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  • Thank god the "kids in cages" are now the kids in "border shelters" now that Biden is President, despite being in the same facilities?

    Funny how the media controls the narrative, isn't it? Under Trump, they were called "kids in cages", but once Biden is elected they are miraculously now in "border shelters", besides nothing changing besides the fact that Biden is President instead of Trump. You all got played these last few years. The news media completely controls how you think, and most of you don't even realize that you've been conditioned to think that way by them. 

    4 AnswersPolitics1 month ago
  • Destroying a hedge fund because they know how to make money on the stock market and you don't is the hight of pettiness?

    What's happening isn't heroic at all. There's a difference between investing as a group in stocks and driving the price of a stock up purely to destroy someone else. That's just immoral and mean, and shows the kind of mindset of people in America these days. They don't want to work hard to become rich, they want to drag the rich people down to their level and take their money because they feel it's owed to them for some reason. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I personally don't think destroying someone's livelihood is something to applaud. And let's not pretend.... They are just trying to make money on the stock market, and the only reason you don't like it is because you yourselves don't know how to do that. If you knew how, you would do it too. Go to schoo, learn how to analyze stocks and invest yourself, don't just destroy someone else that has done that just because your jealous. That's all this is, jealousy. And this jealousy of rich people is WAY too prevalent in today's society.... 

    4 AnswersPolitics2 months ago
  • Why don't we just admit that nobody actually wants this so called "unity"?

    Nobody wants it, and the politicians that "call for unity" are just saying BS to attempt to appear impartial. Nobody respects the other side, and we are not stronger together, we just fight and get nothing done together. Time to throw away this fake "impartiality" pretense everyone also tries to fake and just go our separate ways. Just admit it, the right doesn't give a sh!t about the left, and the left doesn't give a sh!t about the right.

    8 AnswersPolitics3 months ago
  • Agree or Disagree: It was Republicans that didn't like Trump's rhetoric that cost him the election, not the left?

    I know a lot of people, including my parents, who didn't vote for Trump this time despite voting for him in 2016 simply because of his rhetoric. They assumed the GOP would still control the Senate so they didn't have to worry, unfortunately they are probably regretting that now. This is what happens when you vote based of rhetoric instead of policy. Any pro-life people that didn't vote for Trump are now going to have to deal with the fact that you have handed the keys to all those policies to the Democrats, many of which even support late-term abortions. You're going to have to deal with all the idiotic policies coming from the left now, because you had your priorities wrong. I hope everyone learned their lesson now. Don't vote for a personality, vote for the policies you support, because in the end that's all that matters.

    4 AnswersPolitics3 months ago
  • When both the right and the left think the other side is utterly moronic, can't find any middle ground, and riot when the other side wins?

    Is it time to split America up? Split it into four countries. The East Coast, the Midwest, the South, and the West Coast. The there are too many places in America with vastly different visions for America, and there is litterally no middle ground. I feel like all sides would be much happier this way, rather than being forced to put up with policies they think our idiotic coming from the other side every few years. Is America too big? 

    4 AnswersPolitics3 months ago
  • Why is it so hard for lefties to understand the difference between the BLM riots and the right wing protests? ?

    I keep seeing posts on facebook comparing the BLM riots to right wingers congregating at the capital. I'm not right or left wing, but is the difference really that hard to understand? One group was setting innocent peoples' private property on fire, looting, assaulting innocent people and cops, the other congregated in the state capital peacefully and are making  their opinions heard. They are armed, yes, but they aren't breaking any laws and nobody has actually used their weapons, and thus these protests have so far remained peaceful. There is no comparison to the BLM riots over the summer, despite the left trying to make them seem equivalent. I actually lean more to the left, but the BLM stuff crossed a line in my opinion. 

    3 AnswersPolitics3 months ago
  • Out of the interest of fairness, what should responsible people with no student loans get if they cancel all student debt? ?

    I worked hard throughout college, saved my money, didn't party, focused on my studies while working as a waiter in the evenings, and managed to graduate debt free. There are many people that have worked hard after graduating and managed to pay off the student loans they took out. Meanwhile, I know so many people that didn't work hard during their college years, didn't save money instead blowing it all on booze and drugs, went out partying every week and failing their classes, and relying on their parents to bail them out every time they had money troubles. No WHY should they get a free bailout by the government, when the responsible people don't have any outstanding student loans (or very little) and now all that money is apparently going to be wasted? If I knew they were going to forgive student loans in a few years, I would have save all my money throughout college, lived off student loans, and let the government pay off my loans for me. I feel like we should get some reimbursement from the government if they actually go through with this. 

    4 AnswersPolitics4 months ago
  • Can Biden REALLY unify the nation? ?

    I feel like although we elected him, nobody actually voted for him. There were four types of votes this election: Pro-Trump, Anti-Democrat, Anti-Trump, and Pro-Biden votes. I can't help but think that of those votes, the Pro-Biden votes are by FAR the smallest of the four. Can he really unify the nation if the majority of the votes were not for him, but anti-Trump? I feel like he doesn't actually have any influence even within the Democratic Party, let alone the Republican Party. 

    1 AnswerPolitics5 months ago
  • Why are people so bad at budgeting their money? ?

    I know so many people that are always complaining about how they don't have any money, but then you find out how they spend their money and immediately know why. So many unnecessary expenses and not trying to live within their means. If they lived somewhere they could actually afford, learned to shop for groceries and cook at home instead of going out all the time, stopped spending so much on alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs, and stopped spending on things they don't actually need such as big TVs, expensive cars, etc, they could actually live quite comfortably. Why isn't budget management taught in schools? 

    2 AnswersPolitics5 months ago
  • Should California be split into two states? ?

    In terms of counties, the majority of California is red apart from the big cities, and as a result they don't feel represented by the elected politicians since the big cities decide the fate of the entire state. Would it make sense to split California into two states because of this? 

    5 AnswersPolitics5 months ago
  • Why do Dems care so much about what Trump paid in taxes? ?

    Who here pays more than they have to in taxes VOLUNARILY? Everyone in America takes all the tax breaks they can legally get, and Trump is no exception. Can you honestly say that you would voluntarily pay extra taxes you don't need to pay? If you said you would, you're a liar. You have have problems with the tax code, but that's something you have to take up with the legislative branch. To pretend Trump is a bad guy for taking tax breaks he's legally able to take is moronic and hypocritical. 

    8 AnswersPolitics6 months ago
  • When the left says the violence and riots taking place by lefties in places run by democrats is "Trumps American", they're really saying....?

    That the will keep rioting, lootting, and assaulting innocent people until their side wins and they get their way. They're saying that if Joe Biden wins this November, they will stop the violence that they themselves are causing and condoning, all to try to make Trump look bad. If the left really thinks we're dumb enough to believe that Trump is to blame for violence caused in big cities that is being enabled by Democratic politicians that reject any for of help Trump offers to them, they are sadly deluded. As an independent voter, this is a ridiculous argument and we can all see right through it. 

    5 AnswersPolitics7 months ago
  • When Dems criticize Trumps COVID 19 response, do they remember what THEY were doing in February? ?

    While COVID 19 was spreading around the world, the democrats in Congress were wasting everyone's time with the stupid "impeachment" hearing BS. When Trump first implemented the travel ban from China to try to combat the virus, what did Dems say? Did they not call it xenophobic and racist? What have Dems been doing for COVID relief legislation? Oh yeah, dragging their heals and trying to include BS into the bills so nothing gets passed and Trump looks bad. Trump's COVID response hasn't been perfect, nobody will argue that, but let's not forget the Dems have done nothing to help. Both sides are equally at fault for turning American lives into a partisan political fight in order to gain political points before the election. Let's not kid ourselves... Out elected officials on either side don't care about us at all. All they care about is political power.  

    8 AnswersPolitics8 months ago
  • When leftists say "Most of the protests are peaceful!", what exactly is their point?

    Most Muslims are peaceful, but that doesn't mean Islamic extremists don't exist. Most Americans are peaceful, but that doesn't mean there isn't crime in America. Most people don't kill other people, but serial killers still exist. Most people aren't homeless, but homeless people still exist. Just because most people aren't part of the problem doesn't mean the problem should be ignored. It's a stupid argument that democratic politicians are spouting to appease the mob. The fact that some of the protests are violent means that they should he dealt with. Or are you all for ignoring crime and violence as long as the violent people agree with your political views? 

    7 AnswersPolitics8 months ago
  • When the left says we should stop spending so much money on the military and more on social programs, do they actually agree with Trump?

    The reason we have to spend so much on our military is because our allies take advantage of us and rely on us for their national defense instead of spending on their own military. You ever wonder why those socialist European countries the liberals are always praising can spend so much on social programs? It's because they spend almost nothing on their military because they know America will protect them, so they don't really need their own military. Trump has been saying that our allies need to start paying for their own defense all along. Remember when it was controversial that Trump asked the South Koreans to pay for the missile defense system we were going to give them for free under Obama? That's where our taxes are going at the moment. It's going into free defense for all of our allies, while they spend their tax money on other things like health care, etc. 

    3 AnswersPolitics10 months ago
  • If CHAZ or CHOP or whatever it's called is actually an autonomous zone, why can they use US public services?

    They apparently called in a fire engine to help them put out a dumpster fire, and still use US provided electricity, water, internet, ambulance/health services, etc. If they really want to be their own autonomous zone, as they apparently do according to the "You are now leaving the US" signs, should they not be cut off from access to such services, and US border patrol be stationed at their borders? I say if that's what they want, cut them off from our resources and see how long they last.

    4 AnswersPolitics10 months ago
  • When do you think the criminals and mentally unstable around America will start heading to CHAZ for police free "fun" ?

    And when they do and the people and CHAZ realize they are on their own with nobody to call, how will they feel? Will they finally realize how necessary the police are?

    8 AnswersPolitics10 months ago
  • If a mass shooting started happening in CHAZ, would they call the police?

    Or would that be too hypocritical? 

    1 AnswerPolitics10 months ago
  • When will people realize that these people are only protesting for attention? If we ignore them, they will eventually go back to your caves?

    Don't give them any more attention. Pretend they don't exists and they will go away once the spotlight is no longer on them, as usual.

    1 AnswerPolitics10 months ago
  • What do progressives define as being "progress"? If they're progressing towards idiocy, I'd say they're doing a good job?

    Open borders, late-term and even after birth abortions, free housing, education,  and health care for illegal immigrants, forgiving all college party boys' debt, and defunding the police force. If that's what they define as being progress, I really hope we don't "progress" any further. 

    3 AnswersPolitics10 months ago