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  • Bleeding and fleshy chunk from vagina but period isn't due for 2 weeks! What's happening?

    Ok, here's the story. I was having sex with my boyfriend and all the sudden he tells me I'm bleeding from down there...I didn't feel any pain at all except for the normal amount of ouch here and there from the sex. I didn't have any cramping or anything but I was bleeding. Anyways we stopped and I headed to the toilet. I sat on the toilet for a little bit and a little more blood came out but then a weird pinkish white fleshy thing fell into the toilet. It was a big chunk too, about an inch in diameter and 2 inches long. My first thought was a miscarriage but the only pain was a dull age in my abdomin that occurred after I left the bathroom and as I was laying in bed. It lasted about 2 minutes and then went away. Some things you should know before answering are that I have been on birth control pills for 3 years and I have never missed a period. My last period was about 2 and a half weeks ago and it seemed normal. I used to get uti's very often, atleast one a month but I haven't had one for about 4 months because my doctor gave me an antibiotic to take after sex. The antibiotic is called macrobid.

    What could this be? I'm freaking out!

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Should I go the college route and get a single dorm or go to cosmetology school and have my own apartment.?

    I'm about to graduate highschool and will be moving out of my parents house to a town about an hour away to go to school. I have two options for school. I can either go straight to cosmetology school, which I will eventually attend no matter what, or I can go to the community college for two years and get my associates degree in early childhood. I don't know which to do first. My real issue in deciding where to go to school is the living arrangements that go along with it. Cosmetology school does not offer housing so I would have to find an apartment. If i decide to go to college first i could live in a single dorm there though. Another problem is that I have huge anxiety issues so I am afraid to live alone in an unfamiliar apartment but I also have some social anxiety so I refuse to have a room mate. I have a boyfriend of 4 years who will be attending the community college right away but he wants to experience all things college related so he will be living with roommates in a dorm. I might also mention that I have worked my *** off to save up enough money to live on my own and I will already have a job set up in the town I'm moving to before I move. I am perfectly capable of providing for myself. I need help deciding whether I should find an apartment and go to cosmetology school or live in a dorm while I attend college? I would also like to know which you think would be better for someone with anxiety about living alone? Any advice about living alone or moving out for the first time would also be greatly appreciated!

  • Are extracurricular activities worth your time?

    This is for a survey for my school newspaper. I need only a yes or a no answer. Thanks to everyone for helping me reach my deadline!

    2 AnswersOther - Education10 years ago
  • what could be causing my recurrent UTI's and what could I do about it?

    Now when i say recurrent i mean it. I was on antibiotics for the first uti of my life 2 months ago and since then i've had 2 more. I am so sick of them. Each time i go to the doctor its the same old thing. They test for a uti and yep sure enough. Then they give me antibiotics to take for a week and it goes away but comes right back so they repeat the whole process at the doctors office. I want a reason why they could be happening. I also want to know what some methods are the yall know about that could help me get rid of these things for good.

    Things that might help:

    I'm 16; sexually active (with one partner); take tri-sprintec birth control pills ; I've had a problem with ovarian cysts in the past; i drink cranberry juice just like everyone says.

    The symptoms I have are a slight smell at times when i pee, strong burning sensation right after i pee, and the feeling like i reeeallyyy gotta go but i know i don't because i just went 5 seconds ago and hardly anthing came out!

    8 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • why is my hamster scratching/cleaning so much?

    I just got my hamster today. I realized that he's been kind of scratching himself a lot. I can't quite tell if he's cleaning him self of scratching. He licks his paws before he starts scratching but he does it so hard that he's got a big cut behind his right shoulder. His paw is inflamed also. It may just be from all the scratching. He has a few little bitty bald spots on him too-one on his face and the other two on his back. The bedding that is being used are the little wood chips for small animals. I have another male hamster living in the same cage and he doesn't show any of these symptoms.

    4 AnswersRodents10 years ago
  • Will my taking birth control for so long affect me getting pregnant in the future?

    I'm 15 and i have ovarian cysts. My doctor prescribed birth control pills to keep the cysts under control. I'm supposed to take the pills for as long as i have problems with all those womanly parts and things, unless, i want to have kids. Then i would have to quit taking them. I've been taking them for almost a year now and they have helped tremendously but i'm still a little iffy about the pills because i've heard that taking them for long periods of time can cause infertility. I definitely want kids in the future so i wondered if that's true.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What do i do about my boyfriends mother?

    i've been dating this guy for awhile now. we're 16 and she's way too protective of him, i think. she watches us through the blinds in the window when we're outside together..creepy right? there is a strict no touch rule when she's around and i hate having to sit five feet away from him while we talk. she gives me looks from the devil and it scares the crap out of me. my boyfriend says it's not that she hates me, she just hates when we hang out. this is the 1st serious relationship he's been in and it's like his mom doesn't know how to handle it. i can't stand her anymore. please, i need advice?!

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I'm in lust with two guys! i have no idea what to do...?

    There are these two guys I go to school with that I'm completely head over heels for. I've never been in a situation where I haven't been able to choose who to be with. I know for a fact that they both like me. One boy, Daniel, has had the hugest crush on me since we were little kids and he's super nice. I can be myself with him and he knows how to make me laugh. He holds my hand all the time. He's one of my best friends but he's not allowed to date until he's 16. one more year, so we would have to keep us a secret from his family if i choose him. The other boy, Connor, i like just as much and it's so confusing. He's always so nice to me and i catch him staring at me a's cute. I laugh with him all the time. He walks me home after track practice too. He's the only reason I live through Biology. I didn't grow up with him like i did with Daniel so everything about him is a little more new but I like being able to learn about him. They are both good friends so that makes it harder. What should i do? Who do you think i should choose? Please help..I like both sooo much it hurts.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do i get the pill?

    I am 15 and would really like to be on birth control but i don't know how to get it.i know i can get it from my doctor but i would have to tell my parents about it and i think they would get the wrong idea.My boyfriend and i are not having sex but there is a possibility it could happen when i decide im ready and i wanna be prepared.please help me...

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Help! What do i get my bf for his birthday?

    My boyfriend is turning 16 on friday and i have NO idea what to get him.He's a pretty big partier but i can't buy alcohol so idk.Hes into farming,hunting,and 4 wheelers.I know if i asked him he would probably tell me not to get him anything but i love him and i want him to know that so i still want to.please,any suggestions would be helpful.thanks sooo much!!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I need some cute country love songs.?

    Hey im looking for a song that i can dedicate to my bf.Were both into country music because it fits our personalities real well but anything similar to Zac Browns Band-whatever it is would be Great.Thank you so so much!

    12 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Should I be mad at him?

    Me and My boyfriend of 5 months got in our first ever fight tonight.It was over something pretty stupid.We were talking on facebook and I asked him if he would ever hold it against me for dating on of my ex's.\My Ex was really stupid and I regret dating him.He told me that yes,he would hold it against me.This made me really angry and upset.He was being pretty rude when I was trying to get him to explain it.It didn't sound like him at all.Later after I was really mad and almost in tears he told me that he was only kidding and that he wouldn't ever hold it against me.I was still mad because he tricked me and mad me get upset for no reason.He did say that he was sorry and he didn't mean to make me that mad.I love him very much and i dont want this to ruin anything between us.Should I just let this go and not be mad?

    29 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does this sound like a good date Idea?

    ok so My family and I are planning to go bowling on saturday.I was thinking about asking my boyfriend if he wanted to go.So then I could officially introduce him to the rest of my family.Will be quite a bit of my family from out of town there too? I know that would probably be kinda awkward for him to be around so much of my family that he hasn't met, so I though we might be able to ditch them for part of the time or something like that and go play the arcade games and do Mini Golfing. they are right there in the bowling alley. We are 14 and this will be our 3rd fairly big date. Do you think this sounds like a good idea for a date or would it be too awkward for him?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I need a new cute myspace song? sang by a girl please?

    hi everybody! Im struggling to find a new myspace song for my profile.I'm sorta looking for something to do with a "new love type of thing".I usually base my songs off my mood.A song sang by a girl would be good too.All the ones I have had recently are bt guys and my profile needs a change.Thanks!

