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Lv 44,406 points

Jasmine Lavie

Favorite Answers14%
  • Mother keeps leaving the window open in winter?

    I'm having a problem with my mother - she sleeps near the living room, so she likes to leave patio door & bedroom window WIDE OPEN. All day and all night. It's almost winter & getting very chilly around here.

    We've been having a back-and-forth about this for about a week now, but she still persists. I'm honestly afraid that she's going to give someone pneumonia doing this, and I'm worried that I'm already trying to come down with something.

    She does this because she constantly complains of being hot & sweating at night. Even though she's not yet 40, I think she's suffering from early menopause (other behavioral symptoms match). But because she's still so young, she refuses to believe me. How can I convince her that its not hot, her eggs are just drying up & she needs to close the damn window?

    4 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Would anyone recommend the Sony Vaio laptop?

    Hunting for a new laptop & I'm really interested in the Sony Vaio (specifically the Fit E series). I've never owned one before and would just like to hear any good/bad experiences others have had with the laptop.

    It should be noted that I'm going to have a lot of heavy art software on it - Photoshop, Paint Tool SAI, Maya, and possibly a few others. Would it be a good creative laptop or should I opt for something stronger?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • What does it mean when your laptop starts vibrating?

    And would a new adapter fix it?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Laptop vibrating - new adapter fix?

    A few days ago, I noticed my HP laptop vibrating whenever it was plugged in. Apparently, something is wrong with the grounding and it's become somewhat electrified. Coincidentally, something is wrong with my adapter cable now to where it doesn't want to work most of the time - it gets pretty hot, so the wires might be fried.

    Obviously this is a potentially dangerous situation that needs to be fixed ASAP. My question is, would simply buying a new adapter fix the electrical problem? Or does it need to go to a shop either way?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • What time did you usually get up for school?

    Throughout my public school years, everyone in my district was in homeroom by sunrise; even little kids walked to school while it was still dark. I just wanted to check & see if that was normal.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Do I have tetanus (or am I crazy)?

    I'd like to open this by saying that I'm a complete hypochondriac, always have been.

    I don't cut myself very often, but today I scraped my knuckle on a part of the sink while washing dishes. It bled a bit for about a minute while I hit it multiple times with peroxide, rubbing alcohol, and (outdated) bactine. It's about a 0.5mm long scrape. I'm not due for another booster for 2 years. I checked twice already, and the part I cut myself on isn't rusty & my hands were completely submerged in soapy water at the time.

    I know I'm probably being irrational, but I can't help it.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • What are the odds I have tetanus?

    I'd like to open this by saying that I'm a complete hypochondriac, always have been.

    I don't cut myself very often, but today I scraped my knuckle on a part of the sink while washing dishes. It bled a bit for about a minute while I hit it multiple times with peroxide, rubbing alcohol, and (outdated) bactine. It's about a 0.5mm long scrape. I'm not due for another booster for 2 years. I checked twice already, and the part I cut myself on isn't rusty & my hands were completely submerged in soapy water at the time.

    I know I'm probably being irrational, but I can't help it.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Question About Child Abuse Laws?

    When I was younger, my grandmother tried to set me up to be molested by her husband, a repeat sex offender. She had already done this to my mother, but she was about to move away - she wanted to keep his money in the picture & needed someone new. She tried to turn it into a game of having me spy on him while he used the bathroom (without his knowledge) & I remember repeatedly waking up in his bed mysteriously. Whether or not anything actually happened, I don't remember - either we managed to escape in the nick of time or I blocked it out.

    My question is what can be done about it? Can she still be prosecuted in any way? Has the SOL run out? (I was around 3 or 4 yrs. when it was happening, I'm 20 now.) What would this even be called? What would I need.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Recommended drawing tablets?

    The tablet I have now is great for photo editing, but I need something that works a lot better for hand drawing. The one I have now is way too slow & laggy for anything but bold, long lines - sketching is out of the question.

    Does anyone have any good recommendations for a tablet that works well for digital drawing & painting?

    3 AnswersDrawing & Illustration8 years ago
  • Why am I having phantom periods?

    I have a problem where I occasionally have phantom periods . My period was supposed to be here days ago but, while I still have the same symptoms (backache, cramps, nausea, headache, mood swings, acne, etc.), I've yet to shed a drop. This has been going on off-&-on for years now (at maybe 3 or 4 times a year) - worst case scenario, I haven't had a period for 3 months in a row.

    I finally decided to look into it last night, and I found that they only time a PP is normal is during pregnancy & during peri-menopause. I'm 20 yrs. old & have never been sexually active.

    As you can probably tell by now, my periods are horribly irregular (and increasingly painful) & always have been. My main concern is if it's harmful in any way or the whole thing is a sign of an oncoming issue. Has anyone dealt with this before, and in someone my age?

    6 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • What Can I Do (Thieving Grandma)?

    Recently, I noticed that my wallet was missing. I didn't drop or lose it, it just simply disappeared. And I know who was behind it - my grandmother.

    It's tax time & she wants the money for a bigger apartment, so she stole my wallet (which had my ID & SS in it) so she could file me on her taxes & get a bigger return. I had intended to file myself, but she wanted to beat me to the punch.

    I don't too much care about my return (wouldn't be worth much anyway), but my debit card & all my cash were also in there. Until she decides to give it back, I'm flat broke! Well, that's IF she gives it back; the kind of person she is, it's also likely she'll just pocket my cash & throw the rest away.

    The worst part of it is, even though I know she has it, I can't call her on it. We're living in her apartment, so if I even thought about trying to confront her all she has to do is threaten to throw us out. And I don't exactly where she has it hidden: the mass of stuff she's got in her room, her car, or any one of her many purses.

    I just want my money back, and I'm not certain it'll still be there by the time it resurfaces. What can I even begin to do?

    3 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Sony Vegas Pro 11 vs. Adobe Premiere Elements 11?

    I'm getting into video editing and I'm stuck between these two software. Hoping to hear from someone who has experience with one or both, which one would you recommend?

    Firstly, whichever I'll buy, I'll be running it on a PC with a 1.6GHz graphics card (AMD Radeon HD) & 6GB of RAM. I have plenty of memory.

    The biggest reason I'll even be buying video-editing software is for animation purposes. I like to create 2D CG (computer graphics) & VFX (visual/special effects), and whichever best allows me to do that is the one that I'm definately going to side with. It also has to support the creation of text over imported video as I plan on doing some subtitling, as well.

    Please do not try to sell me on Vegas Pro 12 - nothing on this Earth could get me to drop $500/600 on software right now. It's just a hobby, not my job.

    Please provide reasons for your recommendation. BA gets full points.

    Thanks for answering!

    3 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • How Do I Secretly Play My PS3 at Home?

    I seriously want a PS3. I want one more than anything (that I have the power to buy) - I've wanted a Playstation since the PSone came out when I was a kid. And now I have the means to buy one.

    Problem: I currently live with my grandmother & she is a BIIITTTCCCHHH. She honestly hates me and would have nothing but bad things to say, even though she barely knows what video games ARE - it would be only because I enjoy them. Normally, I'd ignore her & get it anyway (I'm the one worked to earn the money to buy it & all the games), if it weren't for the fact that I'm living in her house. If I get it & she complains, then I'll get harassed for "causing trouble".

    So what can I do?? I have plenty of secure places that I can easily hide it, but how can I actually use it without her noticing?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What Do You Think About Women With All Male Friends?

    All as in, 98-100% of her friends list are guys (only 1 or 2 other female friends).

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Would You Sell Your Gaming System to Buy a New One...?

    ...even if you could afford to keep both?

    Like, let's say they come out with a new PS/Xbox. Would you sell your old one & then buy it, even if you didn't have to?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago