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Lv 31,381 points

Rachel G.

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  • Marine Re-enlistment question?

    Ok, so I can't seem to find the answer to this question anywhere. I'm not going to be in the Marines or anything, I'm just curious. Do you have to re-enlist after 4 years of being in the Marines, or after a certain number of years? I heard someone say something like that once and I wasn't sure if that was true or not. Thanks!

    3 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • My Guinea Pig has a loose front tooth?

    I just noticed today that one of my guinea pigs top tooth is loose. I wiggled it to see how loose it was and it easily moved back and forth. He isn't acting like it hurts at all. He didn't squeal when I touched the tooth, he didn't even flinch. He's still drinking and eating, he just seems to be doing it more carefully. Is he going to loose the tooth himself? I think I remember when I first got him he only had one top tooth, but he grew it back. So I'm hoping that that's what is going to happen this time. But I'm not sure...will he loose it and will another one grow back? And if another one doesn't grow back, will he be alright with just one top tooth? If worst comes to worst I will take him to a vet, but I want to avoid going to the vet. Thanks!

    5 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • What is wrong with my parakeets wing?

    Last night I walked past my Cockatiels cage and it was dark in the room, I spooked him so he started freaking out, causing my parakeet to also freak out. He started flying around his cage and fell.I heard him do this but he had a blanket over the cage, so I didn't realize he was still the bottom of the cage. My Cockatiel calmed down, but I could hear my parakeet struggling to fly. I took the blanket off the cage and helped him up to his perch where he stayed the rest of the night. One feather on one of the wings had blood on it. Then this morning when I checked on him, he stretched out his wings like he does all the time and the blood had dried up. When he stretched them, they both looked completely normal. Neither wings are bent, or shaped in a weird way like broken wings are. He climbs around the cage and is getting around fine by doing that, but instead of climbing back up to the perch, he tried flying, but he ended up falling again, so now he is only climbing. I can't take him to a vet because the only avian vets around here are at least an hour away and I bet very expensive! Can anyone tell me what happened to him and if there is anything I could do to help him fly again? Thank you!!!

    4 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • Possible blocked nostril in Cockatiel!?

    I have had my Cockatiel Bugsey for about a week now. I got him from a breeder(not the best breeder, not very clean, doesn't hand tame). I got him because I really wanted one for a while and this guy in a town right next to mine was giving his Cockatiels away for $15 because he was done breeding. I bought a Cockatiel who is about 2 years old and not hand tamed. He is very happy in his new home, he sings all the time, he eats normally and is very curious. He is acting completely normal, singing, eating, everything he should, but today I was looking at him and I noticed in his left nostril, it looked like there was something inside it. I looked closer and it was like a reddish black thing blocking the inside of his nostril. The right nostril looks completely normal, but I don't know if he can breathe out of the left one. I have no idea what is inside it. He still is working on being hand tamed(comes on my hand for millet spray and sometimes goes on my finger for a short time) so I cannot take him out and check him out very close. He does allow me to put my face up against the cage and look closely, but all I can see is this black stuff in his nose. Is it blood? What is it? Like I said, he is acting normal, he is singing right now, he has eaten a normal amount today and he doesn't look sick. Please don't say take him to a vet, if it comes down to it, then I will, but I really need advice for what I can do at home. Thank you :)

    2 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • My new Cockatiel won't eat!?

    I got my bird Thursday, March 22. He isn't hand tamed(the breeder wasn't the best breeder) and so he is very shy. I bought Cockatiel food and put it in the food dish on the bottom of the cage next to the water. I also have a large Cockatiel treat stick thing hanging in the cage, easily accessible to him. He tried to nibble on the treat stick, but he didn't put much effort into biting, so no seeds came off. I have a millet spray holder filled with millet and he ate all of that today. I know(or so I have heard) millet has no nutritional value, so I am worried. He hasn't even acknowledged the food bowl with his healthy, must have food! I know he hasn't eaten that because there are no empty husks. I showed him the bowl, I tried to hand feed him the seeds, but he never ate it. I know he knows it there though. I tried feeding him Romain lettuce, but he spit that out. He wouldn't eat apple or cottage cheese. I really need help because I am worried he will starve and he's not getting nutrition! Does anyone know what I should do? Oh, and I'm not sure if he has drank any water. He hasn't when I'm around but he could have at night when he's covered up. Thanks!

    1 AnswerBirds9 years ago
  • Parakeet Question! Please Answer!!?

    Okay, so yesterday one of my two birds died. :( Now I have the one parakeet left. He seemed a little confused at first, but now he is acting like his normal self-as I am typing this, he is flying around the room like a crazy bird. This is the second bird buddy he has lost in three years. Both buddies died because they were very sick. Now, my question is, do you think he would be all right if I don't get him another budgie? He isn't tamed, but he comes out of the cage everyday and flies happily around. I want to get a Cockatiel, obviously they would be in separate cages, but they would be near each other and they would come out everyday together(if they get along). So do you guys think it would be fine if I don't get another budgie, and get a Cockatiel, or should I get another budgie? Oh, and I'm going to post a link, it is a cage, do you think the cage is okay for only one budgie? Would two be ok in it? Thanks!!

    3 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • I have a Budgie question?

    One of my two budgies passed away today at 12:56pm. He was very sick, so it was the best for him. His brother is still alive and very healthy. I cleaned the cage and all the toys and bowls, so I am sure that whatever the illness was that Frankie(the one who died) had is not still lingering in the cage waiting to infect Johnny(the alive and healthy one). I have the windows open and I am washing all the birds blankets. I am doing everything possible to keep Johnny from getting sick. I know that Johnny is upset, misses Frankie, and is lonely. Tomorrow my Mother said we can get Johnny another friend. Keep in mind that I am not getting another bird for me, I'm getting it for Johnny, so don't think that I am a horrible person who is already 'replacing' Frankie. I am not replacing Frankie, I am still grieving, I have been crying all day. The only reason I am getting another one so soon is because I don't want Johnny to get very lonely and depressed. My question is, does anyone know if Pet Supplies Plus sells parakeets, because I want to get another bird there. I will not get one at Petco because every time I go there, all the birds look sick. I am not going to PetSmart because there aren't any near me. I have always gotten my birds at Petland Discounts, but they don't seem 100% healthy either, but a lot healthier than Petco. I cannot get one from a shelter/rescue because there aren't any near me and there aren't any breeders near me either. So, has anyone gotten or seen parakeets at Pet Supplies Plus? Are they healthy? If I go there and there aren't any or they aren't healthy, then I will go Petland Discounts. Thanks in advance! No mean comments please :)

    1 AnswerBirds9 years ago
  • Is my Parakeet going to be OK?

    Today it was about 70 degrees out, so I had my bedroom windows open, where my birds are. One of my birds started puffing up his feathers so I figured he was cold. I shut the window, and it has been shut for a while, but his feathers are still fluffed up. He is eating and drinking like normal, but he isn't flying as much. He still flies though. Do you think by tomorrow he will be ok? I put 2 sheets, a towel and a blanket over their cage at night so I know they are warm then. Thanks in advance and no mean comments =)

    2 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • Advice on mouse breeding? I am interested in breeding mice. I would do A LOT of research before I start(if I even do) and I would be very responsible about it. I wanted to know if anyone had any info on mouse breeding. I wouldn't sell them and I would keep the male and females separated until I was ready to breed. I would never over breed either. Please do not say "A good breeder wouldn't look for info on here" or "breeding is bad" because I know breeding is bad, I hate it, but its not like its a dog or cat or something...they are mice..they aren't crowding shelters! Thanks and please no mean answers!

    2 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • What is your opinion?

    Okay, so I have heard of Timber Wolf Dogs which are half Shepard and half Timber wolf. I know people buy them from breeders to keep as a family pet. Do you think this is dangerous because they have wild wolf in them? I really like the look of these dogs. Of course I would never buy one because I only adopt dogs, never buy. I just wanted to know everyone's opinion on this dog breed! Thanks :)

    9 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What do you think my dogs breed is?

    This is a picture of my dog Rosie. We adopted her about three years ago and don't know what breed she is. Obviously she is a mix but we aren't sure what mixes. What do you think? Thanks!! Oh, and she is from Puerto Rico if that helps! :)

    My profile pic is her too!

    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • My parakeet is plucking my other parakeet until he bleeds!?

    My male parakeet who is about 1 year old recently plucked a lot of feathers off my other 1 year old male parakeets head. He now has a few small bald spots on his head that have dry blood on it. They have been together for a long time and are very close. They always behave nicely toward one another. Does anyone know how I can stop him from doing this? Thank you :)

    4 AnswersBirds10 years ago
  • Why won't my kitten stop rubbing her cheeks on me?

    For the past few days I have woken up to my 12 week old kitten rubbing her cheeks all over my face and arms. She does this all day long. What is she doing?

    6 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • My Dwarf Hamsters eyes are blurry, does that mean she's blind?

    My dwarf hamster, who is about a year old, has blurry eyes. A little while ago this started to happen. She is acting completely normal. She runs around and never bangs into anything. I really can't take her to a vet though because there aren't any vets near me that will take Hamsters.

    1 AnswerRodents10 years ago
  • How much does it cost to neuter a puppy?

    Does anyone know the average price to neuter a puppy who is about 6 months old?

    1 AnswerDogs10 years ago