    5 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • what are some cute ways to style a medium length bob?

    I have an angled medium length bob.I have layers and angled bangs too.I usually straighten it or use moose to scrunch it.Im getting bored of the same old thing though.I need some other ways to style it.I try not to put it in an updo very often either because most updos do not suit my face shape....thanks so much!

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Could I possibly be in love with him?

    There is this guy I've only known for around a year.we've been kinda dating for a few months now.I know I have very strong feelings for him but they're hard to describe.When I get to class in the mornings he first thing I do is look for him.I catch myself staring at him a lot.I think about him very often.I blush every time we talk.When we dance together at school dances I can hardly not make constant eye contact.He's a terrible dancer,like he steps on my feet and everything.I know some girls would say that's a big turn off but it's not.I think it's cute when he would mess up and I find out we think about things more and more alike everyday.I can't stop thinking about him.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Should I take the chance and ask him to be my boyfriend? or is it official already?

    There is this boy that I like so much.I like him more then any other guy I have ever liked before.We both like each other a lot and it's a bit obvious to both our Friends.All our friends keep asking us if were dating yet but I don't think we are.We went on a date type thing a few weeks ago to the movies and then to his grandma's house to make christmas cookies.when someone asks us if were dating we both say I don't know.we haven't really gone over this particular subject yet.I really want it to be official between us but i'm not sure if he is into the whole dating thing.He's pretty shy and he seems to take things kinda I don't know if I should just ask him out or not?Please need your help.I don't know what it is but I danced with him at our school dance today for 2 slow songs and I can't get him out of my head.I could hardly stop thinking about him before but it's even harder now,the way he stared into my eyes today when we were dancing it was almost like he felt the same way.Im just the way were 15

    17 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What are some cute hair ides for a school dance?

    I have a school dance tomorrow and I need a cute ting to do to my hair so it will look good all day.The dance is right after school so I wouldn't have time to go home and fix it.the problem is that I have gym tomorrow and if I leave my hair like usual it will look terrible the whole rest of the day.I also have just barely shoulder length hair with layers.I wouldn't be so worried normally but IM going to the dance with a boy I have had a crush on for months so I want to look cute.If you caould find and pictures of some hair ides that would be awesome.

    Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • does he want me to be his girlfriend?

    ok so there's this guy that I really like a lot.we went to the movies together today just the 2 of us.then after the movie I went to his grandma's house to meet his family and help back christmas cookies.I know he likes me because he told me but I don't know if he likes me enough to be my boyfriend.I mainly confused by him because he says he has a big crush on me but when I was at his grandma's meeting his family he seemed really awkward like he didn't want me to be there.when were in school together and I happen to be behind him walking to class when we get to class he almost always holds the door for only me and then walks in behind me.he usually doesn't talk to me in the hallways or in class much but I catch him looking my way sometimes.then he looks away though.can you tell me whats going on with him.does he want me to be his girlfriend?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • does he want to be more than friends,like my boyfriend?

    ok so there's this guy that I really like a lot.we went to the movies together today just the 2 of us.then after the movie I went to his grandma's house to meet his family and help back christmas cookies.I know he likes me because he told me but I don't know if he likes me enough to be my boyfriend.I mainly confused by him because he says he has a big crush on me but when I was at his grandma's meeting his family he seemed really awkward like he didn't want me to be there.when were in school together and I happen to be behind him walking to class when we get to class he almost always holds the door for only me and then walks in behind me.he usually doesn't talk to me in the hallways or in class much but I catch him looking my way sometimes.then he looks away though.can you tell me whats going on with him.does he want me to be his girlfriend?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago