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  • How do I tell my mom that I want to move in with my boyfriend?

    I've lived on my own since I was 17. A little over a year ago, I went through a rough break up and moved back in with my mom (I am 23 now.) My mom and I have a good relationship and are more like friends. I started dating a new guy 5 months ago and he asked me to move into a house with him. He lives 2 hours away from me (I met him while commuting back and forth for school), so I would be moving 2 hours away from my mom. I'm just trying to figure out how to tell me my mom that I want to do this. She has only met my bf once and doesn't know him well enough to love him yet. He's actually a very good guy and treats me great. I don't want to hurt my mom's feelings and I don't want to leave her to live alone. Also, she's not a big fan of someone living with their significant other before marriage. I don't want her to be disappointed in me... Please help?

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I have extreme anxiety and my bf wants me to meet his friends and family... please help?

    I am extremely shy and have anxiety in new situations and around new people. (I have panic attacks and get nauseated...) But anyway, my boyfriend of a couple months wants me to go to a family get together with him tomorrow and meet his friends and family. I am so afraid that I will look stupid because I literally can't speak when I'm around new people. I worry about how I look and what I am saying and I get so self-conscious. Just typing about this is making my heart race! I know my bf loves me and won't judge me no matter how stupid I look, but I would just really like some words of wisdom.... Maybe a little comfort? Any advice!! Also, I am 23, so I'm not a little kid. lol. Thanks!!

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I have safety center virus, won't let me run malwarebytes... Please help? :-(?

    I have a "safety center" virus/trojan on my computer. I have tried removing it from the add/remove section of the Control Panel, but it won't be erased. I tried downloading from Malwarebytes on a flash drive and running it, but it says the mbam.exe doesn't have access or something like that. I already had Spybot, so I ran that, but when it goes to remove anything, the computer restarts. I have excessive pop ups, and I can't access anything on the internet. Does anyone have any advice on what I can do? Any help will be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!

    5 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Downloaded updates and now I have a virus with tons of pop-ups... Please help!?

    I was trying to download updates for my desktop and I guess I downloaded something bad because now I have a crazy amount of pop-ups. Before the computer is even finished starting up, there are pop-ups (Those fake ones that say "Click here for virus protection!") When I try to go to the internet, it sends me to random sites and I can't get anything done. Things like Notepad won't even open. Are there any anti-virus programs that I can download onto a flash drive (I'm on my laptop now) and then put onto the desktop? I have a lot of stuff on the desktop that I don't want to lose. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!!

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • How do I tell my bf that I don't enjoy receiving oral sex?

    I really hate receiving oral sex! I just don't like it. Never have. I've been able to have an orgasm, but I generally just don't like it. My boyfriend, however, loves doing it. I've told him flat out that I don't like it, but he thinks of it as some sort of challenge. How can I make my point that I don't want him to keep trying to do it?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I fell hard for this guy and now he is ignoring me. What to do?

    I met this guy online and I fell really hard for him. He seemed perfect in every way. We talked almost every night and he convinced me that he was falling for me too. We met once at a mutual friends and things were great. It was normal, nothing overly romantic and nothing physical happened. We continued talking and planned on spending next weekend together. But now he won't answer my texts or calls. I haven't talked to him in 4 days and the weekend is almost here. I'm just so upset because I feel stupid and I'm pretty sure he just wants me to leave him alone but he's too afraid to tell me. I don't want this to be over because it's so hard for me to fall for someone and I finally did, and now I'm hurt and embarrassed. Please help.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it really that bad to sleep with him on the first date? Details inside...?

    I met this guy almost 2 months ago when he was passing through my hometown. We hit it off and exchanged numbers. He lives 5 hours away from me. We have been talking, texting, and chatting for the past 2 months, but have been too busy to actually have a first date. The thing is, we really hit it off and get along great. We are also very attracted to one another. We are meeting up next weekend and I know he wants to have sex. (He has told me flat out that he wants to have sex, but that he wants to be with me as a boyfriend as well.) I would love to do something physical with him, but I don't want to give him any wrong impressions if I do anything on our first technical first date. Would it be a horrible thing if I had sex with him? Do you think he would think of me differently? Please help. :-( Also, we are both 23 years old.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How can I convince him to give me another chance after making assumptions?

