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Emma R

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  • Why do " we" look up-into the sky when in search for extratrrestrial life?

    I mean as the "premise" would say: "as it is above such is below."

    According to historical records when by Mr. Armstrong (R$IP) visited the Moon he took some pictures of Planet Earth, and from above he saw the whole circumference of the planet- surrounded by water and a black vacuum outside and around its limits. Thus we might as well go to the depth of the oceans to look for Extraterrestrial life and underground worlds, as well as to the upper - universe. Do I make any sense?

    7 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • How is the gender of a chicken egg determined before it is hatched and turned into a rooster or a hen?

    My quest is not the same as to the oldie one- "what came first, if the chicken or the egg".

    If a human embryo carries half of the male genetic composition, and half of the female; and if the woman has the XX pair of chromosomes, and the man the XY pair ( of chromosomes)- so it's the man who determines what the gender of the human embryo will be.

    If he releases X the embryo will be, by all genetic force a female because the woman only carries the xx, so she can only release an X. ( xx= girls) (xy= boys)

    But what about in the species of birds ( or turtle or lizards)

    Does the (rooster) have a similar bio- composition in its chromosomes that would determine the gender of its offsprings?

    As far as I understand when the hen lays the egg- the chick embryo is already fertilized so anything that happen after that, it's relevant only to the physical development of the chick-embryo-fetus-but unrelated to gender "specificity" isn't it?

    Oh, Lordy , Lordy ! I am all confused.

    2 AnswersBiology9 years ago
  • can u make sense out of the three fish of my dream?

    This was a silly dream,nevertheless , it has been bothering me because of its colorful content.

    There was like a sea port with baskets full of fish.

    Suddenly, the baskets disappeared, leaving only three fish on the floor.

    one fish was red scaled, the other one had them blue; and yet the third one was silvery.

    Pigeons and other birds were pecking on, and feeding on the first two.

    The third one -the silver one, was for some reason, untouched.

    I distinctively saw how the birds yanked-off pieces of the flesh from the red and the blue fish.

    They turned and engaged in this ritual dance around the silver fish, but did not touch it.

    It seemed not to appeal to them, or that there was something about it that repel them.

    It is interesting because there wasn't any other people but me; and there was not a plot, or a sequence of events.i was only an observer.

    It was just like a vision. However, I distinctively saw the red, blue and silver colors of the three fish.

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell me what may be happening to my cats as two of them are missing ?for bW?

    I haven't seen my cat ,Shenika for three days;

    Today I 'm missing my beloved cat, Wolfie whom I haven't seen since last night.

    He always asked for a feeding at night time before I go to sleep, and one in the mornings.

    I 've called him with 'this especial' noise' i make- and to which he always responds...but response!.

    I am afraid that something similar may happen to Snowie.

    Another thing is that there is this awful smell like gas or pee and **** around the house. I checked the surroundings, but the smell comes from the outside.

    It makes my eyes itching and watering. I also get dizzy spells, a headache, muscle weakness and nausea.

    A couple of months back, my dog was shaking and constantly blinking her eyes, she couldn't stand still.

    I fed her some aspirins and a tranquilizer ( valium 5mgm) for two days and she got much better.

    I am dead worried about what the heck is happening around here.

    What could be happening to me...and what could have happened to my pets ?

    I thought it was all my imagination, but things are happening for sure.

    Please be serious in your answers as this is very important, and it could be a matter of life and death..

    3 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • Is it a sign of madness to talk to your pets?

    i usually talk to my pets. I scold my dogs when they do something wrong like getting into the off -limit areas, or stealing food from my cats. I also praise them when they do as I ask them to do. I do the same with my three cats. I find myself talking more to my cats as they seem to be more close to me.

    somehow my brothers feel that this behavior is unusual, and that i sound like a crazy lady.

    i live alone with my Dad who is bedridden and can't talk , but when someone hears me talking to my pets , they look at ne like if I were an extraterrestrial person. Sometimes this irritate me. I can't understand d why they can't conceive that pets do listen to you, and even do gestures and sounds which seem like some kind of responses or communicating.

    Why , i mean is this weird or what?

    18 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Can your work/files be restored or retrieved if your computer breaks down?

    Three years ago my COMPAQ PC was damaged .Dust/ smoke humidity ...or what not. Anyway I took it to this place who has previously dealt with a frozen kind of problem it had before. After two years my Compaq broke down again . it was not in use for almost one year.

    When I turned on after one year of dormant silence, it just gave me this weird images like the Compaq background. When i turned it on with the intention to complete some unfinished work, it just gave me the following message-" silent mode."

    Since I could not solve the problem by reading the manual I took it to the repair person.

    He kept it for a week , and since he did not contact me during this time, I decided to call him. He told me that my CPU was really damaged. He could not pin- point what the problem was. He asked me for more time. I gave him another the two weeks I called

    and asked him what the diagnostic was . He responded " your computer is really sick...almost dead. When I went to pick it up he said ' i hope you have some back-up files because you will need a new computer.

    I said I did although i did not. When I went to pick it up recommended me a place where you recycle old computers.

    instead I gave it to my brother who although he's not an expert he has some basic knoledge about the hard/ soft ware of the computer. My brother told me that the computer was empty inside. It hard disk and other pieces have been removed.

    Was I naive about entrusting my personal CP to a stranger and w/o making a back-up and copies of my files and work?

    Could my files be saved if I had removed the hard disk? if other parts of my cpu were damaged was it possible to make a back-up?

    I felt really sad and angry 'cause i have many files and personal information on it.

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • Do dreams mean anything, and if they don't; why do some affect your emotions, actions?

    A week ago I had this frightening dream. Some one or a big bear was forcing it entrance by breaking the door. I tried to keep it from doing it, but I couldn't. I started sobbing in desperation , not for me, but for my two little children who were horrified about the beast. I woke-up just when the bear was half-way inside the room.

    When was fully awaken I found myself sobbing in anguish. It wasn't after a while when I was awaken by own sobs that I realized that i was crying and a grieving.Then i realized in comfort that it has been just dream.

    But i was sad and depressed the whole day.Even today( after two weeks of having had that dream I'm still sad, fearful and depressed.. I would like to know if the big bear, my two children, the weak door hinges, my crying, and powerlessness ande anguish, have any symbolic meaning? Why did I find myself sitting on my bed crying like if the dream would have been real? Is there anything psychologically wrong with me?

    Oh! I forgot to tell you that my desperation, sobbing and efforts were not for me , but for my two little children who were terrified by the possibility of Mommy not be able to defend them.

    I want serious answers, if you don't have any knowledge or real interest in dreams interpretation, please, do not answer? Thank you!

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • ¿Por que algunas gentes sienten disgusto y asco por los gatos, y los someten a maltrato?

    Desde niña he sentido amor por todos los animales-perros,gatos, aves, hasta vacas ,cabritos y caballos... Vivía con mi abuela y eramos muy pobres. Nunca los reyes magos me traían nada. Así que un día encontré un gatito muy pequeño. Lo acurruque, lo arrope con un trapito viejo y hizo las veces de mi muñeco. El se deleitaba cuando lo cargaba . Como era tan pequeño le daba comida arroz y habichuelas masticadas.Echaba agua en mi boca y luego se la daba a beber a mi gatit-muneco.Un dia me fui a visitar a mis hermanos , cuando regrese a los 2 dias , mi gatito murio. Creo que se enfermo de tristeza, de sed y de hambre.

    Desde entonces me han gustado los gatos; siempre he tenido uno /dos y hasta cinco. Son magnificas mascotas, muy fieles además de ser muy son independientes ( mas que los perritos) Si es entrenado correctamente puede usar el ' litter box" y comer a una hora determinada.Claro que una los puede malcriar. Estéticamente, son bellos; sus movimientos son cadenciosos y silenciosos. Sus músculos se mueven con tanta gracia y flexibilidad, que da gusto verlos caminar. Los considero misteriosos cuando sus ojos brillan en la oscuridad.

    Por que muchas gentes los agreden, los patean, los mutilan y los envenenan? Considero que ellos ( como muchos otros animales) son una muestra de la obra maestra de un Dios Creador.

    No comprendo como alguien puede sentir placer en mirar como su perro ( un German shepherd) mata a desgarrones a un pobre gatito.Su excusa es que tiene un trauma desde su ninez cuando un amigo le lanzo un gato sorpresivamente, y el se asusto , ademas de que le causo algunos aranazos. Hace tres anos me envenenaron a mi gatoTaino. Tenia trece anos conmigo, y hacia un ano que lo habia traido de Nueva York. Era hermoso , carinoso y muy inteligente. No saben cuanto lo llore y lo extrane. Aun lo extrano, aunque tengo a Wolfie que se parece mucho a el, solo que taino era mas audaz. Wolfie es medio-temeroso y le gusta que lo apapuchen continuamente. Tambien es muy caballeroso con mis dos gatitas. Los tres estan operados para no procrear mas miseria trayendo mas gatitos a sufrir al mundo.

    11 AnswersGatos1 decade ago

    I mean I think that the unborn person has the right( in all human terms) to have a father and a mother and to think he /she conceived as an act of love. Why do some women have this kind of mentality? I know of a closed female who decided she wanted to have a child from a well-off man. She stated that having a baby from him was a sure monthly check.

    . I know some men resent having an unwanted child- even more the other paternal resposibilities. I know of another female who have three monthly alimony checks coming in- She has three children from three different fathers. Some years ago one of my co-workers' made this decision and I was curious about it since the man wanted her to go for an abortion. She said to me that "chosing the right man as the father of your child -it's like making an investment. She meant that she would have a secured income. Poor children if they ever find out the truth!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • can a law efforcement officer show his/her fire weapon when passing in front of a person?

    My next door neighbor has done it three/ four times and to tell you the truth I am fed up with his behavior. it makes me nervous and threatened. I feel like he's threatening me or my family since we do not have a good relationship.Can anybody help me and tell me what to do? Is it my mind or am i really being paranoiac ? There are three people working in the law enforcement field. So there are three fire weapons in this home. I fear for my life as we all know we have ' some Psychotic-antisocial ' people in any profession. He also have a racing car with a roto-motor' ( a pipa) that makes my windows shake whenever he turns it on.( which he does whenever he wants to.

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Can anybody tell me what does " Nam Myojo Ranke kyo" means?

    During my college years, i was interested in all types of religions and dogmas. Now , I'm really interested in keeping up with my chanting learned in a Buddhist center. I'm really interested in Budd ism and its teachings. I was initiated in a center in NYC. I do have my Gohonson and sometimes i do gonjo, ( chanting or reciting the prayers) but can anybody tell me what 'Nam Miojo Ranke Kyo" means? Weird things seem to happen when I do my chanting. even my nearest neighbor had called me a ' witch." personally I like this practice because it brings the best within me. regular secular religions make me sad and depressed. I mean, is there something wrong about it?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why did i wokeup crying-sobbing this morning after having a sad nightmare of being chasede by a s?

    this morning i woke up crying and sobbing , just like i was doing in a nightmare I was having before i woke up and the sadness has lasted the whole day-why?

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago