider a "must have" for the hospital maternity bag. Don't want to overload with useless junk.

    4 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Controversial sperm donor case. WDYT?

    All the more reason to allow gay marriage, so they can go after the other mother for child support, not the poor sperm donor. No?

    4 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • What is the one item you had for your baby that you could not live without?

    I am trying to prioritize what I need, as we are on a really tight budget. As long as I have a crib and carseats, and 8 changes of newborn clothes (and of course we will buy diapers) is there anything else I REALLy need? I mean, a stroller would be nice, but can I live without it? Even on craigslist, people are asking $50 minimum in my area, ad at the local resale shops they are even higher, its ridiculous.

    7 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Experience with picky eaters? How do you deal with them?

    I have been blessed (or "lucky" so I'm told) with two kids (5 and 7) who are adventurous eaters and rarely, if ever, complain about or decline to eat what I serve. They really do eat anything. Recently however, we have hosted my nephew (6yo) and a neighbor/friend (also 6yo) for a play date and sleepover. Both boys are extremely picky eaters, and I need advice how to deal with this, as I find myself increasingly frustrated, and angry almost at the fact that it seems there is nothing in my house they will eat. One boy, for instance, requested PB&J in place of the chili I made for dinner, which was fine, but after I made it, he wouldn't eat it because it was whole wheat bread.

    I guess what I am wondering is, should I prepare for their visits by buying food they will eat, even if I throw it out afterward (white bread, for instance)? Should I ask the parents to send food they will eat (Idk why, but I feel weird about doing that)? Should I take the hard line ("If you're really hungry, you will eat it.")? Or should I let them subsist on cheez-its and water if that's all I have that they like?

    Not sure what approach to take, but will likely host these boys again in the future and am trying to come up with a solution.

    6 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Experience with picky eaters? How do you deal with them?

    I have been blessed (or "lucky" so I'm told) with two kids (5 and 7) who are adventurous eaters and rarely, if ever, complain about or decline to eat what I serve. They really do eat anything. Recently however, we have hosted my nephew (6yo) and a neighbor/friend (also 6yo) for a play date and sleepover. Both boys are extremely picky eaters, and I need advice how to deal with this, as I find myself increasingly frustrated, and angry almost at the fact that it seems there is nothing in my house they will eat. One boy, for instance, requested PB&J in place of the chili I made for dinner, which was fine, but after I made it, he wouldn't eat it because it was whole wheat bread.

    I guess what I am wondering is, should I prepare for their visits by buying food they will eat, even if I throw it out afterward (white bread, for instance)? Should I ask the parents to send food they will eat (Idk why, but I feel weird about doing that)? Should I take the hard line ("If you're really hungry, you will eat it.")? Or should I let them subsist on cheez-its and water if that's all I have that they like?

    Not sure what approach to take, but will likely host these boys again in the future and am trying to come up with a solution.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Have you read the article "I am Adam Lanza's Mother"? She tells the story of her defiant son?

    from her perspective as a single mother and those of other single mothers of mass murderers. Where are the fathers in all of this? Do you think that has anything to do with it? Could it? Possibly?

    3 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Do you think that Triaminic commercial is sexist because it's the mom that gets up in the middle of the?

    night to give the kid cough medicine while the dad continues sawing logs without a care in the world?

    10 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • working moms who pump, would you pump in the bathroom?

    I'll be coming back to work shortly after my baby is born. As I did with my first two, I plan on pumping for several months.

    With DS1, I was given a storage closet without a lock, and told to hang a note on the outside when it was "occupied." That was less than ideal, but worked fine. With DS2, my office had moved and I was given a much larger room, with a lock, that was used for storage. After I was walked-in (they had a key, and entered without knocking when locked) I ended up pumping in my car for the next few months.

    I am with a differnt company now and am considering pumping in the bathroom. Would that be "gross" or do you think it's okay? There is storage closet here with a lock, but it is right off the main office, so everyone wold see me enter and exit, and likely be able to hear my pump. Not the privacy I am looking for. The bathroom is about a two minute walk, but it is a single-person fully locking room with a sink. It is right outside a main bathroom as well, so I would not be occupying the only available facility. The only downside is having to sit on the toilet with no lid. Not sure yet how I will manage that.

    It has come down to that, or back to my car. At least with the bathroom I can wash all the parts each time I pump, and have privacy. Which is preferable, in your opinion?

    9 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Do your kids eat a big breakfast?

    I've always tried to make them a nice healthy breakfast, but it seems lately they only want something light, like a single piece of toast with butter, or a small bowl of cereal. Nothing to drink, even. Boys ages 5 and 7. What gives?

    4 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Postpartum compression bands. Your thoughts?

    Did you/ will you use one? Did it work for you? What type/brand do you recommend.

    I did not use one with my first two (didn't really even know about them) but I am going to after this one is born, in hopes of getting the saggy belly back into shape quicker. Anybody have nay experience using one?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Book suggestions for 2nd grade boy?

    Wanting to get him a couple new books for Christmas. He likes comedy (been though the Wimpy Kid and Bad Kitty series' already).

    Any suggestions?

    4 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Parents of boys, does it irritate you that they so often get a bad rap, just for being boys?

    That some people attribute poor behavior to gender, have you noticed this? I have seen people (with both genders of children) say that their girls are easier because they don't break everything and pee all over the house. Or that boys are more work because they are so loud and always fighting.

    Why do they attribute these things to the child's gender, rather than lack of discipline or a behavior problem?

    I have two boys and neither has peed anywhere inside the house but the bathroom, they don't break everything and are generally very well behaved, I am not bragging, jut wondering why people attribute poor behavior to being a boy, and good behavior to being a girl, rather than to the individual child's personality or circumstance ?

    10 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Cloth diaper-ers: is it worth is to do cloth part time?

    For those of you who use cloth, we are considering cloth diapers for DS (due in Feb). He will go to day care when he i about 4 months old, and will need disposable diapers for day care. Would it be worth the hassle for us to use cloth at home, and disposable for day care. I know in the long run, cloth saves money, but does it really when you have to buy disposable anyway? Also, it it okay for the baby to switch back and forth, or does this increase rashes, etc.? Any advice appreciated.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Looking for homework advice. Do you sit with your child and help them through their homework, or do they do it?

    on their own, and then you check it. If/when you check it, do you just check to make sure it's done, or do you check for wrong answers and have the child correct them? If they don't know the answer, do you give it to them?

    Please include the age of your child.

    Just interested in how other people handle the homework situation. DS1 is in 2nd grade this year, and I'm wondering if he should have more independence with homework or not.

    9 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Cousins, second cousins and cousins once or twice removed...I am so confused?

    How are my cousins' kids and my kids related? We will all be together this weekend, and I want to make sure I introduce them properly.

    3 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • At what age would you find it "weird" for an adult child to still be living at home?

    I have a female coworker who is a college graduate, single, and has been working full time for about three years now in our company (making good money). She is nearly 27 and still lives at home with her parents and her dog. Is that weird, or am I just being overly judgmental? She went to college locally (for free, as her mom works there) and lived at home throughout. At what age do you think it's normal to finally want your own place?

    11 AnswersParenting9 years ago