    I was getting to know this guy and he was near perfect. Sweet, funny, smart... Great. One day he casually mentioned something slightly sexual and I freaked out and accused him of only wanting me for sex (even though we don't do anything sexual at all yet) he got upset at me for making assumptions and said he won't waste his time convincing me because that's "not his job". I feel stupid and want another chance but he won't even answer texts or calls. Is there anything I can do? I just got scared.... And I told him this. Please help :-(

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What do I put on an application if I don't know my old boss' email address?

    I am filling out an application and it is asking for all of my old boss' email addresses. I don't know any of them, and 2 of my old bosses don't even work at those places anymore. What do I put???

    ALSO- it's an online app, so it won't let me leave it blank, so I have to put something!!!

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Good new slow songs and new hip hop songs for some CDs? ANy ideas?

    I'm just making some new CD's and trying to think of some good songs to put on them.

    I'm making one with rap/hip hop songs (good for driving around to)

    and one with slow songs.

    Please don't say Alicia Keys, or Lil Wayne.

    Been there, done that, OVERPLAYED.

    Thanks for your help

    6 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • I feel awful for neutering my cat... how do I make him feel better???

    i just got my 2 year old cat neutered because he started spraying on everything in the house.

    he pooped on himself twice, and has thrown up three times already.

    he won't eat anything and he own't sit near me.

    i feel absolutely horrible, but it was necessary to get him fixed.

    how can i help him to get back to normal?

    how can i get him to eat and drink?? (he won't drink water or anything...)

    ugh, i feel so crappy... like a horrible person...

    did i do the right thing by getting him fixed?!?!?

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Why should I move to your city or state?? Serious answers only, please!?

    I want to move and I'm open to any ideas.

    Please tell me why I should move to your city or state!

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I really want to move! Where would you suggest I move to? (In America)?

    So, I lived in my home town (it's fairly small, but not like a tiny town) in New Mexico for 17 years before I moved 4 hours away to an even smaller town for college. I lived there for 2 years and moved closer to home to finish school. So basically, I've lived in New Mexico for almost 22 years and I am getting bored. I'm thinking a nice city, but not a huge city (like New York City) but not tiny like some super rural town in Montana. Ya know?

    Do you have any ideas???


    Also - I'm looking for someplace that's not super expensive to live.

    4 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • How am I supposed to get over this extremely painful break up?

    We were together for over 3 years and during a simple argument that wasn't even serious he told me he was sick of fighting and was so much happier without me. He said he needed space to think about things and a month and a half later he admitted he didn't want to try "now" but maybe some day in the far future.

    We have been through so much. I have absolutely no friends because I moved to be with him. I have no life without him. I am in so much pain it is making me physically sick.

    I don't want anyone else and I can't even think about meeting someone new.

    Please help me get over this pain. I can't think about anything else and I can't stop crying.

    How am I supposed to move on from someone who became my total world?

    please help.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Are long shirts/tunics with leggings still in style?

    Just wondering if this style is still cool or if it's "so last summer" :-P

    In case you don't know what I mean here are a couple pics showing what style I'm talking about:


    14 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Does this make sense?!?!?!? (more info inside)?

    i want... stop feeling like we are just friends


    ...hugs and kisses and pda go on dates feel it when i say i love you feel it when you say i love you to look at me like you want me to want me

    i love you. i heart you. i am attracted to you. you make me :o)

    tell me i should.

    tell me i have no worries.

    i don't need the label of "girlfriend" but i want to feel like a "girlfriend" not like a "girl (space) friend"


    20 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How can I be the best wing woman possible? Wing men please read!!?

    Ok, my best guy friend is recently single. I want to help him find a new girl. The thing is, I've never been someone's wing woman before... how do I go about it?

    I'm thinking clubs, bars, parties on the weekends (We are both in our mid 20s)

    Any advice?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is the Saturday before Easter a bad day for a garage sale? (next weekend)?

    My mom and I are having a joint garage sale. I want to have it next Saturday. She thinks this is a bad idea because it's the Saturday before Easter. I think this doesn't really matter...

    What do you guys think??

    7 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Question about applying for a job... easy 10 pts, please help!!?

    I applied for a job, received a call yesterday about going in for an interview. I didn't answer when they called yesterday, but they left a message asking me to call back. I called back immediately but got an answering machine. I left a message saying I was interested in going in for an interview, and asked if they would call me back. Well it's been a day and they haven't called back.

    What should I do?

    Should I wait it out?

    Should I call them -again-?

    I don't want to seem too pushy, but I also want them to know that I want the job.

    23 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago