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  • For Catholics: What are the "official" duties of godparents?

    I read an article about Dolly Parton being Miley Cyrus's godmother but she stated that she didn't have time to do the "official" duties of a godmother. What is expected from godparents?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Could someone explain to me Islam's tenets in a nutshell?

    I know Christians, Jews, and Muslims can all trace their heritage back to Father Abraham, but I have never read the quoran and would like to have a better understanding of what Muslims believe?

    Do you believe that people who do not believe in Allah should be killed or is that just some extremist in your religion?

    Did Allah write the Quoran? Is it all revelation given to Ishmael or other prophets that followed him? Is Ishmael even mentioned and if so, what is his side of the story about why he left his father?

    In your view, what is the major difference between what you believe and what Jews/Christians believe?

    I know you have an end-of-the-world scenario but what is your belief regarding what will happen after that?

    What are some of the most important values taught by your religion in your mind? Love? Family? Loyalty to Allah over anything else?

    Please educate me.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Are there two different Catholic churches?

    So my husband, who was formerly Catholic says there are "Roman Catholics" and "Catholics"...Roman Catholics dress formerly, Catholics are more casual in their dress at church. Roman Catholics only study from the King James Version of the Bible and Catholics can use any bible they choose among other distinctions. As an outsider I was not aware that there is a break off from the Roman Catholic Church (other than Protestantism) or that Catholics view themselves as distinctly different from other Catholics.

    As an insider, belonging either to the Catholic or Roman Catholic church, is this true for you as well? Do many in the church believe there are two factions of Catholicism?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Any ideas for "date night" with my husband that involve NO cost?

    My husband and I have been struggling financially for 2 years now. The stress is getting to both of us. We really need some fun and some couple time. Any ideas?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • My email account has been hacked into, what steps do I take?

    I don't want to get another account. I've used this one since 2002 and many people contact me via the account, professional and personal.

    I logged on today to find several "mailer demon" notices to people I don't email often and with a message that was complete jibberish. This is why I suspect my account has been hacked.

    It's yahoo email. Is there anything I can do to protect it and keep my email account?

    4 AnswersSecurity8 years ago
  • For anyone that is NOT Christian...?

    Does your religion (or lack thereof) have an end of the world scenario? If so, is it similar to the Christian belief that the world will be at war, natural disasters, famine, and disease, and an eventual complete baptism by fire will occur? Or is it very different? Or do you believe the world will go on indefinitely?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why is their so much arguing between believers and athieists?

    I think we all basically believe we should be kind to one another. We all want world peace. Why is there so much animosity in our questions and answers? Do you think hatred will convince those of different religions (or lack thereof) that your way is right? Do you think those that believe differently than you are harming your way of life? I'm asking an honest question about where, fundamentally, does this animosity come from?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Am I asking too much from my husband sexually?

    A little husband is in his late 40s. He has had a harsh life. He has played Hockey, football, baseball through high school as well as baseball through college and briefly professionally as a catcher. This has destroyed his knees. He was severely abused as a young boy and left home at the age of 13 with a broken collar bone. He put himself through school, joined the Marines at 17. Later became a police officer in New York City and then owned his own security business. At one point or another he has broken every bone in his body (except thankfully his hip bones). This has caused severe arthritis in his entire body. Additionally, he has astronomically high blood pressure. Besides the massive headaches this gives him it has made it impossible for him to get a hard on.

    His very successful business went under a couple of years ago. He has been looking for work or trying to start another business since then but without help from our church, family, and other resources we would be homeless right now. Having worked and supported himself all of his life he is extremely stressed. All of this is adding to his high blood pressure and other aches and pains. He says he can't think about sex when the only thing that fills his mind is finding a way to provide for his family.

    I understand he is stressed and depressed (I am too). I get that he can't receive any pleasure from sex. But physical touch is my love language. I feel like I try to get up and make him feel loved and supported by making him meals, keeping his house clean, taking care of the errands and doing what I can to support his business because his main love language is service. Additionally, I write him an email every day to thank him for everything that I appreciate about him because his second love language is words of affirmation.

    Intellectually I know he loves me. Having an affair is not an option. Divorce is not an option. Touching myself doesn't do it for me. I not only want the release from the stress but also the emotional connection. He gets upset because he is in physical pain and because he can't get any mutual pleasure out of it. When I bring it up he just says I'm being selfish. I've tried everything to not think about it but no matter what he is going through it still doesn't make up for this need that still exists and won't go away. I feel very lonely. I know in my head he loves me, but I don't FEEL loved by him at all. I'm not expecting it all the time. I'd be deliriously happy with once a week. Satisfied with twice a month. Once a month or less just feels like rejection and adds to my depression.

    So am I asking for too much? Is there some creative way to resolve this issue? I feel like we're at an impasse.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • What is the secret to a happy marriage?

    I'm just curious what your secret is to a life time of happiness with your spouse.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Any ideas for a romantic date that is cost-free?

    My husband and I have been struggling financially for a couple of years now. We don't have any money in our budget for dating but I feel we really need to take time off the stress to connect as a couple and have some fun in our lives. Any ideas? We live in a city environment. Nature is too far away but they do have parks here.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago