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Lv 611,238 points

Warrior for Christ

Favorite Answers25%

I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord! I accepted Christ in 1988 and my life was changed for the better. I've come this far by faith leaning on the Lord and trusting in His Holy word and unfailing love I am a wife to my husband of 17 yrs, a mother of 3 children and 5 stepchildren, all grown now and a "mema" (grandma) of 7 living (one deceased). I am truly blessed and it is all because of Jesus, sin had left a crimson stain and He washed me white as snow.

  • How do you increase your memory(RAM) when it is low. I have added as much memory as my computer will take?

    I have also deleted as many files as i know it is safe to delete. My computer move extremely slow and often brings up the message that my memory is low. I have used all the clean disk tools and defrag. also deleted cookies and temp files. There is one program a print workshop, that will not remove from my add/delete programs list. all the files say "read only" and it is not accessible, but when I try to remove is still on the list. Any one have any advice...other than get a new computer? Just can't do that right now. Thanks for your help!

    7 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • What should I do if I may possibly have cellulitis on the lower part of my legs?

    The area from my ankles to almost right below my knee are fire red, warm to touch and painful and I am concerned it may be cellulitis. I have worked as a secretary in the medical field for many years and have heard of it, but never had it or knew of anyone that had it and it is worrying me. Will this go away on its own and what can I do to help it go away?

    6 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • I wonder why I keep getting questions in my email that are 1-2 weeks old and already resolved?

    That's no fun, they are already answered and resolved. Anyone else have this problem. Seems like you either get them late or don't get them at all.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Anyone know how you report paid off funeral time when filing for unemployment?

    My husband is filing unemployment for a reduction of working hours, sometimes he doesn't get any hours for a whole week and sometimes just gets scheduled anywhere from 4-12 hrs when normally works 20 per week. He was off for 3 days for funeral time and I am not sure how to report it, it certainly not vacation or holiday time. Please advise if anyone knows. Thanks for your help!!!

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Has anyone had any strange messages texted to them on their cell about calling your credit union urgently?

    My son and I have a plan thru t-mobile and we both got a message saying there was a problem found with our credit union account and to call this 1-877 #. I called and the wanted you to enter your 16 digit acct. #....yeah right! Found it to be a scam...I called my credit union and they said they had other calls all from t-mobile customers and reported the # they are saying to call. Just wondered if anyone else had this problem. Thanks.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Anyone ever forget to file their bi-weekly unemployment on the day it is due?

    Is it ok to file the next business day first thing? I have to file for my husband and we forgot to call it in today and now the system is closed, but re-opens in the morning. What happens if your a day late? Thanks!

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about people who ask lots of intense ?'s, but rarely choose BA and leave them for the voters?

    It seems like they should choose some and give some feedback for asking don't you think? I know it is often difficult to pick BA and sometimes none answer the question to their satisfaction ...... but almost all the questions? I just wonder if the asker is considering the answers or just asking a bunch of questions.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • When the option to pick BA is not visible is that because people are still answering?

    Sometimes when I go to pick BA, the blue bar is not there so I can pick. The only logical thing I could think of is maybe someone is in the process of answering so you can't pick at that time. Does anyone know if that is how it works?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Have you ever stayed up way later than you should KNOWING you have to get up early?

    I do this all the time, and it is not like I am wide awake, I am tired...but just don't go to bed when I should and then I have trouble getting up early when I need to. How do you break the cycle when it is like such a habit that you can't seem to get out of it. I think it is from when I worked 2 jobs(for 15 yrs), that were 2nd and third shift and I am used to staying up, so even when I am tired I can't seem to go to bed. Any advice out there?

    9 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Is there a section where you can vote for answers "in voting" that have not been resolved yet?

    Has anyone ever voted for their own answer...if you really think it is the BA although the asker doesn't think so? Just curious how that works. Thanks.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What time is it where you live? It is almost 1am here.?

    It is amazing to think that someone is going to bed when I am getting up, or the other way around. My time is 3 hours ahead of my daughter, so when I am up real late, it is not as late for her so that is nice for me so I can call her at 1am and it is only 10pm her time. Just curious as to what time it is for others out there on YA. It is interesting to know we are all here, but in different places at different times, climates/temps, day/night and so on....don't you think so?

    Have a great night...or day!

    13 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Can you borrow from or withdraw funds from your 401K w/o paying a penalty?

    For a reason such as repairs to your home, like a major leak in the roof or plumbing problems that you cannot afford?

    9 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Have you ever felt like you were hated without a cause?

    For what reasons do you feel you are hated without a cause. Could it be the light of Jesus within a person maybe shining some light on a person's hidden darkness that would make them hate you without a cause? What are your thoughts?

    Below is a portion of a study written by David Stewart

    They Hated Me Without A Cause

    By David J. Stewart

    "They compassed me about also with words of hatred; and fought against me without a cause." -Psalm 109:3

    Daniel, who was conspired against by evil men and cast into the lion's den. Daniel was hated without a cause.

    Jesus quoted Psalm 109:3 in John 15:25 concerning Himself... "But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause." Jesus was hated without a cause. Very few people are honest enough to admit that they simply hate someone. Most people who are hateful look for a reason, any reason, to justify their hatred. In Matthew 12:10 we read, "And, behold, there was a man which had his hand withered. And they asked him, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath days? that they might accuse him." The Pharisees were a hypocritical bunch I'll tell you. In Matthew 12:10 they were trying to find a reason to accuse Jesus. They hated Jesus' goodness, and therefore wanted to find fault in Him. The world is filled with such people today, who seek to justify their hatred of the righteous. We work beside them in the workplace. We meet them in public. We even find them in our churches. They hate without a cause!

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Anyone know the lyrics to this song?

    I heard it sung in a UPC Church, and I think it is called "No one can touch you like Jesus can"


    No one can touch you like Jesus can,

    No one can give you peace you cannot understand.

    No one can bind your wounds with nail scared hands,

    No one can touch you like Jesus can.

    It starts - Time doesn't kiss away the pain, all the hurts that can remain......

    Thanks for your help!

    6 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • What makes a person's heart so hard that they are not even free to love?

    So many people are angry and bitter today, you can only wonder what makes them this way. We all go through many storms in our life, and some very tragic things happen to people. I once had a friend who said these words to me and this person had really been through some things that would make her a bitter person. But she said to me, It is not what a person says to you, or what a person does to you or even for that matter, it is not what bad things happen to you that hurts is what YOU think about it! You have the power within you to let go or hold on to what weighs you down or makes you bitter or resentful, and even hateful. Sure terrible things happen, but it is what you think about it that puts you in bondage. Why not take the same energy and use it to free yourself so you don't have to be so miserable. I found my freedom in Jesus Christ. Maybe that is not the answer for everyone, but where there is a will, there is a way to be free from bitterness and hatred by not thinking so much about the bad things that happened and focus on what good has happened. People go through so much pain when they can be free if they could just let it go. I hear people answering on this forum like they are crying out why should I be happy, why should I believe in your invisible God, but I say to those people today why should you be bitter, why should you harvest pain and hatred inside you when you can chose to let it go. I don't think any less of someone who doesn't share the same faith as I do and I don't think they should think any less of me for the faith that I believe in. I won't judge those who don't eat meat and please don't judge me because I do. So you've had a hard life, I don't doubt that, but why not give yourself a break, only you can make your life better.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Have you ever thought of the steps of salvation in this manner?

    I was in the shower and just meditating on the Lord as I was washing my hair, I thought of the steps of salvation in relation to washing my hair like this:

    The first wash = Repentance - loosens the dirt(sin).

    The second wash = Baptism - washes the dirt(sin) away.

    Applying the conditioner = Receiving the Holy Spirit - conditions you for the kingdom and keeps you in-line(no frizzy or fly aways)he he.

    I believe when these things come to my mind like this, it is the Holy Spirit teaching me in a way that makes sense to me.

    What are your thoughts - be nice please.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Anyone ever just get sick and tired of working at the job they are in?

    I hope it is just a phase, but I find every day that it is hard for me to get up and go to my job. I know I should be happy to have a job, and I am, but even though I don't let on to it, my heart just doesn't seem to be in it lately. I don't have a problem it seems, to just go through the motions, I'm just not happy deep down inside there. It could be some changes and some of the people I really liked working with have moved on and it just isn't the same. Anyone ever been there, what do you do to motivate yourself? I have been trying a few different things and I don't just want to leave and lose my benefits and start over...any suggestions?

    6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How do you fix a yard that is all dirt and weeds?

    If it wasn't for weeds covering my lawn, I wouldn't have anything but dirt. I tried raking the dirt and putting seed down when it was raining on and off one day and didn't get much grass other than a few patches here and there, the rest is all different kinds of weeds and dandelions, crab grass, and who knows what, but it is not grass, any suggestions? Thanks for your help.

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • What kind of toilet paper is best for your septic tank?

    I was always told it was Scott paper and they even use it in the hospital I work at. Anyone else know if this is true?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • I wonder how many people out there know that Jesus thought of you "above all"?

    I hope you will take a few minutes and watch the above video by Michael J Smith and let me know if you know that it was you that Jesus thought of above all when he made the sacrifice that he did. Do you know that Jesus is all you really need and once you have accepted him, and his righteousness, then everything you have need of will be added unto you? Not just money or material things, but everything you have need of....wisdom, knowledge, understanding, healing, deliverance, peace, joy, love, salvation...all these things you have need of, he will supply. I was just wondering if you believe that he thought of YOU above all when he laid down his life to make a way for you and if he didn't see something of worth in you, you would not be here. Yes, God has a plan and a purpose for your life, that is why he thought of you...above all.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago