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i do martial my idol is the greatest band ever bon jovi

  • why do i constantly get problems down below?

    just need a bit of advice , end of august i ended up getting rushed down for emergency surgery as they thought i had some ruptured ovarian cysts, when i was on the table they realised it was a lot worse and it was a abscess that had ruptured and i was in sepsis or septic , not sure which one. since then ive had constant problems , be it thrush or water infections. its a nightmare to even try having sex with my partner as the burning sensation and pain is unbearable, feels like my skin is ripping . then theres always blood when i clean myself afterwards. its getting hard now as i want to live a normal life, im worried how its going to affect us . could it be connected to the op ? or be something else. ??

    1 AnswerWomen's Health3 years ago
  • nervous minding grandparents dog with my cats ?

    my grandparents have gone away on holiday so we've agreed to look after there mixed breed 10 year old dog. he lives with a cat already so i no he should be fine and he already knows one of my cats (the oldest one) and hes okay with her , but my other 2 are skittish and he's never seen them before, he's here now and the youngest cat whos a male keeps on entering the living room whilst the dog is on the couch , naturally the dog gets curious then and wants to see him , instead the cat will then bush up and run away . im watching the cat now trying too look as cute as possible rolling around the floor , but the minute the dog moves , he darts. im worried the dog will see this running as a chase thing . or he will chase and the cat will scratch , causing him to retaliate , Ben is a gentle dog but i just dont no how he would react to this . anything i can do to make it smoother . the other female cat hasn't bothered coming downstairs and the dog knows he isn't to go upstairs so thats not a issue . ?

    2 AnswersDogs4 years ago
  • male cat keeps on getting claws stuck everywhere ?

    my young male cat Milo is 1 year old and hes very active and loves running around like a mad kitty . basically he keeps on getting stuck everywhere with his claws. he'lll sharpen them on the edge of the couch and then get stuck and hurt himself trying to release himself , or he'll attack us when we try gently get his claw out . it also happens on the curtains too and any other surface, especially the carpets . he'll do it and roll around until hes especially tangled. how can i stop him doing this if there is any way ? and no im not gonna get him declawed if anyone suggests that , as its incredibly cruel . also any ways to get him off without getting my hands chewed too would be appreciated

    2 AnswersCats4 years ago
  • help with visa pictures?

    hello me and my partner are going travelling on the 1st January 2018. were starting off in India (Goa) im new to all this and never left the country before so im nervous as it is . weve got everything sorted except for the visas . i just need help with the picture? i no it says 2x2 but where doing it online so how do i get these pictures and what are the requirements of it ? another thing , is it possible to just take a photograph of your passport page for it or do they need 2 different ones? sorry for the many questions

    3 AnswersPacking & Preparation4 years ago
  • Why is my female cat suddenly attacking the young male ?

    I have 3 cats. First 2 are the old girls Felix and tiggy. There 9 and 11

    They sort of lived peacefully then we rescued Milo he s 1 . He s a lover and such a lovely day. Felix stays out of his way and tiggy used to be like a mother figure to him and clean him etc. Now it s like she wants to kill him . It s not just a few swipes here and there. I mean she literally pins him down and bites him hard on his rear. He s a nervous wreck around her now. I got hurt today pulling her off him . I have a gash down my finger . What can I do to calm her? Bit more about tiggy, she is a very anxious nervous kitty so it could be down to fear ? But she s never shown a ounce of aggression before until lately?

    4 AnswersCats4 years ago
  • Possible bleeding in stool after surgery?

    I recently underwent major surgery were I had a laparoscopy to remove a simple ovarian cyst. When they went in they noticed I had a massive absess covering my left fallopian tube and wrapped around my bowel . In the process I lost a tube and was very close to losing my bowel too. But a specialist saved it . Since the operation a week ago I ve had dark tarry stools and green tarry stools that look greasy . There s no smell at all either which is strange . It s understandable ide be constipated as the absess was cutting off the bowel but these movements are very soft. What could it be . I m thinking the worst like im bleeding internally but need advice before going back my doctor

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases4 years ago
  • Need some help with what passport to apply for ( UK)?

    Hello basically I need help with which passport to apply for . I've previously had a child passport which expired when I was 15 . Thats been missing since I moved house and I no longer have it . Now im 23 and finally going to get a new passport but it asks to write down passport numbers of previous passports . So shall I apply for a renewal of adult one and state I no longer have previous one ?

    3 AnswersImmigration4 years ago
  • Me and partner travelling to Thailand as tourists?

    Me and my boyfriend are looking to go to Thailand in December for up to a year. I've read about the visas but they don't make sense to me . I'm currently unemployed but he isn't . He is looking to be the one to fund our travels he said . I noticed you needed a minimum of 5000gbp in bank account. He will have no trouble making that. But unsure about myself. So travelling as a couple is there any way the embassy will allow a joint combined money ? Like just say he made 6 grand and I made 2 ? Would that be allowed or is it 5000 each person. I'm new to all this and baffled by it all ?

    3 AnswersImmigration4 years ago
  • 3 month old kitten food aggression?

    We rescued a 8 week old kitten from a really down and out pet shop. The staff said they were pretty much feral and the old woman who had the mother cat just let them all do there own stuff and I'm guessing didn't feed them as much as they should of been fed .. so now when he gets food . Only human food like meat or ham he will growl as he's eating and lash out if your hand or one of the other cats go near him . I've tried stroking him gently and talking in a calming manner so he nows the food isn't getting took away from him , I've also done the thing were you put small amounts and then give more so he'll associate your hand with more food but he doesn't even give it a chance and will strike the minute you go near . I want to nip this in the bud now before it gets out of control when he's older . ??

    3 AnswersCats4 years ago
  • Female kitty harassing new male kitten?

    My tiggy is 10 she's had a litter before and we've got a new male 8 week kitten . She came into heat the minute we got him home and is doing his head in with her over friendlyNess. They'll lay down and have cuddles and she'll clean him which he loves but then she will endlessly follow him chattering and trying to scruff him which he isn't to fond of especially as she's not doing it right . She was a great mom with her only litter . Very young mom so its possible she's just trying to mother him . But it's too full on . And before people moan were gonna get him done when he's of the right age:)

    3 AnswersCats4 years ago
  • new partner is very well endowed, how to deal with it ?

    been with my new partner for a month now . hes 6ft 5 and im 5ft 5 . its safe to say he is very well endowed down there , i slept with him for the first time tonight and it was extremely painful, pleasurable but then painful in times when it would hit deeper , im only little down there so is there any ways i can ensure its endurable , i felt myself pushing him out alot and i want him to enjoy it just as much as me , dont get me wrong it felt amazing at times then hurt like like , felt like i was getting stabbed, any help is needed haha as i want to enjoy this relationship and not end it based on height or size differences, another question is what is a good position for us given the height difference and were both very passionate and love kissing ??

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • house cats keep on getting fleas?

    i have 2 female house cats , one goes out occasionally but the other is petrified of everything outdoors, they had a massive outbreak of fleas a while back and we got them a course of flea treatment and cleaned the house from top to bottom , weve also bought them collars for it too , it all seemed good until before when my cat jumped on me and i felt a scab on her chin so naturally i looked at it and it had flea dirt on it, and i seen 2 big ones scarper across the area, my poor girl must be so itchy , she doesnt even go out the house but its possible when exploring the back garden , thats as far as she will go , maybe ones hitched a ride on her then ? or possibly hitched on my clothing ? do i buy a new treatment and start the process allover again?? new collars maybe?? shes my world and i dont want her in any discomfort . last time she had them she couldnt sleep because she kept jumping and itching hersef:(

    3 AnswersCats5 years ago
  • Boyfriend lying about his age . and acting strange?

    i may sound naive in all this , been with my boyfriend for only a month now , he told me when we met that he was 28 , im 21 . i was perfectly fine with that , he looked a little older but he is very handsome and he is a business man so i just thought he had grown up alot quicker . everyone warned me to be careful because he didnt look his age but i dismissed it . hes adamant he 28. but here is where it goes weird, he introduced me to his parents last weekend and when we left the room i heard his mum saying " how did he manage to bag a young beautiful girl 20 years younger than him" i instantly pulled him up about this but he strung out a long lie and managed to worm his way out. so the doubts where in my brain and i decided to look him up on google because he is a company director so i knew there would be info , i looked it up and indeed it said his date of birth was 1975. its killing me , i no he has lied to me so many times about it and i dont even have the guts to confront him about it . i adore him, hes also lied about other things here and there and im stupidly completely into him, we have so much chemistry but he lies like its nothing . hes acting weird too and very distant lately and not answering his phone, i dont no weather im just worrying over nothing because i no how easy it is for him to lie to me . what do i do ? :(

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • shall i see someone about my anxiety?

    im a 21 year old girl with terrible anxiety ...i dont no weather ive picked up these issues of my father who is like that himself, he was in the terrible Hillsborough disaster and now see's the worst in every situation and thinks bad things will happen . my issues started before i even heard about my dads problem so are these things passed on ? basically i see the worst out of a good situation too , for instance , just say we were going on a family day out to Alton towers i would think of all the things that could kill me , i would think the rides were going to break etc. i also have a unbelievable fear of crowds too . i will avoid anywhere were this a mass of people purely because i panic and think i'll get hurt , concerts , football games , even some busy nightclubs, they are all completely out of my comfort zone, its getting hard now because im not doing stuff a normal 21 year old should be doing, and im making myself sick with worry and my nerves are constantly gone, i went shopping the other day to a very busy store we have in the UK primark its called and it gets full of people, i had a panic attack in there because someone bumped into me :( it needs sorting, shall i speak to someone ??

    2 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • how to get rid of these Daddy issues ..?

    i always thought i had a good childhood but thinking back it all makes sense now dad left when i was 1 and i would love to have a relationship with him but im lucky to see him every 4-5 months which is so hard ...i didnt think it was connected at first until i red a article today about daddy issues and it is completely me...i often go for older men , im 21..i like the affection they give me and i feel secure and safe. i have a fear of abandonment in relationships and will constantly fear there gonna leave me for someone better. i like reassurance that they love me , start to worry if im not told it . i crave sex alot and my self esteem seems to come from knowing men want me sexually which i no isnt right but i lack confidence. i really need to get rid of these issues because im falling for the wrong men and im getting hurt constantly , i no im only young and i will find someone right at some point but im getting down now and its affecting my wellbeing. i push away the nice guys for the wrong ones who want me for one thing, i get told constantly in work how beautiful i am etc , but go for divvies i need to see a psychologist?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • did i do something wrong to put him off ?

    well basically im always in this bar and there is a lad there who sings and plays guitar there. he always looks at me when i go in and i always look back , he is adorable, not your regular attractive guy , hes very shy and not full of himself which i find insanely attractive. well basically one night about 2 months ago i had a cigerette outside and he followed, we hit it off instantly , we went on numerous dates and he was perfect, so sweet and such a gentleman . treated me like a princess . he is also so loving and made me feel like the only girl in the room, things were going well and then the other day he messages me saying he isn't ready to be serious with me now but hopefully in a few weeks when his head is in the right place he might be ready then ...i dont no what to think? could i have put him off ?? yes i shown him my feelings only because he ensured me they were mutual , i stated to him i didn't wanna come on to strong incase i scared him and he was adamant he was ready . then he does this ? shall i give him time and wait for him to become ready ?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    why did i get bullied about my looks?

    its rather upsetting how my school days were utterly ruined by bullies giving me a hard time about my looks, they'd make little comments and say i was too thin, i had big eyes so they'd insult that too , and i have naturally curly hair which now i straighten everyday due to there hateful comments, i no people are probably thinking im being over dramatic but im curious as to what is wrong with me? be truthful :)

    5 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • dont want to sound over dramatic but can kitchen ceiling cave in ?

    my mum decided to try be a plumber the other day and unclog our bathtub plug . she open the bend up and took out a mound of hairs, the problem seemed to be fixed and she put it back together, but today i went into the kitchen and the floor is soaked and when i looked up there is a crack in the ceiling with drops of water falling from it , i am a natural worrier but im totally expecting the ceiling to cave in ? could that happen from the water?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • is Turkey a safe area to go on holiday ? with the recent attacks happening?

    my mums just told me she's booked a family holiday for us at the beginning of September to Turkey . at first i was absolutely over the moon and then i thought about it ...i dont fancy being a target of a next attack with being British . i dont want to sound ignorant but the world is going down the pan and im thinking nowhere is safe with whats happening in the world. i absolutely adore turkey as well and have always wanted to go there. do you think we'll be safe there ? or shall we book somewhere else

    9 AnswersCurrent Events5 years ago
  • Can cats sense earache in there owners?

    I've woken up this morning with terrible earache . Think I've got a infection. . My cat has always been a cuddly girl and likes to be close but she is paying particular attention to my sore ear .she is literally laying across my head . The warmness and purring is soothing . Is she trying to comfort me or is this just a coincidence

    1 AnswerCats5 years ago