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  • Should I unfriend my friends on facebook?

    I joined an organization a few years ago. I made friends, both with the leadership and my fellow members. I have recently come to the conclusion that these people are not my friends and have been lying to me.

    We had a major event recently where I made some suggestions. I don't mind being told that my suggestions are not feasible, nor do I mind being told that they need to think about them. What I do mind and what hurts me deeply is being ignored, the only answer being silence.

    I told the leaders that I wanted to host an event in my home. I am well aware of the time it takes to get to where I live, however, there are several major transportation hubs that will get people to where I live in a short amount of time. I did as they asked and checked for train problems for the date I mentioned. Again no answer.

    There was an event this weekend with this group. I initially said I was going, but after seeing the emails that they ignored my request to host, I ignored their emails requesting a final RSVP. On the day of the event, having not responded, I waited for a message confirming my attendance. Still none.

    I am beyond mad right. I feel very hurt and disrespected. I do not seek a leadership role, but I need to know that my opinions and membership is valued, which I feel it isnt. I am only human and make mistakes, but I am also hurting. Many of these people are my friends on facebook. Should unfriend them and be done with it?

    4 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Is one gift necessary?

    I received an invitation to the bridal shower for my friends wedding. Included in the invitation was the gift registry. I am going to order from the registry, but do I bring a gift for the wedding or is the gift from the registry enough?

    11 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • I am getting very frustrated at work?

    In my company, there are two departments that do the same work. My department and another, which is out west. They frequently set fulfillment appointments for my department (i.e me) because I work the morning shift.

    I have been with the company for a few years and I dont want to upset my boss, it is getting to the point where I feel I need to say something.

    The rule is that in our department, we only set appointments for someone else if we cannot call the client during our normal hours. The problem is that not only does the other department set appointments for my department (i.e. me again because I work the morning shift) and, they wait to complete certain procedures, which could be done before I speak to the client and decreases my time on the phone with the client.

    I am not unwilling to do my job and I believe that the customers deserve to get the products they pay for. But I get very annoyed when I have to finish the work that someone else started and could very well finish on their own when I have my own work to do.

    My boss said to be a team player and he would take an appointment if I got too busy. But I feel like it is completely unfair and I may blow up or say something stupid one of these days.

    How do I tell my boss without possibly getting written up or loosing my job?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • Should I go to the party?

    I have been invited to a friends party next weekend and I don't know if I want to go. I have always been a little shy and uncomfortable around people that I don't know. A few years ago, I was diagnosed with dysthemia, which is a mild form of depression and lately, it seems that I have been becoming more depressed.

    I find that when I go out, I always feel better, but I don't know if I want to go. I am often the first person to leave a party if I can and I don't care if they think I am antisocial. I do want to see my friend, but I dont know if I want to go.

    P.S. I have been to therapy before, but not recently.

    4 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • My name shows up on my old ipod?

    I sold my old ipod to a friend. She hooked it up, but my name appears on on it. Does she have to re-register with her name or will the registration start again with her?

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • I need to wipe my old ipod clean.?

    If I hook it up and hit reset, would the songs be deleted from my computer and my new ipod?

    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • I received an invitation about my ten year hs reunion should I go?

    I didnt have any friends in high school and I had an invitation that same weekend from a friend that fell through. Should I go to my reunion where I would feel extremely uncomfortable?

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • A friend asked for advise and I hesistate to tell her what my opinion is?

    I have a friend who went out with a woman and she (don't judge, I am only asking for advice) seemed like it was pretty intense for a while. But the woman is now married with a child, this woman posted a picture online of a gift my friend gave to her. My friend seems to be infatuated with this woman, despite the fact that this woman has moved on with her life.

    I want to tell my friend to move on, find someone who will return her affection or at least respect her enough to tell the truth. The reason I hesitate is that I had another friend who was engaged a few years ago and I had a very bad feeling about her fiance (they are now divorced), which led me to not attend the wedding and only recently we have resumed contact.

    I dont want to loose my friend, but I don't want to see her wasting her time and energy on someone who is not going to be honest with my friend.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • I am considering adopting a cat, does anyone have any suggestions?

    I know I want a short hair and one that is suited for apartment life. I also know I would prefer to go through a shelter rather than a pet store or breeder. I would love some advise.

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I would like to sell my star was memorabilia, Does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about this?

    I want to sell legimitately and I also would like to know what kind of prices I could charge.

    1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • Should I continue to call?

    A friend of mine had a baby a few months ago and we have talked about getting together because I havent seen her in quite some time and I wanted to see the baby. But everytime I try to contact her I only get an away message or a voicemail. I know she is busy with the baby and all, but I am tired of trying get in contact with her. Should I continue to try calling her or should I just wait for her to call me back?

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • The frame for the couch I bought at ikea last year broke, does anyone reccomend a repair service?

    I live in Brooklyn, NY and I need it fixed soon. Does ikea provide repair services or do I have to seek repair service elsewhere?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How should I ask?

    I just got a subletter for my apartment and it was reccomended that I write out a contract detailing the appliances and furniture that was already in the apartment, as well as splitting of the communal bills. Basically, it says that all of the things that were in the apartment before she moved in are mine and I will be taking them if I choose not to resign the lease later in the year.

    My question is, how to do I ask her without upsetting her?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Should I continue to look?

    I have had my position as an assistant in a fashion company for 4 months. It has been a great challenge and I have seen alot of change in me because of the challenge.

    However, it has come apparent to me recently that maybe I took the wrong job again. Between last April and this April, I was in and out of unemployment.

    A part of me says to stick it out, I need to regain the confidence to do the job and I cannot have this job hopping on my resume. This is a challenge and in the past few years, I have not been one to back down from challenges and I am not the type to job hop.

    However, another part of me says that my lack of educational and previous professional experience is affecting me negatively and if I had this experience, I might not making the mistakes I am making. This experience has also negatively affected my self esteem.

    I've started to look for a new job. Not that I've gotten calls for interviews, but I am not sure if I should continue.

    10 AnswersAdministrative and Office Support1 decade ago
  • Am I wrong?

    My roommate informed me late last month that her job was transferring her out of state and I would need to find a subletter. She offered to help me find someone, but my impression of her is that she is controlling and would not listen to my input.

    So, she informs me today that because I have yet to find a subletter and turned down her offer to help, I would have to pay the entire rent, not just my portion. I've been through this before, at my last apartment.

    I told my roommate she would have to take this issue up with the landlords, but she continues to insist that she doesnt have to pay if I cannot find a subletter. It's been my experience that we are both legally responsible for this apartment and to pay the rent. I'm willing to pay my share, but I cannot afford and will not pay the entire rent.

    Am I wrong for telling her this?

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What should I say to a prospective employer during the interview?

    I have been at my current position, an assistant in a fashion company since the end of the April. Up until april I have been on the roller coaster of unemployment since last spring.

    However, I have no fashion experience up to this point and as I go along, as much as I am learning, I am finding it more difficult. I feel that I have tried and just realized that maybe I cannot do this job anymore. I dont want to give up, but I dont know how much more I can take.

    I have started to send out resumes and my question is, when asked about what I have been doing, should I say I was temping or should I list this current position on my resume and explain that I feel that it is just not the right job for me?

    I am well aware of the fact that if I fudge the truth and hired somewhere else and the truth is found out, I may go back to being unemployed, which I dont want to do.

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How do I motivate my sister to get a real job?

    She has been out of college for nearly a year and has been working at the same store, part time for minimum wage for nearly 3 years. The only thing that is even close to her degree is a one day a week internship. My entire family is frustrated with her, what can we do or say to help her get a real job?

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Should I call my old job?

    I've been in and out of work for nearly a year. My longest job was at a company that I realized after a certain point, I wasnt happy. I left that company, thinking I had better opportunities ahead, not unemployment.

    The pay was horrible and a part of me knew I was better than the job, but I've been out of work since January and it hasnt helped my depression. I dont want to go back there when I was unhappy, but it was the last steady job I had and I need work.

    Should I call them?

    4 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Should I Cancel?

    I've been on this dating site for a long time. I get dates every now and then, but not consistently. The best things I got out of this site is a good friend (he's male) and this guy who I've been talking to for a few months.

    But its not consistent results and I've realized lately that I have so much in my head right now, that even if I met someone, I doubt I could put the time and emotional work that is required of a romantic relationship. I'm also out of work and need the $.

    I'm thinking of cancelling my membership, however, I am also shy and this is my main outlet for meeting decent guys. Should I cancel?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago