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When Dems criticize Trumps COVID 19 response, do they remember what THEY were doing in February? ?

While COVID 19 was spreading around the world, the democrats in Congress were wasting everyone's time with the stupid "impeachment" hearing BS. When Trump first implemented the travel ban from China to try to combat the virus, what did Dems say? Did they not call it xenophobic and racist? What have Dems been doing for COVID relief legislation? Oh yeah, dragging their heals and trying to include BS into the bills so nothing gets passed and Trump looks bad. Trump's COVID response hasn't been perfect, nobody will argue that, but let's not forget the Dems have done nothing to help. Both sides are equally at fault for turning American lives into a partisan political fight in order to gain political points before the election. Let's not kid ourselves... Out elected officials on either side don't care about us at all. All they care about is political power.  

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 months ago

    If it does not fit the new agenda, why remember it.

  • Anonymous
    8 months ago

    Democrats were mostly more proactive than Trump on covid.  Joe Biden was warning about it by IIRC mid January, when Trump was still calling it a hoax and saying that it would "disappear" "like magic". 

    The impeachment didn't interfere with Trump's response.  Or at least it shouldn't have.  For one thing, it didn't interfere with other Trump activities.  He carried out five rallies during the impeachment and went golfing several times.  So he could have devoted more time to Covid.  For another thing, impeachment was over before the first Covid fatality occurred in the US.  Trump still had plenty of time to act but chose to deny the reality of covid.  And that's the real nail in the coffin of this argument: Trump wasn't trying to warn us of covid.  Your argument that Democrats were distracting America with impeachment only works if Trump was actually trying to do something about covid and couldn't get anyone to listen because of impeachment.  But he wasn't.  So it's not like Democrats were ignoring his warnings and impeaching him anyway.  So your argument isn't really about covid but just an argument against impeachment.  You're saying that no President should ever be impeached for any reason, no matter how heinous their crimes or obvious their guilt, because doing so might distract them from some hypothetical future problem which hasn't arisen yet (Covid didn't exist yet when impeachment began). 

    As for Trump's travel restrictions, they were not a ban.  That's why it was ineffective.  It was a set of travel restrictions on China.  And even after he announced them there were something like 40,000 people who arrived in the US from China.  Even worse may be Trump's premature announcement that travel restrictions were going to be put in place on Europe, but at a future date.  That probably helped spread the virus by encouraging citizens and resident aliens who were in Europe to hurry home lest they get stranded.  We now know that the strain of the virus which hit New York, and caused the most casualties of any state, was from Europe.  And Democrats did not call Trump's travel restrictions racist or xenophobic. 

    To describe Trump's virus "response" as "less than perfect" is laughable.  It's like describing the Nazis as "not very good zionists".  Trump's "response" to the extent that it even exists has been disastrous in the extreme.  He waited until mid March to even acknowledge that the virus was a real threat.  He had a failed testing plan which went nowhere, and probably actually harmed things.  He failed to provide enough equipment.  He's failed to provide accurate information to people.  In fact, he's done worse than that: he's provided misinformation.  There's at least one person dead because he pushed hydroxychloroquine.  There's probably thousands dead because he's refused to push wearing masks.  In fact, he went even further and discouraged it, saying that wearing a mask was a political statement against him.  At the only political rally he's held since the pandemic hit his campaign actively went around and removed stickers and signage which the venue had put out to promote social distancing.  By far his most disastrous action has probably been his premature push to reopen the economy.  He did this for purely selfish reasons since he recognized that the covid recession is hurting him politically.  So he pushed his cronies to open up swiftly and with as few restrictions as possible.  In the South and Southwest, Governors listened to him and the results have been deadly.  There's about 1500 Americans dying every day.  That means that we're having a death toll equal to 9/11 about every two days.  We'll probably have more Americans dead by the time this is over than in any war but the Civil War.  And still there's no leadership.  What is Trump doing?  He finds time to **** post on twitter about people who tick him off, but he's not doing anything to help solve covid, or the economic crisis it spawned.  You fault Democrats for not getting a relief bill together but it takes two to tango.  Republicans could have accepted the bill which Democrats already passed (it's got far less pork in it than the Republican version which contains billions for unrelated things like military hardware or refurbishing an FBI headquarters building to protect Donald Trump's nearby hotel).  Trump ran as the world's best dealmaker.  Why isn't he going down there and working with Democrats and Senate Republicans to pass a bill to help the economy?  Why is he doing absolutely nothing to solve covid? 

    I understand the desire to protect ones own ego by not admitting that you made a mistake.  But you made a mistake.  Trump is totally unqualified to be President and his incompetence and malfeasance has led to tens of thousands of Americans dying that didn't have to.  We need to boot him out of office or his incompetence and narcissism will literally destroy this country.

  • Anonymous
    8 months ago

    sure. first it was a "hoax"

    then it was the Democrats and the impeachment's fault

    then it was the protesters and BLM's fault

    then it was China's fault.

    whos next ?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 months ago

    They were telling everyone to go to Chinatown and hug chinese ppl...

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  • joshua
    Lv 5
    8 months ago

    The economy is collapsing and we have handled COVID19 like a third world country

    Yet here you are saying “but but the Dems. This doesn’t help anyone at this point. Your guy Trump is the leader of this clusterf@ck. Rather then playing this tribal blame game, tell your guy to lead

  • Anonymous
    8 months ago

    Traitor trump and his criminal goons completely ignored the impeachment including all congressional subpoenas since he knew moscow mitch McConnell would be protecting his treasonous gang.

    Of course, neither the impeachment nor the coronavirus was able to interrupt Traitor trump's golf game.  Go figure.

  • 8 months ago

    The Democrats are really good at DoubleThink and keep forgetting conservatives don't do it. 

  • Anonymous
    8 months ago

    I hear a lot say had we done what other countries did it would of went away by now, that’s not what happened in New Zealand or Australia and they straight up choke people for not wearing masks or the cops do

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