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Lv 31,545 points

Bryan S

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  • Physics merry go round?

    A cannon is mounted to the rim of amerry go round intially at rest. The merry go round has mass M=100kg and radius R=2.0m. The cannon has a mass of Mc=50kg and fires a 1.0 kg shell tangential to the circumference of the merry go round with a muzzle speed of 1000 m/s. Calculate the final angualr speed on the merry go round after the cannon is fired. tread the cannon as a point mass (Idisk=1/2MR^2)(Icannon=mcR^2)

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • Christians, Muslims, Jews... What is your view of the people who came before you?

    Will the people who came before Jesus, Mohammed, Abraham be sentenced to a lifetime of hell, or will they be rewarded for the good deeds?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did jesus worship himself?

    The trinity states that the father, son, and the holy spirit are one. Using this logic he should be worshiping himself instead of being the jew he was worshiping yahwae. But if he didnt worship himself that would mean that then God and the Son are not in fact the same and thus negating the trinity.

    (im writing a paper on cs lewis' work and this kinda made me confused)

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Your views on abortion?

    For english i have a research paper due... and i would like some views, from different perspectives, on this controversial topic

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Was Jesus really born in December?

    I watched a discovery channel thing and they say that there is evidence that jesus was not born in the winter times, but in fact closer towards the summer. Im a muslim, and we say that jesus was born in the summer time due to a excerpt from surah Maryam. But who knows when he was born? (rhetorical)

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is Jesus portrayed as a white guy?

    In many pictures, they portray Jesus as a tall white guy with flowing blond hair. This is true especially with the Spanish people. Honestly, Jesus was a freaking Arab! he should be portrayed as a brown guy. I always wondered about it

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Saddam Husseins death sentence 2 days before elections?

    I found it quite odd when Saddam's death sentence was issued 2 days before the elections... my friend pointed it out

    22 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • You think muslims were bad when they conquer people?

    When muslims conquer people, they are not allowed to touch the old, the weak, and the women. Yet, when the Romans, British, etc.. invaded lands they killed off 3/4 of the population, raped any girl, and yet u call our tactics brutish? So u become a dhmimi, a second class citizen, whats worth more? A small tax or YOUR LIFE? We do not force you to convert, but it benefits so many did, WE DID NOT FORCE. It was the Turks who forced some people to convert to be in their Janissares

    So before you accuse us of "pay jizat, convert, or die" this is untrue. And dont compare us with the filth of Europe during the Dark Ages. You were brutish, enslaving the populace, killing them, and raping them... SO DO NOT COMPARE!

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Whats the biggest gathering of chrisitans?

    I came back from Madinah and there was about 800,000 people there and they have been there since the beginning of Ramadan and till now. And in makkah the place with a capacity of 1 million people is full. So how many chrisitans attend ur masses? i dont think it was as big as muslims. And if it was bigger not as long.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what do u feel of prophecys?

    Some prophecys in the quran and other sources are coming true and they are scaring the **** out of me. Like it is said that we will be able to see our wife in our palm of our hand (camera phones), building will touch the clouds (skyscrappers), and these prophecys were made when ppl were living in tents and small houses around 700 A.D.

    Your thoughts? please? and their are other prophecys of how the jews will capture jeursalem for the 3rd time before a great war. And guess what.. its the 3rd time already.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why u think muslims are violent and bad?

    all i hear on this site is "the terriosts killed another foreigner" or someother things and how the muslims are a ppl of hate and violence. ok i have to say is wtf is Israel doing? 37 children killed in the past 8 weeks.. a pregant women was runover by an israeli tank. you know how i know this? i have friends from palestine.and arab stations are biased too but they show the arab side to it..0.

    You say that muslims kill in the name of god and kill all "infidels" i have a question. what were the 7 crusades?? were they not a series of wars against "the infidels" and that the europeans had all intent to kill all muslims occupying jerusalem all for the sake of god and that it was gods will?? well thats what they did thousands of muslims were massacred in the first crusade.

    You know who did 9/11 and other terriosts activities? It was Bin laden but it was ur foreign policies that made them hate u.

    And why take the palestinans land? Gemany should have given the land.

    I can go on and on...

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can u get sick from an already cracked egg?

    It seems my mother bought some eggs and noticed one had a little crack and was open a little... so she decides to put that one in some noodles instead of throwing it away... now she feels sick and feel like barfing????

    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Its not like your religion is perfect?

    Ok, i am a muslim and all i hear is people insulting my religion and insulting the prophet's name and how my religion is incorrect... Well i have a question? Do u think christianity is perfect? You believe that Jesus is God's son because a group of his followers declared that he was God and voted on it at the Council of Nicaea... Did Jesus every say he was god? If he did point me in that direction... Also is it not true that the injil (bible) was edited and translated from greek to latin and then to english etc... Do u not think there are some mistakes in translations? One user from this site says there are errors in the quran... Well let me tell u something...the quran has been kept in its Arabic language and the English translations are just "interpetations." I will admit in Islam there are some things we did bad. However, dont go prancing around like christianity is perfect... ( i can go on and on about how corrupt the vatican was)

    Well i probably made a lot of people hate me :D

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does the U.N. really care for Lebanon??

    As I recall any war that has threatend the existence of Israel was stopped immediately, if not in a matter of days by the U.N... However, when Israel's existence is not at stake and when hundreds of innocent Arabs are being killed in a meaningless war it's taking them weeks to come up with just a draft...Honestly the U.N. could have stopped the fighting a long time ago..

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago