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  • iTunes 10.4 problems?

    I just recently updated my iTunes program to iTunes 10.4. I've had it installed for less the 24 hours and I'm already experiencing problems with the new update. For starters, now when I add an album from my hard drive via "add folder to library" it also adds to album to my playlist section. Also when I now add album covers to my library they now appear as black screens. Has anyone else experienced these problems? Does anyone have any troubleshooting ideas? If not, how can I restore the previous iTunes update (10.1 I believe)?

    3 AnswersSoftware10 years ago
  • Serious Montreal Canadiens Question?

    Does anyone know a legitimate reason on why the Habs have yet to retire Mats Naslund's #26? It really made me wonder after I heard the news that the Canucks will be retiring Markus Naslund (yes I know, no relation) #19. Come on, the "Little Viking" was a hell of a player here (GP/617-G/243-A/369-P/612-PIM/107) so what gives?

    5 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • The Heatley Saga: Should the League Intervene?

    Ok, so we have Dany Heatley who asks to be trade from the Senators because he's unhappy with the direction that the Sens are going. Now Brian Murray tries to get the best possible deal for his team and for Heatley as well, but can only muster up a few possible suitors because of Heatley's $4 million "Canada Day" Bonus. The Oilers make the best possible offer and Heatley decides NOT to waive his no trade clause in his contract. Now Ottawa has to pay the $4 million for someone who doesn't want to play there. My question to you all is this, with the way things have unfolded over the last few days between the 3 camps, do you think that maybe the league should have intervened and taken control of the matter or should the league stay out of it and let the Sens handle it. The reason I bring this up is because:

    1. Heatley demanded the trade and when one was available, he shot it down.

    2. The $4 million is part of Heatley's salary for this coming season and will count against the cap.

    3. Since it counts against the cap the Sens are paying half of that season's salary to just send him away.

    To me it just reeks of selfisfness as Heatley wants out of Ottawa but wants his $4 million before he goes. I believe the league should intervene and say that since Heatley refuses to uphold his end of the written agreement with Sens Management then the $4 million bonus will not be paid out by the Sens and that the team who trades for Heatley will pick it up once the trade is complete and since that is a lot of money up front when the deal goes through. Plus, since Heatley was the party who wanted out of the agreement, then Heatley's no trade clause should be considered nul. Your comments and/or you solution. I'm interested to hear what all of you have to say.

    7 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Why the Careless Spending Habs, Why?

    So the Habs were in the prime position going into this week with about $30 million to play with today to try and land a quality name player and still try and retain some talent. Now with the Gomez trade ($8.0, $8.0, $7.5, $5.5 & $4.5 million for his contract) and now signing Jaroslav Spacek to a three-year contract worth $11.5 million (about $3.8 million/year), the Habs have aout $18 million left if they spend to the cap max. That's $12 million on 2 players alone and they're not even break out stars. What do the Habs do now because they still have 5 RFA's to sign as well as try and retain some players from last year. Who should they make a play for and how will next seasons edition of the Habs look to you?

    4 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • X-Men Origins: Woverine...Your Thoughts?

    A work print copy of the film has been released online for about 2 days now and I have yet to see a question about it. Has anyone else checked it out? What are your thoughts? Yes I know it's not fully complete due to special fx's but now that we get to see the actual story what did you all think?

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What to do with a Curtis Joseph?

    Now according to Cujo himself he's not ready to retire and that his affordablity will be his major selling point, however as others have pointed out, the fact he'll be 42 might scare other teams away and thus force him to retire. What are your thoughts? Should Cujo hang'em up, or do you believe he still has a lot to offer?

    My opinion, I was saying this to friends at the beginning of the season and I'm saying this now, Curtis Joseph would be a perfect fit in Montreal. He's accepted his role as a back up now and he's good for at least 20-30 games a year. Couple him with a young up and comer, either Price or Halak and not only does he push them to perform better, he can act as a mentor to both. He would fit in with any club resting their hopes on a young goaltender. Your thoughts?

    3 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Wings-Flames Shot Count typo?

    I was over looking the other scores thus far tonight and according to Yahoo! Sports the Wings have outshot the Flames the first period. Is this a typo? Does anyone have the actual number?

    6 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • TSN Trade Center question...?

    I'm sitting here watching Trade Center on TSN before I go to work and what I like to know:

    What the heck is up with Pierre McGuire standing beside Darren Dutchyshen so awkwardly? He's standing with his side to the hard camera like he's facing Dutchie and is just constantly staring at him like he wants to kiss him?

    7 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • DiPietro Injured Again?

    It's being reported that after 1 game back, Rick DiPietro is once again on the IR with another groin injury. Seriously? Is this guy ever going to be worth the $4.5 mil/per season, or are the Isles hust paying him to sit at home with an ice bag on his crotch? So the questions are:

    1) Is it safe to say now that DiPietro is a bust because he is damn sure injury prown.

    2) What do the Islanders do in this situation because they are now stuck in a position where DiPietro is becoming a bubble boy and they're banking their future on this guy?

    3) Who's to blame? Milbury? Snow?

    4)Finally and personally, I've seen him play and have never been blown away. So what's his appeal?

    3 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • HBK-JBL storyline. What's happening?

    I haven't watched Raw in awhile and I finally tuned in tonight (the Monday Night-er sucks tonight) and see that Shawn Michaels is apparently "broke" and works for JBL. When and how did this storyline happen? Last time I watched Raw, HBK was still feuding with Chris Jericho and now HBK has squandered his 401K (LMAO!) and his kids college funds (Oh JBL, what will you say next?)

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Where is Palin Coming From?

    She talks about how America can help other countries in this war on terror. Before you continue with the nation building Sarah, maybe you should take care of things in your own back yard. The Bush Administration wants to pass a $700 billion bail out for a bunch of crooks on Wall Street, financial institutions are either being saved by the Fed or the Government with more to come. People, these candidates may talk about change, but McCain, Obama, and Palin support this bail out that will come out of your pockets. They don't care about your interests, they care about the interests of Corporate America. Your thoughts?

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • Burke up to his old tricks...?

    Brian Burke is now claiming through the media that the reason for the salary cap minimum spenditure going up to $40.7 million is none other than.....Kevin Lowe. Will Burke ever let last summer go? Is there anything else Burke wants to put the blame on Kevin Lowe for? The Holocost? The Crucifixtion?

    Wll this ever stop with Burke and Lowe?

    9 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • New Padre Pio Story?

    I was on the Coast to Coast am website where I came across this story

    I'm baffled by this story. How can a body be exhumed 40 years after the man's death and still look like he died recently? Is this a hoax story?

    1 AnswerOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • New Dark Knight movie poster?[Movies]...

    and I just ruined my pants.

    Your thoughts on the new poster?

    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Game 1: Pens vs. Sens?

    For those watching on CBC last night. How hard did you laugh last night after the game when Don Cherry called out the Sens for being too soft and said that Chris Neil "looked like he was trying to have a love affair" with Sidney Crosby? Last year the Pens were accused of being too soft against the Sens, last night they looked like the 1970's Flyers against Ottawa. I say Pittsburgh in 5 games but what does Ottawa have to do to turn this around before it gets ugly?

    15 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Secret Invasion....?

    Issue #1 came out today but I didn't have time to pick up my copy (the comic guy is a friend of mine so always puts my order aside for me). Did anything huge happen in the issue, without giving away a spoiler? Any reveals, any huge (again without spoilers)?

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Writers Strike Over!!!?

    According to Yahoo! News, the writers guild strike is now over. With that piece of news, which tv show are you most looking forward to returning?

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Where to watch past NFL games online?

    I just was recently turned on to NFL football ( I've been an NHL fan for the last 20 years). I think the game is great and want to watch some games but alas the season is over. Where can I watch games from past seasons online FOR FREE!

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Mats Sundin Trade...?

    I've read alot of questions on this board about should the Leafs trade Sundin? Will they trade Sundin?

    However I post this question:

    Mats Sundin says the Leafs organization means the world to him (not his exact words). Do you think that with the turmoil the Leafs are in that Sundin should probably do what's best for the Leafs future and waive his no-trade clause? Even though he is the best Leaf on the ice every night, he is getting up in age. Should he test the market while he's still a hot commodity in the league? The Leafs can get alot back in return for for Mats that can help them rebuild for the future. Plus he can just do what others have done and resign in the off season (unless the league finally cracks down on that). What are your thoughts?

    8 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • PSP Problem!?

    I recently got a PSP (the white Star Wars: Battle Front model). Now the system works well with the game it came with, however I'm have trouble with the game controls on other games (NHL 07 & Lego Star Wars). Specifically for NHL 07, where I can't seem to move the players in the direction I want, and I can't seem to get it to stop scrolling when I'm choosing the games and options mode. Is this a common occurence in the PSP, or do you think it's just the games (I'm having the same problem with the Lego SW game) should I just return the system? Any feed back would be appeciated.

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Gear1 decade ago