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I am a huge Green Day fan!

  • Metal health care in South and Central America?

    I'm writing an essay on social injustices. I was wondering if any of you could give me information on how the mental health care system works in South and Central America. What is the quality of the system, how inclusive is it, how available is it, etc. Thank you!

    1 AnswerOther - Latin America7 years ago
  • Actresses/models who look like this? (For a character)?

    Do you know any actresses or models that look like the woman in the above picture? Like, dark hair, dark eyebrows, blue/green eyes, pale-ish skin? I'm writing something and like to have models for the characters. Any help would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersDrawing & Illustration7 years ago
  • What should I study in college?

    I am currently nearing the end of my freshman year at high school and I have no idea what I want to study in college. I know it isn't necessary to know right now, but I'd like to get it figured out as soon as possible. Here are the classes I've taken so far as well as the classes I intend on taking over the next three years. My GPA is currently 4.2.

    8TH GRADE (Middle School)

    Algebra I Honors

    Spanish I Honors


    Spanish II Honors

    English I Honors

    Biology Honors

    Study Hall

    AP Human Geography


    Geometry Honors

    Life Wellness



    English II Honors

    Chemistry Honors

    Study Hall

    AP World History


    Algebra II Honors

    Visual Art II


    AP Psychology

    AP English III Lang. & Comp.

    AP Environmental Science

    Study Hall

    AP U.S. History


    Precalculus (Most likely honors)

    Visual Art III Honors

    Online ACT Prep (if available)


    Personal Finance/P.E.

    AP English IV Lit. & Comp.

    AP Biology

    Study Hall

    AP U.S. Gov. & Politics/AP Microeconomics


    Statistics (possibly AP)

    AP Studio Art

    I love art, music, and writing. I sing and play bass in a band, but writing is my biggest strength. I am fascinated by biology (genetics and evolution, to be specific) as well as by characteristics of human nature. I like to read about why people act the way they do and about cultures and such. I also enjoy studying crime. I could go on but I'm short on space. Thanks!

  • The relationship between blood types and multiple alleles?

    What is the relationship between human blood types and multiple alleles?

    2 AnswersBiology7 years ago
  • Arrival time for general admission?

    So I'm going with four friends to see Arcade Fire at Bridgestone in Nashville. We have general admission tickets, and I was wondering when we should show up to get a good spot. The concert is on a Thursday at 7:30, and we have school until 2:27 that day. Any suggestions for a time?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop7 years ago
  • What can I do to improve the way I look?

    I apologize if the quality is crap. The pictures are selfie style, so, yeah. But what can I do to improve the way I look? I have zero self confidence and need some help with my self image.

    7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • I need help with a possible mental issue?

    I'm sorry this is so long. This is honestly the shortest version I could come up with though. I am a 14 year old girl. Certain words/thoughts trigger strong emotion in me. They make me feel terrified & excited all at once. For example, I have no connections to Wisconsin at all, yet thinking about Milwaukee makes me feel like I'm close to having a panic attack. I get weird thoughts sometimes. I was crossing train tracks the other day & I thought "I've died here before." Later that night this entire lifetime, ending with death on train tracks, flashed before my eyes. The life of a man I'd never heard of before, but now I feel as though I knew very personally. This occurs often with different things. Extreme déjà vu is triggered. It's so strong I feel like dying. All through my childhood I was prone to violent nightmares/hallucinations. Before I even knew what a ghost was, I had dreams of being pursued by a bloody, chained up ghost. I've always been able to find hints of cannibalism in my dreams. I've been extremely paranoid my entire life. I think it stems from being physically abused by my next door neighbor, a cruel little girl the same age as me, as a preschooler/kindergartener, but I'm not sure. I become obsessed easily. Something will catch my attention & I'll research it until I know everything I can on the subject. I can also spend long periods of time just staring at something, like my hand or foot, or a pencil. I constantly feel tired. Out of it. I've had short term memory problems lately, plus dizzy spells & heart burn. I'm prone to severe emotional stress. I'm not sure how to deal with people. I don't know how to understand my own two emotions, much less other people's. I feel incapable of bonding. I have severe mood swings. I feel both homicidal & suicidal. I'm confused all the time. I have issues trusting people. I've talked to my mom before but she thinks it's hormones.

    4 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Need to lose 5-10 lbs in two weeks?

    Hi, so I'm going to Florida in two weeks and would like to lose 5-10 lbs by that time, if possible. I'm 5 foot 5&1/2 inches and weigh approx. 120 lbs currently. I am 14 years old. I was wondering what kind of dietary restrictions I should set and exercise I should do.

    Thank you!

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • I've suddenly become really drawn to this place, and I don't know why.?

    So over the past two months or so I've suddenly become really drawn to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I don't know why, but I just HAVE to go there. I googled it, and started looking at pictures, and my heart was just aching the whole time. And there was a certain site I found on google earth that used to be an apartment building that has since been demolished (figure that one out yourself), and I just stared at it, and tears came to my eyes. But I was just looking around and stuff, and I just couldn't help feeling like I'd walked down those streets before.

    My voice has been changing, too. I used to have relatively no accent because I grew up in California, but this Wisconsin-bordering-on-New-Jersey accent has slowly begun creeping in. And I've lived in the South the past seven years. I mean, I've never been to Milwaukee before. I've never been anywhere remotely close to Wisconsin.

    I really don't know what's going on. The only thing I can think of is that it could possibly have something to do with a past life.

    Help please?

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • I think I'm depressed and I really don't know how to bring it up?

    I'm fourteen years old, and ever since I was twelve (almost thirteen) I've been feeling really low. Like, I have horrendous self confidence issues. I can't help thinking that I'm worthless and ugly and gross. I've thought about suicide before, but I've never even considered actually acting upon it because I'm too scared. Until this week. The thoughts have been getting really bad, and I keep thinking drugs will make things better. I've never taken drugs or drank liquor before, but I'm scared I might. I also have a really difficult time sleeping, and I feel tired all the time. My grades have been dropping, and I never want to talk to anyone. I don't really care about anything anymore. I've also been having really bad mood swings, and violent thoughts about others.

    I think I need to tell my parents, but I'm really scared. Like, terrified beyond words. My mom has depression, but she hasn't told me herself. She doesn't know, but I found where she keeps her pills, and I recognized them as being antidepressants. I don't want her to have to deal with herself as well as me having depression, if I do, because, from what I've observed, it seems like she has it pretty bad. But I can't keep going. I really just want everything to end, and that scares me. Please help :'(

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • I'm not really sure what to do.?

    I really don't know what to do, but I think I might be dangerous. I have this weird obsession with serial killers and, just, like, other killers. Like, I always have. Even when I was younger, I can remember having an obsession with the Donner Party and stuff. You know. Cannibalism. And death. To this day this stuff still fascinates me. But it's not just fascination. I have fantasies, too. Like, I have this overwhelming curiosity.

    I don't think I'm quite right mentally. I've been hallucinating high pitched sounds like whimpers and screams lately. And I have severe, violent mood swings. Like, really severe. It's mostly between anger and depression though. I never feel happy and i never cry. I mean, I'm 14 though, so it might be normal, but it doesn't seem like it. And I'm constantly tired. I have a lot of trouble falling asleep at night, and it torments me.

    I've been acting out a lot lately. I stabbed a kid in the leg with a ball point pen the other day, and I gave a kid a concussion about a month before after I slammed him into a brick walk. And I can't stop shooting at my family. I can't walk through the halls at school with thinking about how much I want everyone there to die.

    I hate almost everything. It's horrible, but I just can't help it.

    I'm also really paranoid. I haven't been doing much lately because every time I go out I always feel like everyone is staring at me. No matter what I do. I just can't shake the feeling. I mean, I'm paranoid about tons of other stuff. Even numbers of foods (like goldfish) and having an equal amount of food on both sides of my mouth at all times. And always eating my food in a certain order. And more. But the feeling of being watched is the worst.

    I really don't know what to do. My parents don't know about most of this, and I don't know of I should talk to them or not. I don't know what's wrong with me, and I don't know if I'm dangerous, or how to find out. I just... Gahhhh.

    ... Please help.

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Select the correct answer to this grammatical question?


    A. The scientist bellowed out maniacal laughter, and his chilling words rang out through the night: "It's alive!"

    B. The scientist bellowed out maniacal laughter, and his chilling words rang out through the night; "It's alive!"

    C. The scientist bellowed out maniacal laughter, and his chilling words rang out through the night, "It's alive!"

    Which one is punctuated correctly?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Famous people who were born in Venezuela but now live in the united states?

    Can anyone think of any famous people who were born in Venezuela but currently live in the USA? Please help!

    2 AnswersVenezuela9 years ago
  • A disease that fits this description?

    Ok. I'm working on something, and i need to know of a disease that fits this description,

    1. It has to be potentially fatal.

    2. It has to have an expensive and/or hard to acquire cure.

    3. It has to be fairly rare.

    It can be anything really. Just let me know.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • Does anyone know what the name of this Spanish tv show is called?

    We watched it in our Spanish class today and it was really amusing. I remember there was a character named Jose, and a character name El Tio, and the show was something about Mysterioso. Like, it was a mystery, but it was one of those really cheesy ones.

    Thanks? xD

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • Kind of a two part question about performing live.?

    Part One: So, I have to play a show as part of a program for the place where I take guitar/vocal lessons. A group of five other people and me were assigned the following songs:

    1. Blue Orchid by The White Stripes

    2. Storm in a Teacup by The Red Hot Chili Peppers

    3. Jukebox Hero by Foreigner

    I have to sing lead vocals and play guitar on songs one and three, and I have to just play guitar on song 2. So, here is my problem. I have never performed, like, real rock songs before. In fact, I have only performed, really, other than dancing twice, and those songs were "Break Away" (singing) by Kelly Clarkson in third grade, "21 Guns" by Green Day (guitar), and "My Immortal" by Evanescence (singing), both last year.

    I need some tips on how to sing those two songs live. Like, I don't care what you have to offer, whether it be tips from personal experience or video links or what. I just need help.

    Part Two: What do I wear when performing these songs? I am a girl, and last year I wore, like, a black t-shirt and skinny jeans, and converse. But I am not sure about this. Like, any suggestions? Descriptions, pictures, or brands? Just whatever you have to offer.

    Really, any advice at all is welcome. I'm kinda new at this whole performing thing :P

    1 AnswerRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Other unique things to do in Nashville, TN?

    So I live in Nashville, but I have become really bored and can't come up with fun things to do, especially at my age (13, almost 14). I found this list though ( and it got me thinking. Can you guys think of any other unique things similar to those on that link to do? Or just anything in general?

    1 AnswerOther - United States9 years ago
  • How long would it take to recover from a coma?

    The details: The coma was received in a car accident when the driver hit their head on the window. It was very mild. How long would it take to recover?

    1 AnswerInjuries9 years ago
  • So I just found out that my mom has depression. The only thing is, she didn't tell me...?

    So, I overheard my parents talking about my mom's "medication" the other day, and the fact that the drug store kept calling about it and stuff. And this memory came to mind of opening up one of the drawers in the kitchen and finding a weird prescription bottle with my mom's name on it. So, today I went and wrote down the name of the medication on both of the bottles, and I googled them, and they are both used to treat depression.

    So now I don't know what to do. Do I keep acting normal and pretend I never found out? Do I confront her? Should I treat her a certain way from now on? Should I tell my sister about it?

    I'm really confused, and I'm not sure what I should do.

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago